page 6 the georgetown herald wednesday evening jury 6th 1938 does your system make excess acid acm wpstin csms imfectos ntaas attacks cwstipilim ohem start this way finite people ue what are known as addmakers they cant beta it and tolkj nwt ikw it the mutt ai excess of add may sum just bke aafinary stomach trouble but they cant be pot right by otdhauty stomach loncdmsl encss add mayj the waaoa why ye wake up flat sour hiraryeyed bqbm w the reason why sen purgatives only leave you in the mi a weakening habit and the but there one thing that add cant face thats the ncotragziag power of vaagc saba the attain remedy with the atlaral mineral spa action a tea- apoenful in warm water surges through ywor system just like the medic mfmg water tar away in england where vange salts come from execs dd is neutralized quickly painlessly taur blood is purified of poisons your aire stomach watts are soothed and chat mass of bard poisonous waste matter lying in your intestines is atftcntd gently aolarady and passed at of your body then do you fed gpodt its marveoousl but the most mariieuons thing b that vange sahs a only 00 cents a tin i at your drug- jaw now b if youre wise on your anamuuin shelf tonight i special music grants for secondary schools special legislative grants for the teaching of music in collegiate insti tutes high schools and grade a and grade b continuation schools have been anounced by the department or education to be effective sept 1 where music is taught for not less than one hour but less than three per week the department will pay a grant of 50 to a school board where it bltaught for not less than three hours but less than ave per week the grant wlu be 75 and where it la taught five of more hours per week tb grant will be 100 as a further encouragement to iho teaching or music in these secondary schools the department will give a special grant equal to onehalf of the amount spent during the school year for the purchase of equipment tor the teaching of music where the school board has earned the music grant formerly specified the department will give a minimum grant of for equipment and a r one of to qualify for the grants the teach er by sept 1st 1939 must hold a specialists or supervisors certificate in vocal music the inspectors report on the equipment organization teach ing and pupils efficiency must be fav orable and the course must be taken in at least grade ix and cover at least two halfhour periods per week with such additional courses and practices as may be prescribed by the regulations in grade c continuation schools grants for music are to be the same as in public and separate schools ac cording to the announcement tested recipes salads green letteoe mewm 2 tablespoons gelatine cup cold water v4 cup mild vinegar 2 cups boiling water 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups leaf lettuce finely shredded 4 cup- pimento finely chopped 1 teaspoon chopped onion u cup sugar boak the gelatine in cold water five minutes add vinegar boiling water onion sugar and salt stir until dis solved strain and cool arrange the lettuce and pimento in a wet or care fully greased mould pour the cool ed mixture over this nd chul serve on lettuce leases with salad dressing serves 6 people creanj salad dressing t cup heavy sweet cream 3 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon mustard vinegar or lemon juice beat cream unta still add mustard sugar and vinegar or lemon juice to taste beat again and it is ready for use frctt salad dressing 2 eggs 4 tablespoons sugar 4 teaspoon salt 2 lemons 3 cup whipped cream beat eggs until light add salt and lemon juice and sugar stir over boiling water until thick cool and fold in cream just before serving cabbage salad 1 medium steed cabbage 1 tablespoon mustard 1 quart vinegar vi lb butter 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons com starch l cup sugar 4 egg yolks shred cabbage add ingredients cook slowly for 20 minutes seal at once in hot sterilized jars this will keep indefinitely hot cabbage salad shred cabbagtf finely cook m salted water 16 minutes drain and keep hot just before serving pour over the cabbage the following dress ing vi cup vinegar 1 tablespoon- butter vt cup water in which cabbage was boiled 1 tablespoon flour 1 egg melt butter add flour when it bubbles add hot water slowly when thick and smooth add vinegar then pour over the wellbeaten egg return to fire and stir until thickened com bine with cabbage and reheat saen u fane the marble tournament was in full fury one little boy had missed an easy shot and let slip a real cuss word edward 1 called a man from the spectators bench what do utue boys who swear when they are play ing marbles turn into golfers was the reply hydro thrift plan t aneuaens af qeargetawn ad knages the ufcal hydra win aaata a grant af st towards amjtngthe extra east at tnffhig thla- effer at gwad nio aagw fecal dealers in gesrgewn fas rder of course were not really suggesting that yon wear your party gloves in the kitchen but madam youm never soil them if you cooked the clean electric way theres no flame noaoot no cornea no smoke when you have an electric range pots and pans stay clean and shiny new no need for elbow- breaking oooring after every meal kitchen walla lg and cartains never get that dingy grimy look seldom need washing saving yon much redecorating expense and yon dont have to pay a high price to enjoy this clean modern laboursaving way to cook check todays reasonable electric range prices- n- and youll f find you can easily afford yours note learn too about the attractive hydro thrift plan it makes buying easy shows you the way to end all your kitchen drudgery forever to banish cooking failures to prepare varied delicious thrifty meals every day of the week hugh lindsay maffat h c mocltjre general electric g r mtjckabt westtngheave and northern electric j p skid mectarya richardsons hardware fte r h thompson co mectarya the new government programme for the sanatorium gare op tubwrctjlotjs patients following the approval of the heu- tenantgovernor in council of the ergulatkms relating to the ercent amendments to the sanatoria for consumptives act whereby the pro vincial government relives the muni cipalities of the cost of maintenance for indigent patients in sanatoria the honourable mr harold j klrby minister of health outlined the policy of the government in respect- to this- matter this legislation was introduced as a result of an extensive study of the programme of tuberculosis control which revealed that in many instances suitable and necessary earejtor those suffering from this disease had fre quently not been provided because of the cost to the municipalities hereto fore approximately half of the pati ents dying from tuberculosis have not received the benefit of sanatorium treatment furthermore the burden of the costs of sanatorium care nave been strikingly unequal from muni cipality to municipality throughout the province prior to the last session of the legislature all cities separated towns and counties were required by stat ute to pay 150 per day for the treat ment in sanatorium or each indigent person suffering from tuberculosis in the case of counties onehalf of this amount was charged back to the township town or village as the case might be the amount of money rals- ed by the municipalities through tax ation for this purpose amounted to 1 35000040 but year while the bulk of the financial burden formerly borne by the muni cipalities has been assumed by the government the responsibility for the aftercare of certain patients is still left with the municipalities failure on the part of the muni cipality to supply such aftercare will result in the retention of these pati ents in sanatorium at the expense of the municipality such cost would be greatly in excess of that entailed in providing proper living accommoda tion and treatment outside the sana torium when pneumothorax treatments are necessary following the discharge of indigent patients from sanatoria the municipalities are required to provide transportation from the place of resi dence to and from the nearest centre in which such treatment facilities are available and to pay physicians ap proved by the department for giving these treatments the government however will reimburse the munici pality for the amount paid to these physicians up to 300 per refill treat ment this programme became effective july 1st 1038 patients who are able to pay all or part of thair maintenance in sana torium wtbe expected to do so as heretofore the minister emphasises the fact that the government is taking on no additional responsibility whatever with respect to public general hos pitals and the care of indigent pati ents therein such institutions will continue tc receive government sup port in the way of statutory per diem grants but the main responsibility for their operation will as in the past remnln with the communities which ihey serve hytrc ttghtc radio repairing 12 tears experience o we specialize on jq this work j sanford sqn phone georgetown s4w lowe brothers neptunite floor varoisb gjvesychir floors a hard durable surface which heat moisture 6t heavy furniture will not mar um it tonight and you can safely walk on your boors to- morrow because its so light in color it will not darken or discolor the lightest of woods see our leonard electric refrigerators r h thompson co hardawrc phunbtng electrical wiring tlnsmlthing and eavstronghfng phone 46 georgetown jut v3 the red cross in china the june issue of the canadian red craw junior reports additions to lis chinese reliel fund from quebec prince edward island and new bruns wick which is a reminder of the pro wess made by this great organization since the setting up last november of tha shanghai international red cross this was a committee organ ized to coordinate the relief efforts of the several charitable agencies in that city today the sirc is guiding eleven relief organization and directly sup porting 153 refugee camps conducted by these bodies according to the monthly bulletin of the league of red cross societies issues from paris the shanghai committee is feeding some 128400 mouths teaching some 30000 refugee children has distributed nearly 200000 articles of clothing and has been entrusted with a re lief fund amounting to 1286583 chinese dollars the work of the sirc has been entrusted to five committees denom inated as follows visiting committee education committee wounded sol diers committee medical committee and committee on surrounding areas the medical committee has a number of mobile clinics working in the refu gee camps and is conducting four hospitals for sick refugees it also makes grants to leading shanghai hospitals for the care of refugee pa tients the committee on surrounding areas is keeping in touch with con ditions at the theatre of war and has made grants to assist relief work nmrmg war refugees in sungkiang and soochow of the sums received to date the sjirc has allocated wkhjoo for the care of refugees 131906 forwork among wounded sol- dlesr 891115 for medical supplies 19379 far grants to civilian hospitals 15000 to the chinese medical asso ciation and 20000 for relief work in nanking according to the visiting committee there is now no acute shortage of clothing- among the refu gees in the majority of the organised camps on february 1st the wound ed soldiers committee opened a new hospital for crippled soldiers chicks 12 pure breeds and several apnea xtraprofif and standard grades see me for roll parncawam place your order here george c brown r r 1 norval ont hla defence i have been twitted with being a turncoat exclaimed the streetcor ner orator years ago i admit x supported the other party then i had a reason hut now gent here came a triumphant gesture now i have lost my reason auntie well tommy give me a kiss and you shall have a nice new tommy ho auntie thats not enough hats what i get at home for taking castor ou a buying guide before you order dinner at a restaurant you consult the bllloffare before you take a- long trip by motor car you pore over road maps before you start out on a shopping trip you should consult the advertisements in this paper the advertising columns are a buying guide to you in the purchase of everything you need i amuse ments a siude that saves your tune and conserves your energy that saves useless steps and guards against false ones that puts the stre t ch in family budgets the advertisements in thls paper are so interesting it is difficult to see how any one could overlook them fall to profit by them just check with yourself and be sure that you are reading the advertisements regular lythe big ones and the little ones it is time well spent always your local paper is yonr buying gowe o d 0 3