Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 20, 1938, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 20th 1933 page 3 m o sahara desert nearly aa laie a all of europe did you know thatthe sahara des ert is nearly as large as- the con tinent of europe the actual area be- irtj5f500 square miles that its populntvi s about 2000000 per sons that great robber bands the touaregs inhabit the central por tions and are a serious menace to peaceful trade that the desert is a tableland with a mean elevation of about 1500 feet with mpuntains oxer 900q feet high that prance owns threefifths of the desert and that the remainder belongs to spain italy and egypt that there are deep depressions ranging from 66 to 230 feet below sea level that there are vast salt tracts in the south and west one being thirty by twelve miles from which 20000 camelloads are taken annually that the sand dunes fliled by the wind are- often 400 feet high 4 that water is carried into the des ert by streams from the atlas mountains and the highlands of the central sahara that this water inks through the sand to an imper meable strata of clay and forms vast reservoirs underground which break through the surface of depres sions as springs that the soil is very fertile and only needs water to produce rich crops london tit- bits magazine golf caddys language of his own invention thegblf caddyhas a picturesque languageall hisown according to the commentator he calls his fel low caddies bag rats and an 18- hole round is a loop while a 9- hole round is a walk in the park a chirp is a cheap skate player who doesnt tip while a poor player is a wood butcher a shop rat is a caddy who hangs around the pros shop trying to get more work by running er rands and ingratiating himself a badly kept course is a pasture a slow round is a creep or a crawl a typical caddy fee amounts to a fish and a q which irirnoney means 125 a shovel is a niblick or any club used in get ting out of a sand trap when you geroftthetcourseyou gerinto the jungle every golf pro is the scotchman regardless of whether he is an italian a german or an englishman an ice cream caddy earns money by caddying but isnt de pendent upon it for a living double slinger is one who carries two bags more often than average when business is poor caddies tell each other youll eat grass to night and that says the commen tator means theyll have to go with out their favorite tiger steak or hamburgers first earthworks the first rude earthworks were thrown up at old point comfort in 1609 under the direction of capt john ratcliffe as a protection for the settlements on the james river named fort algernoume in honor of william de percy first lord al gernon who had come to england with william the conqueror by 1611 it was well stockaded and contained seven heavy guns but in march 1612 accidentally burned to the ground during the remainder of the century the fortifications were rebuilt several times but each time fell into disrepair through changes in government administration and it was not until 1728 that work on fort george was started after au thorization by the virginia house of burgesses rubber trees the castilla and hevea rubber trees belong to unrelated families and different methods of tapping are jquired th6 hevea has a con tinuous network of microscopic tubes in the inner bark which seep the creamy latex to a single cut tapping is repeated by paring the rim of he cut the latex becoming more liquid and the flow increasing on successive days the socalled wound response tapping by the hevea method cannot be used on the castille trees because the latex tubes are not connected but the la tex ismoreebundant and much easier to collect by native methods tapping with many cuts which however soon killed the trees midget convulsed royalty when bamum transferred his fa mous midget gen tom thumb to london in the middle of the last century he was given a greater welcome than any american before him when being presented to the queen he violated all rules of de corum and convulsed the assembly with laughter by backing out at the encl of the interview with the queens poodle dog snapping at him and the little general running back wards fighting off the poodle with us pjtue cane founded benedictine order the benedictine order was found ed by st benedict about 529 it was at first intended to be only a philosophy of life but within its first century the order was formed the benedictines famous for their man ufacture of a liquer were the sa- vbrs of christian art in we europe- at st ottilien aaya the digest ffieir vows bfindusfjybave taken tnspn fltaato crude hflttdwura to highly mechanlwd production does your system make excess acid acm lodgesfofl coms headaches minis attacks constipation often start this way some people are what in known u ddmker they taut help it and often they ow know ft the results of an excess of abid may seem just like ordinary stomach trouble but they canl be put right by ordinary stomach remedies excess add may be the reason why you wake up flat sour blearyeyed bilious and the reason why fierce purgatives only leave you in the grip of weakening hkhttaod the same old symptom but theres one thing that acki cant face thatfs the neutralizing por f vange salts the alkaline remedy with the natural mineral spa action a tea- spoonful in warm water surges through your system just like the medicinal spring water far away in england where vange salts come from excess add b neutralized quickly painlessly your blood is purified of poisons your sore stomach walls are soothed and that mass of hard poisonous waste matter lying in your intestines is oftened gently naturally and passed out of your body then do you fed good its marvellous i but the most marvellous thing is that vange salts are only 60 cents a tin i at your drug- gist now but if youre wise on your bathroom shelf tonight do you recall when the old link- and pin couplings were in use on railroad cars six drinks were sold over the bar at hotels for 25c and sometimes seven drinks the prickley horse hair sofa was in your parlor your best girl wore bangs a high lace collar reinforced with whale bone and high buttoned shoes 400 bills and 25c shin plasterlswere in everyday circulation a teninch hat pin was used by the women to keep their hats in place you had a black cord attached to your straw hat to keep it from blow ing away coal oil could not be bought after sundown your car had to be jacked up in thefall and all tiressto a i a dark room beer and whiskey were plentiful at barn raisings the fanning mui sewing machine range or stove and weigh scales agent sold his goods on the wagon always drove a smart team of horses the woman sat in the buggy or cut ter while the old man had to nave his toddy goose grease was a positive cure for rheumatism and colds in the chest the old hotel managers fed you and your horse for a 50 cent piece and a drink thrown in the turkey red table cover with white flowered patterns was on dis play on your front room table you gave ashes for bars of soap and kitchen tinware shinning the families shoes on saturday night with the old paste blackening new sulphur industry in canada has remarkable possibilities n snlpfavr enters into the matnfsctsrre of in axnaxtng variety of product inetwdlaif rayon candy and news print millions or pounds imported yearly from feaaa bat beawrk- aalenew chlorine process jaa per fected means ttuu canada will have profitable sulphur industry of her own to the average person the men tion of sulphur usually conjures up the memory of that particularly ob noxious tonic which in youth marked the advent of spring but to the chemical engineer sulphur represents one of the most useful and interest ing raw materials offered to man by mother nature la fact it is practic ally impossible to look about city town or village without seeing some useful commodity in the manuiact- ure of which sulphur has played an important part when you sit down to work at a desk that is painted or stained in all probability you are so to speak working on sulphur m the united states during 1937 paints and pig ments represented the seventh largest user or sulphur there were 105- 000 tons of sulphur used in the popu lar new titanium pigments lacquers such as you may use to brighten up your breakfast nook require sulphur too about a pound to every 5 gallons if the desk we mentioned above has a flat glass top youre very close to sulphpr because salt cake is necessary to the production of flat glass about 22 pounds of sulphur in the form of salt cake to 1000 square feet ol flat glass sulphur enters into the manufacture of clothing abo the textile processing industry it is authoritatively estimated used 22- 400 tons or sulphur during 1937 and if youre wearing rayon youre wear ing something that sulphur helped o make last year the rayon industry used 76000 tons of sulphur in addi tion to many thousand tons of carbon bisulphide and sulphur chloride it is quite a jump in thouhgt from rayon to candy but dont overlook the fact that sulphur in the form of sulphur dioxide is used in the clari fication of raw juices and in the pre cipitation of sugar sulphur also contributes to your motoring comfort and safety about 35 pounds of sulphur in one form another are required in the manu- actureof a car the rubber lnqie tires usually is compounded with 2 by weight or sulphur hard rubber moulded products contain about 40 by weight of sulphur agriculture owes much to sulphur for immense amounts of sulphuric acid are used in the manufacture ol chemical fertilizers sulphur vital to canadas pulp and paper industry last year over 45000000 pounds of sulphur were imported from texas a very large percentage of which went to our own pulp and paper plants be cause next to pulp wood itself sul phur is probably the most essential raw jnatertajused by this great cbteveznexuv for canada unce con aoudated smelters invented their new process for separating smcsuveriead what about the source of pyrite you ask during the two years that chemical engineers were testing the new process before they finally pro nounced it perfect mining engineers in quebec province had ascertained that sufficient ore was available for at least nve years production and this is only the beginning so on the face of things canada seems certain of her own sulphur in dustry in the near future ah indus try singularly favored in that it is assured c of a 24hburaday demand for its product before the first sul phur plant has even been built prison governor last night my safe was opened and plundred it was- one of you convicts if i catch the man out he goes some individuals should- never be adoweqv behind a steering- wheel according to mcgul professor prof w d tait veteran canadian authority on accidentprevention and head of the department of psychology at mcgill university will shortly celebrate the 20th anniversary- of the teaching of accident prevention through a greater knowledge of pysch- ology in canada jn this course ac cident prevention is an important subject borne acclnentprone professor tait divides automobile drivers into three types those who are naturally good and require little if any training but who should tested those who require training to help compensate for some defect their makeup those who will never make safe drivers psychologists have proven that there arc individuals who are actually prone to accidents it is these in dividuals who make up largely types two and three they are literally bom to pass through greater hazards in life than the average person estimate safeness this susceptibility to accidents carried into later life among auto mobile drivers it manifests itself in clumsiness in parking inability estimate distances correctly result ing in collisions on the highway slow reaction time preventing the driver from stopping the car in time lack of emotional control resulting in lack of balance and judgment un der stress or difficult conditions these are but a few of the factors considered by the psychologist in es timating the sftfeness of drivers dustry those 457000000 pounds rep resent millions of dollars what a market to have for our selves and we are going to have it in the near future nature hasnt given us sulphur to be dug or forced out by super heated water as in tex as but the ingenuity of our chemists has produced a new process for break ing pyrite into its two main constitu ents sulphur and iron quickly easily and cheaply this process is considered by ex perts to be the greatest metallurgical cucumbers homeorown 5 c each oranges nice size 1 a c iw doz sweet and juicy grapefruit delicious flavor 39 edoz lemons btty now and save loaded with juice nice size c doz tomatoes 2 pounds homegrown 19 cabbage large size green bard heads ea bananas nice size rich full of flavor golden yellow cdoz potatoes 7513 butter try carrolls it will please yon camls umfd gone with the wind are you a gone with the wind advertiser does your advertising get ds far aa the front porcfi only to be caught by a gust of wind and gone to clutter up your yard or your neighbors- this gone with the wind advertising fails in its purpose to get into the home to be interesting enough to be read to be convincing enoiigh to sell the merchandise you offer gone with the wind advertising fails to serve you properly arid costs you too much in modern merchandising time is money and rapid turnover is good business into the home newspaper advertising fulfills its purpose works quick ly costs less because it sells more place your next ad in the georgetown herald i goes into the home newspaper the youth activities sponsored and fostered by the canadian national exhibition are manifold the junior farmer and farmerette activities on agriculturists pay which this year is wednesday september 7th being famous in all ontario agricultural communities this year the manage ment have added another to its many youth activities that of- 175 junior directors these young people are ex pected to make a real contribution to the exhibitions life through the sug- cesttoxib for the betterment of the cnj3 which they have been asked to ad vim re care urged in selection of school teachers duncan mcarthur ontario deputy minister of education appealed to the school trustees throughout the province to select new teachers with care the deputy minister said he considered academic records import ant but not nearly as important as the personality of the teachers ninety per cent of the success of your school depends on the personali ty of the teachers he said i would hesitate myself to engage a teacher i had not seen ypung thing the doctor told me such a funny thing mother what did he say young thing he told me- 1 had caught cold and to come straight home get dressed and go to bed gather eggs often twice a day and enree times daily is better during hot weather the time of one gathering should be just be fore dark or as near to it as possible this last gathering may not produce a great number of eggs but5tnc6 broody hths win commonly search out the nest containing eggs after the days laying has ceased failure to gather late in the day is a common source of distinct deterioration each gathering should be placed in the coolest part of the cellar if no other cool spot is available as soon aa gathered eggs should not be put into cartons or cases immediately if this can be avoided the ideal con tainer for cooling eggs is a wire tray a wire basket is the next best wnd perhaps the most practical these baskets are ordinarily offered for sale as waste paper containers relish jjbc vinegar qtirjc hwi rootor gfatf bf extract 29c mclat gn or lmbo punch a 23c flakes ds9c sssr wheat 9c aylamt tomato juice 10oti 5 tim grpfrh juice ti10c crisp golden lemon snaps 2 25c coxs gelatine fo cool dhu dainty christies cheese ritz 2 19c ih 16c tea i mclarens pimiento stuffed olives 27c 1 cmamockkol s36c 1 5 31c 1 mc i rice 1 pd 5e 1 193 pack e d smiths strawberpy pure jam 43c ktefl out noimiitw sardines sikt riuxm f corn 1 tomatoes uank mji ho dhp o rc smoc coffee cheese 2 29c i 19c i peas i tb ti 36c 3 20c powki 25c pork d beans 3 ir 25c wtdi ckm d teazle cmpbn spaghetti 3st25e ifo si urn ot jbr mela fruit pectin jtv pad pa 10c 3 pb 25c aaaiij rrf sa s a l m on 1fc ti 33c for saaumtr suov shrimps ti 17c mclatv ptiid 1 mustard jsm j 15c 1 kft kurffmk 1 mayonnaise 3m 21c 1 mio jelly

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