Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 3, 1938, p. 8

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-ragrtt- the gr herald w eveni 3r 1938 izz logal news a deny day celebration will be held in aulston vlet the herald do your commer cial prinltlng have jour cr tested in the safe ty lane next wednesday aug ioth arrears of taxes collected during the first naif of the current year by brampton amounted to 1070423 the department of dame and fisheries has placed 1200 german brown trout in the big head river at meaford blmcoe county council is mn a grant of 11600 towards the big in ternational plowing match to be held pn the mineslrig flats next fall the gregory theatre presents snow white and the seven dwarfs friday and saturday of this week dont miss it folks the sensation of the movie season an airplane factory may be es tabllsfaed in gravgnhurst in the for mer ditchburn boat factory and the town is entering into negotiations with thepromotors have your job printing neatly and promptly executed at the herald office letterheads envelopes rule forms posters sale bills etc if it is printed we can do it f j jones station agent at chel tenham has received a gold medal from the railroad telegraphers vn ion as a recognition of his having completed twenty five years service electric clocks have been installed in the arthur post office it is a master clock system the master clock is in the main office and the second dock in the arch over the main entrance william barber life long resident of edn village died on saturday af ter aiong ilinessragedob hewas a- presbyterlan and a liberal in politics he is survived by four brothers and three sisters olore and more people are and ing georgetown a better place in which to shop practically every line of business is well represented mer chants exist in a spirit of live and let live and you are assured a square deal always many georgetown citizens enjoyed the holiday and week end at the beach the canadian corps reunion in toronto the firemen s convention in barrfe and various old boys and girls reunions throughout the pro vtnee veterans col g o brown sam hurst freddie weaver and thos grieve of georgetown were lucky win ners in the draw for silver spoons at the canadian corps reunion in to ronto over the week end there were 2000 spoons given away in the draw dozens of military bands gutter lug scarlet and gold martial music such as brings a patriotic surge to the hearts of everyone this is the mill tary tatoo one of the outstanding at tractions at the canadian national exhibition held this year on satur- -danrangust-atthrtinly- rev h m coulter pastor of brampton presbyterian church for the last five years tendered his resigna tion last week mr coulter who came from neepawa sank to succeed rev j t anderson has accepted a call to st catharines presbyterian church sixty vears is a long time jn the life of a young country such as the dominion of canada few indeed are tihe institutions then in existence which are now flourishing as never before the canadian national exhl hltlon this year from august 26th to september 10th is celebrating its dia mond jubilee among the three bus drivers in ontario who were honored recentlyfor driving six years without an accident was bert harland who drives the toronto coach 14ne bus between to ronto and bolton and who resides in bolton mt harland has driven 300- oq0 miles during the six years and re ceived a badge and certificate for his carefulness from me ontario safety league cheap money for improvements etmira has recently sold an 83 000 debenture to pay for the new high school now being erected extending over 30 years at three percent in terest the town received a bonus bid of 10175 per 100 or 145250 over their debenture total burlington councillor resigns councillor george a macmlllan re signed from burlington town council last week because he accepted a job from the public school board to do some painting at centra pu school three weeks ago the council ac cepted nis resignation when he took the job he understood he had a per feet right to do so he later found it contrary to provisions of the muni cipal art held surprise party on friday evening last about thirt friends of mr and mrs wtn service of nassaganea gathered for a sur prise party on the occasion of mr services birthday to convey their best wishes he was the recipient of many useful and beautiful presents mrs elmer mceachern of erin town ship spoke briefly after a bounteous lunch served by the ladles in charge a dance followed the music was supplied by messrs james service of milton and jack mclellan of erin township mr c dobbie of dolly varden and miss j mcdonald of ac ton won the spot dance prize and mr joe mcdonald of dolly varden and miss ethel service won the lucky number prize friends gathered from guelph erin township dolly varden and milton west summer i food special b 9c 19 veal rolls boneless 19 i slewing veal 2 lb 25c dcmarts smoked picnic ac lfc hams pork hocks 12 lb fresh or sweet pickled boneless pot roasts 14 slewing lamb 2 lk 25c ja gentle press tomato juice seg4 5 25c tbaultaklt drink or babra dtanar odu ttada by h ax- silwi rwr b llata axbr flaror and astra oaahtrin uojfm tomato jafea guelfh creamery batter 28s chateau cheese 17c jar robbers 2 pfefor 9e we sell fo cash 2sw c j buck deliver 2j2 r personals mr jack saunders li visiting with friends in barrle rev and mrs e o baxter are holidaying at coloorne mr and mrs dehner wallace spent sunday with shemurne friends mrs watson wlngfleld is holiday ing with friends at manltoulm mrs watt of toronto spent monday with mr and mrs h stockford miss a b bralh of toronto spent a few days with miss e brown mr jack buck of owen sound spent the week end at his home here mr and mrs ernest thompson and family are holidaying at blind river ont mr a b wilson of bed deer alt is a welcome visitor ta the old home town miss ethel rlddall and miss jean sanderson are spending a week at tyasaga beach mrs w h long and miss margaret long left yesterday for a holiday in collin gwood tr and mrs te b magloughlen spent the holiday week end with frjends in stayner messrs jim mcbean and bud kentner were on a fishing trip to port loring last week mrs r mocullough has returned home arter spending three weeks with friends in creemore mr jas a chapman of brantford visiting with his son mr s p chapman for a few days ir and mrs geo rlddall mrs sargent and margaret spent the holiday at wasaga beach mrs r b foulis and mr jack foulls spent the week end and noli day with friends in muskoka miss jessie cross and missjean snitzer have returned home after a pleasant holidaj at fenelon falls mr j m moore mr and mrs r w douglas and miss claridge are holidaying at port carl lug muskoka mrs a h feller has returned home after being the guest of mrs j d kelly at their cottage at waubahene r and mn jack williamson and daughter marion spent the week end and holiday at port elgin and south ampton rev and mrs f c overend and miss marlon oierend are holidaying this month at bruce beach near kin card in e r and mrs w dltchfleld and daughter allleen are visiting mrs dltchfleld 5 parents mr and mrs c sargent mrs a forgrae and daughter lenora of tonawanda n y t tsltors last week with mr and mrs e mcwhlrter mr and mrs w c reynolds of port arthur and mr ted ferguson of hamilton are holidaying with mr and mrs e mcwhlrter mr jim mcbean has returned to ohlcaso after holida ing for two weeks with hk parents mr and mrs john mcbean mr douglas martin of dundee scotland and mr richard bay croft of toronto were the week end guests of mr jack lawson mrs j h lullco mrs harold cleave and miss olive kennedy are holidaying at homey lodge balm beach georgian ba master murray hill has returned nome after spending the past month as the guest of mrs florence graham of the idle hoar club in sudbury mr and mrs p l mcgluray and mr garfield mcgilvray spent the holiday week end with friends in new lowell and stayner and attend ed colllngwood old boys reunion on monday the engagement is announced of marjorie mildred lawson only daugh ter of the late dr and mrs john lawson of acton ontario to john william mitchell onlj son of mr and mrs aubrey mitchell 156 stibbard ave toronto the marriage to take place august 6th at st georges unit ed church north toronto mrs phoebe r mcaskill of wlar ion former principal of westwood school oakvllle is spending a raon ths vacation motoring through the maritime provinces and the new eng land states she ts with her brother dr j h mckechnle deputy minis ter of education for saskatchewan and his wife and her sister mrs le stock reld of prince albert sasfc mrs mcaskill is a daughter of the late mrs mckechnle who lived in georgetown for a number of years and will be remembered by many friends here walters shaw calvin presbyterian church toron to was the scene of a wedding on saturday evening when lilian eliza beth shaw youngest daughter a mrs and the late mr john shaw of belfast ireland became the bride of mr arthur thomas walters of to ronto son of mr arthur walters oi georgetown rev joseph wasson offl elated the bride who was given in marriage by her brother mr ernest shaw wore a dress of shell pink crepe with navy bolero jacket white acces sories and a corsage of sweetheart roses miss lilian walters sister of the groom was bridesmaid in a dress of orchid taffeta and a corsage of talisman roses mr herbert r cope- land cousin of the bride attended- the groom a reception followed a the home of the grooms aunt mrs a m johnson broadview avenue where the guests were received by mrs johnson wearing a dress navy crepe following a motor trip to muskoka the couple will m their home in toronto more about the home town band edward w wodaon cnuslo critic of the toronto evening telegram wrote editorially in the issue of saturday july 3jth the following article sub stituting no doubt the name area- die for georgetown it may prove of equal interest to herald readers in discussing the pros and cons of the band situation the home town band the good music loving citizens of arcadee are in disgrace 1 the press chides them sternly for not support ing their town band at a public con cert recently given by that ensemble in the movie house of arcadee the audience on this occasion was almost as small in proportion as that gathered in massey hall toronto when the prague teachers chorus the westminster ohio singers the belgian guards band sousas band and other world famous musicmak ers performed there the town band of arcadee had won premier honors jn an ontario wide festival band contest held a week or two earlier the mayor and council of the town tendered the musicians a banquet of thanks and congratula- tlon in consequence this ill attend ed public concert preceded said ban quet hence and possibly not with out reason the press of arcadee in terpreted the small audience as evl dence of community indifference to music band music town band music town band triumphs in provincial wide competition and many other beautiful attributes of social life band business it wasnt that at all the fact that the town band of arcadee is one of the best in the province proves that the citizens of arcadee are the ri sort o folk ion t grow on trusties neither do fine little town bands spring from communities of nit wits and llliter ates if the small audience at area dee s band concert wai evldenc of anything it showed that arcadee folk didn t choose to sit penned up ior a couple of hours on a warm summer cvtnlng ui a movie house listening to band music and speech making and ho dare blame arcadee what is said here about arcadee and its band and its citizens applies also to every other little music loving town of canada there is a principle underlymg things even so amiable and obvious as town bands and their up poit we too often forget this prln clplc arcadee herself may be in danger ol forgetting it a town band is much more than a music maker if it lsn t then it shouldn t be called a town band it should get a high lunding professional name and go into business as a money maker then the cackle about public spirit and town enterprise mixed up with fame and publicity and profit making for somebody or other t would be i l at onte and forever competition there is a thrill in winning com petition is said to be the law of exist ence that it lsn i doesn t do away with the fact that most people say it thre is a thrill in knowing that your man has won your team has on yoar town band has wonr there is a thrill standing on the side walk at midnight watting for your town band to come home with all their blushing honors thick upon them and when the gallant bands men take their places around the big lamp in main street and play a jubi lain mardi of triumph well is any muiic sweeter or more stimulating umn this it makes a man want to love his relations pay his debts get a trombone and serenade the universe on one of saturn s faroff ringif iuih for competition but what ibout music track weary the best or men and women get track wearj at times however well they love their job and however good tt ey are at it this rule seems to hold the great outside public wearies just the same only they weary sooner and oftene- and nothing is so wearying as succeis in competition the cheer ing that began gently a sort of pianissimo of hope and fear gets louder and louder from a memo piano it grows to a forte then a fortissimo then a double and treble and quadruple fortissimo then noth ing but a quintuplet of quintuple for lisslml with a sforzondo of paralyzing intensity at every pulse in every measure will satisfy and after that what it used to be said during the war when thrilling headlines sent crowds rushing out into the street to buy extras hat the public wanted a blen helm for breakfast a waterloo for lunch a trafalgar and jutland dinner and the whole lot together just before going to bed arcadee fine little town band knows something about these climaxes and anticlimaxes of competitive tri umph and who dare deny that it is possible just possible that the peo pie of arcadee ore getting track weary of the fcuslness it may be so it is worth thfcg aboufr- meanwblle mtddc it ts my business to be told all sorts or things about music how good it is and how rotten it is and what a lot jf tommyrot a music critic writes and what a wretched musician some oth er fellow la and amongst other things i have been solemnly assured that band contests have done mor for music than anything else discov ered or designed since orpheus set the rocks a dancing and wild boasts of the underworld singing madrigals and partsongs x dont believe a word of it with all respect in the world for rnttwirifti and musiclove and indus try and application and enterprise suggest that band contests so far a i have had knowledge of tham here exalt ths band and the contest and the glory of triumph and so on en tirely at the rt of muslo itself the largest open air dance pam- winning competitions inaywln- also ton in the world is being rapidly push- a chorus of loud aw m the ed to completion at the canadian ne- town when the ttttqutrmtf band ra tional bxfalbttton where three oat- turns in wumpfa bat load cheers standing danoe bands h favourites that are the guerdon ornkdto anotseroen will be mltt7tompettuimme rather lees these bamw are guy lomba and bis boyml qpto and the benny goodman and tommy doner units nothing to music muslo doesnt flourish where loud cheers abound of 11 noises that afflict this buy world kelvinator the pioneer electric refrigerator come in today and see why the worlds oldest maker of domestic refrigerators offers you the best value experience puts kelvmator years ahead in design hugh lindsay phone 11 georgetown o 1 every road a safety lane you can have it that way if you see that your motor car is operating perfectly don t wait ioran accident to happen have your car thoroughly check ed and get an ok when the safety lane comes to georgetown on main street north wednesday august 10th from 900 am until dark the safety lane 18 made possible in halton by the efforts of the halton garage operators association georgetown members speights garage crjpps garage cains garage f sinclair white bow service station 0neihs garage scoffs garage pattersons garage silvebcreek brigttens garage hobnby loud cheers are the most profitless nothing that was ever worth any thing much won loud cheers it ts usually the other way the real town band the real town band should be end could easily be the focus point of the towns music love and poetry love and literary love for the matter of that everything that is good and best in he town should have expres slon in the music of the town band when the band played in the street which it ought often to do its music should tell every listener within hear in something to be remembered din ing the day s work something to lighten sorrow for there is sorrow even in arcadee to sweeten sadness and to whisper encouragement when the way is long and the heart gets weary when the band marched through the roads and avenues of the town playing as they marched as all bands are supposed to be able to do they would bring a message that only music can to places that otherwise are silent and unforsaken the very trees and grass would echo the song of the band the listener would look at familiar foliage now shadowing and shading unfamiliar sounds and his street would never be quite the same to him again and what these musical enterprises would mean to the band itself is another story a won derful story nothing in band con tests and medal winning and loud cheers to equal it but this must wait church news scripture text for the wrath of cod b repeal ed from heaven against all on godliness and nnrlfhtetmsnea of men who hold the troth in on- righteousness rom 1 18 hi st george church rev woo thompson rector eighth sunday after trinity sunday school jo00 sjn holy oommunto corporate 11 aji evensong 700 pjn st alow church glr wolhuns eighth sunday after trinity holy communion- 9 jo am sunday school 1030 ajn rev b o btfxter minister ajn ssrvlosof wonhtb bev mcalptoe win preach lloo am day school ritimfiii commence ing service withdrawn prospects of good crops in every province of the dominion continued prom page u cutting of fall wheat barley and early oats is well advanced with sat isfactory jields of good quality indi cated threshing of wheat has com menced corn roots and tomatoes are making excellent progress a heavy hay crop has been cured and stored under favourable conditions pastures have stood up well and sec ond growth is satisfactory the apple crop yield is expected to be slightly below average but of good quality earlj varieties are being marketed peach crop prospects are very favour able tobacco continues to make ex cellent progress and priming will be general in a few days hall damage has been severe in some relatively small areas in norfolk county maritime provinces wet weather continued during the past week and while crops generally are making good progress there is an excess of moisture in many districts and dry sunny weather is now needed oralns now at the headingout stage show satisfactory progress when hay ing commenced in midjuly the crop promised to be a heavy one but due to adverse harvesting conditions losses in quality and tonnage are widespread potatoes and other roots are well advanced notwithstanding adverse conditions apples are sizing well and an average crop is indicated blueberries axe plentiful and of good nuaflty grass pastures continue in excellent condition province of british cohtmma hot dry weather has continued dur ing the past week cutting of the second crop of alfalfa has commenc ed the yield is expected to be below average owing to lack of moisture all grains are maturing rapidly and are expected to yield only 60 of average due to the prolonged dry weather the main potato crop is growing well and is now estimated at 90 of average tomatoes are ripen ing quickly and shipments of semi- ripe are moving to market jn vol ume onions are maturing well un der ideal growing conditions ths crop is of good quality but the ton nage will be below average other vegetable and root crops are growing well and mixed shipments are now moving from the ofcanagan ever bearing strawberries of good quality have commenced to move from lower mainland points tree fruits are sla- mg well generally but due to very hot weather some apricots and peach es have matured before jming fauy sisml pasturage is drying up and ram is needed in all distrtcts there la still ample jrrigatteti water in n x o u try an herald it will bring i

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