Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 3, 1938, p. 6

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page 6 the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 3rd 1938 special otfi numn 2 light coat 0 1 2 draws t pants lo eatons cleaners dyers aftst uuuco huffman radio repairing u yean experience we specialize on this work j sanford son can trace zoob back to bont the greeks had a name per them too kept ferrets a household fees ild jjondons zoo whipsnade and nchesters belle vue zoological gardens can trace their lineage back to egypt of the ptolemys to the days of roman grandeur and the glorious era of greece in his book animals for show and pleasure in ancient rome just published mr geo jen nings traces the soos history and tells many interesting animal stories the egyptians kept live animals on show from intelligent cariosity the romans too often for the additional pleasure ofiseeing them ngnt together or against human beings to the arena some ctreeks kept ferrets or pole cats as household pets as we keep cats today fishponds were to be found in every garden of the wetltcdo trained elephants ant eating pangolins burrowing for their natural food among the sands of eastern turkestan werecredlted with the ability to find gold in 46 bc the roman government posses sed a herd or elephants trained to carry lighted torches in pr one noble roman kept a pond full of savage murenas into which he would throw slaves that had merited his displeasure like the bloodthirsty plrayas of the amazon these savage fish instantly attacked and devoured any hapless being struggling in their waters in british empire countries the wheat area provisionally estimated at 78070000 acres for 10373b ac counts for nearly onequarter of the world total are yon sure your eyes see correctly 57 have you seen the new rimless mounting t inns and eaaae wabbly lenses lea breakage at glasses thus saving yen money our price is the same as city prices o t walker ro r snciaust kobbs drcg stou oeobckxown 1 9t every nootli t waor st hit asfee k i injot 12houks of fascinatinc muskoka lakes sceneir daily 730 rom muskoka ipoj ralkl xlsf tufaraodr 2so heals txtka rms sagamo drira w tba sight bafora and alato aad aat oa tba m hlxfawa no 11 from toronto 1m njhaa ah iimm tonrdooma 1775 aach slnftia ssb0 ibcioow paratstat- room tbra mmii and raaarvad chair tba accomotodatica ia fim data la ararr particular itlmrtr4 jv foldt wuaui m nttipt mf au md mdh muskoka lake navigation and hotel co limited iox 11 ctavinhukst 0htak10 honest aid it was lincoln wasnt it who gave us that epigram about fooling some of the peo ple all of the time and all of the people some of the time times have changed some people today cant be fooled at all they are the ones who buy thought fully and spend wisely they are guidedby the most uptotheminute news about pro ducts prices and values they read the ad vertisements in their local paper whether youre marketing for to nights dinnec for a refrigerator or for a home the most reliable guides are printed right here in this paper for you make it a habit to shop at home by newspaper before you set out it saves time saves tiresome searching and it saves real money v 4- mr merchant i make sure your sales mesage appears every week in these columns for- the guidance of local buyers and thus keep the local dollars at home ruth adventurous faith interactional uniform sunday school lesson angoat 7th ims golden text thy people shall be my people- and thy god my god ruth 118 lesson pa88aoe ruth 1 618 o lord support its all the day long of this troublous life until the shadows lengthen r and the evening comes and the busy world is hushed and the fever of life is over and our work is done then of thygre mercy- grant us a afe lodging and a holy rest and a peace at tyst through jesus christ movements of population 67 if a motion picture could represent three hundred years of immigration into canada depicting the homes that were left the journeys across the sea and across canada what a moving story it would be during the depres sion there has been a slight return- a numbed of families going back to their homelands there has been poignant suffering in family separations spend ing of savings and hardships of travel yet our national life has been greatly enriched by the blending of different strains and the transplanting of arts and community customs when na omi went into the land of moab long ago she carried with her hebrew ideals of conduct and worship she learned much while a sojourner m a strange land and when she returned to beth lehem she brought back the inform ation she had gleaned it is by such contacts and changes that the gains of civilization spread naomi s1s naomi demonstrates an older lo ans influence girlhood is attract ive but mothers and grandmothers exercise a greater influence naomi was a leader with her husband and her sons she also won the confid ence of her two daughterinlaw re turning to bethlehem she was able to befriend ruth among strangers old age becomes satisfying when older people cease to rebel against the pro gress of time with its inevitable lim iting or activity and begin to see the compensations of maturity the ab ility to counsel a wise patience a sur er hope increasing opportunities of influence in many ways naomi is the heroine of the book of ruth she had great sorrows but she also had great joys orpah 14 orpah did nothing wrong but she did nothing surprisingly unselfish she followed the dictates of prudence and common sense and acted the way the majority of women would have acted under similar circumstances she could argue that she had a duty to her own people and community and that she had fulfilled all courtesies in going the short distance with naomi she was an early exemplar of safety first she had her own standards to which she was true how can we blame her lor not having a greater vision than she hod the prudent plain people ore the bulwark of soc iety there may never be heroes or heroines but they do very much of the worlds work and carry on humbly and contentedly orpah may have lacked sentiment but there is some thing substantial in her realism ruth 15 ruth belonged to a different cate gory her standards wore not thase of prudence commonsense and safety first she loved unreservedly and she followed loves leading in spite of the en trea tings of nnomi she refused to return to her own land with orpah and insisted on going to a new land with naomi her decision brought her into the ancestry of jesus christ greater honour than she had ever dreamed or knew pew girls bear the name of orpah while ruth ls the most honoured and best loved names even to in day ruth had a plus of devotion to which orpah could never attain a religious motive may have prompted ruths unselfishness she had detected tn nnoml a spiritual quality an outgrowth of faith in the unseen holy god which she had mis sed in the religion of motib she may have been eager to learn more and may have felt that her own soul would live more abundantly if she re tained the companionship of naomi literature 1618 no words of praise concerning ruth can create the impression given by her own sentences in a few dozen words she achieved literary immortal ity these words have been repeated on the stage upon floors of parlia ment and in great cathedrals they owe their charm to simplicity beauty reality and religious background the words welled up out of a loving heart why should our daily speech be com- monplace we live in the midst of great history family joys and trag edies still awaken our emotions the living god can still hallow our hearts why are we contend with slang or profanity or slipshod or slov enly speech why is it that so many hundreds of thousands of people go through life without even once utter ing a sentence equal to these jewels of speech from the lips of a moabltish woman who could probably- neither read nor write christ laid great em phasis upon the possibilities of human speech here our sins of omission are greater than our sins of commission mot to be able to express truth with clarity and beauty is to leave one of our greatest talents burled in the ground to commit ruths great de claration to memory to say it over and over again to speak it aloud with emotion may perhaps help us to rise to some great occasion or in family chat over the table or around the fire side to utter some one wellchosen when inlaws drop in for a tot luck heal they wont panic you or your budget if you prepare carmel pudding this easy way by betty barclay when those toocasual inlaws say they11 drop in for a pot luck dinner you know theyll expect something good just the same but dont let them panic you or your budget just boll several unopened cans of sweet ened condensed milk store them on the pantry shelf to be opened when needed youll and a shining mold of caramel pudding inside jususlfce it and add a garnish youll have a luscious and nourishing dessert that will wind up that menu of leftovers lth style and satisfaction and best 1 this dependable delicacy cost next to nothing magic caramel padding place one or more unopened cans of sweetened condensed milk in a kettle of boiling water and keep at boiling point for 3 hours be sdre to keep the cans well covered to serve in slices warm can by immersing in hot water 1 minute punch a hole in bottom of can to let air in remove top with can opener cutting along the side just below the top edge start ing at seam loosen caramel from sides of can with a table knife dipped in hot water garnish with whipped cream fruit or nuts b caramel pie hi can sweetened condensed milk caramelized 2 tablespoons hot water 3 lare bananas 1 cup whipping cream baked pie shell 8inch bleod caramelised sweetened con densed milk with hot water beating until smooths cool pour into baked pie shell one hour beore serving slice bananas on top of caramel and cover with whipping cream chill l what are the gains and losses of imng in several different countries in a lifetime s x how has the depression affected home life 3 why did roth and orpah make da dedalonst are there mans friendships like that of both and naomi avwhat sjanlflcanoe do you see lfattbew it year give your nc r curumq ike 30000 islands of georgian bay traval by meter coach and st o rpajt at ioyal mom 3805 3305 just a cup of coffee and you is more than a tag line for a romantic song its a tip that every bride can capitalize on even if shes an amateur cook just a cup of coffee and you is more than a tag line for a romantic song its a tip that every bride should take to heart a good cup of coffee has been dear to the male heart ever since the turks started the first coffee houses ave centuries ago even if a brides cooking experience ls lim ited to boiling water she can master the art of brewing a perfect cup of coffee that will make him forget many culinary deficiencies by sticking ex actly to the rules of the coffee brew ing art she can score a triumph where many an experienced cook falls through carelessness whether the bride uses a drip cof fee equipment a percolator or a plain coffee pot the secret of coffee success is to keep the apparatus scrupulously clean measure the quantity of cof fee and water exactly and time the brewing directions to the second de caffeinated coffee is now available in a drip grind ii the bridgroom is a serious coffee fan and most men are theres no need to set limits on his after dinner cups iced coffalftte 4 tablespoons ground decaflcin- ated coffee 2 squares of unsweetened choco late cut in pieces g cloves 4inch piece of stick cinna mon dash of salt 4 cups milk 1 tablespoon flour cup sugar 1 egg well beaten add coffee chocolate cloves cinna- ie of l mon and salt to milk and heat in double boilef until chocolate is melted strain immediately combine flour and sugar add liquid and cook 15 minutes or until thickened stirring constantly remove from fire cool slightly and pour over egg chill serve ice cold in tall glasses partly filled with cracked ice top with ihipjwd cream if desired makes 1 quart coffolate some time ago i spent a week end with a very dear friend at break fast n glass of orange juice was placed before me one sip and the breakfast was spoiled so far as i was concerned questioning carefully i learned that my friend had reamed this juice the evening before and placed it in the refrigerator so that it would be ice cold for breakfast it was ice cold but it was almost flavorless oraneg juice should be consumed within thirty minutes after it is reamed mother naturess protecting peel will hold the flavor for weeks or months but the flavor begins to dis appear almost as soon as the orange ls reamed not even a covered con tainer and an ice cold refrigerator will retain this flavor for more than a few minutes told this story as diplomatically as possible to that friend of mine she tried serving freshly reamed juice from ice cold oranges and one more family quickly learned a lesson that ls greatly needed by thousands of women why it tastes one hundred per cent better my friend said the children now clamor for their morning orange juice now i could have become real technical and explainedmhat orange juice standing overnight in a cover ed container will lose approximately ten per cent of its vitamin c but af ter ao i was merely trying to teach a mend hw to keep from destroying flavor for flavor is u important at breakfast and particularly m the first sip that passes your ups many restaurant and hotel chefs and cooks could well learn this simple jessoh far too often they serve orange juice that has stood for hours dont do it friends it destroys the flavor let mother nature work her ttfib in the flavorretamihg peel until you are ready to serve your julce place the oranges in the re frigerator overnight hot the juice 3640 woo mk50 aim mo tcmomto amd moudf am poaycamxoevoa kiseitvations must vacatkn totxr bhifype m advance v scrtfcc bgtctimc sotttrdoyi jam 25th complete information at w h long phone 89 professor i am going to speak on liars today how many of you have read the twentyfifth chapter of the text nearly every student raised his hand professor good you are the group to whom i wish to speak there is no twentyfifth chapter teacher now boys after what ive explained of the lions fierceness strength and daring can any one of you name a single animal that the- klng of beasts stands in awe of up shot little willies hand teacher well willie which is the animal willie promptly please teacher the lioness olive oil dropped at the root of a fern will improve its growth qusnapshot cuil i shoot em in series -v- anybody can take a single snap shot a landscape here an in formal portrait there but have you ever tried taking a series to tell a complete story of an incident or to picture a person more effectively summer activities offer all sorts of chances for series pictures wher ever there is fun on a party a pic nic a motor trip an afternoon at the swimming pool or beach you find amusing occurrences which are best pictured thus one picture tells part of the story several pictures follow through and tell all of tt the incidents dont have to be un usual good fun series can be made out of the cutting of a water melon a small boy blowing up a balloon until it bursts try picturing a childs lea party in this fashion the small girl playing hobtess to hel iob and pets also try expres sion snaps of the baby in his out door crib sports series are good for in stance a man catching a fish show him baiting ciwtuut4ilttylng the flsh landing icoybpping it into the creel or threading it on the string later on snap a picture to complete the series the flsh on the table at home or the fisherman back at his office describing his citcb the seriespicture idea can be ap plied is a thousand variations se ries pictures have extra punch because each picture supports and reinforces the next a series of five good expression shots of the baby- laughing crying crowing ques tioning shouting and so on is bet ter jhanbyeunreleted shots- one picture may be just a para graph but a series is a complete abort story try such picture stories this summer nature stories are good tt you have a focusing camera si- a portrait attachment for your o hehl 1 really like it in nerel box camera for example picture a squirrel accepting a nut taking enough pictures to tetl the complete story dont mlsa series pictures this season theyre immense- cam toal 191 john van oafldar os

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