Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 3, 1938, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetovm herald wednesday- evening august 3rd 1938 v obituary ma mart f keootx lira mary p meooll widow of the late dugald mocou died at her home fe ban diego cm july 18th after an joness of five months funeral ser- irtees irate held wednesday july 20th r clair a morrow officiating bur ial took place hi chen abbey mem orial park mrs meooll was bom in georgetown oat canada at yean ago and came to the united states m ma she had lived in san diego 13 years she is survived by one sister xjr marjory j potter one daughter mrs frnk a wallace and three sons hugh r meooll dr james m mccoll and dr w phaser mccou all of san diego gan diego union tri bune bulks frkdcbick vannatteb death came after much su which was borne by patience and christian fortitude to blakeperder- jcfc vannatter lot s 7th line erin at baulnafad who passed away in ouelph general hospital on sunday july 24th to his 460l year deceas ed was bom oh the farm on which be lived au his life a son of mrs alberta vannauer and the late al feed vannatter a number of years ago he went into the foxfarming and operated the farm which bore his name up until the time of his death lel to mourn his loss are his wile tbe former annie may waddell his mother mrs alberta vannatter georgetown also one sister and bro ther mrs arthur r speight and pharris vannatter georgetown the funeral service which was held at his late home on tuesday july 26th was conducted by his pastor rev a o w foreman of baulnafad assisted by a former pastor rev geo altkens of guelph and rev c jolllffe of glen williams mrs h caldwell and mrs c buck rendered a duet at the ser vice tbe pallbearers were richard shortlll dan campbell robert mc- etaery arnold mcenery clayton bes- wick jesse mcenery interment took place in greenwood cemetery georgetown t buss a hunter dies alt brampton miss amanda hunter died at her home on jospeh st brampton on monday following a lengthy illness she was born at campbells cross 73 years ago a daughter of the late wil liam hunter she had been a mem ber of the brampton presb church during a long residence there miss mary hunter of brampton is the last surviving member of the family tbe leadership of the canadian na tional exhibition in the realm of rp sport has for years been unquestioned this year in addition to a sport programme of outstandi attractiveness there is an event of major importance in the aquatic world the worlds champion profes sional sculler bobby pearce who will defend his title against all comers in- eluding eric phelps of england and evans paddon of australia this aind that in sport by q mao moouvray the local baseball team is in mil- ton tonight and the team should be due to take a fall out of the league leaders as they have not beaten them this season however prophecies are taboo this year and especially at this late date we wish them the best of luck balt0n county league postponed games have been arranged to be played as follows august 6th- oakville at acton and hespeler at muton august 10th acton at- mu- tofl and auust 16th oakville al georgetown hespeler red box shared honors with the oakville club in the civic holiday games held in hespeler in the morning session oakville put on a 10th- inning rally to take the decision by a 6 to 3 count and the afternoon session while it finished with the count 5all was forfeited to the hespeler club as oakville after a couple of players had been banish ed for- a runin with umpire frank terry of acton was unable to held a full team and the announcement was made the game was forfeited to hespeler the standing of the halton coun ty league is as follows muton 13 oakvuie 14 acton 14 georgetown 14 hespeler 15 w l t play 1 up in sudbury gordon alcott has started pee wee baseball and according to the sudbury star it is quite a new wrinkle as the cap tion of an article on the sports page read new wrinkle in agelimit baseball following is the complete article gordon alcott a smelter worker is introducing a new wrinkle in agelimit baseball promotion at copper cliff with the backing of the ccaa he is putting out a mid get pro league three teams are to picked and named the nationals americans and internationals the idea is similar to the little njii started at georgetown two years ago and since copied by other hockey cen tres each ball player in the new lea gue wlu bear on his uniform the name of a star from one of the three big leagues the new league is lor young sters 14 years and under and already 40 boys have been signed two games will be played each week with a play off between copper cliff sudbury and creighton mines in the fall junior mothr dear you said if i was good for half an hour i could do what i liked mother well junior i want to be naughty for two hours wx lb- tin toddy for lc wjth 1 lb tin toddy for 39c 3 tins bordens st charles evapor ated milk 25c 8 oz jar miracxe whip salad dressing 19c regular size pkg super suds for lc with large pkg super suds 19c 2 cakes cashmere boquet toilet soap lie 2 pkgs chateau cheese plain or pimento 35c 2 pkgs kkovah jelly maker z9c jar rubbers red or while doz 5c lb pkg worlds blend orange pekoe tea 30c 2 x 1 lb pkgs pure lard 25c sweet pickle cottage rolls by the piece lb 24c peamealed back bacon by the piece lb 34c choice breakfast bacon by the piece lb 29c fresh bologna by the piece lb 14c schneiders dutch loaf machine sliced lb 29c whiz fly fume in bulk twoinone bug killer choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnell phone 75 free delivery third annual canadian pacing flerby j biggest one day meet on north american continent new hamburg ontario wednesday august 10th 1938 i at l 300000 in purses for standard time one day greyhound freeforail trot news and information for the busy farmer apple crap oanrthlam in eastern ontario the weather has been favourable for the develop ment of tree fruits during the last month apples are developing satis factorily with present alia average or better and a vigorous foliage in all weucaredfor orchards the fruit is quite free from apple scab infection in at least 90 of the commercial chards leaf roller injury is rather severe hi a number of orchards neat newcastle and bowmanvtlie codling moth injury is also quite apparent in orchards when thl bisect has been troublesome tapastseaaana the pre liminary estimate of total apple pro duction in eastern ontario shows a 23 increase over last season l in western ontario weather and moisture conditions have been favour- able during the past month for good colouring and- suung of apples seajs infestation on fruit is fairly weu con trolled t to wellsprayed commercial orchards and- serious sideworm jury is only apparent in a few locali ties practically all varieties of apples show a decrease in estimated pro- auction except spys where a crop 20 per cent larger than last year is fore cast tbe pwiato crap the early crop is moving in volume from leamington harrow dunaas and burlington some growers in the oakvuleclarkson district are also marketing to a lesser extent- the quality is reportedugood with no rot in evidence size is not so large as in 1837 but the no i grade is being well maintained yields are lower on account of lack of sufficient moisture supplies are equal to demand and the market is firm at 5300 to the whole sale dealer the early crop will be well cleared up in july the acreage planted for midseason marketing is equal to average the crop is developing weu but requires more moisture and flea beetles are plentiful and quite active this crop will commence moving to market about the last week in july with the yield depending largely on the supply of moisture during the next two weeks the planting of main crop potatoes are a little less than lnjl937 but were generally planted emlrer ger mination was good out growth to date has been uneven and whue some fields are knotting for blossoms the late planting are just weu above ground it is too early as yet to estimate the prospecthe yield sanitation for poultry hygiene and sanitation are factors as important to the poultry flock as good stock clean water proper feed and range failure to maintain clean and sanitary surroundings is fre quently liie weak spot in poultry management cleanliness is essential as hign mortality and reduced egg production follow disease and impair ed vitality to ensure healthy- sur roundings remove droppings dauy and scatter an absorbent such as land plaster over the dropping boards re new litter before it becomes too dirty and supply clean water in clean ves sels disease may spread rapidly through the medium of dirty water or containers at least once a year with a hoc and broom scrape and sweep clean the floors and walls of the poultry house removing dust and cobwebs and if running water is avallabe use the houe at high pressure paint roosts and supports with a good coal- tar disinfectant lull strength and spray frequently with a solution ol the same product according to the in structions of the manufacturer the range also demands its share of pre caution gravel or sandy loam pro vide the best sanitary conditions and is easily worked with a onehorse plough all range and yards should be ploughed and cropped yearly and seeded with a quickgrowing crop sudan grass is palatable and greatly relished to ensure a good supply is well to cut sudan when about six inches high before allowing the birds access to the yards or range ideal sanitary conditions are supplied with a two or three year range rotation a hoed crop intel vtnlng in the three year rotation provides additional pro tection against parasites that flourish in contaminated soli perennial weed control when the infestation of perennial weeds has spread over a large area cultural and cropping methods have be relied upon for their eradication it is adviscable however to use sodi um chlorate or the eradication of small patches of perennials the latter half of the growing seas- i is a good time to make an attack i perennial weeds there is not quite the same rush of work then as in the spring of the year and the weather is usually more favourable for the destruction of perennials par ticularly couch grass the roots ol this weed are killed oy a few days posure during dry warm weather and since couch grass is a shallowrooted weed a large percentage of its roots can be brrught to the surface by cul tivation another advantage in favour o killing weeds in the latter half of the growing season is that it permits the growth of an early crop such as hay or oats cut tor green feed berore the treatment commences or the land may be used for pasture during the time of the year when pasture is most productive partial summer- fauow consists ploughing in midsummer followed cultivation to keep down weed growth during the remalnderdf the growing season this treatment should not be commenced later than august 1st because it takes about three months of cultivation each time any growth appears to exhaust the food r stored in the roots weeds as perennial sow thistle canada thistle and chicory truer j however considerable variation tat the number of culuva- tkns i s to km perennial weed and tt should be remembered that i old eatamlsfaed stand of pw mora difficult to km than k growth of the same aperi keeping down ah top growth from vacation time everyone who works twelve months of the year is entitled to at least two weeks of that time to himself we often hear people boast of the fact that they never take a holiday but uttle do they know that they are boast ing of their own inefficiency for it is impossible for one to be 100 efficient the year round he needs time to relax to get a new outlook on life in general and to give his physical self the rest it so much needs employers are agreed that the best work of the year is done in the fall when employees have returned renew ed in body and spirit after a time spent away from the place of their dally toil no matter how much one enjoys his work there comes a time when nerves become frayed and the whole system calls for a change every man and woman owes it to him self or herself to take time out lor a change it will pay great dividends in both health and happiness july 15 to the end of the growing season will greatly reduce the stand of perennial weeds but for complete eradication of a persistent weed like couch grass this treatment should be followed up in the next year by a hoed crop such as corn or potatoes uttle world seriea for pro midget championship sudbury boys to visit here this montr gordon alcott organiier of the first midges nhl in ontario now of oop- percuff and formerly of georgetown has almost completed arrangements for bringing a team of midget base- bauers to georgetown to play an au- str midget team here in a three- game series for the pro midget cham pionship this novelty attraction will no doubt draw a large attendance and may be sponsored by some welfare organisation the date is not yet set but the series wul take blace around the last week of august this uttle world series should revive the old baseball spirit in town and keen in terest will no doubt be taken by the two teams the sudbury boys will be to fuu uniform and wiu remain in town for at least twodays during the series outstandi athletes say jlmmie fowler and syl apps of the toronto maple leaf hockey team win be on hand to umpire the games further details will be announced as plans go forth qprco theatre triday and saturday augiwt s and 6 matinee both days at 3 pj snow white and the seven dwarfs walt disney moat- ast new thing tn entoriaininent bdm r movies were born movietone news and short subjects on fyday no 4 flash gordon and entire change of short subjects on saturday tuesday and wednesday august 9 and 10 goodbye broadway the laugh dictators alice brady toni brown and charles wlnntnger of 1938 band together to make hysterical history novelties comedy cartoon band- and qcenic coming august and is the adventures of tom sawyer mark twains beloved dassie done entirely hi te 0 watch our window fob mmi icc cbkam stecials amd oonmumombbx orange pineapple sundae 1 3c 2 for 25c longs confectionery t advertise in the herald it pays 4uhf- grapefrult jewn shortening summer mim choice peas cash and cassy gmletts lye sou kftahd olives stuffed queen stuffed manzan1lla clamt outh sealers certo sugar peas medium per doz 105 small 95 for preserving granulated frankeord no 4s 10 3 bottle lbs tins white satin hour magic 28 balunt i p0wdeb outlstiei fig rolls 2 29 cheese ritz x 19 ritz biscuits 2 27 miracle whip 21 palmolive soap 06 selected hwt am vecetakus i i quaker mffed rice 2jts wttvd wheat j0 food a su 2is29 cabbage choice e 1 tool id 1 onions cooking aa it ft ov celekt bcima in 1 choice white bna 1 oranges red r jolcy d obotck iuche8 ibesh daily tat no deavar 3 i aria vba m hi dominion storee o

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