Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 15, 1938, p. 8

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 15th 1938 page 7 t dealer learn how to save dollars by filling your fuel bin with canadas finest coke now dominlonraovincial youth training a suoobsstol british columbia 23466 get a dandy coke shovel at fraction of regular omlsm you dealer ask him too about automatic draft control hamco hot water hamco w h kentner son j b mackenzie sod hamcocw we have made special arrangements for the servicing of general motors automobiles we are also in a position to sell new chevrolet ponliac and oldsroobile motor cars we have a number of good used cars for sale at reasonable prices your patronage will be appreciated continued from page 1 j and home crafts were also on the programme new brunswick projects included forest conservation survey ing pi crown lands and porspecung women e courses in household work home making and handicrafts agri cultural training for men and women occupational training and training for leaders for courses quebec also operated a mine train ing project the quebec list com prised vocational guidance and occu pational training for men and women women s courses rural and agricult ural training forestry and leisure tune activities as already mention ed ontario gave technical training in mining and also forestry household work lor women rurl and agricult ural training for both sexes appren ticeship and learnershlp courses and urban occupational training a forest conservation and training project was one of those operated in manitoba the dominionmanitoba agreement also covered learnership home service training urban occu pational training agricultural rain ing for rural young people and ar agricultural certificate course in as soclation with tne university of manitoba in co operation with the univirilt saskatchewan carried on a series of farm courses for men and women some of these were highly practical in their nature others more technical saskatchewan also operated a project to provide for training and placement of unemploed young women in the urban centres and urban occupa clonal training for men in alberta courses carried on in cooperation with the universltj of that province were available to both men and women a forest conservation pro ject was operated under the alberta forest service the programme also included training for household work ers urban occupational training and agricultural apprenticeship placer mining training project men was a reature of the british coil mbia protrammi it also eluded forestry training urban pational courses for both men and uormn and ph steal training for both wlin was the response of can idlan outh to tills manj sidid oppoi un it j thrown open to it by dominion and provincial govirnmcnts figures cannot for a moment give a complete put ire of hie enthusiasm the effort and ii m n case the genuine sucri flic m ide bv o iic nun and young women of canada in order to qualifj thirrlsihis for cmplojmtnt sucn a pict rt can uiitir be obtained b rtadjng report- from supervisors courses in various part these are m main cases stories with rare human in e rest documents telling how oung men and women contributed what lhej could to keep training centres going even though unable because of their cirqumsian ccs to give monej many sided stor les o co operation in the smaller communities so that the plan could go on and achieve success no statistics cannot tell the full story but they constitute the best medium for giving a quick definite outline of the extent of the pro j n oneill soli phone office 14 res 168 georgetown these young men and women the great majority of whom were aged 18 to 30 years received a total of 909609 days work or instruction under the plan on the basis of 365 days to a year this works out to ap proximately 2 492 years that is quite a period of time for this peri od 55 000 young unemployed can adians were given a chance to do something beneficial in many cases not only to themselves but tq their country as well the great object of the programme was to fit trainees for employment consequently it is of particular in terest to note figures of those who found employment directly or indi rectly as a result of training when considering this it should be remem bered that a large number of those who received training in some form or another did not take courses which would lead to employment to tllus trate thousands of young men and women took physical mining under the plan physical trabing courses while of great value in restoring health and mojae istnot lead direct ij to employment in the sense that course iri household training for woman or radio servicing for a man might consequently wiile 55 400 men and women were trained only about 14- fm finished courses of a character to lit them for employment of this number 3282 2 0m men and 1218 women or slightly over 22 per cent lound work rhis would appear to indicate that work can be found by at least some of canada s unemployed young people provided they are equipped by training to do it the belief that this was true was one of the important reasons for the youth training programme terms of the programme did not provide that persons receiving train ing in the various courses must necessarily come from those whose names were on canada s relief rolls the plan recognized that a large number of needy unemployed young men and women in canada were not 0 relief such young people i i frequently in as great as need of i training as those on relief rolls ana training was given to them on the ether hatd the desirabl ity 01 ghine voung people on relief full opportunity to profit by the pro tramme was fully recognized the luures ihow that this oportunlty was a predated bj thousands during the enod in which courses were operat d lat ear nearlj ixucl 5259 men and who were on relief applied for an re i ceivel tra mng tx m icli tor sta lstics what of ctiirm nature of the course lias alieadv been indicated in cverj province coursis of training in farm mt and agricultural subjects were given selected voung men from urban centre were placed as larm apprentices with experienced tanners in some provinces the farmer agreed to instruct the trainees li vinous pluses of farm work thus a back to the land miniature resulted from the youth training programme last year forestry training was another pro ject w hich found general acceptance riding physical education recreation and group activities for both young men and young women in british columbia the plan was provincewide and under direction ot the depart ment of education in quebec it was confined to cities and carried on in cooperation with various private or ganizations the summary will give some idea of the scope of the youth training programme and its achievement thus far in a practical way it cannot however do more than suggest that intangible thing which the plan is doing and wilt probably continue to do increasingly as time goes on it is impossible to measure hope opti mism strength determination and ability in statistical terms one can not estimate character in rows of figures the youth training pro gramme is of value not only because it is helping young canadians to use their hands and brains but because it offers to youth an opportunity to expand and grow in a healthy atmos phere of activity co operation and progress it gives youth what youth desires so eagerly an opportunity to work and thus develop into healthy manhood and womanhood indiana shriner8 to s famed columbia sceftbxd one of the first groups to visit the columbia icefield over the new motor highway from jasper park hodge will be a delegation of 33 shriners from bvansville indiana they belong to hadl temple and their potentate is robert l oreek in charge of the party is arthur w mann recorder of the temple evansville shriners have made sev eral trips to canada before hadl temple had a special canadian nat ional train from chicago to toronto for the shrine convention ot 1930 the arrival in the mountains will coincide with the opening or jasper park lodge on june 15 and the vis itors will take advantage of the new road to one of the parks most spec tacular areas bombay boasts that auto horns are blown more frequently there than in any other part of india are still worlds champion talker by telephone and otherwise canadians are the most talkative people in the world and they are get ting even more so apart altogether from the wordy briefs presented to royal commis slons and the 4 000 000 to 6000000 words spoken in the house of com mons each session telephone statls tics award loquacious laurels to can adians telephone conversations per capita during 1935 in canada numbered 210 8 compared with 197 in the united states 1739 in denmark and 1522 in sweden the next highest countries still on the increase canadian calls were 222 a person in 1936 latest year reported 222 calls per person birthplace of the telephone dls covered by alexander graham bell in 1876 canada retains the lead in empire advancement of this instru ment in establishing the longest dl reel wire voice path of 2200 miles between toronto and calgary alta canada stands fifth in world com parlson with 1 206228 telephones in stated showing approximately 10 per cent of her population benefits by be telephonic communication the unit w imen ed states is the only country show ing a larger number of telephones installed per capita although it is impossible to deter mine whether men or women are the greater users or the telephone men use the long distance service more frequently during business hours will be supplied i m sorry that i haven t a neckel said the laay as she handed the street car conductor a ten dollar bill don t worrv lady you re going to have 199 of em in a couple of mm utcs gramme last jear and some idea of j its success to begin with when it amon provinces sever or them is ascertained that 55 457 joung un rtrv mans under which employed needy canadians ere trained in 1474 classes last jyear the wide scope of the programme even in its early stages becomes evident of these 55 457 trained 32301 men and 23 156 women operated forestry plans under which approximated 2 500 oung men were trained the forestr projects were of value not only from the point of view of outh training and rehablll j tation but also trom that of forest j conservation young men were put in ordr to see how the programme i out j w buh under the direction has taken hold in different paru or fore5t j and the dominion it is necessary to i snown mel wh canada s glance at the provincial figures tree eltage may be saved those given training they are follows men prince edward island 457 nova scotia 300 new brunsw ick 770 quebec 13 542 ontario 1586 manitoba 3 893 saskatchewa 5 471 alberta 2589 uu j shown jreal tree heritage may as they enjoyed a health life in camps ftith class instruction in subjects re- evek tiqam w i scour blackened pots and pans electricity is clean 70a cook by wire all the dirt and soot and gnme are taken out at the power house i you 11 never again have all that aftermeal drudgery of scouring off blackened pots and pans for the modern electric range is flameleas fumeless clean as sunlight cooking ute stay as shiny and spot less as the day you bought them kitchen walls ceiling land curtains stay bright and attractive seldom need washing or redecorating every woman can afford to enjoy the cool failcooking thnfty electric range she aalways wanted i ask about the hydro thrift plan hugh lindsay moffat h c mcclube general electric g ft huckaet wesuncbouse and northern electric j p betj mcclsrys richardsons hardware find- lay and tndhope r h thompson a co meoarys buy your electric range hydro thrift plan for uu particulars apply at hydro office change to hydro for irt la ted to forestry arrangements for women recreation were made in most camps i nova scotia quebec ontario and 460 british columbia operated mine i training projects in british colum 361 bta train ins in placer mining was 6 853 s in specially established camps 1330 followed b several months super 3225 lsed prospecting in small groups with 3 468 i grubstakes s ipplled b the project 1 568 training in ontario was u clinical in nature given in a six months course a the hailejb irj school of mining quebec and nova scot a each pro vided a practical course in hard rock inning in n gold mine operated by t ic province with a nucleus of skilled miners and under the supervision of q tallned mining nen a certain amount of time was given each week to class instruction all trainees were given thorough medical exam lnatton and x rays to ensure that thev would be physkcall fit to work in the mines after training in quebec ontario and manitoba there were plans to assist the train ing of apprentices and learners in industry a canvass of employers was made and whenever they agreed to take on young pcuple and train them in specific trades or occupations they were relieved of the cost of lnsruc tion either through provision of special classes or in those occupa tlons where class instruction was un necessary through payment of a weekly sum to the industry to meet cost of instruction on the job this sum varies in amount and in th length of time paid according to the nature of the occupation no subsidy was paid to productive wages there were safeguards to prevent overcrowding of trades or displace ment of older workers all provinces except nova scotia had plansfor pro viding occupational training jar ur ban young people either in technical schools or in other centres to fit them for employment a variety of opportunities was pro vided specially for young women schools for training household work ers were established in some two doe- en cities of the nine provinces a three months intensive course was given with a placement and follow tip service provided in some of these chools the girls lived in residence training was also given in other specialized forms of work for women in rural districts of all provinces courses of instruction were given home economics appropriate farm subjects health handicrafts in british columbia and quebec there were definite projects tor prq mortgage sale under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by r j kerr auctioneer at public auction on wednesday the 22nd day of june 1938 at the hour of one thirty o clock in the afternoon standard time at the farm of the late horace p bingham rjt no 4 georgetown ontario the following property namely ah and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in the town ship of esquestng in the county of halton eing composed of first part of the north easterly half or lot 17 concession 10 containing 63 acres more or less secondly all that part or the easterly half of lot 16 concession 10 north of the roadway of the grand trunk railway com pany containing 2 acres more or less and thirdly part of the easterly and westerly half of lot 18 conces sion 10 containing about 55 acres all in said township of esquestng and being more particularly described in mortgage no 14300 to the agricultural development board on said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings the lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid terms of sale twenty five per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of the sale the balance to be secured by a mort gage with interest at four per cent per annum for further particulars and conditions of sale refer to w eric stewart kc east block parliament bldgs toronto ontario solicitor to the mortgagee dated at toronto this 26th day ol may 1936 expert watch repairs by j h jordan georgetown phone 11 lane block ice wood poles and posts ice delivered any place m town phone in your order wood of all kinds at right prices telephone and hydro poles cedar of all kinds any length john h smith georgetown r r 2 phone 84 r 13 cement blocks made of water washed gravel to city building specifications several styles and sizes if building it will pay you to seer these before buying samples and price at snyders cartage phone office 171w or j young and market street georgetown

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