Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 22, 1938, p. 7

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th geui h w pe7 o borrowing fob profit o profitable operations in the dauy business largely depend upon wise management com petition is keen and good managers will borrow at the bank if necessary to improve and maintain the quality of the herd provide for scientific feeding and stabling and keep essential equipment up-to- date and wellconditioned the bank of montreal is interested in such constructive efforts by dairymen our branch man agers familiar with conditions and requirements in this important industry welcome applications for loans to finance improvements the bank of montreal is also interested in the organi nation and operation of boys and girls calf and swine clubs and wel comes the opportunity jto discuss their require ments bank of montreal established 117 a bank when wall accounts art ttxlvmt modern experienced banking service tbf o 120 yma smaafml oftrmm georgetown branch j r smith manager we have made special arrangements for the servicing of general motors automobiles we are also in a position to sell new chevrolet pontiac and oldsmobile motor cars we have a number of good used cars for sale at reasonable prices your patronage will be appreciated j n oneill son phone office 14 ret 168 georgetow trucking regular transport service between georgetown and toronto full loads anywhere snyders cartage phone 171w or j o georgetown expert watch repairs by j h jordan sharing service with the living christ tnternauaatal tjnlft lama jute zmb ims golden text and they went forth and preached everywhere the lord working with them hark 1630 lesson passage mark 16 18 1416 is 20 crown him the lord of ufe who triumphed oer the grave and rose victorious in the strife pot those he came to save his glories now we sing who died and rose on high who died eternal ufe to bring and lives that death may die godfrey thrlng the unexpected happened 14 jesus foretold his resurrection but his hearers did not realize what he meant after the crucifixion his dls cipjes and other friends thought that the mission of their leader juul for ever ended some of the disciples re turned to their ashing the women took spices to anoint his body and feared that they might be unable to roll away the stone from the door of the tomb belief in the resurrection was not the result of wishful think ing the disciples were astonished beyond measure when the news was announced to them the disciples were plain matterof fact men the very kind of citizens we put upon our juries and from who m we expect to a oonunonsense verdict they were not emotional dreamers or ecstatic visionaries yet these wen the men who from being defeated be came victorious and went out to tell of the risen christ to their genera lion and centurj the disciples had to be told themselves before they could tctt others their holy uvea make it impossible to hold the theory of fraud and deception for one in stant he is risen 5 6 the tomb was empty that was the fact that surprised the women on their hoi j errand they were irlght ened their first thought was that nemieji had stolen the bodj they did not think of resurrection when thej were told ot the resurrection they found it difficult to believe we todaj should find faith much easier easter sunda once a year reminds us oi the impact of the spirit chrt t upon his first followers which con inced them that he still lived the changing of sunda the weekly da of rest for christians from the seventh day to the first day of the week in commemorat on of the resur rection is another e idence the new testament could neier hate been written without faith in the resur rection the note of triumph is heard oer and over nor co ud the church hate spread througt out the world as it has done if our lord had anlj been a dead jew lsh teacher christian faith has spread because of the con tiction that christ is our lining lord all these historical evidences are cumulative into galilee 7 8 what impresses us as we read the resurecuon story is the naturalness of jesus he still had the same in te rests he went tnto galilee the scene of his boyhood home he ap peared unto bis friends and disciples loving them just as before he helped his disciples preparing a meal for them he reminded them of his great mission on earth that the gospel should be preached to the whole world he followed through his mln lstry with peter restoring htm to higher leadership than before the tragic threefold denial it was not that christ was so different after the unification opposed by canadian national head 8 j htjkgrkfobd advocates increased co operation pointing out that never since 1923 had the canadian national railways failed bo meet its operating expenses that it had a very great earning cap acity under normal traffic conditions that serving almost exclusively the rich northern waning area of canada it has greater potentialities than its rival s j hungerford chairman and president opposed un iflcatlon when he appeared before the senate committee and recommended conservation of the canadian nation ai as the wisest policy j huikaotd long distance moving government license full insurance office- mill and market streets most of the economies emisaged under unification schemes were un realizable he contended he argued that any were practical and in the public interest could be realized under cooptniuon rallwa savings purchased at the expense of the development of can ada and of a wide disturbance in the already disturbed labor and material markets of the countrj would be too dearly obtained he warned if the railways did not show a will u co operation mr hungerford held that compulsion would be justifiable in the public interest he recommended a public body of three consisting of representatives of ench of the railways and a chairman representing the public interest which would explore and develop co ope rat ne measures and bring the railways together in implementing them i am in favour of a policy oi en forced cooperation to eliminate an waste or duplication of effort where such could be accomplished without unduly weakening the benefits competitive incentive or of unduly reducing the services which the rail wajs render to the pubuc mr hun gerford said i would emphasize a gain however that we must not mis take railway economies purchased at th expense of the public at large as being true economies in the national interest within this reservation there is a considerable opportunity for effecting savings by enforced co operation not only as regards the el lminatlon of duplicate facilities and the elimination of wasteful effort but also the prevention of additional duplications in the future the canadian national has tested recipes 1 pies bmimot can bake by betty barclay a good dinner turneth away wrath as every woman knows when the i man of the house seems out of sorts i an appetising meal is better than a soft answer in restoring domestic harmony and a tempting dessert is the most effective strategy of all there s no need of getting your temper on ragged edge by slaving overtime in the hot kitchen here are short cut recipes for luscious fruit cream pies that wlu work like magic as compliment winners these filings made with sweetened con densed milk need no cooking at all even the bride who can scarcely boll water can make them to perfection if she uses this magic muk because these recipes are guaranteed failure pmof use a crumb crust that needs no baking and your pie triumph win be ready to chill in the refrigerator in less than ten minutes magic peach meringue pie 1 cups 1 can sweetened con densed milk 2 tablespoons jemon juice 2 eggs separated 1 cup sliced peaches 2 tablespoons granulated sugar chocolate wafer pie oust blend together sweetened condensed muk lemon juice and egg yolks fold in sliced peaches pour into 9 inch pie plate lined with chocolate wafer pie crust cover with meringue made by beating egg whites until stiff and adding sugar bake in moderate oven 35 df 10 minutes or until brown chill before serving chocolate wafer pie croat roll enough chocolate wafers to make 5 cup of crumbs cut enough chocolate wafers into halves to stand around edge of pie plate cover bottom of plate with crumbs and oil in spaces between wafers magic raspberry cream pie 113 cups u can sweetened con densed milk cup lemon juice 1 cup raspberries cup whipping cream 2 tablespoons confectioners ta sugar baked pie shell or crumb crust blend sweetened condensed milk and lemon juice stir until mixture thickens pod lh raspberies pour nto pie plate 9 inch lined with baked pie shell or crumb crust co cr th whipped cream sweetened with confectioners sugar chill be fore serving black raspberies may be used summer salad combinations oranges add a refreshing juicy ele ment to summer salads they bring out the flavor of other fruits and give their own delicious flavor ele ment summer orange fruit comblnajon a or 5 osnge segments 3 or 4 peach 3 or4 sucee 4 or s grapes or cherries orange banana split on a ban ana cut lengthwise place 4 or 5 orang slices centre each slice with a large unhuled strawberry a cherry or halved walnut meat resurrection he was very much the greater potentialities than its princi me this proves that the cause to pal rival in canada or for that mat- which he devoted his pubuc ministry i ir any other railway on the ooutin was his central purpose the truth ent because no other railway is so wen about ood the great society upon located in relation to the natural re earth the principles of peace and sources of the northern half of this the continent said mr hungerford he i one of canada s chief natural re his sources on which the great pulp and paper and cellulose industries depend is the vast coniferous forests in nor in his farewell to the disciples in them ontario and quebec served ai the upper room jesus had sought to m excluslvel b the canadian prepare them to continue his work a national from the point of view of though he would not be with them in mineral development we are only be the flesh even artr the disciples ginning to realize the wealth which a re old of jhe resuitectlo they l stored in the geological formation half doubted jesus knew that what known as the laurentian shield love the need of evangelizing world these were the truths stressed both belore and after death faring the future 14 16 georgetown phone 11 lane block li p needed was actloi and cave them his great commas on to i ro into all the world and preach the os el to every cicature in their trial missionary journeys they had a icospel to preach but now it was a gospel filled with experience and power christ was not merly a teacher hut also a risen and glorified 1 lord the influence of christ was no longer to be restricted to his bodily presence or to the smau country of palestine by reason of the resur rection his spirit was let loose to the whole world conquering and to con quer this is the central meaning of the resurrection faith the cross might reasonably have been expected to put an end to the galilean idyll instead the resurrection power gave a driving force to christianity that bids fair to make it universal sharsag service 1 the crucifix is a reminder of the passion of our lord but the cross is a witness to the resurrection christ is no longer upon the cross he has risen and been glorified the disciples went forth preaching everywhere the lord working with them that was what gave them courage in the face of persecution heroism amidst danger they were not alone the master fulfilled his promise to be with them until the end of the days this is our great honor and encouragement in christian service that we do not need to do our work alone christ goes with us day by day cheering leading giving strength and hope the christian life is a daily expert ence of the transforming presence of jesus christ he is the living christ who dwells within our spirit actual ly living within us and expressing his spirit in our conduct thus the res ufrecuon is much more than an artl ele of faith it is a fact ot experience which may be verifledby all who are willing to let this risen christ dwell in their hearts by faith the ffl a hkaltm skrvick op tmi canadian medical association and ipc msuamcs compahiks in canada immunity the word immunity has come into common use and it is desirable that its meaning should be clearly understood when a person suffers from a communicable disease hla body develops certain substances which are called antibodies and these are the fighting forces of the body against that patxlcular disease the disease germs and the poisons which they produce are the destroying far ces the antibodies are the defending after recovery from most of the communicable diseases the individual continues to have present in his body these defending agents it is for this reason that second attacks of such diseases are not common as long as defensive forces strong enough to prevent the germs of a disease from gaining a foothold are present we say that the individual is lip to that particular disease immunity therefore means protection when a person is immunized against a disease he is giver immunity through some of the known means immunity varies in different races the coloured race seems to be natur ally more or less immune to certain communicable diseases as compared with the white race immunity as we see it among our own people is usually acquired through an attack of the disease if it were not that these attacks of disease kill large numbers and damage many who recover from the attack there would be nothing a- bout which to worry the deaths and the damage however constitute a menace which is indeed serious the ideal would be to have every one become immune without incur ring the dangers of the actual disease this is really the hope of preventive medicine as regards the communic able diseases which because they are spread from individual to indiv idual cannot be satisfactorily con trolled in any other way we can se cure immunity against smallpox th rough vaccination and immunity a- gainst diptheria through immunisat ion therein lies the practical way to control these two diseases questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as sociation 184 college street toronto will be answered personally by letter 1 payment ot 1938 taxes j the first instalment of taxes is due and payable at the municipal office jj georgetown on aj wednesday thursday and friday june 22nd 23rd and 24th 3 discount will be allowed on the second instalment if paid with the first on dates due w g marshall collector hich extends from the mackenzie river basin to the labrador coast the canadian national railways tra erses the laurentian shield with main and branch lines and therefore no accident that most of the mining development which has taken place in canada in the last ten years has been along the lines of the canadian national throughout the depression the property or the canadian national has been improved in ixs inherent efficiency there is no considerable amount of deferred maintenance to be picked up and from all of these points of view we may look to the future with a degree of confidence in the meantime the wise poucy as i see it is to conserve the property bands bands bands 50 bands 1500 bandsmen 300 dancers military bands brass bands pipe bands bugle bands boys and olrls bands monster tattoo in evening with spectacular flrworfc make your plans to spend june 35th with your family at beau tlful waterloo park 3t lord working with us qaeattwm ptar disc lw l t uvtng christ how does christ live today 2 what convinced the disciples about the resurrection 3 and peter why special mention of peter 4 preach the gospel what did that mean to the apostles 5 the lord working with them am i conscious of this divine part nership are yon sure yonr eyes see correclly embr have you seen tbs new bjdfless mounting t n screws to i and eaoe wvbmy lanaea leas breakage at glasses than saving yaw saaney our price is the same as otto pricks o t walker ro orromrmist tsiqht stmauusi amta k l b btom ocobooewk ok aari ice wood poles 5 and posts ice delivered any place in town phone in your order b wood of all kinds at right prices telephone and hydro poles cedar of all kinds any length john h smith georgetown r r 2 phone 84 r 13

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