Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 15, 1938, p. 2

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rage 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 15th 1938 77 georgetown herald babkrifun rates um per year in advance united states 80c additional single copies 3c both omv new addresses should be given when change otwldress js requested advertising bates legal no tices 12c per line for first in fteruon 7c per hoc for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line for eah insertion if in black face type 5c per line additional notices qualifying as coming events such as concerts entertainments so ciety church or organization meetings etc 6c per line mini mum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly insetted free in memorlam notices 50c and 10c per line extra for poems birth marriage and death notices 50c small ad vertlsements one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 25c for each subsequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error rhe herald accepts advertising in its columns on the under standing that it will not be liable for any error in any ad vertlsement published hereun der unless a proof of such ad vertlsement is requested by the advertiser aod returned to the herald business office duly sign ed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plain ly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such adver tisement as the space occupied bj the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such adi ertiement j m moore publisher phone 8 georgetown the ise of flowers god might hae bide the earth brink forth enougn for great or small the oak tree and u e cedar tree without a flower at all we might have had enough enougt for every want or ours for luxurj medicine and toil and yet have had no flowers then wherefore wherefore are the made all dyed with ralnoow light all fashioned with supremest grace upsprlnging day and night springing in vallejs green ana low and on the mountains higr and in the silent wilderness where no man passes by our outward life requires them not then wherefore had they birth to minister delight to man to beautify the earth to comfort man to whisper hope wheneer his faith is dim for who careth for the flowers will care much more for him mary howiu the stat at home you followed many roads from sun to sun and skimmed the ocean freely as a bird to watch the way a thousand things were done to find afar the rare and final word i stayed at home here in the i ttle town where you and i were born and raised together envying you the flashes or renown i who explore but townsmen and the weather yet now that you have journejed back i know that i have gained from life as much as you for you have never watched a village nor followed lives a generation through and though you may be steeped in foreign lore i who have home folks do not ask for more jsabelle bryans longfellow will steam cars retukkto favor two engineers claim they have achieved real suoeeaa the steam automobile that huff puffed its way to popularity in the linen duster era of motoring may be due for a comeback in a workshop partitioned off from a public garage 1 n newton mass three men are assembling an eight cylinder steam engine that they pre dicted would bring comforts and driv mc ease to motorists the engine its inventors hope will develop speeds up to 75 miles an hour and run 16 miles an a gallon of fur nace oil costing only seven cents a gallon no gear shift or transmission la- required acceleration is governed by pressure on a pedal it was invented by erik delllng formerly chief engineer of the stan ley motor carriage company already we nave assembled one of four twocylinder units that will comprise the doubleacting engine and jt has met ad our expectations stevenson said we expect to have the engine completed and mounted in a conventional chassis within a stevenson planned no immediate attempt at mass production but said he would convert any gasoline auto mobile into a steam car from 1300 to 100 little stephen t gebtbude actum with connie patty leaned against the closed door and sur- veyed the group of giggling girls with anxibus eyes cjdt she threw me njk i out of her room cuafteftt what a flop 9i1uki caroled betty roll ctadv higher eyes 9ivk i some come down added alice between chuckles the mighty hai fallen quoth belle sedately with a solemn face patty spoke impatiently come on girls give me the news you tell her the girls chor used as they pushed belle forward controlling her amusement belle told the story of connie benson s peeve against stanley hargrave known as the worm to his class mates it all started with the worm you know ever since he refused the last invitation to our prom connie has taken a decided interest in him she thought it was because he was poor that he isolated himself from all social activities the worm seemed more ap proachable than ever before so connie really lets herself out he reciprocates by handing her the story of his life and such a tale it is full of borrow and trouble and privations and connie falls for it but the best is yet to come he dropped his notebook in his ab sorption and the papers flew all over t e can pus connie elped h i pik ll cm up and rig it on top tl ere was one 1 c ided plot fur one- tl pltiy underr ldtl wtit writ t out the ver incidents that the worn had told ur he had been blnr t 8 ner all along the tausmii a small paper wr tten and ed ted by the coeds be gan to display a marked preference for pictures and draw ings of worms then a ser ts appeared dealing with tie 1 f e of little stephen the or pi an worm connie brought little stephen through high scl ool and sent him lo college then t e real fun be- tan every mc dent she could re member that concerned stanlej was put into pr i t his hermit 1 ke hab- k i avoid nee of al sj rts and even h s addiction to gra t cs were n em uned the paper went to press saturday and va ready for d stribution tues day at noon there m the center of the mid die page was a drawing of connie gazing with hate and aversion m her eyes at little stephen who was almost submerged in a pool of tears copious drops were oozing from his saddened eyes and the text a masterpiece of sarcasm and ridicule gee connie this is a knock out exclaimed a crowd of boys as they gathered around the trium phant miss ho play with fire you know she sang out wisely suddenly there was a disturbance at the edge of the circle the crowd disappeared as if by magic fac ing connie was the worm himself evidently he had turned for striding swiftly up to the girl he grasped her forearm and without a word piloted her toward the near by forest connie was speech less now young lady the time has come for a reckoning a very de termined young man faced a sud denly timorous girl in the leafy shadows of the trees i ii admit i played a mean trick on you when you tr ed to be nice to me but i didn t trust ou i thought you were merely having fun with me you see i was in jured in the war so that prevents me from joining in any sports oh i know you didn t know i didn t mind your kidding me through the medium of little ste phen on the contrary i enjoyed t but i did mind the last chap ter connie was bewildered what was he getting at did you really mean that you hate me as much as you looked in the picture it burst from him sud denly i couldn t stand it if you did i know i have no right to speak to you this way but- connie stopped him with a gentle hand her eyes were very tender you mustn t speak that way who has a better right i have a perfect devil of a temper for which t am grossly ashamed and iii ad mit that i felt terribly humiliated al your treatment but i am tern bty sorry i allowed my temper to carry me so far- i hope you will forgive me and i really don t hate you this last was murmured softly yet stanley heard it his thin face lit up amazingly and he moved a step nearer when i am through school and my health improves do ou think i might ask a certain young lady a ertain question the certain young lady glanced up shvly and put one small hand in s then with a brave little smile sie spoke i u ink twat the certain young adj w li be very glad to answer any questions you may ask stan free from sciatica for 35 years in perfect health at thanks to kruschen thirty five years ago this septua genarlan was helpless with sciatica then he heard of kruschen since that day he has enjoyed perfect health here is his remarkable story thirty five years ago 1 had a severe attack of sciatica and could scarcely move for about six weeks then i started taking kruschen about half a teaspoon every morning in hot water in a few weeks i got rid of the awrut pain in my hips i have never had to consult a doctor since and am still in perfect health at 73 years of age which u can only attribute to taking kruschen salts every morning ta most people grow old long before their time because they neglect one vital need of health the need of in temal cleanliness eventual they start the healthy kruschen habit theh probably for the first time in their lives they start getting rid every day of all waste matter from the system the result is renewect health and vigour ailments due to clogged svstems vanish outh returns and life becomes reallv north living picobac canadas birth rate shows decline canada s birth rate which has been declining almost continuously during the past seventeen years is causing considerable concern in some quarters foreigners continue to head the birth rate list and at the present rate they will dominate canada within the next few years in 1931 the canadian birth rate per 1 000 population was 29 4 exclud ing the yukon and the northwest territories while in 1936 the last year in which twelve month figures are available it was 20 for the first nine months of last year the birth rate was 20 1 w r tracey head of the bureau s vital statistics branch and one of canada s greatest authorities on death and birth rates said the decline was a phenomenon common in the post war years in british countries and in western europe it has joeen one of the most prominent features of vital statistics in the last fifteen or twenty years quebec bad the highest birth rate from 1021 to 1936 and showed the most rapid decline from 37 6 to 24 3 new brunswick had a birth rate of of 24 2 in 1036 after declining steadily from 30 2 in 1921 however in the first nine months or last year new brunswick had the highest birth rate in canada 24 7 while quebec took second place for the first time in seventeen years with 24 6 british columbia is the province with the lowest birth rate 14 1 in 19j6 and 149 tor the first nine th of last yetr the rate was 17 the trouble taken all round shes a good sort yes thats the trouble shes al wavs wanting to be taken all round dentuta recommend wrlglvy gum aa an aid to strong healthy teeth cleanses them of food par- ttclea massages the gums aids di gestion relieves stuffy feellngafter meals helps keep you hwpthyt take some home for the children top they will love itl c aaaaaaaaaaa the braycmck does thetrick bray cbtcks are real money makers i can prove it place your order here 100 ova de livery guaranteed george c brown r r 1 norval ont cnr time table standard time going east passenger 6 10 am passenger and mall ioj son passenger and mall 640 pa passengers for toronto 9 40 nm passengers sundays only 831 pin going west passenger and mail 834 am passenger 335 pjai passenger and mall 652 pm passenger sunday n 19 pjil going north mail and passenger 8 45 ajn going sooth mail and passenger 62 pm tfutojtk refrigerator lli iijav xwesjingkqusf store heatjserve leftovers in the new westin6house thermoware dishes the few thermoware dishes are real work savers developed specially for left overs with snug btung covers to preserve moisture and 6avor take up the least possible room in your westtnghouse impervi oaf to heat you can take them right from the refngeratotr aod put them on the stove to warm up they woo t crack and they re so smart looking that you can use them at the table only one utensil to wash instead of three a complete set of thermo ware dishes is one of the valuable extra conveniences you get in the new vestinghouse imperial series refrigerator other exclusive features include the new meat keeper the first covered ventilated storage compartment that really keeps meat fresh without drying out or loss of flavor the new humidrawer to keep salads vegetables and fruits fresh and crisp the new bigger stor dor and improved san alloy high-speed- ffoster with new ejectocube instant release ice trays only in westjnghouse do you get all these plus kitchen proved dependability and kitchen proved savings come in and see for yourself tcoo hewabd if it cracks mw demonstrate these marvelous tbrmowax dishes yourself in our showroom by caking the dish from an icecold refrigerator and putting it on a red bot electric el em em if the cbaage of temperature causes the dish to crack or break we 11 give vou five dollars do not mm this heat defying demonstration this week exclusive with weiungaoamr- rffrigsrator fwvd dependability puis cowenience behind mil the added con veniences in the new mod els stands the famous wesc- inghouse superpower mechanism the first and only dual automatic her- medcallysealed refrigcra tor mechanism with forced- draagbt cooling and per manent self lubrication with a record of kitchen proved dependability and economy unsurpassed tb world over remember that what wemnahouse means when you choose your refrigerator it will save your food it will save your time it will save your money new models priced from 15900 phone 25 georgetown visit your westinghouse dealer today richardsons hardware gray coach lines time table standard time leave georgetown to toronto a 6 08 am 4 10 pm 8 58 ajn 6 15 pjn 1143 ajn 910 pjn c 2 18 pjn to kitchener x 935 ajn x 600 pjo 11 5a a m xb 850 pjn x 155 pjn d 1035 pjn a 3 55 pjn e 11 35 pm x through to london a dally except sun and hoi xb sat sun and hoi only c saturday only d dalljr except sat sun and hoi e sat sun and hoi all coach travel information at w h long wm 89 georgetown directory we deliver oeorftgattown aft o leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba barristers and solicitors georgetown ontario ofllce gregory theatre bldg win st kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary pubijo first mortgage monej to loan office main street south phone 88 georgetown baney gkaydon lawrence a cook barristers etc 465 bay st toronto brampton ont k prasar raney kc h edward cook gordon graydon 333 main st north brampton telephone 793 harold r lawrence loblaw buudlng brampton telephone 643 p r watson dj8 hjs georgetown office hours d to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j e jackson dentist x bay office hours dally 9 to 5 evenings 7 to 9 phone 224w georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer for the counties of peel and haltoa prompt service cheltenham 26 r 23 georgetown si r s post office cheltenham walter t evans co general insurance ocean steamship service real estate main st north georgetown phone 183 monuments pollock ingham successors to cater ac worth gait ont designs on beqncvt phone sms inspect our work in greenwood cemetery j o a m nielsen rtsth year af praotlw chiropractor xray drugless therapist office over dominion stor georgetown hours 3 5 730 bj0 pjn 1 thoifdav phono istw m w n itt itt mi real idea assistant going to put the print of this chap in riding togs on a card photographer sure give him a good mount i

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