Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 15, 1938, p. 1

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x the georgetown herald seventyfirst year of publication wednesday evening june 15th 1938 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa dominionprovl youth training a successful experiment 65400 men and women deceived training many sup plied with jobs an opportunity to develop into healthy manhood and womanhood practical recognition by dominion and provincial governments of the j need for training necessitous young canadians has evoked a remarkable response from coast to coast in clt- lea towns villages and throughout i the countryside- young unemployed peopje are beginning to recognize that dominlqnprovinclal youth training i programme means opportunity many ol these young people formerly dls couraged by weeks and months of jobseeking without result have felt the spur of a new hope they wel come the programme as a chance to do something whlcn will benefit their country and themselves statistical records of youth train ing for the past year bear out the general statements just made it must be remembered that the do minionprovincial youth training programme is of very recent date it was in the session of 1937 that par llament approved an appropriation of 1 000 000 00 to be used in coopera tlon with the provinces for training young men and women and he ping t flt them for employment w hen opportunity arose the vote passed in april 1937 a great deal of preliminary work was however necessary before actual training could be undertaken first the provinces were advised of the amounts which the dominion was prepared to contribute on a 505o basis to youth training actlv ltles they in turn submitted projects cal culated to meet conditions within their boundaries after these had been approved agreements miss ryan resigns in the resignation of miss annie rl an as principal of our public school georgetown loses a public ser vant whose influence upon the com munity can not be estimated first as a teacher and from 1926 to the present as principal miss ryan has been able to impart to each succeeding cfass the necessarj academic requirements and also to instil in theaeyouiig minds the true principles of manhood and woman hood as head of the school she has by her good judgment built up a spirit of cooperation that haj made the work of the staff of our school sec ond to none may the years to come be iuh of health and happiness for miss ryan is the wish of every citizen oi our town the horticultural society the members of the society and their friends are invited by the agri cultural department to v lilt the agrlcul ural college guelph on saturday next june 18th luncheon will be served at 1 15 daylight saving time cars will leave at 12 15 from tht waterworks on main stieet those w ishing to take luncheon at home may leave at 1 15 all who wish to have luncheon in guelph art asked to give in their name to ere orawn lne secretary ralph ross not later up and the decks cleared for action l n friday noon thi information in very many cases however it was nece so that adequate prtpar found impossible to get training tions may be made courses under way until the autumn as it is expected that quite a large of 1937 number would like to go before glancing at the record of ac- tr as many as can furnish compllsnment in the first year of the will do so youth training programme it would at a meeting held on june 13th it be well to have a general idea of the w decided that a prize should be framework in which it was required g for the garden having the best to function 1 appearance emphasis would be four main categories of projects placed on tidiness and on displav of were specified as coming w lthln the row ers scope of the vote training projects of an occupa v l rcliuon lit it is hoped iwi family reunions moclure clan reunion celebrating the 118th anniversary of the settlement in southern peel by a group ol brothers from northern ireland more than 400 members of the mcclure clan congregated at the farm of garfield mcclure near nor- vat last thursday afternoon george mcclure of alberta was the guest to travel the greatest distance but there were members of the fami ly present from almost every pro- v nice of the dominion and from many central states mrs cliristlan mcclure toronto 94 years of age was the oldest mem ber ol uit clan in attendance and james mcclure son or mr and mrs olivti mcclure brampton the youn gest the program of the reunion in eluded sirls in the afternoon brief addresses during the supper served in the huge barn of the estate a pageant of the settling of the pioneer members of the family in peel dl reeled by mrs f c shlpp hornby and a dance in the barn later in the evening the dolson relnion the descendants of the late wm dunn dolson gathered- at huttonvllle park on saturday last when about 150 tttendid the reunion mr h a dolsoi the last surviving member or tht family of the late w d dolson beiiie president of the reunion this vi ir mi h a dolsons father was twlct married and he had at the butln ring the first marriage certlfl- t id of his father which took place in tin viai 1823 us margaret flum inci felt ho died in 185j leaving iilnt children then in the year 185 he married janet mcclartn who died in 1900 kaviiig six children who all sealed in this immediate locality the founder of this clan w d dolson was born in pennsylvania u s a in 1801 and came to canada in 1b15 he lived in st catharines for i ffw liars and then settled on lot 17 4th lint wist chinguacousy whtit the lamlty were all bom public school board miss ryan principal tender ed her resignation mr howard c wriggleswortii will be tiie new principal at a special meeting of the public school board held on wednesday june 1st miss annie ryan tendered her resignation as principal of the school miss ryan had previously intimated that hcrresignalion would be presented at this lime in accepting the resignation the board eiopressed its regret and wish ed for miss ryan many veari of health and happiness at a subsequent meeting of the board mr howard wriggles worth of st catharines was appointed prin cipal starting september 6th mr wriggles a orth comes highly recom mended and will no doubt cooperate in keeping our school up to its pres ent high state of proficiency w c t u esquesingxwpcotncilpaid 5 lor reliel in may court of revision followed byltegular meeting of town ship council sheep claims paid accounts passed stcwarttown june 13th 1938 a court of revision for the town ship of esqueslna was held at 10 o clock a m monday june 13th n a robinson w a wilson edwin harop g w murray and c h may were present having taken the required oath it was moved by harrop seconded by wilson that n a robinson be clialr- man of this court of revision car ried the following appeals were dealt with stanley love assessment sus tained john k moore assessment sustained john scllslzzl assessment sustained w r somerville assess ment sustained thomas applcyard assessment sustained canadian na tional railway assessment on land reduced to 30 00 per acre grace richardson assessment sustained harry hilson dog taken oil l f clark dog taken off p r pendley dog takn off a j ruddell dog taken off w torrance dog taken oft mrs wm waller dog taken off evert denny dog taken off jas mcnally dog taken off murray may that the clerk of this court of revision be and is hereby authorized and required to reductions the june meeting of the wctu was held on friday june 10th at the home of the president mrs a r vannatter where a large number of members and friends gathered to en joy her hospitality the devotional period was onduc ed by airs a reeve who chose as her subject giants in our path and read one story or moses sending spies into canaan and the report of the majority was that the difficulties weie too great forgetting all the je t uui uilicu that god had guided and protected i inulai all correcuo them and that with his help ill aim additions made by this things are possible she applied th i c m lhc ftsiehbmllt ron for te teaching to our own dlscour i ltr ma and tnat lne assessment problems and the need for more d fmau revl50d correct pcndince on god mrs caldwel n losed this part of the meeting wit i methodist and in noon i prayer a beautiful and appropriate olo was rendtred by alva crlpps the school for leaders to be held in toronto later in the summer was mnouncud and it is hoped several wit iv all themselves of the privilege of attending these sessions the guest seaker for the after be now passed by this court and that ihe cle k be authorized to certify to said rolls carried 1 the council held their rejilar monthly nun ng on monday after- i nodn ix put v reeve w a wilson i councillors c h may edw in harrop dominion government j attacks housing problem stoccess of burlington experiment recognised and put into practice dominionwide by new leglslattoa the dominion government has brought down a threeway bousing scheme designed as a frontal alack on the housing question in this coun try it is a well recognized fact that the construction trades are lagging far behind the general business re covery which is taking place across canada recognizing the fact that the practice of keeping the building trades on relief must be stopped and that governmental assistance to this industry is necessary a full range program has been brought down to stimulate private building of homes and to assist the building of low ren tal homes by municipalities in introducing this housing legis lation on wednesday last the mini ster of finance gave credit to mr hughes cleaver mp our federal member in halton for sponsoring the scheme which is based on the bur lington experiment the town of bir- llngton in 1936 made arrangements to try an experiment in regard to as sistance to home building which has turned out to be extremely suecc- ful and it is as a result of yhis ex periment that the provisions of pan iii of the housing act are now to be put into effect throughout canada the tow n of burlington like many other municipalities became the owner of many vacant lots through murrav i la3t sale proceedings these los were were present i brln in any revenue through reuc n tros pretidedvhel tl ll i john irving heads halton conservatives by unanimous vote of those present in the town hall milton john irv ing retired manufacturer reeve of milton and warden of halton dur ing 1937 became president of halton liberal conservative association al the annual meeting held in milton last friday night other officers elected to the execu tive of the association are george thorpe burlington first vicepresi dent mrs f pullen oakvllle 2nd vicepresident bruce fitzgerald mil ton secretary and dr c a martin milton treasurer all the conserva- tional nature b leadership courses in industry d work projects to combine training with conservation and development of natural resources and d physical training pro grammes to maintain health and morale these projects were to be open to all young people 18 to 30 years of age without gainful employ ment and in necessitous circumstan ces the selection of t hose panici pating was tobe made by the prov inces subject to dominion approval without discrimination or favour in regard to racial origin religious be liefs or political affiliations under the first head training pro jects of an occupational nature came a wide variety of courses household training for women was included for men the category comprised courses in such activities as wood working radio semcing motor me chanics carpentering cement work ing electrical work blacksmith tng egg and poultry grading women were taught catering for tourists jttg making dress making salesman i ship stenopraphy and power machine operating this list does not by any means exhaust the subjects in which instruction was given under the oc cupational head but it indicates the lines followed the second general heading learn ership courses in industry included apprenticeship trlnlng learnership 15 however not the same thing as ap- i brealest problem dut l tmr prentlceshlp to a trade or industry the former provides for comparative politics a liberal mr and mrs t j walters sr mr and mrs t j walters jr tie greatest distance to the rti from their home in indiana di uid mrs crow foi tli lockporl ny mrs george thompson tonawand n y and mrs j graliam of dulutl michigan were amongst the guest the senior member of present at the gathering mothersiu of brampton age meeting tht minutes of last meet ing were nad and confirmed communications were read from the wilson harrop that the treasur- tr pay the relief accounts as present by the relief officer 540 02 mrs a foreman of ballin a ad who gavi us a most encourat- and mt and inspiring address she told ixartmenpot highway urn of tht met easing temperance atttludr uon the world over one instance ben hint the ntvy both british and cam dian give the men a choice of rum carried or momy allowance and many sailors take the money such an alternativi was never dreamed or a few years lhc j supe mien dent the clan ago she mentioned instances illus i carried as joseph uatmg thai the problem of lntoxi munraymaythal the treasurer years of cat ng liquor is as old as civilization j g board of health ac je and has been faced by all reformers to dale s275carried officers elected for the ensuing year nd people who have the good of all harrop wilson thai the treasur she told of the poration were depressing the general real estate values in the town it was finally decided that the quickest and best way to clean up the prob lem would be to offer to give away these los at a nominal considcra to anyone who would covenant to build a house within a year be ore murray may that the treasurer eme into effect care y the road shtets as presented by j ls 822 18- dolson brampton presl dent albert dolson and clai ence dolson chinguacousy township vice- presidents and mrs s d mcclure brampton secretary treasurer humanity at heart one i t wie 1 er y sheep c james russell ereat need there is for action by us j l m by dogs 8 00 i sheep and the tremendous forces of money and had to be killed 10 00 and power that are working against wlai 1800 a s wllson valuator us but as christian women with 2 5400 c austin 1 registered gods help we can do marvellous tfte b d l500 nt things thespeaker quoted einstein j slark va ssjoo albert press- wood 5 lambs killed by dogs 3750 1 sheep injured by dogs 2 00 total 3930 d w baxter 1 registered ewe killed by dogs 25 00 howard as saying if 2 r of the people were against war there would be no war i very beautiful baptismal service if 2 of the people were against any was held in the united church evll what great things might be done i georgetown on sunday june 12th j will we not accept the challenge 1 when the parents of five lovely chil a social cup of tea was enjoyed by dren presented them for holy bap all al the close of the meeting and tism the service was conducted by i a vole of thanks was tendered to the tive association offices in the county th rv f c overend and the speaker the soloist the hostess and were declared vacant the roimer following were baptised clarence those who supplied transportation president uoyd dingle and secre- calvin kirg son of mr and mrs tary bruce fitzgerald were asked to clarence king richard paul prust wi v conduct an election of officers as son of mr and mrs richard prust i d ajljuiin ajr ad chairman and secretary respectively sandra eileen scott daughter of mi garvin 1 sheep killed by dogs 8 00 k c lindsay valuator 4 trips 8 00 carried harrop wilson that the treasur- s trie lions so as lo ensure that tlie houses that would be built would reasonably conform in value to tie surrounding houses already built during the six years from 1930 to 1936 there were only four new houses built in burlington last year aa a result of the new experiment of sell ing tax sale lots for 25 and 50 burlington had the largest building boom in its history nineteen new homes were built at a total cost of just over 90 000 giving employment to the building tardes and supplying the municipality with additional re venue collected on the new homes under the new legislation the gov ernment is to pay all the first yean tax excepting the tax on the land and onehalf of the second years tax and onequarter of the third years e chtsholm 247 dotgs 1 j houses costu r i i less this aonlles to new housex hinlt tti ptovm for our fellotpeoplerebemg supported ly brief courses of training partly b th jn this situation must following which mr irving was cal- j and mrs arthur scott barbara mar- 1 services were withdrawn here sun led to the chair and introduced the ga lindsay daughter of mr and day morning as melville church was speaker joseph harris m p of mrs k c lindsay wlnnlfred ann celebrating its one hundred and east york hyde daughter of mr and mrs carl first anniversary those who in his address mr harris spoke of hyde tended the action and unity as liberal party the junior choir assisted at this of hearing h slogans and asked why haven 1 1 service and rendered among others pal or victoria college toronto who hey practised these slogans today j the children s hymn when mo hers had charge of both services little of any moment has transplr- of salem their children brought to rev and mrs forman spent sat ed and yet so many problems re jesus master bobby burns with urday with friends in toronto quire attention someone said not his mother mrs normati burns ac the june meeting of the mission the rompanled the choir on the violin circle was held at the home of reta greatest problem but i think unem n piano an impressive address on allen marguerite kentner read the plovment is the greatest problem he th pirents duty in the homt was de scripture lesson reta allen had pointing out that 90 000 of mvered bv the pastor less this applies to new houses built between june 1st 1938 and december 31st 1940 the house must be bult lor a person tor his own occupation and the municipality must cooperate by making lots available at a price not exceeding fifty dollars though the benefits of the act are not con- at 5c each 1235 stamps and regis tered tetters 345 total 1580 a w benton 234 dog tags at 5c each 11 70 stamps and registered letters 3 49 total 15 19 j sanford relief account to date 18 00 dr c k stevenson mental examination of g m bc d w t uj l hoosin ac men vv two b reducing the amount of the down maymurrayithat the treasurer m to ld by owner to pay acton public ut ltles commis- houses sion crescent street lights mar to l june 1938 15 00 bell telephone co 381 21 3 03 91 12 160 total 4 65 1 der 2500 and is turther amended by i increasing the governmental guaran- stated through the medium of classes and also sometimes in an industrial pgadt t the mine for emploj- zjtzz m mem where training was given an industry its cost was defrayed under the programme projects for forest conservation and mining came under the third head ing forestry projects were operated in nearly every province mining activities as might be expected were more restricted pour provinces how ever submitted mining projects nova scotia quebec ontario and british columbia in the first two training in hard rock mining was given in mines acquired for the purpose in struction in ontario was technical and students received it at the halley bury school of mining training in placer mining was provided in british columbia the final category physical train ing programmes to maintain health and morale needs no explanation provinces generally recognized the importance of keeping up or where necessary reestablishing the strength and spirit of their youth naturally starting from scratch last year involved organization work i tattoo at waterloo on june 25th before applicants for training could you do you will mls the greatest speaker continued explaining that as a result of ttils we have a de licit of 1000 000 a week and add ing halton might forward a reso lution what they think of this the speaker said he would favor wiping out the 2 jo radio fee en tirely and added i think youll see this emerge from the conference to be held in ottawa m july he stat ed he had no idea who would suc ceed r b bennet but i believe that for many years to come you u be proud to be a member of the con servatlv e party the conservative association it was agreed will forward condolence to dr r k anderson of milton ex- mp who has been 111 for some time regrets will be sent also to rt hon r b bennet who resigned leader ship of the conservative party owing to ill health champion too short checked bmi t looked up rrom hts paper and tn july helen mclean and alma the ha ded t to his wife wrong son mcenery then sang a duet lunch wm schenk gas and oil for taking w allen to hospital 1 75 i m 1 bennett stamps 238 typewriter rib- charge of the topic and was assisted oon 7sc 3 13 thq georgetown by several other members plans hernld hcprtlint ho vuim v v f heading that tsn t if he said poln ing lb the line woman s talk whv wrong inquired mrs smith well he replied there is only half a column beneath it i herald account lo date 36 02 e v were made to hold a lawn social early mbccormack sup for xorne bar- in juh hei mrtn nnrf row 1 30 j p reld supplies for j henderson 90c carried wllson harrop that this council dqow adjourn to meet monday july 11th at 7 pm or at the call of ana 1 the reeve carried as served at the close of the meet ing mr and mrs f w short ul family spent sunday with mr mrs john till near orton you dont dare miss the big band festival and o be taken care of every province de cided to go tn tor youth training and submitted projects the majority- of these were approved in prince ed ward island training in household aerrices and home management was given to unemployed young women uen in the same circumstances re ceived agricultural instruction black smithing and carpentry courses and i forestry training nova scotia as already mentioned went extenstvery into bard rock mining courses for women in household work and for both men and- women tn agriculture continued oq page 7 show of the year come and see the biggest gathering of bands on the continent music from early morning till midnight scotch dancing and piping contests band contests in- strumetal contests remember waterloo ontario june 25th 2t monot- no came to worry visitor pretty duu and onous out this way isn t it native not always this country will be stirred up purty consldble in a few weeks visitor you dont say riots native no spring plowtn hespeler red sox defeated by georgetown ball club 6 0 rally in fifth innings assures locals of game carl hubbeir casey brilliant on mound hespeler also play nice game the georgetown intermediate baser ball club played heads up ball last thursday evening and defeated the snappy hespeler red sox 60 on the home field although th attendance was somewhat down owing to two previous exhibitions that did not mer it much praise local fans had many complimentary remarks for the team after he way they took hespeler in to camp and a better attendance is to be assured for future games the game was one or those nlp- andtuck affairs up until the last half of the 5th innings when george town started the base running on a beautiful bunt laid down by andy ritchie larry ritchie and beiham followed using the same tactics and from then on it was just a barrage of hits until the third man went out after the plate had been crossed six time hespeler then took the field de termined to retrieve these runs but glen williams pitcher casey and his field were equal to the task of keeping them off the score sheet the batteries for georgetown wer- carl hubbell casey and bui ritchie and for hespeler armstrong did the hurling with wtthuam catching georgetown s win was the result of plenty of practice excellent pitching by casey who was backed by a field that could do nothing wrong while hespeler played grand ball mr and mrs jack mcmenemy and mr and mrs clifford bradley of georgetown motored to durham and spent a most enjoyable week end there the guests of mr and mrs harry smallwood mr and mrs cecil crlpps and faml- ly of acton and mr and mrs bailey 1 watched with interest and family of brampton were visi tors on sunday at the home of mr and mrs joe mcmenemy mr jim clarke who has secured a position in toronto spent the week end at his home here mrs wm everson returned to to ronto on sunday evening after spending a holiday here the young women s bible class of the united church held their meet ing at the home of mrs joe mc menemy on monday evening at the conclusion of their meeting miss irene bennett a bride tobe was pre sented with a beautiful table lamp tee to 25 and by the government paying part of the cost of arranging the joan in municipalities where loans have not been available in the past this should have the effect of making building loans available in practically every municipality in can ada the low rental project will prob ably no be effective in other than the larger centres but this feature ol the act which makes funds available to municipalities and to local housing societies at 2 and 14 should be of material assistance in supplying low rental houses which will relieve the overcrowded living conditions which exist in many of our cities provision is made restricting the amount of private returns to 5 and restricting the rental to be charged to an amount whjch the tenant can pay this is the first attempt of its kind in canada and the results will they were not successful in i from her fellow members mrs j w touching casey s offerings to get on hill made the presentation and mtss base j una hill read the address the teams hespeler wlthuam c p klein lb baker 2b king ss wettlaufer r cf rung if georgetown bill ritchie c casey p beaumont lb a ritchie 2b l ritchie 3b ward ss chaplin rf benham cf brydon if umpire prank terry acton armstrong stark 3b arsnault the reason said a village lad to his sweetheart weve been courting in the meadow for three years now mary but we wont be doing so next year oh tom replied mary coyly do you really mean that yes theyre going to build on it if the new housing act proves to be as successful in other municipali ties as it has been in burlington it should bring about a decided improve ment in employment mayor harris and the town council are to be i com mended for giving leadership in con nection with the housing problem milton mrs frank ford died at her home in trafalgar on june 3rd she was a member of knox presbyterian church and was active in woman a work she was the former jane featherstone and was born in tra falgar surviving are husband one 5one clarence and one daughter marion at home funeral took place on monday interment in sixteen presbvterlan church cemetery k c king of hornby has been successful lb passing bis third year examination in medicine at toronto university i

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