Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 3, 1938, p. 3

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the georgetown heram wednesday evening august 3rd 1936 page 3 business women vtotou nrm ft wlnhr byntmcaf lac wnu sarvlc m arilyn thought being a busl- ness woman was simply won derful for almost a year she had tripped the wild ssenc of freedom and the intoxication cuadt 8tm angered everv friday there was a ctrahtw crisp roll of bills short 16 in all and all hers she used it to story satisfy m the sup pressed desires of her beautyloving little soul gossa mer stockings exotic jewelry and clothes the hist word on the last page of next months fashion maga zine life for marilyn was indeed a song a syncopating iaxz tune but for two minor discords one was the fact that her boy friends were mostly students of junior clerks making little more than herself and he other was aunt carrie aunt carrie was also a business woman one- of the old girls she was past thirty and addicted to blue tailored frocks with touches of white at the neck and wrists- maxyun never forgot the night that she had danced gaily into the lmng roam wearing her new en semble black with trimmings of upsuck red there was antique jewelry to match and a tight little cloche with drooping red feather aunt came had lain back and ac tually howled do you intend to wear that cos tume to a business office uaruynt i most certainly do i only hope that it makes everyone as hap py as h apparently does you aunt came made for the door it wasnt that i i just thought of something ff funny mother do i have to pot up with that sort of thmgt do i have to work hard all day and come home to be insulted by hysterical old maids if i do im through here fd stay in town get an apartment a few days later a perfectly mar velous thmg happened it put aunt came and her little jokes en tirely out of marilyns head she was hurrying to the office when she heard a voice hi miss morgant want a lift to the subway it was mr nelson branch manager over forty and idol of all the typists her heart skipped a beat as she jumped into the long shining car i think its just wonderful of you to give me a lift marilyns mas- caraed eyelashes fluttered softly if only he would invite her to dmner at one of those swell places that had dancing and cabaret how would you like to have a little bite with me her heart skipped two beats oh wouldnt it be fun he took her to a quaint little down stairs place that advertised home cooking marilyn was disappoint ed but brightened oer their dinner cigarettes for mr nelson said i 11 have to take you to one of those high- hat places where they give you little food but plenty of atmosphere marilyns head was whirling al ready she could see dances and theaters and in the dim distance a sweet young thing throwing her bou quet from the deck of a great ocean liner a honeymoon in europe of course as they narked before marilyns home her mother leaned sociably over the piazza railing your din ner is in the hot oven marilyn mother this is mr nelson from the office her mother invited him inside and to marilyns surprise he ac cepted the papers were spread all over the living room floor and the airedale snored in the only com fortablearmchair it was terrible mr nelson and aunt carrie became excited over the election but mari lyn gazed dejectedly out of the win dow wondering why there wasnt a law to execute all old maids lat er aunt carrie played kitten on the keys and her mother served coffee mr nelson kept his promise and invited marilyn to the ritziest danc ing place in town he also took her and aunt came to the new revue and the following sunday he invit ed the whole family to ride marilyn was puzzled butflnally decided that be had old fashioned ideas about young girls being chaperoned while he was away on a business trip marilyn played around with bob evans bob strummed a wicked ukulele and took one upstairs at the movies no honey boy i cant make any more dates this week im thinking of taking some night courses tood- leyooh i she opened the hall door aunt carrie was standing there and in the shadows there was a man marilyn stoppebva smothery feel ing in her throat why why mr nelson he put his arm about her laugh ing rather foolishly for a moment he thought he had been drmkmg and then she became conscious of a terrible thing his other arm was around aunt came in the solitude of her little cre- tonned room she fought her battle it was not the fact that mr nelson was to marry aunt carrie it was the de knowledge that he had grgnatrep aunt carrie neva agaavwoold life be a syn copating jaxfc tans it it the sorebeset european nation would seek the road to a lasting peace let them a joint commtwjon to cross the atlantic ocean and study the ideal relations that exist between the united states and canada here they will find two peoples di vided only by a lint drawn on a map in the northqi that line lies a vast empire that stretches almost to the north pole to the south of the line there lies another great empire of 48 states thatrstretehes to the oulf of mexico the combined armies of these coun tries in a total population of about 140000000 is not 900000 menl the united states and canada are thus not only a real league of nar tions in themselves but they represent a permanent type of disarmament professor james t shofewell of col umbia university and a strathroy- old boy with many personal friends in that district in an address entitled the international significance of the canadian- american peace tradition delivered at orano me pointed out that the canadianamerican relation was a living example for peace in the world today this is a simple and also a timely truth the european nations are separated from one another ny fortresses i vast border armies they are prepared to annihilate one another at a moments notice com pare that state of things with con- dluons in north america all the forts on the united states- canadian border have been dis there is no military force on either there are no passport regulations between canada and the united jolting in one anothers pr let europe throw down its sword and look to the west for guidance north america stands aolkuy for peace a defensive democratic peace i los angeles examiner avkxt old food believe batter waa known to ancients most of us whether on farms or on its various uses that to its discovery never occurs to us to imagine a world where butter was unknown is almost impossible though the germans are credited with thedlscovery of the art of butter production as we now know it there is good reason to believe that butter was known to the ancients almost probably from the tune that milk was first used as human food butter is mentioned in scripture but the he brew word charnea actually means a liquid and is supposed to refer we trade we visit one another we profoundly respect one another al though our two systems of government are not structurally the same as professor shotwell poults out the united states and canada have such a mutual trust to one another that the necessity of common defence which leads to alliances was not press- wbile e nations make al liances one with another which are not worth the paper they are wr on the only alliance between the united states and canada is what professor bbotweu cads mutual trust- it is the sort of alliance that has never been understood in europe an allianc between two democracies that grows stronger each aay because the two ahrfpg are bound only by honesty of purpose and mutual ad miration it is a triumph of the democratic ideajtn the field of internationa re lations at a time when all the dicta tors of europe are kicking around the corpse of democracy the united states and canada are a unique case in world history for a hundred years not a cloud has appeared on the horizon of our re lations with the peaceful neighbor to the north of us europe asia and south america ought to profit by the fact that there are two countries in the world that can live side by side without fear of one another that is not only real progress but an application of the fundamental principles of political and social hu man 1 tarianlsm canada and the united states give the lie to political cynics their spiritual union is proof that war is not always inevitable between o neighboring peoples on the contrary canada and the united states are being drawn closer and closer cementing their ties re- butter was used to anoint wounds and was even used in the bath by fair ladies plutarch relates that a spar tan lady visited berenice the wife of dejotarus and that one damsel smel- led so strongly of sweet ointment while the other had been bathed hi butter so the teteatete had to be abandon ed because neither of them could en dure the other the ancient greeks and romans used butter to keep leather pliable but otherwise the romans made little use of it it was of course soft and oily and proved other than an attrac tive dish for the table while the common use of butter is comparativel modern there to doubt as to its early discovery for 11 you picture to yourselves the ancients carrying milk ttva leathern bottle or stinuar vessel on a long journey you may realize how the discovery of but ter was first made if the vessel was not quite full but allowed room for the mux to become agitated butter was very readily produced we have known workmen and pic nic people today when carrying a bot- tie of milk on a journey find its con tents reduced to buttermilk and a lump of butter a traveller on horse back carrying with him a bottle of milk also made the discovery that if milk is subjected to much agitation in a vessel it breaks into butter household bints a warmedup roast often loses its moisture if you wrap it in grease proof paper that has been greased heavily before you put the roast in the oven it will reheat a better flavor and be juicer than if heated in the ordinary way miutwont boil over if you smear some butter on the edge of the pot or saucepan in which you are boiling the milk it will rise only to the rim of butter and no further keep a piece of sandpaper by you it is useful for smoothing the surfac of chipped china oi glass oranaments these can be handled safely without risk of cutting the fingers on rough ea sandpaper will also smootn down chlped wood on a shelf or a piece of furniture and so prevent damage from splinters sprinkle the damp leaves from your teapot over the bottom of the pan in which fish has been cooked cover with cold water and stand in a cool place for half an hour when the sauce pan is rinsed out there will be no smell left behind cleaning utensils used for making pastry and cakes is always consider able work but it won t be if you take this up rinse bowls as soon youre finished with them in cold water to remove flour dough or bat ter then plunge into hot soapy water and wash in usuakway if you want to make a lightning job of damping down the clothes before ironing by this scheme ejght the gas in your oven and place a pie dish of warm water in it roughly roll all the garments to be damped and place them on the shelf above the pie dish in a efw minutes the gentle steaming heat will have done the job one of the most annoying accid one can have is to upset scent on the dressingtable if it does happen rub stains with methylated spirit and then immediately polish with unseed oil the stain ev those of quite standing can be removed by this method if youve a bad headache just as youre making tea lean over the pot of a freshlymade tea and inhale the fumes through you nose tour head ache should go serious i rwinrsi a million on belief those who would have us believe that the depression has vanished into history and that prosperity is an ac complished feat need only to look at the relief rolls to see the error of their words canada has to thin air and industrial recovery today after many thousands have been absorbed in the gradual but slow upswing of business over a million on relief in the do minion that means that one person out of every dozen is receiving aid of some sort from relief agencies tte names of 610000 urban residents ap pear on the relief rolls and some 410 000 rural dwellers of whom a consid erable number are in the dry area make up the rest of canada s largest national problem the announce ment that the government was under taking large scale public works pro gram with a view to the reduction ot the relief problem will be doubly wel corned when the scope of the matter is realized since the commencement of the ex port movement of fresh eggs from canada to great britain early in april this year the total number o fresh egs exported up to june 30 was 12 18z cases tomatoes 3 ib 10 delicious flavour outdoor slicing quality grapefruit 6 delicious flavor 23 potatoes 71 pounds new homegrown 2 good cookers good size 10 lemons jjcdcb nice size loaded with juice bananas 23 delicious golden yellow nice size oranges tt c doz sweet and juicy otoe size special price onions 5 10 nice size sound and dry carr boiler no 1 grade special carrolls mint jelly goes well with lamb spiced peaches witn beef pickled ap ples or apricots with baked ham ap ple sauce with pork preserved melon rinds with chicken v1 currant plum jelly with vel a round whisk broom is a handy agent for dampening clothes evenly and quickly when imfcing ice cream at home try adding a drop of peppermit flavoring to chocolate or pineapple ice cream to utilise small soap scraps put in a jar of warm water and allow u dissolve into a soft soap or if dry grate them into soap granules on a coarse cheese grater fasten a piece of felt to the under side of the tray you use for serving on the dining table this will save those disfiguring scratches that will appear from time to time however careful you are the idea also makes serving much quieter the best way to fasten the felt is either with brass headed carpet tacks or brass drawing pins discovery op prairies will be commemorated western canada will observe second centenary of the discovery of the great plains by de la verendrye by means of an extensive programme of events which will include the unveil ing of a monument to that gallant ex plorer the celebrations will take place early in september and will in clude special pageants processions an exhibi of appropriate material and religious ceremonies it is an ticipated that the gathering here will be greatly augumented by groups from other parts of canada plans have now been completed for the operation of a special excursion from montreal over the canadian national railways under the direction of o a trudeau district passenger agent at that point these travellers from the me tropolis will establish their temporary headquarters a the fort garry ho tel winnipeg pierre gauthler de la verendrye discoverer of the west is one of the glorious figures of canadian history a native of trolsrivleres he first established for himself a reputation as a capable soldier later he became a fur trader and then was fired with thespirit of exploration this led turn to the great adventure which carried him beyond the great lakes to the plains he died in 1749 at the age of 64 to terminate a crowded life which left many entries on the pages of canadian history does y011r system makeexcessacid achlaisistsml feaftwhrtthimb mtkks cosstbalm often start this way some people are what ate known as aci they cant help ft as ftn tat wt u the reams ofan excel ef acfmay mm jot bke ordinary ttomacb trouble but they cant be pat right by dlnary stoaiach remedies i excess add may be the cant be pat light by it excess ai i why jwm wake up flat bfcaryeytd batons sad the why fierce purgatives only have you in tb grip of a weakening faaftit and the canadian press chief finds britain busy business to great britain is good except in the mi industry in all other lines there is a shortage of skilled labor stated h p duchemin publisher of the sydney postrecord and president of the canadian press when passing through moncton on the ocean limited of the canadian national railways en route back to sydney on his return from overseas mr duchemin said he heard very little war talk in england in fact so far as he could ascertain the gen eral opinion seemed to be that there was no immediate danger of any gen eral european war speaking of his travel experiences mr duchemin declared that nowhere did he find any railway service superi or to that of canada s nationally own ed system and in several respects he found canadian service superior but theres one thing that acfcg cut face thats the wutrahxmg- poer of vtnge salts the alkaline remedy with the attar mineral pa action a tea- spoonhd in warm water surges through your system just like the med spring water far away where vange sahs come f rata aad h neutralized quickly pal your blood b purified of poisons your aw stomach wads are soothed aad that mass of hard potgonotn waste awttir lying m your atsthms- b effumd gently atftrooy aad passed eat of your body tknt doyea fed good it marvellous l but the awst bwrveuoos uuag is that vaage saks arejocuy 60 cents a tml at your drac- ght but if youre i tathrssai sfa engineer appointed for grand river dam on the casting vote of chairman win- philip the grand river conser vation commission mfwtg in gait on tuesday afternoon hut appointed h g acres of niagara mis ontario- j as its chief engineer to have fun charge of the nginfriny juiivinhm work necessary in the construction of the proposedrdam north of fergus acres was the recommendation of the committee presented last thursday it is estimated the engineering cost will be about 75 000 which represents 5 per cent of the total cost of the first stage of the development all the commission were in attendance except e t sterne of brantford who was a member of the special com mittee appointed to in en gineers picobac laaian cream sandwich biscuits ayhatt sweet mixed pickles hliu wkil win ctdtt ot mall vinegar to si jiii ot jlly gil parowax euflbtt shottonlni or domestic ayfcmr solid pock pi cherries 2un25c 2 i pkv 25c 2 p 25c 3 7o books 25c 2 16ot bol 25c 10c i n 15c baking powder cmll 16 five roses flour 7 lb b 3f pork nd beans al 2 tl 9c good cocoa 2 po- 25c s9vw rlbaati cheica tomatoes mushrooms mt 15c amoim stkhy ay coils 3 lor 5c flyc fly spray n s0e wum p fry pl 3 ft s5c knft vouom ot old eou cheese pi pks 16c conolli bmlomom coffee p 25c new dent honey stj 28c 4jtpi54c j soap flakes 1 lb pootw ctto gysuli shli im rubbers do- sc gammtmd gum frail jors doi 99c 113 cornflakes o- 2 p 15c ginger snaps 3 p 25c eagle milk fot mayonnaise 1 5 oa a baby foods b 2 th 19c saiada i tea 31c d main street free delivery 3s5

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