Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 17, 1938, p. 6

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pae6 the georgetown herald wed neaday evening august 1 7th 1 936 visit hautues to study fauna on a mission to make a compara tive stud of trosh water insects and molluscs and to colelct specimens lor the polish museum of zoology in warsaw dr tfcdeuss jacsewkl act ing director of tbe museum and fellow of the royal entomoglcal society of ixmdon arrived at halifax recently on the sb batory from poland he was accompanied by his assistant dr btanislaus fellkslsk this is the first visit ofthese polish scientists to canada and for dr jac- xewskl to north america both have visited south america and in addi tion dr jacseewski has visited central america and his assistant mexico the former is more interested in fresh water insects while dr fellkslsx will devote his attention to molluses they will spend a few days making studies in the vicinity of halifax and from there will proceed via canadian national railways to north sydney en route to newfoundland prom the latter point the learned doctors will return to halifax and sail from that port for poland dr jacsekskl explained that he and bis assistant wish to make a compar ative study or these fauna as between north america and northern europe and to obtain as complete a collection as possible for their museum junior grandpa weve been argu big whether the clock stands or sits en the mantel grandpa it is halfpast eight by the clock and it is only a quarter to eight therefore i should say it lies on the mantel hannah godly motherhood golden text her children arise up and call her blessed proverbs 1 samuel 1 918 picobac r a mild cool smoke 3 5 days of thrills and fun m new york in washington 1000 1150 in boston 1175 in atlantic city 3 days 7 days 850 2305 attkacttve routto tw fak new york washington boston atlantic city s 1635 1s0 1875 1910 complete information at w h long phone 89 gray coach lines radio repairing u tears ex we specialize on this work j sanford son phone georgetown mw special ota mn onit 2snits r 4 j5 2 light coat 2 dresses t nuorofa eatons cleaners dyers leson passaoe 2s 15 0 god in whom we live and mote thy love is law thy law is love thy present spirit waits to fill the soul which comes to do thy wffl an empty heart 9 ib a childless home is usually a silent sorrow adults with latent love of children in their hearts invite the children of other families to their homes pr lavish their affection upon pets among hebrew women child lessness was almost a social disgrace this lesson tells of hannah going to thetemple to worship but in bitter ness of soul while she prayed she wept sore the deepest desire of her heart had been denied and she had not learned the patience of unanswer ed prayer but she knew enough to take her problem to god whenever we have a problem god has the an swer perhaps not the answer we de sire but always he has an answer hannah felt completely hopeless and helpless but she turned her thoughts to god and sought help and hope from him nor was she disappointed a prayer t god 11 have you ever listed the things for which you pray are they predom inantly material things spiritual blessings or moral purposes are there any things for which you do not pray have you had answers to prayer which lead you to pray with greater faith for other desired out comes is your prayer a storming petition of the throne of god or disciplined listening until you are ready to accept the will of god hannah did not hesitate to pray for she followed up her prayer by me a vow that her son would dedicated to god and that he would be trained to live as a naxirite would there be friction in as many families as there are would so many homes be broken tnrough divorce if parents made family and home the subject of sincere and prolonged prayer the home may be a shrine as truly as the church hannah pre pared herself spiritually for mother hood by earnest prayer misunderstood 1216 a consecrated woman befriended a family which was under a social ban and was severely criticised for blowing interest and good will to those who bore the stigma but were in authe greater need of help she vas chal lenged and gossiped about but she kept right on obeying her own con science seeking to follow her master in calling sinners to re pen lance and reformation it takes grace to meet situations like that while hannah prayed in her great agon o tears eli thought that bhe was under the influence of alcohol her emotion was so great that words failed her and the aged priest reproached her she replied that her emotion was due on not to intoxication with dlgnitj she defended herself and shotted that she had n more acute problem than drink her ery lalth in the love of god as at stake her mission seemed to be tn jeopir dj was it an wonder that she prayed not with conventional propn t but with the uttermost abandon of a soul facing defeat and despair hannahs prajer has something of tin character of the praer of the master in gethsemane it cost her sometluht to pra a hurrenderrd desire 17 ik ell spoke the words that heliwd he said go in peace and the god of israel grant thee thj petition tint thou hast asked of him hannah ac cepted the word of the priest a- a promise of god she surrendered her tears and her fear- no lonii r did she have to endure in ngon of motion inwird contentment ind peace were khimi to her she went back to her accustomed in ks fel no more reason to fast and i cr rmmten ance v as no loncer sad are inch transformations and lictonts possible toda slanlej jones bearlne a lt hcat load of respoislbilit i i ked how he kept up the pare he r pllfd there arc two wavs of doing it in india a railway engine stop u take water in america engines suck up water i they spwd along there are times of crisis when we ma find renewal solitude prater further rrender listening to god brtnjr the answers e seek there ire other periods perhajs long long periods when we are bus al work with little time for meditation or prajer where in we may keep in touch with god b faith frabmentarj moments or prayer and the inner peace which b bom of trust ind surrender by such means we may have ictorj instead of defeat a mothers glary 1 5 hannan s song sounds like a pre lude to the magnificat she had the same joy and faith of mar the moth er of jesus too often when our prayers are answered we take the ful fitment for granted and fall to re turn thanks the nine lepers out of ten who failed to express their sratl tude are symbolical of man christ lans who pray for gods help and when it is received falp to thank the giver of all good when our desires and our gratitude are both rooted in god he becomes a living reality to us then we have a religion not alone of ideas and heals but a personal ex pertence which may be renewed and repeated it is little use to try to deal with doubts by themselves the only adequa answer b an experience of gods help which removes doubt and builds op individual faith what a conviction for a hebrew woman of nearly three thousand yean agol the lord is ood of knowledge and by him actions are weighed qi i far plan 1 why is motherhood leas highly prised than formerly 3 how doe ecomonlo de af fect the birthrate 3 are there any matters that we ex lt0h ik towh wittfe ccmzdohut cu utfewimacmpitekirtof package g dzfooucrua- s alada tea see cjyoucbttottlunkittil me nicest faiyou etektated note all rural route homes in this vicinity will receive their packets through the mail georgetown and rural routes only elude from our pnir hit i what docs it mi an o sum rider desire to god what did hannah m m when sin said the lord is t md ol know edm new british policy- based on canadian in 19j5 the poultry reorg nijition commtvsion for england and wales ippolritfd technical e mmittei lo roiisldt r the present mi ihods of up pl md dl fibutioii ol hatch rj jgs laj old chicks ind biirdmg mm1 in cnat britain both kinrull md with particular reference to tin t i tli n of pouilrv mortaliu and to mak recommend itions lor tin lmprornnm of those methods some ol the best poult r work in the world has bein done in car id t and naturally in drawing up thiii scheme the technical committee based their recommendations on what ha been done in the dominion for mav eiirs principal on tin record of performanc ind hatchery appro il policies wlnci hae been in ox ration i during the past 20 jears on lh findings of the technical committee the british minister of agricultun has now set up n poultry commission for great britain with powers to control the distribution of breeding stock hatching eggs and dayold chicks with the responsibility for conducting stock improvement schemes on voluntary lines assisted b premiums from the exchequer in dl minlshing scale in addition the es tabllshment of a research station has been undertaken for the lsesugation of major diseases and problems con nected with the industry some years ago the canadian rec ord of performance policy won inter national recognition for its merits as a medium for the development of genera efficiency in farm flocks now as an additional mark of approval tne british minister of agriculture has incorporated practically the whole canadian scheme into the brtish poultry policy the british minister stated in the british parliament that the british government was of the opinion that a factor contributing to the present difficulties of the poultry industry was the lack of organization in the marketing of homeproduced egg ind poultry the canadian ex ample was readily available with the result that the marketing scheme is substantially repuca of tbe meth ods followed in canada visitor in editorial rooms what do you use that blue pencu for burtdt rweh to make a lone story short its to er make a long story short st iioolbo llowlr rs following is a list of schoolboj how urs compiled from replies dj to questions on examinations taxes are tilings what people paj then arc used to kei p the roads nice i he arctic cirrh the eirclc in the arctic refcion where il is d all da long a stethoscope is a sp glass for look inn into people dusts with jour uj a mosquito is a child of black and white pan iil mussolini is a sort of maurial used for ladles stocking a ciemrnin ls one of those people motor ts run oer the ii n imikrd lik women more horrible the function of the stomach is to hold ut the ptttkoat immortaht ls running awa with inolhir man s wife tile equator ls an imaginary line running through tin tropics with both ends meeuffrg in the middle tlie cold at the north pole is so gnat that iwns ti ere are not in habited ambiguous means hating two wives and not being ibh to get rid of them mars ls a star so far off tha it would tike n million years to walk there in an express train what ls the difference between a window and a widow you can see through the window when englishmen on one side fight with englishmen on the other it is called a gereral election shakespeare was a very polite man he often said go to but he never finished the sentence oliver cromwell had an iron will and a large red nose bul underneath were religious feelings liberty of conscience means being able to do wrong without bothering about it afterwards rhubarb ls a kind of celery gone bloodshot the feminine of bachelor is lady- in waiving the inhabitants of paris are called paris tes a quack doctor is one who looks after ducks doctors say that fatal diseases are the worst a pollgan with seven sides is callod a hooligan a grass widow is the wife of a dead vegetarian what was adam s punishment he was to keep eve muk is chiefly bough hi tins but it also grows in coconuts and goats when is the best time for picking apples on sunday afternoon when the folks are to chan a sincere friend is one who says nasty things to your faoe injoy 12 hours of fa5cinatinc mu5koka lakes scenery daily 730am from muskoka 1q0j alte cssf tfce fare only meals ixtiw rms sagamo dnn op the nigbt bderc and ilcep and cat on the tmimr hiihway no h tram toronto 101 miles all kxxmnaa tour doable f ts each single wm include para stata- room threa metis and reaetvad chair tha bcconnnodatloa b fir las in every particular llluitrfrj mmp fmrr tmmttd o rftfll of mid awar muskoka lake navigation and hotel co limited i0x l cravenhurst ontario we have made special arrangements for the ii servicing of general motors automobiles we are also in a position to sell new chevrolet ponliac and oldsmobile motor cars we nave a number of good used cars for sale your patronage will be appreciated j n oneill son pboae ofiee 14 rea 168

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