Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 17, 1938, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 17th 1938 pag 7 luckt teters hell drivers the worlfamous lucky tatar with his congress of daredevil drivers at the ex hibition for the third time by popular demand i see them deliberately crash motorcars and motorcycles in a hairraising repertoire of deathdefying stunts in front of the grand stand afternoons only- monday aug 29th to friday sept 2nd general admission 26c heserved seats 60c frolexland prom the four corners of the globe the worlds most muring creatures beauti ful carls intrepid acrobats kaleidoscopic colour thrilled throngs shooting showmen tights musici actum frolic infrolexlandl united kingdom pavilion the history of britains transportation on land sea aaavin the an miniature moving models coionrau dioramas and maps perfect models of the first steam ships planes trams used years ago and the most modern equipment of the age one of the most enthralling engineering triumphs ever exhibited d a n c i n o the biggest open ah danos floor in the dominion 1 torrid tempos of goodman and dorsey the s ophiaticatlon of guy lombardo baddy bogeral dance as youve never danced before afternoons wcper pel son evenings l0d per person 5 c u l i i n o v bobbie pearce the worlds greatest acnller will defend his title against grnelling competition or evans psddon george cook and percy see australias spectacular scullers the first race august 26th 60c per person reserved 76c tku cms hfomahet imot ktag was waim6 moitlir diomond jubilee fxhlbstidn buc2c x sep io new zbauuto wheat hew zealand imported j6 worth imrfi wheat during the first months of 1938 in new zea- the government is the only 1 importer of wbeet and its is to import tto more than to ly necessary and to make the ultimately selfsupporting wfeeat is imported for purposes and australian chiefly for feed purposes white clover and mammoth colver are important compan- of mixtures in establishing -per- ent or semipermanent pastures if you are loaded for bear do not your anmiqilckni on the chip- gardening notes next tears irises one of the must items which may gardeners have marked down on their schedules for attention during the next few weeks is the ordering of irises for new pla or the im provement of old beda unlike most garden perennials the bearded irises can he- set out during the midsusnmer in fact they are better planted then than later in the fall when root growth again becomes active no other flower so easily grown as the his has such a wide range of color combinations almost every color shade and hue is to found in the petals of this attractive flower be cause of the ease with which it may be hybridized many amateur jandpro- fessional plant breeders have been making thousands or crosses yearly with the result that seedlings have been grown which not only produce taler and better branched stalks bear ing more and larger blossoms but new colors and color combinations have been also brought into existence the finest pansles to grow the finest pansles seed must be sown at the right time planting during the first two weeks of august results in the strongest plants though early september is not too late if one has a greenhouse seed may be started indoors in janu ary sow in anrust while pansy seed may be sown in early spring the practice lsn t recom mended for sections where summers are hot and dry pansles delight in a cool climate and to obtain the finest flowers gardeners in warm sections must time their blooming period to fall in the cool spring months since pansla are biennials august sowing will give the pjanfc sufficient time to grow and develop for a spring display of flowers by far the best place to sow is in a coldframe yet a well prepared shelt ered seedbed will give you very good results also unless careful attention is paid to the preparation of the soil results are often disappointing in the shade groundcover plants have an im portant part in the semi shaded gar den taking the place of grass where it will not thrive and to fill gaps in the flower border blue carpet bugle ajuga white lilyof thevalley light blue crested iris and blue leadwort plumbago are flowering sorts which do well in the shade as do the ever green japanese spurge periwinkle the evergreen winter creepers euonymus in several varieties and the baltic ivy the weather in august and septem her is favourable for the growth of turf from seed the temperature dur ing the day stimulates the germina tion of seed and the growth of young grass seedlings and yet is not so hot that these tender plants become scorched or dried out the soil is also warm at this season so that the seed germinates rapidly the young plants often appearing through the ground in four or five days after seeding generally speaking states a m ross i division of forage plants central experimental farm ottawa the best results are obtained by using seed which has been purchased as pure species and mixed by the pur chaser as in this way tt is impossible to use only the seed of grasses suitable for lawn purposes the most widely adapted lawn grass mixture is com posed of four pounds kentucky blue grass and one pound colonial bent this quantity being sufficient to sow one thousand square feet of lawn as it is impossible for the average person to tell the quality of grass seed by general appearances the purchaser should stipulate grade no 1 quality the ingredients of this mixture to ensure their purity and vltablllty the area to be sown should be com posed of good loam soil free from weeds and should be level the seed bed is prepared by cultivating to a depth of 5 to 6 inches and then break tag down the top inch or so of the soli into a fine state of tilth by alter nate rolling and raking hard umps or stones should be removed from the surface the seed should be divided into two equal portions the first half being used to sow the whole area and the remaining half to go over it all again but this tune proceeding at right an gles to the direction taken when sow ing the first time covering may be done by lightly raking the seed into the earth but better still by covering it very lightly with screened weedfree soli ten pails of soil is sufficient to cover one thousand square feet of seeded area the area should then be rolled with a light roller and watered with a very fine spray to obtain the best results the seeded location should be kept moist until the young seed lings have become established but care should be taken to prevent flood ing washing or puddling of the soil if the young grass attains the height of two inches before winter it is ad- vlseable to cut it back with a good sharp lawn mower this cutting should only sever the tops of the leaves and the cuttings should be caught in a grass catcher and removed from the- lawn as a general rule it is not wise to cover the grass- with brush straw or any other covering for winter protec tion these are apt to hold the ice in the spring by shading it from the warm sunshine and hi this way to damage the turf parson brown had finished his ser mon and was g the announce ments for next week and now my bredren be said next sunday i will speak to you up on the condition of the church and my topic will be tbe status quo pardon me parson interrupted deaoon jones but that do that mean well deacon rejoined the parson dots latin for mi to a devil of a fix self service br- qcbtbude cu8hoiq por the satisfaction of that numer- ous unimaginative company who like to ask who when and where it may as well be admit ted that this chapter in two young lives reached its consum- 4 mntion in the month anuki of january 1928 that it was enacted stor in a cafeteria within walking distance of the state house if one was a good waller and that the he and u involved might have been that young couple you noticed at the table across the aisle i hoped id find you here only i hoped id get in before you were seated so i could carry your tray for you its lucky you dont overtake me every night youd soon spot me was it a haad day are you tired not a bit i feel greet i had a raise today and after the first of april im to have my own office what do you mean by your own office are you going to leave where you are oh no i should hope not i mean that im not to work in the general office with a lot of other girls im to have a little corner near my boss is he married i never asked would you care not a snap do you mean you like him so much it wouldnt make any differ ence whether he was married or not i mean it wouldnt matter to me yes what have you been reading since i saw you last why do you ask that you sound as though you might have been examining a shipment of would be best sellers a bit freud ian but i wish youd eat some thing say do you agree with that chap who my boss no that freud i never read him i dont have time to read anything but novels working all day and m the evening sewing and mending and a dash of washing and ironing and some times i like to go to the pictures or a show you ve never let me take you to a show yet and ive asked you times enough lord knows oh youve been fine to ask me and i do appreciate it but you see i cant quite bring myself im not exactly flapperish you know and we dont even know each other s names well what of it say listen did you ever think it out like this suppose youre walking with a girl friend and a man comes along that she knows and she names him to you and you to him and you all walk along together and come to her house and she says goodby and goes in you walk along with this strange man and its all right for you to ask him in to your house just because she s told you his name and perhaps hes a man you ought not to know at all would you be so kind as to all my glass for me- what i was going to say was he continued that if we were in troduced a hundred times we wouldn t know each other any better on that account weve talked about books of course i didnt believe what you said just now about not reading and music and pictures and life and that s the way you get to know people why i can read your thoughts about things as if the were photographs oh you can can you just to test you and show you up what am i thinking now you won t be angry no i 11 take the risks well then you re thinking things are reaching a point when im going to talk about something besides books and music and pictures something more personal and you want to hear and youre half afraid yqu re held back by inwbttldris that arent worthy of you you rather envy girls that take themjit between their teeth and bolt but still you cling to old fashioned ideas am i right yes and you make me feel ashamed somehow look here what is your name she told him he left her abruptly to return in a few minutes with the manager of the cafe good evening said he this young nian is a neighbor of mine and hes very anxious to be introduced to you youll excuse me if i dont stop i see im wanted at the desk tm pleased to know you and now that the conventions have been observed will you marry me you make me more and more ashamed with every word you speak to take me on trust like that- but i love you you no matter wbat your name is if you dis trusted me why did- you let me join you night after night i dont distrust you i love you too come on lets cut dessert they went out the young man carrying both checks conspicuously in his hand crop report below will be found a brief synopsis of telegraphic reports received at the head office of the bank of montreal from its branches under date of aug ust ilth 1938 general harvesting is now fairly general in the prairie provinces with rapid progress being made in mani toba saskatchewan and southern al berta wet weather in many districts has temporarily delayed cutting but the moisture has been beneficial to late crops and pastures in central alberta warm weather is needed to hasten the ripening of crops the ef fects of rust in manitoba and eastern saskatchewan are becoming evident as harvesting progresses and yields and grades of susceptible varieties of wheat will be appreciably reduced grass hoppers are damaging standing crops in parts or manitoba and saskatche wan further hail damage has- oc curred at widely scattered paints quebec province continues to enjoy ideal growing conditions with warm weather accompanied by light rains in many districts prospects as a whole ore good for a satisfactory harvest in ontario harvesting is well advanced and good average yields of the main crops are in prospect in all sections moisture conditions are satisfactory and growing crops continue to make favourable progress prince edward island crop conditions continue to be favourable with excellent prospects in new brunswick and nova scotia following an overabundance of rain during recent weeks several days of sunsnine in the past week have bene fited all crops early grains are ripen ing rapidly and good average yields are indicated british columbia has enjoyed cooler weather during the past week with heavy showers in most districts which have been very bene ficial to crops generally harvesting of grain is under way in the interior with good yields on irrigated lands but only 45 of average ondry farms l ontario threshing of an above av erage crop of fall wheat of good qual ity nears completion cutting or spring grains is well advanced and threshing returns indicate satisfactory yields corn buckwheat beans roots and tomatoes are making excellent progress a heavy crop of good qual ity hay has been stored under favour able conditions recent rains have benefited pastures and the new growth is satisfactory an average crop of peaches and pears of good quality is expected while a slightly below average yield of apples is fore cast flue tobacco is ripening rapidly and priming is general indications are for satisfactory yields of a good quality leaf heavy rains have caused some damage to the burley and black fired varieties on low land why not plan a business career udaa i business n more bubumsb executives where an these future leaders id bosuns they wul be found by h m ucb young men andwomea asyoa but youth must be trained to fill these positfans efficiently plan mw to take a shaw busuiem course at one otsbaw 12 day school consult telephone directory for loca tions tbesbaw plan of individual uutruction enables you to jom any tune shaw coarse lead to recognized standing shaw model office gives actual experience shaw empkiymentburtluigk- free amibtance tognduatea lotrtroctkwahobyuieshawhoniest shaw business schools jav trucking regular transport service between georgetown and toronto full loads anywhere long distance moving government license full insurance snyders cartage phone 171w or j office mill and market streets georgetown jasper park largest of canada s na tional playgrounds and fastest grow tng in point of popularity is rapidly approaching the greatest tourist year in its history the count of visitors entering the park since the first ol june to the end of july was 6653 an increase of 2 077 over the correspond ing period of last year when the to tal was the greatest since 1928 the figures are compiled from ac curate records checked by government auditors at park administration head quarters and by auditors at jasper park lodge travel in and out of the park by permanent residents ol jasper village and by trucks or cars operating in and out on purely busi ness rnutnn is not included the figures represent purely bonaflde tourist traffic advance reservations for the re mainder of august at jasper park lodge and at both the athabaska an other hotels in jasper village are the heaviest in years and all three resorts unquestionably will enjoy a near capacity business for the full month millinery all the latest in uptodate millinery see our exceptionally fine showing hats from 100 p misses claridge main street georgetown herald block upstairs try herald classified ads golf week in the canadian rockies the buff springs botels aa- sual golf wmk u set for anguat sjit and the contest tor the long list of cops and prises will b waged in amoantain set ting 0 beautiful as to main th old admonition keep your eye on the bail doubly difficult of falffl- ment golf weak at thebanff springs coarse will see many notable 08 and canadian amateur with aprtnkllng of british and -bor- psur entrants fighting it oat- cor tbe sownrd prince of walts tro phy put op by former b2at wmrd vtu and tfcajwnungdon enp tor men associated screen mews cop and the brewster trophy sad a boat of other coveted awards tor as much a social as event banffs golf week is tbe signal for a bandof informal entertainment centred si the baro nial banff springs hotel beneath tbe tamos of which the grant golf course wtoes down over the aprstblver for 40 yards of un- rlraild fairways and greens a golfers ball in the big hotel ballroom saturday night brings the weak to n elo wfcta t tton of enps and prise the speefwaur banff springs course has ravtolnrays laid along the raller of the bow hirer into which the reshtng spray dumps it green water beneath the towering first tee yttumubasd for beantr the oourse jalfergaka among the worlds mat tor us length trieuneas and gaaeral aamrtneaa of design plots above ahow the howard prince of wales cop ud rtw t ifc

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