Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 22, 1938, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfust year of publication wednesday evening june 22nd 1938 1 50 per annum inv advance 2 00 to usa georgetown tied for second place in baseball league gain jwo victories over weekend by defeating hespeler and oakviue go to acton tonight milton on j saturday the local baseball nine of the hal tab county league seem to have found their stride and are now forg lng toward the initial position in the grow standing milton still remain vlbh top of the heap with an extra same played while oakvllle and eorgetown are tied for the second berth by winning their last two games acton nave crept into third place and hespeler has been forced to the cellar position the local team are favored to win lr contest with acton tonight in western village and with more luck than usual should take the mil ton team on saturday when they in vade the county town the result of the georgetown team gradually mbig to the top is due to the superb pitching of carl hub- bell casey and relief pitchers bry den and mimb although wheel er has not pitched since the holiday came here he is still in shape and ready to take over the duties at any time the boys have also been in classing their batting averages to the b aflt of the team following is the lelfeue standing lions club meeting the georgetown uons club held their regular dinner at the mcgib- bon hotel on monday evening chief h j heldmann in the chair after routine business had been dls posed of reports or committees were called for and given the annual report ol finances was given by the treasurer all reports showed wholesome condition lion howard tlsdale of the bramp ton club was present and received a cordial welcome the question of meeting during the summer was left for consideration at the qrst july meeting the installation of the new officers then took place and lion h c 1 dure assuming the gavel thanked the club for electing him to the chair and asked for the cooperation or every lion during the term of his office the meeting closed with the sing ing of the maple leaf w l muton 6 4 2 georgetown 5 3 2 oakville 5 3 2 arfr 5 2 3 hespeler 5 14 acton have two postponed games oakvllle milton hespeler and george town one each on saturday afternoon last the georgetown squad met the hespeler red sox on their own sandlot and handed them a 9 7 reverse the georgetown boys smashed out 15 safe ties for 9 runs while the red sox garnered 7 runs on 8 hits beaumont was the heavy hitter or the game with 3 singles and a triple while ibungy ward connected in the third innings with one of armstrongs of ferings for a home run bryden pitched a good game up un til the sixth innings when the hes peler team collected 5 runs up until then he had allowed only one run in the seventh he retired in favor of mcmann who finished the game armstrong was on the mound for churchill centenary celebrated by special services on sunday and garden party on monday a small white frame church in which the upper canada missionary society was formed in 1841 was the scene of elaborate ceremonies on sun day and monday as the centennial of the organization of the congrega tlon was marked the church on the hill or churchill as it is now known was founded largely through the efforts of a united empire loyalist jacob swackhan er who was general brocks orderly when he met his death leading his troops against unit ed states htvders at the niagara frontier serving canada with dls unction throughout the duration of the war the veteran was given a land grant on the third line esquesing township by a grateful government shortly after peace was declared after he had hewn his home out of the forest in 1819 and had been joined by other settlers he led the way in organising religious services in the district as the number of settlers in the district grew he urged the formation of an organized church the first of the recorded minutes in a well preserved volume bound in sheepskin reads on saturday feb ruary 4th 1938 a congregational church was formed by rev h denny lton county ctu convention ter the presldence of mrs r b- oalbrajth of milton the halton countywoman s christian temper ance union met in annual convention in the baptist church georgetown june 15th and received a cordial wel come on behalf of his church and community from rev e o baxter opening with a devotional period conducted by mrs dale of the milton union the business of the afternoon session included reports from the dlf ferent branches which showed some valuable work done mainly along educatlonat lines in the presidents address reference was made to the loss sustained by our organization through the retirement and removal from our midst of mr and mrs j m derives or milton whose invalu able aid in all good work or the com munity will ber greatly missed the following officers were elected for the ensuing year president mrs r b galbralth milton 1st vice president mrs r l gregorj oakvllle 2nd vice presidentsmrs h cald well acton cor sec mlss m crossley oak tile roc sec mrs t c dale milton treasurer mrs j e bell milton ltxy supt mrs w peck george town taxes and water arrears demand action for collection the teams georgetown bryden p ward c beaumont lb plant 2t if walters 3b savage ss chaplin rf benham cf kemshead 2b mcmann p georgetowna 0 3 0 6 1 p 0 0v- 0 id hespeler 10000500 17 8 monday nights game at the park here when georgetown trimmed the oakvllle visitors 8 6 proved to be the best game of the season from a local standpoint the team seemed to do everything right and touched two oakvllle hurlers six times for s runs white oakvllle had 9 hits off caaey far 6 runs with the score ltag 5 to 1 for oakvllle going in to the third iirg the local team rallied to score 7 runs which proved fffwityh to win a seven inning ball kama etown had scored seven runs aberhart atrocities curbed again ottawa s action in disallowing the alberta home owners security act and the securities tax act was so patently its duty and so generally anticipated that it can be a surprise to no one and least of all to premier aberhart and his government in deed if there is any justifiable criu clsm it is ol the delay there has been reaching the decision the two acts and with them the act to amend the limitation of actions act on which ottawa still reserves judg ment are so crude in their concep tlon and objectives so indecently arbitrary in their denial of the ele mentary rights or citizenship and so contemptuous of confederation as to imply that the people who would sur fer them were idiots in view or the discussion already given the legislation in these columns there is no need to recite again the iniquities which premier aberhart sought to pass off as social reforms the best view that could be taken or i little church the acta is that or barefaced conns cation but what makes them so crude and labels them as political racketeering of the first water is the fact that they were attempted in the full knowledge of their widespread injustices and unconstitutionality far from being the first legislation of the kind they are but a continua tlon of three years or it and their only distinction is that they are about the worst robbery mr aber hart has attempted that the alberta government was ignorant of the scope of the leglsla tlon can be judged from the reasons the minister of justice was able to cite as grounds for disallowance that it was unjust that it meant the confiscation or the savings of tens of thousands or canadian wage earners and would eventually- force private business out of the province was ob- in the school house situate on jacob the convention reaffirmed its op swackhamers farm in esquesing i position to the present system of first deacon of the newly organiz liquor sale with all its resulting evils ed church the founder saw it grow particularly the effect upon the in importance until three years later it became the birthplace of an or ganlzatlon destined to become pro vlnce wide in the canadian independent of 1859 contained in the report of rev j t byrne superintendent of mis slons is the note wednesday jan 12 had a pleasant drhe to churchill or swackhamers corners this is the birthplace of our upper canada mis sionary society eighteen years ago that the laws governing church at tendance in this early period were strict is revealed in the resolution passed in 1842 that with a view of the puritj of the church any mem ber absenting himself or herself three times in succession from the lord s supper without giving satisfactory reason shall be ejected on sunday very rev t a moore was the guest speaker at the morn ing service in the afternoon a mem orlal service was held at the churchill cemetery with the rev c jolllffe or glen williams in charge in the almost entire evening spent m discussing tax and water arrears drastjc action may be looked for in near future true blues will bold tag day a special meeting of town council was held on thursday evening last june 16th mayor joseph gibbons was in the chair reeve george davis and councillors n h brown joseph hall james costlgan thomas lyons and w f smith were present mr redfern of tjaronto addressed council regarding the installation of a sewage system in georgetown the meeting was called specially for th consideration of the tax and water arrears owing the town each case was considered and it was felt by the members that it would be necessary to take drastic action in the near future in order to collect same the large amount outstanding must be collected or the financial standing of our municipality will be impaired and by the attitude of council on thursday evening we believe they mean business the following motions regarding tag days were passed moved by hall seconded by lyons that the ltb georgetown be al lowed to hold a tag day saturday july 9th carried moved by davis seconded by costl gan that the ltb glen williams july evening a service of reunion and re moral problems undoubtedly lies membrance was conducted in the ntnm t- i vlous to any one with the vaguest fftffitlwrfs asute ldeft or 1 lilar ffijss sh if investments come from realizing this and the certain effect upon the lending and investment institutions how could any one expect such legls latlon to stand without destruction of confidence in the whole nation and who but a hypocrite of aberhartian dimensions could pretend to believe it to be local fore mcdermld was replaced on the mound by carter who finished the game without allowing further hits or runs carl casey pitched grand ball for georgetown except for the second innings when he was weak to the ex tent of 5 hits and 2 walks for 5 runs casey had 7 strikeouts mcdermld 0 and carter 5 chaplin and hulmer got the only long hits of the game both getting a double the teams georgetown casey p b ritchie c beaumont lb weiler lb ward s h ritchie 3b chaplin rf ben bam cf a ritchie if oakvllle mcdermld p lyon c carter lb p post 2b galbralth 3b s markey rf ridley cf wilson lb umpire prank terry acton r h e georgetown 0 17 0 0 0 x 8 6 1 oakviue osoioo 06 9 4 4lewis urni 3 thompson clan reunion the ninth annual reunion of the thompson clan was held in the georgetown armouries on saturday afternoon june 18th although the weather was far from promising nearly one hundred and fifty mem bera of the clan assembled to meet old friends again and to become ac qualnted with new friends those visitors g the greatest distance were dr richard thompson and mrs thompson of northbutt pa mr sad mrs leroy thompson of new york state and mr and mrs lyle krleger or new york state many fc of the clan came from peterborough london st catharines and toronto as well as from halton and peel counties after several noun had been spent in emitting races and games a picnic affcsupper was served after which mayor jp31bbons extended a civic welcome to the members of the clan other beakers were dr richard thompson krleger mr root stewart it incoming president and chris ruuedge under whose able and enthusiastic direction this years reunion had been arranged a new executive headed by mr robe stew art of weston was elected to arrange the reunion for next year presentation to miss ryan on thursday evening june i6th the members of the public school board with their wives and the teachers or the school met at the home or mrs p w cleave to pay trt bute to miss annie ryan who is re tiring as principal at the end of the present term mr john d kelly expressed the board s regret in losing member of the staff whose record as teacher and principal have been so outstanding a teachers influence can never be measured impressions are made on the young minds of today which bear rrult in the lives of the adults of to morrow he had the assurance of numerous residents of this municipality or the respect they held tor miss ryan as a teacher friend and counsellor it was the wish or the board that she be spared to enjoy man years or health and happiness mr hugh dickie chairman ol the board then presented miss ryan with a valuable piece of antique sterling silverware miss ryan very feelingly expressed there can be no mistake abogt the ner appreciation of the kindness ol use premier aberhart and his fol tfte board and the citizens generally lowers will attempt to make or ot wno cooperated with her in whatever service she had been able to render miss b e hume on behalf of the teachers then presented miss ryan with a beautiful unen luncheon set and assured her that the members of the staff would always remember with pleasure the years they had taught right to i nder her direction indicated tawas action the cries of dlscrim nation the old talk of compelling the poor to pay tribute to the fin ancial barons wilt be revived in ah its bitterness but there is a slight difference in premier aberhart s posi tlon since the previous disallowance of his legislation having challenged the federal governments disallow he recently has acceptance of it by dropping his ap peal to the privy council against the supreme court ruling of last march in his opinion minister of justice la potnte made it clear that action was justified because of the obvious lola tlon of federal jurisdiction -vrtthtn- the definition of the blfa act unfortunately however disallow ance does nothing to clarify the ai berta scene it is clear or should be by this time that social credit can not be had within the framework of the constitution reasonably there fore mr aberhart and his govern ment could be expected to resign but as the legislation amply demonstrates alberta is not in ne control of reas enable men and any thought of its government doing the honorable thing can be discarded another course would be for him to r his policies and get back to sound business but this also requires him to admit the futility of what he has attempted even if he could do that it is questionable if he has not gone too far in dishonesty ever to regain public confidence the alternative is to go along for the rest or his term passing impossible legislation if this is to be the road and the record sug gests it is we suspect the gerat mass of the people or alberta will rule otherwise reprinted from the globe and mall of june 17th 1938 a censor is a man who knows more than he thinks other people ought toronto graphic arts assoc visit provincial paper mills on tuesday the 14th of june to- ornto graphic arts association un der the leadership of mr cooper president mr kirfcman lecturer and miss o a ouaway secretary with their 1s378 graduation class visited the mills of the provincial paper ltd at georgetown they had the pleasure of seeing paper made and marvelled at the pro cess to manufacture the medium that enabled the printer and litho grapher to portray their skill which conveyed the messages of science and arts to the artistic and industrial world entertained at cedar crest golf club for dinner where mr george bngden president of the canadian national exhibition gave a short ad dress on t g eesa enlphasiatng the n 0 applying dlugentlj the theories and ftm principles wtth aetuall ties for accom as pro gress would be found and measured by otxemxkmar which after all l eventyflve percent of our success in practical knowledge the force and ught ot education many kind expressions for the joyable and butrocuve afternoon were passed to provincial paper limited for the pleasant outing halton inspector sldbl rv educator succeeds den yes will beside at milton homes of the land through the lower ing of moral standards the neces i f i 7 j sity of continued prayer and effort i b now a ug toward the encouragement or chris lin arriea tian education in the homes of the i community was stressed particularly in the plan of work mention was i skuce appointpd made of the evident increase on radio l arrui iuj programs of the use of drinking songs eu- which aim to popularize the brwers products and it was decided to send to the canadian broadcasting corporation a protest concerning this and to ask other organizations to do the same a much appreciated variation in tht business period was a beautiful message in song contributed by the president of the georgetown onion mrs vannatter and her granddaugh ur mi bettv speight the guest speaker of the artemoon mlsi jlssie oliver of cedarvale school for girls georgetown u a forceful address again stressed the truth that the home is the base of all education and that the cause of oui the failure of the home to teach temperance in all things honor un selfishness co operation and indeed all virtues must be the outgrowth of christian faith if they are to stand the strain of temptation parent training classes are hi the opinion of one whose work makes her especially well qualified to judge one of the outstanding needs in society today a quiet half hour in which the devotions were led by mrs carson and mrs barker of oakvule preced ed adjournment tor the white rib bon tea served by the ladies or the georgetown union the programme or the evening sion opened by devotional exercises in charge of rev p c overend georgetown united church was leresting and varied choruses by the girls and boys or the local ltjl an amusing but meaningful skit pre sented by thepeck brothers a play lt by children of the united church mission band and a baritone solo by mr stewart maclaren all delighted the audience an illustrated temperance 6tory by mrs galbralth demonstrated one use which can be made of the splendid material no available for work in temperance education the presentation of prizes to the winners in- the county essay and pas ter contest and in the sunday school temperance examinations was a pleas ing item of this section of the pro gramme the outstanding reature however of the evening was the address by mr richard champion ba of toronto who spoke in place of dr george little as the latter was unable to be present owing to an unavoidable change in plans we regret that space permits not even a brier outline or champion s informative and thought provoking presentation of the ideas of a young man who is en deavoring as he said to pay his debt to those who made it possible for him to grow up in prohibition days free from the conditions which the pres ent system of liquo sale have pro duced in closing this report may we offer congratulations to mutorr loyal tern perance legion which this year car ries away the banner for the best 1 tl work or the county l skuce of sudbury has been ap painted halton county public school inspector to succeed j m denyes who is retiring it was announced mondiy for the past eight years mr skuce has been inspector of dis trlct division six of sudbury before his inspecting position in sudbury mr skuce taught at north bay high school before that he was principal a nortli bay public school the new inspector is an arts gradu ate or queens university and took his bachetor or pedagogy degree at tne university of toronto his wife is al so a bachelor of pedagogy from to ronto university and was formerly in structress at north bay normal school mr skuce will take up his duties in halton after sept 1 and will reside in milton ashgrove the young people joined bethel in a fire side meeting lately in thelr church and enjoyed it very much on friday evening june 17th a watermelon social was held at the home of miss isabel wrtgglesworth then several of the young people took part in the special young peo pie s sunday morning service under rev eyres direction the church was tastefully decorated with blooms or the peony iris and roses the bright star mission band held their june meeting on sunday afternoon in the sunday school room with fourteen members present reunions have been popular the last two saturdays sunday school pic nlcs will be the next in line about twenty five of our women s institute ladies were privileged hear dick the gardener from hamilton when he was guest speaker at the hornby wj meeting held at the home or mrs t douglas on wed nesda june 15th police court magistrate woodllffe held police court in georgetown this morning several clttaens appeared charged with neglecting to secure tags for their dogs they were remanded for sentence to secure tags for their dogs and pay the coats of the court amounting to 150 each if there are any others who have not yet se cured tags for their dogsw would advise them to do so at on chief is on the lookout for without the necessary tag attached the young man charged with tak ing bets on horse races was fined 100 and costs amounting to 134 the magistrate also warned him that any repeat by himself or others would draw a jail sentence the charges in the above cases were laid by chief marshall of georg ed to say doing nicety champion swe would oncvas the r anystrays balljnafad miss radical mckay of toronto is visiting with mr and mrs a mc kay and mrs archie kentner and family attended the ford reunion on wednesday held in dundera park hamilton the annual clean up bee under the direction of the trustees was held in the cemetery last wednesday mrs robt mcenery suffered a painful accident last week in having her arm broken when kicked by a colt mrs george thompson who spent the winter in orangeville visited with friends here last week mrs walter kentner and son of shelbourne are visiting with mr and mrs r mcenery mr fred heyens of guelph spent sunday at the jamleson home and with other friends mrs w mcenery visited with friends in guelph for a few days last week mrs a h porster of toronto la visiting with her sister mrs a r merrlam for a few days mrs wm wright has been confln ed to her home suffering from an attack of plural pneumonia we all wish her a speedy recovery the june meeting ot the wjl was held at the home of mrs w mc enery mrs perryman presided at the meeting the devotionals were taken by alma mcenery and mrs j klrkwood several items of business were discussed and plans were made to hold a strawberry social on june 30th readings were given by alma mcenery and mrs p w shortlq while mrs j snow had charge of a contestthe july meeting will be at the homtafmrs h hilts re freshments were served by the com mittee 0 erin forty guests sat down to a sumptu ous repast at the home or mr and mrs john r hamilton on saturday june 11th the occasion being the thirtieth anniversary of their wedding mr and mrs hamilton were the recipi ents of many beautiful gifts in the evening many neighbors called to of fer congratulations and best wishes and all joined in a dance mr edward cox has purchased the farm lot 27 con 2 erin township rrom mr hugh mcmillan and will get possession in the fall mr robert sanders of emerson manitoba and his son george of winnipeg manitoba are visiting with the formers brothers messrs san ders mrs thomas marshall mr allan marshall and miss dorothy baird left on wednesday to attend the funeral mrs thomas baird at flint mich on thursday at a recent meeting of erin school board the teachers were all reen gaged for another school term via miss i m waterman and miss gladys mcgregor for the continuation school and miss jean abbott and miss phy llis balnbrldge for the public school an old land mark in the village the scene of much activity in the horse and buggy days is rapidly dis appearing the old livery stable ac the back of justices service station the material will be used to erect a garage on the property which will greatly faclhfeate the services requir ed from a modern garage and service station advocate milton mr and mrs p w cooke two of milton s respected citizens celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last saturday afternoon and evening when a large number of friends call ed at their home on court street to offer congratulations and wish them many more years of happiness the amount received by the town milton from the liquor control board as its share of the profit from the sale of liquor sold in this munld pailty in 1937 was 2024 or 27 75 more than the previous year out of over 200 applications the milton high school board has select three new teachers j l kenney of cothngwood history boys p t and junior english miss margaret kennedy klngsville latin and girls pt helen proud or jarvls french rt lower school english over 200 descendants of the gastle family met on saturday at the home or mr and mrs h j bennett for their re union during the afternoon sports were enjoyed following th supper a program was given- with the following contributing miss donna jean gastle winnipeg miss edna tansley of carlisle mrs roy ellen ton lowviue mrs wlnnlfred gastle knapp hamilton jack and gordon bennett carlisle rev f allen hill campbellvllle rev charles hackett carlisle francis boyle carlisle marlon fox of milton and edward coven london mr and mrs e e yates left- on tuesday morning on a motor trip to winnipeg where they will visit relatives for the next six weeks j w cantelon who recently un derwent an operation is acton acton tax rate is a mill lower this year in spite of added expenses the exterior of st josephs church is being redecorated the eightieth anniversary of the founding of the church at dublin will be observed this year seventeen from acton fair board attended the district meeting of fairs in brampton on friday it was the largest group attending the meeting from any fair appearing for trial on a charge that he did unlawfully kill d slay one oeorge frederick peter optc- haney was committed for trial in police court in acton last week he was allowed freedom on providing 5 000 bail the charge arose out of motor fatality in which oeotga frederick and herbert mwiin of oshawa were killed when a group of five were en route to a hockey match in gait in march the chief item of business before the special meeting of acton school board on saturday was the resigna tion of principal d a macrae who has been appointed principal of the high school at uxbrtdge mr and mrs r johnson hep- worth mr jim henry lucknow and messrs jack and tom kerr of manl- towaning spent the week end with mr and mrs j m frank and family mr william kenney sr and miss nora kenney rjf returned on man- day from a months tislt with dr a a b kenney in maple creek sask and with other friends in wes tern- canada they report a most en joyable visit free press more spanish guitars are sold in hawaii than hawaiian guitars hono- lulu music dealers report

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