Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 13, 1938, p. 3

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the georgetown h wednesday evemng july 13th 1938 page 3 gnt proof of greater sm frigidaire mew silent metermiser mm oryoumayaotsove atai -cmamaimhy- h c mcclure phone 54 the home farntshfnrs store georgetown see ouk 4tyar favnt pemonstkatov 0 for the blossom swamp with a quite botanical notes for august august has been truly called the month of gold the oureate month or the marine month a lavender haze hangs in the air on these velvety nights under a grape coloured sky crammed with dim stars the trees stand still as those of a submarine forest but these stars are soon to be chased away by the savage rays of the sun as he rises shoots to his zenith and hangs mercl less a brass plaque with a hairy out une in a vivid sky later the hot and quivering air seems filled wth scintll lattng gold dust as the parched earth gives back its shimmering heat to a colossal old gold moon on the farms are boundless oceans of waving golden grain redolent of the crown of the year there too are great fields of corn tossing their plumed helms like mighty squardroiu of old time knights proud in the possession of their golden ladles the oohs it seems these haughty vaval iers are trampling conquered hosts as the enormous golden orbs of the pumpkins crawl and squirm at their xeet and there is more gold world is ablaze with golden highland plain woodland and lake alike are bursting plethera of floral glory it true that all is not gold that glitters but sometimes glitter may mean more than mere glitter as we shall see on the lakes and ponds is the large yellow water lily nymphaoa ad vena perhaps the one which long fellow had in mind when hiawatha s canoe floated on the river like a yellow leaf in autumn like a yellow water lily the flowers look like enormous float ing buttercups not being sweetly scented they are usually lett m peace but there are some people who it is said eat the seeds and roots and who claim that the seeds taste like those of broom corn and the roots after long boiling like sheep liver 1 those sun shaped golden disks with flashing rajs called sunflowers are as well as being ornamental useful to man one authority sas that the seeds of some species as hellanthus annuus ard h petiolarisi were par chgd and ground into meal to make bread corsidered equal to corn bread the thickened tuber like roots of the giant sunflower hellanthus glgant eus and the jerusalem artichoke hellanthus tuberosum are boiled and l eaten like potatoes another useful plant with yellow flowers is the common evening prim rose oenothera biennis which ac cording to sturtevant was formerly cultivated in english gardens for its edible roots which when boiled are wholesome and nutritious sweet to the taste somewhat resembling par snips the much maligned sow thistles add their gold to august the peren nlal species sonchus arvensls is a handsome plant but a noxious weed owing to its large running roots here indeed is a case or futile glitter 1 but it has a first cousin the annual sow thistle sonchus oleraccus much less harmful whose leaves are according to britton and brown used as greens and salad some people may laugh and say surely such common weeds cannot be good to eat but wait until you read this ellas yanousky referring to the skunk cabbage in his food plants of the north american indl ans says rootstocks used as f emergency footjl dried or baked to improve the taste young leaves and shoots used for greens by iroquois and seneca indians there certainly is no acoojnting for taste it is possible th4the red man might not approve of certain types of cheese in an ad vanced stage of decomposition highly relished by the white man and so these drowsy droning dog days gently dissolve into another season beloved for cooler nights and sweet repose when the mellow in cense of the decline of summer re minds us that there will soon be much do again with all the hustle and bustle of dame nature s beneflcient season the harvest henry welssburst popular list owel business man is one of these new canadians who is thoroughly appreciating the privilege of living in canada coming here from frank fort on main germany in 1834 mr wussbunt iras naturalized nine yean ago and he pardonably boasts he would not sell his canadian dussn afctp for me twtthnri dollars many tlmei that much money would not buy the personal liberties and free dom that canadians enjoy he says ustowel standard highways in dominion now total 400000 miles canada s vast network is one of outstanding- developments of pres ent century- cavalcade of four million tourists a year canada s vast network of highways comprising more than 400 000 miles is among the outstanding developments of the present century in addition to providing arteries of travel for more than a million motor cars of cana dlan registration chese highways also carry a great cavalcade of more than four million tourist automobiles a year from other lands the surfaced high way mileage in canada exceeds 99 350 miles while unsurfaced roads totalled more than 311000 miles early travel by water in the early days of wtt ement roads were auxiliary to water routes as avenues of transportation they were used during the summer season when portages were necessary to avoid obstacles in river and lake travel and in winter when ice prevented naviga j tion with the spread of settlement and the demand for means of com munication between centres of popu latlon overland routes became neces sary and road construction got under way in the pioneer stages or the dev elopment of the country road building in canada received additional stimulation with the advent of the automobile which revolution ized the mode of travel of the nation this gave birth to the motor tourist industry which has been an incentive to governing bodies to improve trunk roads and scenic highways within their jurisdictions today canada s highway systems link modem cities with reglors of almost primeval wild erness and serve a land blessed by an indulgent nature with an unrivalled wealth of travel attractions parks scenic wonders prom east to west there is the sec nlc beauty or the maritimes the old u rid charm of quebec the ontario laki regions the worfti famed niagara the great lakes tl e park lands of the prairie and the grandeur of the mightv rocky and selkirk mountains lo mention only some of the more outstanding while countless lakes riv er and forests provide facilities for fishing hunting and winter sports among canada s greatest attrac tlons for travellers by highway or other neans are the national parks comprising twenty seperate units with a total area of about 12525 square miles within the national parks are almost 600 miles of all weather high way and more than 200 miles or sec ondarv scenic and historic assoclat we want news we ore grateful to the large num ber of our friends our large staff of correspondents our contributors our advertisers and others who help to make the herald what it is a means of keeping the community informed about one another s activities andof promoting the interests of all but there is always room for lmpiovc ment as an item chat we have seen in some our exchanges put it ther- has never been a newspaper pi nted that satisfied everybody but there is a verj simple method by which better newspapers can be pro duccd and that is lor those who sub i be to them to take an individual interest in seeing that they get more locil and pergonal news not that you are expected to become a report er when vou become a subscriber but because the newspaper stands as tnt exponent of all that is good for your community and because civic pride should therefore lead you to encour age such an institution if you have visitors if ou haye been on a visit or if you are going on one your neighbors arc sure to interested about it telf them through your home town paper every little item of a local or personal nature helps jus that much to make a still better news paper and getting it to the editor re quires very little exertion on your part that is how you can help make your newspaper more interesting and you are invited to start doing so at once do as many others are doing write the item on a sheet of any kind of paper sign it hand it in at the office or put it in an envelope addresed to the herald and marked printers copy do not seal it put a one cent stamp on it and mail it from any point in canada report shows textiles again stand second the latest report of the dominion bureau of statistics shows that the textile industry which is of such vital importance to hespeler continues to occupy a leading position among all canadian industries this recent re port like the one issued last year classifies u xtlles under more than a score of headings the sume of the figures under these headings desig nates primary textiles as providing employment for the second largest group of wage earners in canadian industry the bureaus figures are for 1936 when one h indred and fifteen thousand employees were paid a to tal sum of ninety five million dol ars the only industry standing ahead of textiles in i umbers employed is wood and paper products the htspelcr herald hr knew it wsnt true a very old resident of the town was reported to have died many people called only to find that the old man was hale ard heart he smiled when ti ej told him of the report saying i knowed it wasn t true as soon as i heard it shop where you are invited read the advertlspments in this paper they re not colors neither black nor white are ors and it is wrong to describe them as such if jou examine a spectrum such as a rainbow you will not find black or white among the colors white is only found in pure light and is a combination of all the colors thus when it is refracted it breaks up into the well known spectrum itself it is not a tolor black on the otherhand is a total absence of all color and it absorbs all hues that shine upon it giving off none itself raise to price a penny for jour thoughts dar make it ten dollars dear i wa thinking of a new hat particularly if beverage room glasses seen as health menace says a headline particularly if ti ej are filled ana emptied too often klrkland lake northern news a man was charped with shooting a number of pigeons the property of a farmer counsel for the defense tried to frighten the fanner lawyer now are you prepared that this man shot your pigeons man i didn t say he did shoot them i said i suspected him of do ing it lawyer ah i now were coming to itl what made you suspect this man man well firstly i caught htm on my land with a gun secondly i heard a gun go off and saw some pigeons fall thirdly i found four of my pigeons in his pocket and i don t think them birds flew there and committed suicide far too many of us have so little conception of the real value of time that we waste the greater part of today either lamenting yesterday or daydreaming of tomorrow now is the accepted time remember that vesterday is gone and tomorrow never comes a litue hillbilly watched a man at a tourist camp making use of a comb and brush a tooth brush a nail file and a whisk broom hillbilly gee mister are you al wajs that much trouble to yourself dentists recommend wrlguys gum as an aid to strong healthy teeth cleanses them of food par ticles massages thegums aids di gestion relieves stuffy feellngafter meals helps keep you healthy t j take some home for the children too they will love it 1 aaaaaaaaaaa brothers under the skin the words of preacher or sinner are very much aim when against a misplaced chair he barks his shin we have made special arrangements for the servicing of general motors automobiles we are also in a position to sell new chevrolet ponliac and oldsmobile motor cars we have a number of good used cars for sale at reasonable prices your patronage will be appreciated j n oneill son phone office 14 re 168 georgetown potatoes 71 pounds b good cookers fc special id- grapefruit special good size california cdoz delicious pluv 37 lemons loaded with juice a real buy 25 c doz bananas r23 cabbage firm green hard heads large size ea cucumbers ea oranges nice size 1 q c doz full of juice tomatoes 2 pounds delicious outdoor 25 golden wax beans waterndoo etc special carrolls fig rolls 225 ab pki 6c mccormicki fresh otlttiii puin ol phaianlo cheese caurac dry ginger ale lm8c aylt tomato juice 2 i tin 9 dol pnaappla juice no s tin 16c i htlmno bin ribbon mayonnaise 1 10c ow xxx vinegar cw 10c go laal soclttyt salmon sfit ii 17c halm cooked spaghetti ma t 11c hatni tomato ketchup 2 u bo 35 hlnt sbatwd baby foods 2ticv t ku saij jn shr c e r t o b 23c jar rings do 5 easiinl shorteninf or domestic it 2c 1 smart lombard plums 2 n sita 17 damson 3ii 23c and don i f5l prunes 3 p 20c aylraar tomato w vtabu soup 2 ioo ti 15 al stn wh ii corn 2 n 15c ml gly peas 3 ti 25c ayliu beans js 2 it tin 9c cut beets no st 8c em mustard tm 14c 24c bird sed 10- pi j4c woodbsry t facial soap c 8 4 fc 29c prat wkll npltk soap 3 b 11c fm oltl sad oxydol toe 21c nctliiitr i tcftcuaiw r a cvr r tea coitoll dondn tea p carol dmdo ik gnmtatlp 43c tea dell v bo 23c pier 33c upton on utxl tea fcj 33c llpwrodlam tea 31c amrisvrssssmsmwabbaamsbmitl i hl bt ii i i maui street- feetfilmmi freedhvery 3s7

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