Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 22, 1938, p. 6

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aosaaaaexsii page 6 the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 22nd 1956 4 u t the mivxs who sfmm thao ottk stwebt 1 saw you barely miss a little boy on a tricycle this afternoon and heard ydu yell oct the out of the nay dont you know any better than to ride jn the street he dldnt answer you because he hasnt learned to talk very well yet so im going to answer for him ki the little boy doesnt know any better than to ride bis tricycle down the street r he had been warned not to but little boys dont always heed warnings some adults dont eft especially traffic warnings stance the one limiting the speed automobiles tm going to tell you something a- twut that little boy he has a mother and father who have worked bard and made many sacrifices to make him healthy and happy the supreme purpose of their lives is to have their little boy grow up to be a useful man now stop a minute and think if you should kill a child how would you feel facing its parents what excuse could you give them for hav ing- robbed them of t dearest pos- aession more important what ex cuse could you offer him whose king dom is made up of little children children my hasty friend were here long before you or your automo bile were ever thought of all the automobiles on earth are not worth tbe life of one little boy we dont know what the little boy may some day be but we know what you are and its unimportant we could get along without you but we cant fpare a single little boy on this street so just take it easy my friend and rtdte a bit more carefully there are about 100 children s lives at stake far that is about the number of youngsters who lost their lives in ont ario last year under just such circum stances as the incident between you and the little boy on the tricycle the little boys neighbor mr wright i u have vou know that rm a self made man friend yes ao i have assumed but who interrupted you a buying guide before you order dinner al a restaurant you consult the blllof fare before you take a long trip by motor car you pore over road maps before you start out on a shopping trip you should consult the advertisements in this paper the advertising columns are a buying guide to you in the purchase of everything you need including amuse ments a guide that saves your time and conserves your energy that aaves useless steps and guards against false ones that puts the stretch in familj budgets the advertisements in this paper are so interesting it is difficult to see how any one could overlook them fail to profit by them just check with yourself and be sure that you are reading the advertisements regular ly the big ones and the little ones it is time well spent always your local paper is your baying guide avoid wasting detowrs on the road to avasebatndwng value read the kitchen is makvax of modern science hooaewif ea wecfcahop leads the way in amaatng transformation of the hoaaehold new names and new uses have made drastic changes in almost every room of the average dwelling house in the past twenty years but far in the lead in this domestic metamor phosis is the kitchen the heart of the home gone are the back parlour uuered wood shad and the long rambling hallways the drawing room is now a slating room the cellar has become hose for the children and even the old empty garret has blossomed forth as a recreation spot hut the kitchen of the really mod em home which once housed a dis ordered collection of obsolete miscel lany from dripping iceboxev to un sightly garbagetins has emerged as a vertiable room of magic embodying all the principles of uptothemin ute household science behind all the innovations and ln ventlons that have taken the drud gery out or the kitchen and have re placed it with delight is the invlsl ble wonder of electricity the white coal of the modern world electricity has banished from the kitchen the red hot cook stove ori gin of the traditional complaint of women who for generations have son ed their husbands with pathetic tales of slaving over a hot stove and has left in its place the gleaming wonder box which is the modern electric range gone is the misery ot working in a room sweltering in tbe wasted heat of a coal or wood stove gone is the maddening monotony and messlness of shovelling ashes and having them litter the floor of the room where cleanliness was always a prime consideration gone too are the ever present are dangers associated with a type of cook stove so easilj over heated into a real menace to life and property the modem electric range with its safe controlled heal its amazing adaptability to ever tvpe ol cooking problem and its gleaming surfaces so easy to keep clean has transform ed the kitchen from the scene of hard labour under trjlng tempera tares to a scientific morkshop where the culinary an becomes a real pleas crowding the electric range for the honour of having struck the hardest blow against household druderv is the electric refrigerator brides of onlj a few ears ago can well remem ber the inefficient make shift and often leak receptacle which used to catch the dripping water from the bottom of the old fashioned ice box and only too often spread atrlcklingj rivulet across the floor man a man today recalls the distasteful chore which fell to his lot as a small bov in the thrlcedallj emptj ing of the water under the ice box by preserving and keeping uncon laminated the famllv s food suppl the electric refrigerator pas for its own way in the budget of the up to date electric kitchen another symbol of out moded kit chen science which is vanishing from from the canadian domestic scere is the flat iron which used to perch on the old cook stove or on the ram shackle home made ironing board electric irons and the newer electric lronere are among the most indis peristole kitchen equipment of todav conjunction with the electric washing machine the nave removed much ol the depressing hue from blue monday dish water hands are rapidly vanishing from the list of houseuifelv amications with the increasing popu larity of the various types of auto matlc dishwashers whose operation fa ciliated b electric methods of hot water heating myriads of other electrical appli ances and devices such as waffle irons toasters and percolators whose ranks are being constant increased b new inventions and adaptions are lifting the once crushing burden from the shoulders of the housewife ad ore chasing from the kitchen the bogey of drudgery discomfort and back breaking labour county council i halton county council met in mil ton on tuesday june 13th all mem bers were present the warden in the chair regular business was trans acted in the forenoon and oommunl cations read one of the most important items of business was the equalization of the assessment for 1938 the counciri appointed the reeves of the several municipalities a committee on equal button the committee brought in a recommendation that the assessment be the same as jast year and a by law was passed to this effect at the afternoon session mr e m readhead on behalf of the halton county agricultural society addressed the council requesting a grant to wards the annual fall fair among the correspondence was a copy of the minutes of the county council section of the ontario educa tional association held in toronto on april 19th one resolution read in part as follows whereas sugges tions have been made from time to time by residents of this province and also by members of the higher legis lative bodies looking to the abolition of county council systems we there fore place on record our opposition to such a move as the work now being done by the members of the council would have to be done by provindally appointed officers at a greater cost and less efficiency the council ap proved of the resolution as requested during the afternoon session r j kerr acton president of ontario ag rlcultural society addressed the coun ell asking that the council increase the annual grant toward fairs mr robinson and mr gilbert spoke highly of the work being done by mr whltelock agricultural represent tlve for the countv other gentlemen from the various fair boards spoke bneflj each one asking for an in creased grant it was moved b mr wilson secon ded by mr mocutcheon that a grant of s175 be given to the fall fair boards of acton milton and georgetown and that a grant of 125 be given to the mould board association mr hall asked why the grant had been raised ard mr wilson explained the societ was put to considerable expense in connection wjth the seed fair mr hall thought it would be better if the fairs tried for increased membership rather than increased grants the mot ton carried after further discus sion it was moved b mr kerns second ed bv mr allen that a reward of 100 be paid bv the countv or halton for the arrest and conviction or for infor ma lion resulting m the arrest and lction of w m moore who broke out and csoiped from halton countv jail on june 6th in the event or more than one person claiming a share in the said award it shall be apportioned in such a manner a- the l warden of the countv deems jum and 1 in all natters of dispute his decision i shall be final the salaried officials of the count shall be eligible for the award because of the difficult in dealing with chicken thieves li was moed b mr gordon seconded by mr gil bert that the law be amended so that i nnvone caught with the tools in his i possession that are commonlj used in stealing fowl that he be dealt with the same as if caught with burglar tools in his possession it was moved b mr krrns secon ded b mr oavls that this council do stronglv recommend the re appoint mrnt or mr prank mcnlvcn as jailor of halton countv and that a cop of this resolution be sent to th attorne general in regard to an increase in the sal ar of the countv engineer it was left to the road committee to bring in a recommendation at the next meeting arrangements were made for the annual fishing trip for members of the council to take place on jul 20th following a meeting of the council on the 19th reports of committees were rorsid ered and adopjed in committee if the whole mr gordon taking the chair accounts w ere passed as follows count buildings si 77 17 a irul ture 35533 printing 166 19 finance 202957 hospital accounts 1963 60 dependability o d frlwwp 5 0 pocoeddrtucbt cooted ad nguuinf no lafcri- cstioo oe attention what- f tbi i tb mcrct tf wcicmsbon d pendabilur efficiency and m uusjinc5hous rffrigrator to proved dependability under any and all conditions wesunghouse now adds improved convenience features the sensational new meat keener to keep meat fresh and wholesome the big new humidrawer that keeps salads vegetables and fruits garden fresh and crisp the new larger stor dor the new thermoware left over dishes that are oven proof and smart enough for fable use the improved sanalloy high speed froster with new ejectocube instant- release ice trays a whole galaxy of features that help you save time save food and save money it costs as little as new ttiliifhobic models ixc priced low i5v m witb term low a f e week and owaefi pnrt sa am ol 9 oo month or more from veiling honie food protection come tcf the facts of tbe btuei value we ever been r visit your wsstinghouse dealer today phone 25 georgetown richardsons hardware we deliver a ltlrr om wrllnnd inn d notice to creditors i ed oo melt that n movement was under wav tbmfgnnlzr all counties in i western onlno into an organization j for the beticrmcni ol understanding between countv councils and their problem and invied rcprc ntitlvca of halton ro mtv council to be present il the june meeting arranging iiolids for toronto children locating hundreds of homes with in 150 mile of toronto where fortunalt cit 1 ii lien welcome for a two week summer vacation is tlvc difficult task tills week commenced bv the neighbor i ood workers association of toron to in the matter of the estate of anme bird late of the township of es qnesirur in the county of halton widowv deceased notice is hereby given that nil persons having am claims or le ma ds against the late annie bli a who died on or about lhe ninth da of april 1938 at the township of es queuing in the countv of halton and province of ontario arcrequired w send bv pos prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors herein for said wilfred bird and thomas joseph l j brownridge the administrators of the oina oe oi annle bird widow deceas ed their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their ac counts and the nature of the securi ties if riij held by them and take notice that after notice to creditors in the matter of the bert tost late of the town of georgetown in the county of hal ton carpenter deceased notice is hereby given that al persons having any claims or de mands against the late albert tost who died on or about the thirteenth da of ma 1938 at the chj of gyelph in the county or wellington province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors herein for barbara tost the executrix of the last will and testament of albert tost carpenter deceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the sixteenth day of jul 1938 the said li c afford to buy electric range get tbe facta today about the attractive hydro thrift flan it puts within reach of every family the electric range every woman wants an electric range is thrifty so reasonably priced so amaz ingly economical on current and its fmmcookimf cool dean ends cooking failures and kitchen drudgery making every meal a delicious success check the thrift plan now hugh undsat h c mccltjre g m mtjcka juchjutdsocts hakdwaju k h tbomtfton co f ke advanta hydro pan for full particular apply al hydro office hydro your cheapest household helocr vear ovrr 1100 children were provided ulth a hoi ida v through this method and according to r n sln pleford general socrctarv of un n w a the need this ear will be more urgent tl m vrr mom rs joiri w c or whci u and he skl barara i pldrnn tin t are scores of ihcm the sixteenth da of julj 1938 the barbara tost will proceed to dlatik said wilfred bird and thomas jossphfbuie the assets of the said deceased brownridge will proceed to distribute j amonr lhe persons entitled thereto the em5 of the said deceased amonr having regard only to the claims of t he permwis entitled thereto ha ing hich she shall then have had no- al though co npletelv lecovered fromjihe disease itself require manv dav m the sunshine and quiet of i the co mln por this group of chil dren w c mnlcr a partial 1ft rl irgent appeal mr btapleford said evidence uint the children are well behaved and do not tear up gardens fight with other children let o it the cows or frlrhten the sheep is hown bj the number of repeat invitations that come from country hos sms manv families write each vear a kins uiat the same children be sent to them seventy five such invitations have already been received bv the countrv home department of lhe n w a orowing much more rapidly than the invitation list however ls the long list of cases where visiting n w a workers report it is absolutely nee essary that johnnie or mary get awnj for a vacation this summer cases reported to headquarters include such jacts as mary is a sweet little girl of 13 with blue ayes and fair hair she w run down and urgently in need of a holiday she lives in a district where the noise of the traffic and the smoke of the factories gives her no chance to rest her parents are on relief authorities of the county home de partment prefer children to go on hol iday in pairs if possible each child is medically examined before leaving the city and transportation is provid ed by the neighborhood workers as soclatlon the real holiday period of course commences with school closing but there are several groups of pre school children who are waiting j0 leate town at this moment zf hostesses writing to the neighbor- hodk workers association inviting a child or two for two weeks vacauon are requested to include with their in vluuon a letter from the local clergy man or some well known person in the community invitation should be sent to tbe country homes d neigh borhood workers association 23 wel- lesley street toronto the shall then have had notice and that the said wilfred bird and tnom as joseph brownridge will not be liable for the said assets or an part thereof to anj person of whosi cla m thev shall not then hav e rcclvcd notice datfd at georgetown ontario i this thirteenth da of june ad i 1938 dale a bennett solicltom for the said wilfred bird and thomas joseph brownridge not be liable for tbe said assets or anj part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this thirteenth day of june aj3 1938 dale bennett solicitors for the said barbara tost 3t notice to creditors j in the matter of the estate ot ho bert john wald1e late of the township of esqaeslng m the cownty of halton farmer deceas ed notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de mantis against the late robert john waldle who died on or about the 20th day of may 1938 at the city of guelph in the county of wellington and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors herein for mary waldle the executrix of the last will and testament of ro betr john waldle farmer deceased their names and addresses and full patrlculars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and tjlk notice that after the sixteenth day of july 1938 the said mary waldle will proceed to distri bute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had no tice and that the said mary waldle w hut b liabl f the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this thirteenth day of june ajj 1938 dalk bennktt solicitors for tbe said mary waldle st special one week only 2 suits f 4 95 2 light coats 0 i 2 dresses r pants sic eatons cleaners dyers agent luaico a huffman mondays wednesdays fridays o o radio i repairing we specialize on this work j sanford son o o

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