Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 29, 1938, p. 6

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rvge 6 the georgetown herald wed nftaday evening june 29th 1936 electric organ to assist first national eucharistic congress ra 1 avignon where congress originated 2 mile taminer 3 a ywrw of the 100000 seats at quebec 4 northernhammond organ 5 sketch of the parts which originate the electrical impulses to make the organ tones the eucharistic congress dates back to 1874 when mile tamisier of tourine france felt called to inaugurate a movement for a greater public devotion to the holy eucharist she succeeded in arranging the first congress in avignon in june of that year the movement soon became worldwide in 1910 montreal was host to over 100000 visitors from all parts of the globe this year history will be made at quebec during canadas first national eucharistic congress where for the first time the bervices will be led by organ music through the medium of a northernhammond organ manufactured in montreal by northern electric the very latest development of the science of sound it is actuated by electrical impulses and cannot get out of tune there are over 1800 now in use in churches of all denominations throughout the world a mkaltm ssrvick of thi canadian medical association ano lipk maumamca companiks in canada should i have an xray it is quite evtdentvthat many per sons have the idea that in almost ev ery condition from which the- human body surfers an xray examination is required to enable the doctor to understand the case it is also ap parent that there exists a popular idea that by means of the xray the physician can see all parts of the in side of the body and study their ac tion just as clearly and simply as he views the skin with his eyes the majority of those who enter if doctors office whether because they are ill or because they want to keep well can be examined thoroughly and satisfactorily by the doctors using such instruments as are found in any properly equipped office and making such tests as can be made with his ordinary equipment by any qualified physician when the ordinary procedures are inadequate for a particular case and when the doctor believes that certain special examinations or tests will be of assistance he will not hesitate to so inform his patient the public should understand that in any case a diagnosis of disease is not made by special tests xray or other examin ations what they do is to supply additional information wnlcrrthe doe- tor considers together with the other facts which he has gathered from his questioning of the patient and the re sults of the examination which he himself has made physicians do not make a diagnosis on one sympton or one test or on what is shown by an xray but upon the accumulation of all the findings the xray is in many conditions a most valuable aid to the physlcan it has increased its field of usefulness but it still has certain limitations and its use and the interpretation of its findings are not as simple as is commonly thought it seems neces sary to refer to this because it is ap parent that some persons rather feel they have been cneated when their physician does not order them to have on xray physicians know when special tests and examinations are needed and they will use them when they judge them tobe necessary questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as sociation 184 college street toronto will be answered personally by letter the road hog is lazier than the fourlegged kind the- rood hog makes others grunt the common hog does its own grunting read the herald every week for your local and district news diplomas to be awarded fob meritorious service agricultural societies to honor per- ona giving unaelnsh and dbtba- gulshed service to- agrteohore states john a carroll agricultural societies are now in a position to honor the unsung heroes of agriculture the men who have un selfishly given of tnelr valuable tune and talent to further worthwhile agricultural projects in their com munity without thought of reward save in work wel done for the bene fit of all the ontario association or agri cultural societies believing it is high lime the work of these men should be recognized in tangible form has an nounced through secretary j a carroll toronto that each agricult ural society may recommend pne per son per- year to the district director for an agricultural service diploma the director will conduct any inves tigation deemed necessary and if sat isfied will forward the recommenda tion to the secretary of the ontario association who wfll fill to the names of the recipient and the society mak ing the award and also place the stamp of the ontario association on the gold seal of the diploma it will then be sent back to the individual society for presentation on some for mal occasion the award may go to anyone in the community and need not be con fined to a member of an agricultural society mr carroll states the diploma is fourteen inches by ten inches and will be signed by both the president and secretary of the ontario society s i ujesiinskoust rtfrigerair r m boras tho refrigerator that appeals to every woman if m designed h joundf too coalavl the big tmaat ota tingle thing tht westingnoiue ofcdooked in making this the most complete apsodata and economical refrigerator hanta the near meatkeeper corered and miililil fj i ii bet aajour botcher keeps it in his store oau7 wesdnghoase has hi tha swar thcrmoirare dishes in which yon can shlvb store and heat leftovers thee wont crack or break with the head storage for salads fruits and tegetables the improred saoalloy highspeed froster with ejectocnbe instantrelease ice trays the bigger handier stordon and best of all the famous westinghouse superpower mech anism precuionbuut hermeticallysealed dualautomatic with its kitchenproted ser inga in food time and money come in and see the kind of refrigerator ymfn always wanted visit your westinfctoonse dealer today richardsons hardware news and information for the busy farmer birds arc useful some of the birds that save mil lions of dollars in crops each year are still misjudged fruit raisers often look on robins as enemies because of the robins appetite for cherries yet robins consume insects harmful to fruit crops throughout the year and only during the flocking periods in june and july do they eat cultivated fruit to any extent wild berries as soon as they are ripe form the great er port of their food woodpeckers are often suspected of damaging trees by their drillings each hole drilled means that the bird has located the larva of a destructive woodboring insect woodpeckers are among the most valuable forest con servationists with their heavy bills they capture insects that other birds cannot get when swallows nests are torn from the eaves of barns some of the best friends of the farm have been turned away swallows catching their food on the wing consume vast numbers of harmful flying insects especially during trie resting and molting sea sons when they like most other birds eat little besides animal food young birds inside the nest often eat more insects than their parents swallows should be encouraged to build barn eaves by providing mud for nest mortar and a shelf to support nests even small entrance holes might be cut in barn gables c abba cc maggots ontario vegetable crops vegetable experts state that there is a remedy for every insect pest at tacking vegetables and these remedies are all outlined lb professor caesars valuable pamphlet damage by jane bags it has been a common idea that the june bug adult of the white grub did no serious damage to foliage but observations made last year where these beetles were flying in large numbers put a new light on the sub ject these beetles fly at night and feed upon the foliage of trees and shrubs upon the approach of dawn they fly to grasslands where they enter the soil and remain hidden until night fall therefore the owner frequently is at a loss to explain the source of the damage the top of some birch trees were seen to e practically de foliated within a week after the beet les appeared oaks walnuts hickory and many other trees were damaged also young trees have been saved by jarring them at night when the beetles are flying and collecting them on sheets spread underneath hens and other birds are very fond of these beetles as well as their larvae the white grubs and but for their ha bit of hiding during the day they would doubtless have been externun- ated long ago this protective noc turnal habit saves them some do get scared up during the day and caught the robin frequently gets one of these beetles and tears him to pieces field crop prospects crop conditions in ontario at the end of the first week in june decidedly promising seeding of spring grains was completed early this sea son and germination was very good with the result that most fields have a very even gtand cool weather dur ing the last half of may with frost retarded growth but did not cause any serious damage frost injury was confined chiefly to early straw berry blossoms in western ontario and early potatoes in the hamilton area moisture supplies are reported good to excellent throughout most of ontario the numerical condition of spring grains at the first of june was repor ted at about 98 per cent of normal as compared with 92 per cent at the same date- in each of the two prev ious years fall wheat is about ten days further advanced than usualthe condition figure at the first of june for fall wheat and fall rye at 96 per cent normal was practically the same as in 1937 and 1936 new seedlngs of hay and clover and pastures are ex cellent in all sections of the province old stands of alfalfa suffered consid erable winterkilling in central and western ontario but all hay and clo ver fields are making good growth and for the province as a whole heavy hay crop is in prospect the potato crop the 1937 ontario potato crop is wen cleared from most districts there ore practically no potatoes for sale within 100 miles of toronto the market has advanced 30c to 40c v per bag and wholesale dealers will pay 80c to 65c for good firm potatoes de livered at the warehouse there are a few thousand bags of ontarlos in storage the planting of irish cob- biers is less than in 1937 but some notice to creditors la uw matter af um mate f annie bad late at the twiiahh at es- i osanty fl halts notice m hereby given that all persons having any claims or de mands against the late annie bird who died on or about the ninth day olv april 1938 at the township of en queuing in the county of halton and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned sbudtors herein for said wilfred bird and thomas joseph brownridge- the administrators of the estate of annie bird widow deceas ed their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their ac counts and the nature of the securi ties if any held by them and take notice that after the sixteenth day of july 1938 the said wilfred bird and thomas jossnh brownridge will proceed to distribute the asests of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said wilfred bird and thom as joseph brownridge will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this thirteenth day of june at 1938 dale bennett solicitors for the said wilfred bird and thomas joseph brownridge 3t cabbage maggots attack such plants growers have substituted katahdins phone 26 we deliver as cabbages cauliflower turnips and radlshes the adults which are two- inged flies lay eggs on the stems of the plants about lhe time the europ ean plum first comes into bloom cabbaee maggots can be controlled by the use of corrosive sublimate hich may be procured at most seed houses and when used is diluted in water at the rate of one ounce inlo gallons as the sublimate loses much of its strength when brought into contact with metals it should be mix ed in and applied from glass earth enware or wooden vessels this point is very important two or three days after the cabbage and cauliflower plants have been set out in the field or garden the solu tion should be poured over the stems and around the bases of the plants using about half a cupful for each plant care should be token to wet the stems thoroughly as well as the soil immediately surrounding the base two subsequent applications should be mode the second seven days after the first application and the third seven days later making three treat ments in all it is important to make the first application early as the suc cess of the control depends very larg- ley on this point new bulletin on poultry disease and potatoes two new bulletins have recently been issued by the ontario depart ment of agriculture both prepared by members of the staff at the oac one is on poultry diseases which gives the latest and best information on poultry diseases and treatment in cluding sanitation and fumigation of incubators nutritional diseases as well as communicable diseases are considered the other bulletin is on potato pro duction it outlines the good and bad points of leading varieties discusses fertilisers soil preparation seed dis infecting time rate and depth of planting and gives directions for con trol of blight and insect pests there is also information on harvesting grading and storing copies may be secured from the statistics and pub lications branch ontario department of agriculture parliament buildings toronto vegetable ineecto a 75 page bulletin profusely illus trated on insects attacking ontario vegetables w by professor lavw- son caesar provincial entomologist o a o ouolph la off the press and may be obtained by writing the staf tistlcs and publications branch ont ario debt of alrlciittuml toronto this booklet wol be of value to ev ery vegetable giv in ontario eon tainlng as it does the description m history andi control w0tott f m- macts tbatammabr cvm toes of hundreds of thousands of for early planting and this crop will be harvested closely after the early cobblers the acreage planted katahdins has been greatly increased and that of dooleys decreased there will be a slight reduction in the ac reage of late potatoes planting has been earlier on account of on early spring and also the desire of many growers to get better maturity and be able to harvest earlier so as to avoid possible frost damage the new crop in ontario has been slow in starting on account or cool weather conditions since early planting time frost on may 24th caused damage in the dun das and burlington districts in on tario county too the advanced cob blers were injured out not destroyed o notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of bo- bert john waldde late of the township of esqaestag tn the cownty of halton farmer deceas ed notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de- mauds against the late robert john waldie who died on or about the 20th day of may 1938 at the city of guelph in the county of wellington and province of ontario ore required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors herein for mary waldie the executrix of the last will and testament of ro- betr john waldie farmer deceased their names and addresses and full patriculars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if shy held by them and take notice that after the sixteenth day of july 1938 the said mary waldie will proceed to distri bute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had no tice and that the said mary waldie will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this thirteenth day of june ajd 1938 dale bennett solicitors for the said mary waldie n a buying guide before you order dinner at a restaurant you consult the billoffsre before you take a long trip by motor car you pore over rood maps before you start out on a shopping trip you should consult the advertisements in this paper the advertising columns are a buying guide to you in the purchase of everything you need including amuse ments a guide that saves your time and conserves your energy that saves useless steps and guards against false ones that puts the stre t ch in family budgets the advertisements in this paper are so interesting it is difficult to see how any one could overlook them fall to profit by them just check with yourself and be sure that you are reading the advertisements regular ly the big ones and the little ones it is time well spent always yew local paper is ywr boyiag glide notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of ax- bert tost late of the town of georgetown in the county of bal lon carpenter deceased notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de mands against the late albert tost who died on or about the thirteenth day of may 1938 at the city of guelph in the county of wellington province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors herein for barbara tost the executrix of the last will and testament of albert tost carpenter deceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the sixteenth day of july 1938 the said barbara tost will proceed to distri bute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had no tice and that the said barbara tost will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have recei n dated at georgetown ontario this thirteenth day of june ajd dale bennett solicitors for the said barbara tost wood for sale choice beech and maple at 300 single card mixed balls szs0 per cord mixed wood 83jb per cord weed orders to wsj j brandford georgetown o radio repairing u years exnecfaaea we specialize on this work j sanfmffl s son ow mar

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