Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 22, 1938, p. 2

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ir page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 22nd 1938 georgetown herald tea 1150 per year in advance united states 80c additional single copies 3s both old and new addressee should be given when ehang of address is requested advertising bates legal no- does 12c per line for first in sertion 7c per line for each subsequent insertion headers 8o per line for each insertion h u in black face type 5c per line additional npttces qualifying as coming kvents such as concerts entertainments so defy church or organization meetings etc 8c per line mini mum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted tree in memoriara notices 50c and loc- per line extra for poems birth marriage and death notices 50c small ad vertisements one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 25c for each subsequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error rhe herald accepts advertising in its columns on the under standing that it will not be liable for any error in any ad vertisement published hereun der unless a proof of such ad vertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business oblce duly algnv ed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plain ly noted m writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such adver tisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by 3uch ad ertlsement j m moore publisher phone 8 georgetown evening the day the golden light has gone and quietly the evening drtrts across the world now the round moon leading the first star heavenward hits her slender lantern in the sky and shadow like a dappled fawn steps delicately forth to try the pool of silver on the lawn oh do not speak this is the hour for crickets in the garden wall for sleepy bird and folded flower this is the dusky interval serene and beautiful as though god lifted up a gentle hand for silence that his world might know he walked at evening through the land by sara henderson hay whats wrong with us too much oats and too much wheat too much corn and too much heat too much cotton too much oil too many hours that we don t toll too many highways too many cars too many people behind the bars too much poverty too much wealth too many people have poor health too many politics too much booze too many wearing high heeled shoes too much loafing too many bets too many failing to pay their debts too many spending their dough for gas too many talking of european sass too many living beyond their means too many buying canned com and beans too many sowing their crod of wild oats too many candidates after vour votes too many having their washing uone too many plajing bridge lor fun too many poets too much prose too many girls without under clothes too much buying of goods on time too many people aon t save a dime too much ball too much play too many officers on big pay too much taxes too much spent tod many folks spend every cent too mush fun too much ease too many rips in my b vd s too much r too much law the greatest mess you ever saw i artvllle news hitchhiking punishable that hitchhiking which is one of tfac great nuisances that the motor ist of today is faced with and which la especially prevalent on the walk- ertonhanovar highway has been made a punishable offence under the ontario highways act and which has been in force for some time is a fact not oosnmonly known to the general grandmas diary by 8elma jl cabet mcclur newspaper syndicate wnusrvi- short short story under the caption soudttng rides pmtfbtted sub sec 2 of sec 44 of the highways trame act it says no person shall while on the travel led portion of a highway solicit a ride from the driver or operator of a mo tor vehicle other than a public ve hicle nd the latter is taken to in- esnde a motor bus or a taxicab where there is a fee attached for an infraction of this act a pen alty of not less than 5 and costs nor more than i0 and costs may be tan- posed or in default a term of jail is provided for the offence walkerton herald times depths of the pillowed hammock on her veranda idly watched the actions of david hughes as he helped an urchin re cover a load of wood that had fallen from his cart always a good samaritan arent ydu dave she jokingly asked him as he came up and sat down beside her i wish you would be one to me virginia he pleaded please david dont go all over that again she exclaimed rather crossly then to divert his thoughts she opened the paper on her lap they are having the legion benefit dance tonight i see may t take you david asked quickly i m sorry but mr allen asked me first that cadi david indignantly i m sorry humbly apologized david here comes mr allen now ex claimed virginia as a bright red racer swung into view down the road in reply to mr allens invitation to go for a short spin virginia agreed enthusiastically to david a intense chagrin a kindly looking whitehaired la dy who came out in time to hear her acceptance said dear i wish you wouldn t virginia interrupted by kissing her as she said you silly little grandma don t worry about me by by grandma grandma sat watching david as he went down the road with his familiar jaunty step just like hiram used to be she soliloquized later in her room grandma took out a dusty little box from conceal ment tenderly she handled the trinkets therein until she reached the object of her search a little black book surmising that grandma was hav ing a nap upon her arrival home virginia sat in a comfortable chair to take a rest in the sitting room with a casual glance at the maga zines on the little table she noticed the little black book and curiously she picked it up opened it and with deep interest she commenced reading june 1 1850 mr hale called to day i was glad it wasnt hiram who called for he is getting to be such a bore of late while mr hale ah he u so romantic and deb onair august 1 1850 i am treading on air today mr hale proposed to me i must now call him noah hiram seemed displeased but he is so queer september 15 1850 noah and i were married today in the little church around the corner he seems a trifle impatient this evening but of course i should allow for all the excitement i am actually nervous myself january 1 1851 noah has been away on business for the past few months i was so glad to hear from his own lips that it was his sister he was seen with in towrw july 13 1851 noahs and my son is three weeks old today i named him robert after hiram roberts i am glad i did this be cause it pleased hiram and noah didn t mind a bit in fact i do not think he cared whether i named him at all noah is working too hard lately i mentioned this to him today and he became almost furious at me for standing in the way of his ambition june 24 1856 little robert is five years old today i havent re ceived a word from noah in three years hiram has been ao kind to baby and me robert calls him dad dy he doesnt remember bis own june j4 1876 this is roberts wedding day the only reminder i have of his father is the words im printed on my memory taken from a newspaper clipping dated 20 years ago couple found dead in hotel they were registered as the children had been photograph ed and the teacher was trying to per suade them to buy copies just thmk how nice it will be u look at the photograph when youre u grown up she said and i theres bosle shes married tnafs bury hes a sailor and thatf teacher she d said a smafltcece eegu hale transcanada planes fly 56 times across rockies in one month continuing the rigorous training schedule that has featured activities of transcanada air lines since in auguration of its crosscountry flying pilots today looked back on a month duirng which they completed 28 round trips between vancouver and winni peg and the same number of night raining flights between reglna and h manitoba capital their flying time ror may favored by satisfactory mother conditions hoisted their grand tola of hours in the air to 55q0 112 of which have been marked up in the two lockheed 14 s since they were brought here two weeks ago in the recordbreaking nonstop fli ghts from vancouver recently while six of the 36 pilots have befti engaged in flying the its 12 others have entered the sixth and final stage of the extensive training in the electra 10 s the remainder step by step are qualifying for ad vanced tests mastering instruction on mechanical functions of the equip ment the primary lockheed flying instruction instrument flying local and crosscountry night flying and finally advanced instrument and rad io range fljing across the western half of the continent flying fourteens upon graduation from the electras each pilot ill be required thorough ly to ramliarize himself with the new two more of which will be added to the present fleet before the end of june because of the size of the new craft the sensivity of the equipment for controlling the takeoffs cruising and landings and the various safety features recently perfected and in stalled on the hs this phase of t training promises to become one of the most intensive of the entire course convinced that careful and concentrated training of its 4lylng personnel is basic to the success of its operations once mall and passenger service b begun transcanada will require each pilot to make approxi matelj 100 landings in the course of his local training in the 14 s refresher courses in the link trai ner will continue to be an important leature in the pilot training this ingenious contriv d equipment now cognized intern itionall as one of the finest pilot train ins de ices yet introduced and or wnlch 200 vere or dered recentlj b the royal air force makes flight instruction possible in the erj offices of transcanada seated in the closed cockpit o the mlnature craft pilots familiarize uiemseh es 1th beam f 1 ing instru ment approach and radio navigation and are conscious of sensation of flight while their ever move is re corded on a chart in the hands of an instructor in all pilots have com pleted 400 hours in the trainer sta tioned at winnipeg awaiting installation of airway fac ilitie east of winnipeg and surfaced ronwaji a kaaskamng transcan ada official hae declined to estim whei regular training flights i ad nil be inaugurated sim i ilarlj exriilon of cross country tral- 1 mng to include a night schedule be tween winnipeg and vancouver also has been held in abeyance pending installation of various airway aids and completion of improvements on the new lethbrldge field new range stations progress in establishing of new range stations between lethbrldge and winnipeg at swift current med icine hat broadview and rivers has been recorded over the rockies aerial survey of proposed range sites to eliminate the dogs leg to grand forks is being supplemented by a ground crew which includes instruct or pilot w straith the new sites will lead the mountain flights in a direct course between cranbrook and princeton taking them over the val- lejs in the vicinity of nelson b c work on the 100 mile landing fields including installation of border lights for night landing also is progressing satisfactorily considerable work in connection with the establishment of range sta tions has vet to be carried out the department of transport has been operating hand in hand with itans canada and survevs an being con ducted in the east as well as in the west thls blazing of an air out across canada requires careful and unhurried consideration of all avail able sites maintenance training has kept pace with the intensive instruction afford ed the pilots employees engaged in special courses relative to the main tenance of the electras and lockheeds now number 58 47 of whom are stat ioned in winnipeg every phase in connection with the operation or the powerful motors is being studied tho roughly at winnipeg instruction is being given crew chiefs from van couver and lethbrldge on the main tenance and servicing of the lvs offices of t c a in the new han gar at winnipeg likely will be occu pied during june but wed them and prize wtnntng essay following is the sec prise win ning essay in grade vxtt written by john kelr of georgetown public schoolsln the w c t u essay and postercijteat the evil hffkcts op alcohol ic beverages there asamany ways lnjshich al- cohol can be used when used out side the human body it can be a sjat friend but when taken as a vcrage it is a deadly enemy many people are suffering in the hospital and many have died due to the use of alcoholic beverages great majority who drink alco holic beverages do so because their friends indulge in the practice the taste for alcohol is not a natural craving of the body it is an ac quired taste the first effect it has to lessen ones selfcontrol even small quantities cause a man to lose control of sight action ahd speech if he takes more ne will become in toxicated and collapse into a physical and mental helplessness the dangers of using alcohol are many it is the caie of indigestion headaches nervousness and weak ness and is commonly connected with the appearance or disease in the stomach liver brain and the nervous system to hold a position in athletics one must avoid alcohol for it reduces the strength speed and staying power of any athlete to have a clear brain quick eyes and steady hand it is necessary to abstain from all forms of alcoholic liquors the habitual drinker spends too much of his earn ings on drink this leads to his be ing frequently out of work and so to poverty alcohol stemgthens the baser in stincts of the drinker and weakens the nobler impulses under the in fluence of this drug a workman will think he is working quickly and is doing better work while in reality he is working slowly and doing worse work in business alcohol impairs the memory and many mistakes and errors arise from its use these are effects which no engine driver mot or driver or sea captain can afford- to risk when a man begins to use this drug he thinks he knows when to stop but soon he finds he can not stop duetto the insidious effects of alcohol upon his willpower and self- control he does not realize that the home comforts are disappearing and that the money which he should be spending on clothes and food for his family is being spent on liquor in his sober moments he realizes this but seeks relief again in liquor he slowly sinka to a lower and lower level dragging with him the ones he loves most junior i say mother if dad was to die would he goatb heaven mother hush junior whos been putting such ridicuolus ideas into your head good clean fun magnolia when mandy went and got married us girls done give her a shower pansy dat sho was nice ah 11 bet her husband was glad to get er all nice and clean passenger passenger and mail passenger and mall passengers for toronto passengers sundays only going west passenger and mail passenger passenger and mall passenger sunday going north mall and passenger going south mail and passenger you dont dare miss the big band festival and tattoo at waterloo on june 23th if you do you will miss the greatest show of the year come and see the biggest gathering at bands on the continent music from early morning till midnight scotch dancing and piping contests band con in- strumetal contests remember waterloo ontario june 25th 2t the best place to eat in georgetown only the choicest food served private dining room for family dinners parties or banquets neilsons ice crea m take a brick home harry chu rhetor phone 2 brook block main st south georgetown cnr time table standard time going o 616 am ioo lb 640 pom 940 pin 3l pjm o 834 am 335 pan 65a pan 1119 tun 653 pm gray coach lines summer time table effective saturday june sth leave georgetown to toronto 8608 am 8 58 am 1143 an 2 18 pm 4 10 pjn 6 15 pm 910 pm aexcept sundays to london x93o ajn 150 pm x750 pjn x connections for owen sound standard time tickets and information at w h long phone 89 georgetown u directory leroy dale kx m sybil bennett bjl banisters and soneltors georgetown ontario office gregory theatre bldg mill st kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary pabue first mortgage money to loan office main street south phone 88 georgetown hr and mrs noah virginia closed the book poor dear old grandmal what heart aches she had known why she left i purposely for me to take warning before it was too late for me aiso exclaimed virginia as she realized that her loveaffair had bean the same as grandmas two hours later davids dejected look turned to gladness as he espied virginia when he entered the house virginia he cried i thought you were with mr allen in the auto when i passed it down the road i told mr allen i was going with you david youve made me the happiest man m the world david whispered into a little pink ear that lay very near his coatlapel not i but grandmas diary corfxadcied a muffled voice making friends is easy like to know now to keep still ran a newspaper an ecmomiccdyet a most enjoyable and restful inland water trip 1 00 cruise through the wooded islands of beautiful muskoka lakes 730 am daily from muskoka whakf tfc far oarr 250 meals ixtia drive up the night before and sleep and eat on the steamer highway no 11 from toronto 106 miles ah expense toar double 7 75 each single ssjto includes pare stateroom three meals and re served chair the accommodation is first class in every particular aboard the rms sagamo w mp folder awlud on wcujprl of nwi nd told muskoka lakes navigation and hotel company limited 11 otavenhuut ontakio modal electric ranges maytag electric washers kelvinator electric refigerators hugh lindsay phone 11 georgetown eaney barristers etc 465 bay st toronto brampton ont k fraser raney kc h edward cook gordon graydon 333 main st north brampton telephone 703 harold r lawrence loblaw building brampton telephone 643 p r watson dj mjk8 georgetown office hours 0 to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j e jackson dentist xkay office hours daily 9 to 5 evenings 7 to 9 phone 24w georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer ror the comatles of peel and tn1tw prompt service telephones cheltenham 36 r 23 georgetown 81 3l post office cheltenham walter t evans co general insurance ocean steamship service real estate main st north georgetown phone 1s3 monuments pollock ingham successors to cater fc worth gift ont o if you can loan him a prised- book and a year later ask him to return it and still retain his friendship a miracle has 1en performed

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