Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 29, 1938, p. 2

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fcffle2 the georgetown herald jkcdimadax evening june29th 1938 i the georgetown herald sabmsriftlm bates 1j per year in advance united states 60c additional single copies 3c both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested adtcctlslng bates legal n6- uoes 12c per line for first in sertion 7c per line for each subsequent insertion readers be per une for each insertion if in black face type 6c per line additional notices qualifying as coming events such as concerts entertainments so ciety church or organization meetings etc be per line mini mum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted tree in memoriam notices 60c and luo per line extra fur poems birth marriage and death notices 50c small ad vertisements one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 25c far each subsequent insertion display advertising rates on application i although every precaution will be taken to avoid error rbe herald accepts advertising in its columns on the under standing that it will not be liable for any error in any ad vertisement published hereun der unless a proof of such ad vertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to ttie herald business office duly sign ed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plain ly noted m writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such adver tlsement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement j m moore publisher phone 8 georgetown i today sure this world is full ol trouble i aln t said it ain t lord ive had eiough and double reason for complaint rain an storm have come to fret me skies were often gre thorns and brambles hae beset me on the road but say alnt it fine today whats the use of always weepin makln trouble last whats the use or always keepln thinkln of the past each must have his tribulation water with his wine life it alnt no celebration trouble ive had mine but today is one its today that i am livln not a month ago havln losln takln givin as time will it so yesterday a cloud of sorrow fell across the way it may rain again tomorrow aln t it fine today douglas uauoch june br foam h ghat funetime is rosetime and j more important stall wedding- tune nan could not help thinking of it as she sat gazing wistfully at the big house across the way for in the big house tonight the best peo ple were merrily wishing goodluck and longlife to the houses only child arabella for she had just married a wealthy young doctor from a neighboring town and was going there to live millions marrying millions re flected nan bitterly and she and don hadnt enough money even to get engaged properly was it right for one to have so rlmich and one so little nans grandfather and arabellas had been friends and as a tiny child nan had lived in the mansion next door to the big house she and arabella had played together then their grandfathers died and ara bellas father had doubled trebled his money while nans had lost his every penny then while arabella attended by nurse and tutors strolled about the houses grounds nan tripped off to school no 5 from the little white cottage across the way they were poles apart now and when arabella having graduated short short story complete in this issue from college started gayly around the world nan was desperately fighting to save her father s life from the dread typhoid which had swooped down upon him nan lost that fight and when ara bella courted proud charming came home and settled down to a round of golf teas dances and the w like nan was teaching school and j had helped mosus so would he help helping to support her semi invalid joshua i will hot fail thee nor mother i forsake tfec to spiritual seers n the music came to her softly i ligion has been the ver opposite of harp cello and violin gay laughter suppressed and shackled living it rang joshua a choice of loyalties international uniform sunday school july 3rd 1938 oolden text as for me and my house we will serve the lord joshua 24 is lesson passaoe joshua 1 28 24 1421 what win i if i aln the thing i seek a dream a breath a froth of fleeting joy which buys a minutes mirth to wail a week or sells eternity to get a toy shakespeare go over tfcls jordan 2 there is usually gain as well as loss in a change ol leaders though at first the loss may be more apparent than the gain loss is felt in the absence of an accustomed person his counsel is missed there is also likely to b change in routine in time however the gain appears new polictbk are j adopted fresh vigor is brought may the old task the new leader maj b weak where his pre decessor was strong but he may also be strong where his predecessor was weak it has been found wise as a rule to ary the leadership of organ izations occasionally it is good for the organizations and it is good for the leaders in tht history of israel moses did a work that joshua could never have done but joshua succeed ed moses and did what moses had not been able to do both had ability suited to their special task the church must ever be grateful for her great leaders of the past but she must alrtas have confidence that god will continue to provide leaders moses my servant is dead now therefore arise go over this joroan at a military funeral the band plays a funeral march in slow time to the grave and back to the gates of the cemeleo then it strikes up a quick- time march it is not a heartless custom but a recognition that god lues and that his nork must go on be strong 3 6 joshua na- told that he would be come possessor of the land of canaan from the wuperness in the south u th lebanon tangi in the north from thl nil- in the east to tht mcdlter rantan sea in the west or as the record more beautifully puts it un lo the reat sea toward the going down of the sun he was also given assurance of god s presence as god gay laughtt out soft patter of voices moonlight roses crowds of gay guests strolled ibout the houses grounds nan heard a man s voice arabella and jim sure have a night to start their trip tell the folks to watch the side door and don t let them get away from us the thought of the happiness across the way became too much for nan she put her head down among the pillows of the hammock and cried her heart out snatches of talk came to her from the big house she sobbed on and so failea to hear the footsteps which hurried up the path and stopped short at the steps thus don found his nan drenched in tears his heart came into his throat what could have teaching agriculture in canadian schools pot no other occupation with the posattte exception of homemaking do governments in canada conduct so many educational services outside of the schools as fer agriculture states the annual survey of education in canada short courses by provincial mines departments for prospectors have been attended by nearly 5000 men in a year latefy but short courses for farmers their wives and children varying in length from a few days to a few weeks are attended eacn year by several traies this number and courses are by no means the only type of educational service spon sored by the extension branches ot departments of agriculture and agrl cultural colleges one variety alone that of the organization ot boys and girls farm clubs includes more than 35000 young people with regard to schools proper the total number of schools that would be called agricultural high schools in the sense hat term technical high school is used is less than a dozen but some of the provinces provide a great deal of agricultural instruction in the regular courses tor school leav ing normal entrance or matricula tion about onethird of the acade mlc secondary schools in ontario collegiate schools have agricultural clashes the rurallzatlon of teach ing in quebec schools has received f in recent years available information however does not per mit of a tabulation that would con vey a reliable impression of the ex tent of agricultural education in the ordinary schools of the several prov inces together there are two residential agricult ural schools other than agricultural colleges with one or twoyear cours es m alberta one in ontario and two in quebec they serve much the same purpose as the diploma course in agricultural colleges which are held in one centre in each province except in quebec where there are three and in new brunswick and prince kdward island where there re none these boarding schools for the titig of agriculture remain rare in canada as compared with some other agricultural countries denmark with a population about equal to ontario has 31 such schools with an annual attendance of 2500 to ww in addition to folk high schools also resktental institutions with an attendance of 6500 drawn cnatnly izom young people from the taitttt the total enrolment in agri cultural bftard schools throughout fliiw fthml the rtipfamf coarse tx atrlcattml colleges as well as the other of schools is about 809 happened to make hisiaughimj-ttttle- its tdenttly joshua- nannie try like that swiftly cross ing the porch he gathered her into his arms and held her close nan nan darling what is it he cried moments passed before she could speak across the way arabella and her jim came running down the steps and dashed midst a show er of confetti to the big shining car that awaited them away they whisked midst cries and shouts and a joyous burst of music oh don choked nan its all that she waved a hand toward the big house things seem so hopeless for us time is going by so quickly we are getting old i want to be with you so much and can t and she arabella has ev erything in the world it just comes to her without her even car mg and i who care so much have nothing nan dearest don t pleaded don its hard i know to have to watch someone else have every thing we want ourselves but nan we have each other have we said nan listlessly yes dear and nan tonight i wanted to have us especially happy ii ve brought you something have you asked nan yes wont yqu sit up and let me show you he took from his pocket a small box and from the box he took the ring of dreams nan gazed at it oh don she cried a little break in her voice do you mean that we can be really engaged now yes and it was worth waiting for wasnt it sweetheart to have it right like ihis oh yes don put it on pleas don complied and kissed her with adoration after a moment he said nanniet yes next june nan will you marry me at last i can ask you definite ly do you want me nan you know i at last ive got that promotion ive been trying for for so i6ng and by next june the little house and the garden nan and you and you forgotten was the wedding across the way forgotten the girl who had everything had she anyway ah has meant life b expansion and com pletlon with al lifes powers and pos skbllitles unfolded and its energies allamt it has ben life s liberator not its jailor its chief effect has been not repression but release a nations religion 14 joshua was concrned about the religion ol the nation or which he was the eader he knew that the future of his nation depended upon their religious ideals unless the people completely renounced the idolatry into which many of them had fallen in egypt and unless they held themselves aloof from the idol atry that they would find among their neighbors in canaan they would not have any distinctive prin ciple around which to organize their national life the belief in one ooa jehovah was the failh by which the nation could have unity and preserve take in being concerned about the religion of the people tie religious life of a national destiny religious ideals vitally affect ideals of govern ment education and industry right choices 15 joshua asked the people to deride one way or the other about whether lhe would serve uie lord or not it was not a matter about which the could remain neutral or about which thc could postpone their decision joshua needed to know then and there yet he was not unfair in de manding an immediate decision the dtoplefead had a chance to make up their minds the were not asked to imc a snap erdlct after al the ex wriences that the people had been h rough under moses and joshua tin could decide as well then as at an future time joshua was willing to dtclare himself in order thai hls example might help others to decide his declaration was that he and his house would sene the lord rellg ion for htm was a family affair h felt responsible for the leadership of his own household there are man people w ho rather pride themselves on their relidlous neutrality they are in their tw entleth thirtieth fortieth or fiftieth jear of indecision as to whether to be christians or not they are incapable of making up their minds our fathers god 16 21 the hebrew s were assisted in making up their minds about their rellgion b a review of their history they well knew that god had led their fathers the owed thetr de- uveranoa- from egypt to the inspira tion from their faith to continue to serve the lord was in accord with the example of their fathers joshua did not hesitate to state clearly what was involved in the choice of the people to serve the lord it was not enough for the choice to be made through loyalty to ones ancestors nor to gratitude for national deliverance the deepest reason was the charac ter of god himself joshua spoke of god as a holy god this moral quality of god was what made he- brow religion unique he also spoke of god as a jealous god that did not mean that god was envious there is a sharp distinction between envy and jealousy we are envious of that which is another s but we are jealous of that which is our own god s jealousy is the jealousy of love because of his love for his own he will not accept halfhearted or in termittent llleglance joshua showed that the people could not pledge al legiance to god and then for purposes of expediency worship heathen gods with this full information before them they assertw their desire to serve god questions for discussion what are the qualities of a great leader what positive qualities should re ligion put into experience north america and south ameri ca are far different is it a mat ter of soil climate race or re ligion can indecision be as injurious as a wrong choice why should we give first place to the will of god wrldtys fium helps yon keep fit i relieves that stuffy feellntf after eating cleanses crevices between teeth too assures sweet breath a simple aid to fteattht buy some now i small in cost but bit in benefits enjoy it after every nml motions dot cs- aaaaaaaaaaa understands real credit special one wfeftlv only 2 suits f 1 25 2 light costs 0 2 dresses k pants 35c eatons cleaners dyers agent loxico huffman mondays wednesdays fridays farmer living within 100 miles of edmonton alberta writing to a company with which he carried in surance said maybe you are a social creditor if so please tell me what it means i have read every thing i could get on the subject and it leaies me dizzy i am right back where i started fhe only credit i know anything about is m own per- the per capita cost or relief in the sonal credit that is good everywhere 18 cities of ontario is highest in ot- m known and i earned that by taw a sirce ottawa always does 38 years square dealing in this west things on a grand scale we suppose ern countr no other credit is any even relief recipients demand some good to me j thing along the rldeau hall line if you were asked to name five things that people would miss most would you classify them as electric power the automobile the radio the telephone the morlesiand in what order would you place them it- enjoy the feff of a carefree holiday plan now to travel by motor coach and steamer lpquirc regarding vacation services to ontarios popular resorts tarrte orimo- north bay ftury sowvi mldkmd owm sound sutton baoyrtoa cortngwood waoga ftwch ond intamwrflate point ask fo your copy of vacation tours describing 30 delightful town complete information at w h long s phone 89 gray coach lines are yod sore your eyes see correclly t5 have you seen the new rimless mounting t no screws to loosen and cause wobbly lenses less breakage of xlasaes thai savin yon money our price is the same as city prices o t walker ro optometrist eyesight specialist 1 who is at bobbs dbug stobe oeobgetown wednesday of every month or yon may oonsnlt o t walker at his ofhoe b braaptan cnr time table standard time going east sf 616 un passenger nd man 1008 ajb passenger and mail 640 pj passengers for toronto 40 pm passengers sundays only 831 pjs going west passenger and mali 834 am 33 pm 653 pan 1j19 pm cd passenger and mall passenger sunday going north mall and passenger 8 45 am going sooth mall and passenger 653 pm gray coach lines summer time table effective saturday june 25th leave georgetown to toronto a6 08 am 858 ajn 1143 m 2 18 pjn 4 10 pjn 6 15 pm 910 pm a except sundays to london x935 am 1js0 pm x750 pjn x connections for owen sound standard time tickets and information at w h long gewgocowo j directory lebot dale kc m sybil bennett ba barristers and solicitors georgetown ontario office gregory theatre bldg mill st kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary pubue first mortgage money to loan office main street south phone 88 georgetown baney gbaydon lawrence cook barristers etc 465 bay st toronto brampton out e fraser raney ko h edward coot gordon graydon 333 main st north brampton telephone 702 harold r lawrence loblaw buildtnc brampton telephone 643 f r watson d j mjia georgetown office hours b to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j e jackson dentist xray office hours dally 9 to 5 evenings 7 to 9 phone 224w georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer for the counties of peel and halts prompt service cheltenham 26 r 23 georgetown mr post office cheltenham expert watch repairs by j h jordan georgetown phone 11 lane block she hadnt don nan was happy she could hardly breathe moffat electric ranges maytag electric washers kelvinator electric refigerators hugh lindsay phone 11 georgetown walter t evans co general insurance ocean steamship service real estate i miih sl north georgetown i m onuments pollock ingham successors to cater st worth gait ont designs on request phone zm8 t inspect our work in greenwood cemetery j 3 a man who was running for pubu office found the first half of tna speech in the local paper he went to the editor and wanted to know why they dldnt print all his speech the editor replied- we ran out of capital rs

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