Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 13, 1938, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening jury 13th 1938 died xxavedson in georgetown on wed nesday jury ath 1w8 hugh david son dearly beloved husband ol obituary james c reddib james c peddle a wellknown and highly esteemed citlien of milton for over sixteen years died at jiis home m court street sunday july 3rd in ids 77th year mr peddle was born near campbellvule in nassagaweya township and resided in esqueslng township for some years on return ing from western canada he took up his residence in milton mr peddle was a presbyterian and a fjiberal he was unmarried nip sister miss mar garet peddle survives the funeral took place on tuesday afternoon to evergreen cemetery rev john rld- dell of knox presbyterian church conducting the service assisted by rev canon i j r naftel george gordon w1nofield death came suddenly on saturday july 2nd to george gordon wlngfield beloved husband of mabel b reed mr wlngfield had been a resident of this district for the past twenty years and his passing is deeply regretted by a wide circle of friends born m stephenson township muskoka de- deceased came tesxt 11 concession 5 esqueslng wheremie fanmd until his death surviving aer his widow two daughters and one son jessie may and gordon all at home two sisters also survive mary mrs alexander norval and bella mrs darling bradford the funeral service which was held on monday was conducted by rev b eyre of armow assisted by rev mr totten of hornby the pallbearers were a n stark thos fisher ward ruddell wilfred mc donald roy young melville wanless interment took place in hlucrest cemetery norval there were many beautiful floral tributes from rela tives and friends hugh davidson georgetown citizens learned with deep regret of the death at his home here on wednesday last july 6th of hugh davidson beloved husband of annie menxies mr davidson was born in goderich arid was in his 81st year following his education in the schools there he graduated in 1885 from the university of toronto for 25 years he taught school in newcas tle later becoming principal of the alliston high school where he taught for 18 years mr davidson came from alliston to georgetown 11 years ago and has since made his home with his daughter mrs p w cleave deceased was a prominent figure in the life of the community during his residence here and his demise will leave a place hard to fill at the time of his death he was a member of the georgetown library board and an honorary member of branch 120 canadian legion in which organ ization he took an active interest he was a member of knox presbyterian church the late hugh davidson was an enthusiastic curler and was a past president of the georgetown club he is survived by his widow two sons r d davidson ottawa and h h davidson toronto and one daughter mrs p w cleave george town also one sister and two brothers the funeral was held on friday afternoon when the service was conducted by the rev f c overend pallbearers were messrs w c anthony wm mcdowell w g marshall ralph jross m l near harold cleave members of george town legion attended the service in a body following the service the re mains were taken to bowmanvllle for burial ontario plans job insurance i- ontario s plan to inaugurate unem ployment insurance without waiting or clearance of the obstacles to a national scheme may be widened to embrace one or more of the other provinces hon peter heenan on tario s new minister of labor has an nounced mr hee recently declar ed in toronto his determination to launch jobless insurance in this pro vince before the snow is oft the ground next winter in a cautious amplification of his preliminary announcement mr hee nan advanced the hope that more than one province will join with us in establishing unemployment insur ance in canada the labor minister recently ap pointed to succeed the late hon m m mcbrlde declined to specify what province might collaborate but proxi mity as well as political harmony suggests quebec as a probable source or cooperation together with alber ta and new brunswick quebec has blocked the dominion governments proposal to get unanimous approval of the provinces for national opera tion of unemployment insurance mr hepburn has now urged mr heenan the latter reveals to go ahead with the necessary preparations and implement the recorded intention or the government as a result of the policy laid down b mr hepburn olnters of mr heenan s department have accumulated considerable data on the workings of unemployment in surance this has been supplemented by negotiation to utilize the consider able volume of insurance data accum u la ted by dominion authorities judgment of county councils it sound cattle from tjl free areas in ontario can be exported to us freely while other most pans test new riing does not include cattle for immediate slaughter the judgment of the majority of county councils in ontario in sup porting the live stock branch of the ontario department of agrjcur- ture in its efforts to have every coun ty in ontario made a tb restricted area for cattle has proven sound in view of the recent action taken by the united states department or agri culture governing cattle being ship ped to that country these regulations in substance state all canadian cattle being exported to the ujsa other than those for im mediate slaughter must have a quali fied veterinarians certificate showing they have been tested within 30 days of date of shipment and found rree or bovine tuberculosis this how ever does not apply to cattle export ed directly from an accredited area it means that a veterinarian s certi ficate is not required for cattle in the ontario counties already tested and the owners will bebble to export freely the reason given by american offi cials lor their new law is that prac tically all united states cattle are tested and they wish to maintain tills status and keep th out or tielr herds this new ruling will probablv -e- qulre the testing or at least 100 000 canadian cattle annually sent to the us for feeding purposes 7 lb bag supreme pastry flour 19c 1 lb tin red rose coffee 39c 16 oz bottle welchs grape juice 27c 17 oz jar york brand dill pickles 19c 3 large tins lealand tomato juice 21c 2 x 1 lb pkgs pure lard 25c 10 oz pkg weston s english quality biscuits 15c 2 pkgs kkovah jelly maker 29c fruit jar rubbers per rk 5c jelly glasses with blip coers do7 59c 17 oa tin gold medal asparagus cuttings lie new comb honey 25c sweet pickle cottage roll by the piece lb 24c peamealed back bacon tbj the piece lb 34c choice breakfast bacon by the piece lb 29c fresh bologna cby the piece lb he new potatoes cabbage carrots et choice fresn fruit and vegetables a e farnell townsend family reunion the descendants of the late edward and emillne johnson townsend held the family reunion at the home of mr and mrs george wilkinson sec ond line v est chlnguacousy on july 1st despite the disagreeable weather a large number attended mr and mrs edward townsend passed away near terra cotta they being surviv ed by ten sons and one daughter the latter mrs sarah mcarthur being the only survivor she residing at ingle- wood and was the oldest guest pres ent at the reunion the youngest guest present v as robert mcdonald infant son of mr and mrs duncan mcdonald of inglewood the officers elected at the reunion were george townsend president and mrs norman townsend of toronto ecretar the next reunion will be held at the home of mr and mrs ernest hayes of montlcello among the guest preuni ce mr alvin to nstnd and tw o daugr icrs blanche and velda of detroit mich othir comedians of the family sault ste marie nnd neepawa manitoba were unable to be prtseni the musical and literary progrnm was prcmii led b misses joan and beth townstnd of cheltenham ra gordon and jtan tounsend of grand valle mioses audre and lots wii kiruson chcltcnhnm mrs mckewon of acton and rn anderson georgetown during the afternoon addresses w rr iii b edward i townsend nonal edwird townsend grand valle andrew mcdonald terra cotta george townsend chel ttnham and huth mcdonald of chel i tenham a di lis fitful repisi was su td and n successful reunion was hit erdift of ill the quests pre suit 1 i womens missionary society the members and mends of the womans missionary society of the united church enjoyed the great privilege last week of holding their july meeting in the beautiful grounds of cedarvale school as guests of miss oliver andbfr staff in hepfaddress which formed the main item of the program miss oliver reviewed the history of the school since its establishment ten years ago and told of the purpose of her work to provide in this schoolhome the type of christian education which its founders conceived to be the right of every child in every home of our fair land to this end thought and time and money as available had been ex pended to create a home beautiful but inexpensive wherein young life could learn in an atmosphere of beauty to- worship through every act of life the great creator and father of us all that this purpose is being accomp lished in a very wonderful way was very evident to the guests who later were conducted by miss oliver and some or the pupils through the build ings the chief interst of the tour centering in the new wing completed last october this had been provided for through the generosity of the industrial school association of to ronto and other interested friends of children s aid work a delightful feature of the after noon was the pleasing rendering of several choruses by the girls of the school who later served dainty re freshments to the guests on the lawn the thanks and appreciation of the gathering was tendered to miss oliver her staff and their pupils by mrs mcdermid mrs overend and mrs dayfoot for the opportunity given to the members of the society to en joy this afternoon at cedarvale and to become better acquainted with the part of our church 5 work in christian education garden slugs are frequently numer ous on heavy land where they do con slderable damage to beans lettuce cabbage cauliflowers and similar crops like other pests slugs can be e easily controlled if remedial measures are applied when the ani mals arc small and few in number to control them the infested plants and the slugs 1 should be dusted with h yd rated time in the evening when the sun has gone down and feeding has commenced care should be taken tin follow nk jtrs ows h mndc splendid 1 coords ici ntl r j gririm of gr own st usidt n incj nin 1 u a j inior lime itr old 11 36a d i nioduccd 8 81 lbs milk fi lbs u win uerim tisl of o02 schstot joannt has mid t record of 6 47t lbs milk 43t lbs lit u si 6 78 ts a junior three ji ir old in jg5 dtjs nun hid joinur art lauhtrs of muii s i isdl kim bonnie rini t 11 m 1 ir 1 i tro in 3f5 lit has unip d i n 1 d ol 11 752 lbs mi k 644 lbs t lint i phone 75 free delivery raise mink for profit view of 100 mink pens on the wllmot ranch very few occupations promise as bright a future as this fast growing industry many farmers started with a few mink and are now independent of any other source of income the wllmot mink ranch is owned and operated by 6 p motton and j h wuson two wellknown toronto furriers with many years exper in grading and selecting line furs we purchased our foundation stock after an extensive search and a series of elimination of the prise winning herds of canada and the united butee see our stock and you will see the closest approach to the stan dard of perfection tbe wllmot icnk ranch can supply the worlds finest mink we can supply pens and equipment we offer every cooperation hi stan- inc yon m this profitable business with a small cap the wilnot mink ranch 3sta bur st at broola ave rj 1 yo mifls 1 omvm h mrs ams loinc of bil1m vi mak lofth birthd continued from pane it to haul when to pn isi and how lo lit their drrs know dial lit load wns not projwrlj 1 1 acid logrlncr suppers nn wlthm hei mrmorj w hen the i ibles be fit be neath the huge pile of substantial food errs were then eight cents a dozen currants six cents a pound butter ten cents nnd sugar four nnd five cents it was easy enough to get up a reosi in those das she smiles when she was a oung girl mrs young went to toronto nnd en gaged witli a mrs ljons as a seam stress there with 30 other girts she sewed for the qualitj a strange episode of her life in the city was that much of her work was done for a daughter of william lyon mac kenzlc an invalid confined in one of the toronto hospitals mrs young s return to her home was made over the grand trunk railway then but recently laid she was met by her friends in brampton and driven the rest of the way to rockstde one of her most treasured posses sions is a gold brooch given her by her husband on abels wedding day she smiles quietly to herself as she hiblts the jewelery and admits that they were as up to date as an of the young folks of today with the gift of the groom to the bride her wedding dress she remembers was of worsted and silk a very fancy gown for the time but she cannot remember how it was made mrs young went to baumafad on her marriage attended bums pres byterian church srtn for many years and made herself a host of friends who help to pass the time for her now that she has passed the cen tury mark and it no longer as active aa she would uke to be toronto evening telegram to cover the upper and lower surfaces af the leaves and the soil immediately surrounding the plants hydrated lime is effective only when jn the form of a light dry powder lime becomes bard when subjected to moisture and m that condition is noninjurious to the slugs for this reason a few light applications of lime at intervals of three or fourjdays are much more effective than one heavy dose another method of con trol frequently recommended is to spray the infested plants thoroughly with bordeaux mixture this materi al is repellent to slugs and if the fol iage of the plants is completely cov ered by the mixture the slugs will confine their attention to weeds grow ing to the fields ladies auxiliary held a- successful picnic the ladles auxiliary to canadian legion held their annual picnic at edgewood park saturday july tb the picnic proved very successful and everyone present enjoyed the af ternoon in which swimming and races were the feature events the winners of the races are as follows 6 years and under j shepherd m shepherd b hadley 8 years and under p young v shepherd m roberts girls 10 years and under t mur phy j roney boys 10 years and under h gilmer a parton girls 13 years and under e stig- gef d smith boys 16 years and under g gilmer a grieve ladies race mrs b grieve mrs l roney 3 legged race girls j roney and h gilmer t murphy and j shep herd wheelbarrow race girls b henney and d shepherd ladies plate race mrs a henney mrs taylor girls shoe race d smith h shepherd boys biscuit race h gilmer g gilmer girls biscuit race j roney v shepherd ladies peanut race mrs m young mrs l roney boys jumping g gilmer a grieve girls jumping t murphy j ronev girls race j murphy b henney t shepherd wheelbarrow race boys g ferry a grieve 4 pulse quick and pounding 5 patient may become insensible recommended treatment is 1 remove to shady pjace and re move outer clothing to the waist 2 lay on back with head and shoulders raised 3 apply ice or cold water to head cool body with war or wet cloth ut avoid shock 4 when conscious and able to drink give cootnot iced water give no stimulants safety grout warns against scnstkokb sympcana and twalmml orren in is very different from heat prostration the industrial ac cident prevention associations point out in a concise bulletin issued this week which states the symptoms and recommends first aid treatments symptoms maybe recognised by 1 hot dry skin and red face 4 high fever dlszlness shooting pains and headache 3 hard loud breathing and con- i plumbing i tinsmilhing eavesiroughing hot air heating stove and furnace repairs of all kinds regaining my while i ai health i wul all kinds of shop work and gen eral repairing also eavestrongh- ing or lew howsea etc smoke stacks fwrnace work etc the patronage of all old and will be greatly f i f l mcgilvray shop john st georgetown sugar c 10 pastry flour skyhyb white satin everages lo 24 lb bag bottle plus deposit lemo limf orange ginger ale root beer fur shortening domestic 2 butter singatow pineapple mown lmel hack salada tea 36 71 all hands tomato iuice 3 25 3rl4 first grade lji 3- o i dominion stores

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