Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 28, 1938, p. 1

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seventysecond year of publication future of business mens assoc n ha in the balance mr- merchant are you interested in promoting your own business will you cooperate by attending meet ings banquet proposed for near future the fire of enthusiasm which brought out so many business and rtesslanal men to the first meeting this association soon died off as fct meetings continued until now the tfature of so new an organization turtuatnene balance at a meeting held in the public idjbray last night the attendance was small that those present claimed they would hot carry on if they did not get the wholehearted support of every business man in town the executive threw out the challenge do we need an oragnizauon of this type or do we want such an organization in georgetown in a last attempt to really get the feeling of the business men and start the ball rolling for what could be the most dominant force in the communi ty a supper is being planned for the next meeting night tickets will be sold and every business man interest ed in the promotion of this organiza tion will be present and offer his sug gestions for the wellbeing and fur thering of this association let us all get behind the executive and keep alive a factor in the business hie of tide community which will tsnd to better business conditions generally i- td make for a more friendly spirit between our local merchants m l 196 school days when the schools reopened on sep tember sixth a tenmonth school year clean your chimneys j and pipes now that the heat of summer is over and the air belgns to take on that chilly feeling dur ing the evenings it is time for every householder to stop and have a look up at his chimney and ask himself if it has been cleaned out ready for the win ter if not he should make it a point to see that it is done before the fires are started and while you are at it be sure that the stove pipes are gone over in the same way and cleaned and any bad ones thrown away and replaced with new ones there are a lot of chimneys and stove pipes in georgetown and if they are cleaned now and put in proper shape the firemen will be able to sleep a little more easily when the cold high winds blow this fall and winter mrs g mckinney killed in accident en route to toronto mrs gordon mckinney of 395 willard avenue was instantly killed and her husband was injured about the face and head fatal auto aecident mrs joseph buddy killed when stbtjck by auto on sunday evening a sad and fatal accident occurred on sunday evening about seven oclock when mrs joseph ruddy was almost instantly killed when struck by an automobile the accident occurred on guelph street near the high school mrs ruddy had returned home on the bus after vlsjting friends at acton and was crossing the street after the bus had left when she was struck down the car was driven by reld marquess of guelph who was hot held after lawn bowlers held delightful meeting on monday evening the georgetown lawn bowling club was the setting for oneofthemost dejlghtrul even ings enjoyed by members this season when the gentlemens section enter tained the lady members perfect weather conditions attend ed the occasion and eight rinks par ticipated in the competitions for which three prizes were awarded the winners being mrs mckenzle kaiser and miss lyla kennedy immediately following the qames the ladies were escorted to tables ela borately spread with good things to eat in the club house where the sur r j mi- i 11 t- uiv emu ijuuac wnere uie our- cmm -i- mkwommshau iad- rdiieitiadbii madljitteacuvo invnettcmtph investigated ross duncan who witnessed the accident carried the unfortunate wo man into his mothers home dr c v williams was summoned and pronounced mrs ruddy dead when he arrived deceased is survived by two sons fred of london and charles of tem- agami chief coroner dr j h stead of oakville has ordered an inquest which will be opened in the town hall georgetown on friday at ttpin of one hundred and ninetysix teach- wnen lne car in which tney were nd ing days lasting until june 29 1939 began by months the number of teaching days are as follows 19 october 20 november 21 december 16 january 21 february jq march 23 april 22 may 22 june 20 in this school year there will be stmm4 holidays thanksgiving day october 10th remembrance day november 11th christmas vacation december 23rd to january 2nd ln- elusive easter holidays april 7th to 16 inclusive may 24th june 9th summer vacation june 30th to sep- ternber 4th inclusive ing met headon with a half- ton truck on highway 17 24 miles east of sault ste marie early sunday morning an inquest into the death of mrs mckinney whose body was take 1 to the sault was ordered by coroner dr v s grigg bruce mines mr mc kinney was admitted to the hospital with lacerations and other facial and head injuries the accident occurred where visibi lity was poor owing to a fog the truck was driven by walter bellhartz bruce station mr mckinney is em ployed by the dominion- government department of insurance mr mckinney is a brother of alex mckinney president of brampton fair and he and his wife were on their way to visit relatives in bramp ton community sacred thanksgiving service arena georgetown sund october 9th a community sacred thanksgiving service to be sponsored by the george town lions club will be held in the arena on sunday oct 9th at 815 pjn following the regular church services in town the guest speaker on this occasion will be rev george w tebbs of bur lington and the resident ministers in town will also take part the pro gram will consist of number by the toronto police quartette georgetown choral society and the lome scots band citizens of the community are cor dially invited to attend this service of thanksgiving the spirit of lions is service to the community he profiu mart whoserves bert help other will you do your part by attending the lions frolic on october 10 11 the lions club are always ready to lend a helping hand to any communi ty endeavor that will benefit the town s a whole and even jnore so if it be to render some service to the under- rjvflaged children fcb6 great has the need been for a dental and other clinics in george town and surrounding district that the dub finds it necessary to bolster their finances in order to cope wlh the situation and hold such clinics on october 10 11 they are holding a community frolic two nights of hilarious fun for everybody from six to sixty tour support of this enter- tadnment is solicited so that the lions may continue their sendee work pun for you means health and happiness for the underprivileged children or this district opening the tjwoday frolic on thanksgiving night october 10 a big amateur show la being held in the arena none other than radios popu- lar master of ceremonies ken boole win be on hand and win brine three t hftu entrants from georgetown and district are invited to take part m the contest and there will be both junior and senior sections prists in each section win be a handsome pra omen watch for first prise and a tjnrrat sftnlcamera for second prise m such valuable prises win no doubt t bring out some excellent talent wbien win be a treat for those who are for- tanate enough to attend another feature will be the draw for one ton of coal each night tickets for which are now being sold on tuesday evening oct 11 the show stm continues to the arena with mriety acta mrtqrting vmudenuc and games of au unas there win be i for e and there is no ad- stfon charge a cash door prize of s30jw win be drawn for you cant flord to miss these entertainments i for no other reason than to have a for the lucky door prise the lions club are grateful to the cttisens of georgetown and district for the support they have tendered them in- the past and know that they can be assured of that same support at frolic next month when you the lions to help others you are ly helping the less fortunate chfl- dren through organised effort presenting the beautiful interna tional star danielle darrleuz in her initial american screen role univer sale the rage of paris a dashing romantic comedy comes to the greg ory theatre georgetown on satur day oct 1st afternoon matinee and night after five months of careful preparatory work and two months or active filming douglas fairbanks jr is costarred with the versatile french actress who appeared in some or europes most distinguished films including the prize winning mayerllng before going to hollywood among the featured play ers mlscha aiier has the comedy role or a bewildered waiter helen broder- ick famous screen and broadway stage comedienne plays the part of a humorous worldose actress and louis hayward is fairbanks rival properly to present miss darrieux whose beauty and talent have captur ed the imagination of millions abroad universal production official have supported the star with brilliant cast including charles coleman samuel s hinds nella walker and harry da venport henryi koster who wrote the stories of some of ida darrieux inch htts before winning tame here with the first films directed the picture buddy dje syrra was the producer dont miss seeing this wonderful picture at the gregory on saturday gladstone club enjoy visit to georgetown 18mile run feature event a number of runners from the gladstone athletic club held a meet in georgetown saturday afternoon and certainly enjoyed their visit here as was voiced by their manager or the races mr klncald a feature of the afternoon was the 18mile marathon run which took the runners to ashgrove and back to the seventh line corner at the acton crosroad finally finishing at the park this race was won by f bris- tow in 1 hr55 mln 30 sec starting from scratch other runners and their times are as follows r stewart 2 hr 10 mln starting from scratch jim cummings 2 hr 2 mln 30 sec 4 mln handicap o garbutt 2 hr 3 mln with 6 mln handicap o beau mont 2 hr 4 mln 10 sec with 5 mln handicap jim potter 2 hr 6 min is sej with 3 mm handicap john cummings 2 hr 6 mln 30 sec with leap jimmy emmerson who also entered in race made atme snowing by go ing is of the 18 miles he has only been training for the marathons for a short period another event was the 3mile run won by r martin in 15 mln 30 sec with a 45 sec handicap j swlngler 15 mln 57 sec with 45 sec handicap r wheeler 16 nun 11 sec with 50 sec handicap w culier georgetown 16 nun 34 sec starting from scratch we welcome the toronto boys back to town at some future date by decorations and even a radio pro vided for the enjoyment which re flected the thought and work the gentlemen had given to the prepara tions tor the event after the gentlemen had graciously served the ladles the president mr richardson expressed on behalf of the gentlemens club the pleasure they had derived from thus enter taining the ladles and praised them for their support to which the ladles president mrs mckenzle replied as suring the mens division of continu ed assistance the gentlemen then presented the three winners with beautiful prizes and at the same time every lady re ceived a lovely favor miss may lan- gan drew the lucky number prize and mr elmer thompson the cubs untiring- secretary was made the re cipient of a gift as a gesture of ap preciation of all the work he so cheer fully attends to in the interests or the bowling club mrs mckenzle asked to accept a gorgeous bouquet or flowers as a mark or recognition of her competence as president mr bell and mr faram spoke of the possibilities or the club for the year and outlined plans tor next ear which prormse worthwhile results mr john kennedy one of the old est bowlers referred to the value of bowling as a link 61 understanding and good fellowship and urged for a continuance or the present splendid cooperation and harmony vicepresident mrs cleave and miss lyla kennedy moved the vote of ap preciation of work involved in plann ing decorations and refreshments and with the singing of auld lang syne the members dispersed reeling that the mens efforts had been crowned with complete success joseph gardiner died from injuries joseph gardiner of bpeyside who was struck by an auto near his home on the 2nd line ebquesing on sun day sept 18th died in guelph hos pital on wednesday 21st he had sus tained a fractured skull and never re gained consciousness the funeral took place from rum- leys undertaking parlours to pair view cemetery acton on friday af ternoon an inquest will be held a timely question many persons are asking these days what population does caechoalovakla contain and it js a timely question in 1994 the total number of inhabi tants was 147j536 divided racially as follow czechoslovaks 088770 about 7300000 osecks and xjm0 slovaks germans 3231688 magyars 691923 ruthenes russians and ukra- nlans 51916ft jews lsbjott poles 81737 other nation 49636 and 240971 not citizens csechoslovbkia is 397 miles long by 175 miles wide about one tenth the size of ontario the chief city praue has a population of 8000o0 such a country defying ger many with its 70000000 is a striking t f courage or of faith in the support- it wfll receive from other na tions or of both acton junior hockey club organized acton junior hockey club is away to a good start this season when they held their annual- meeting last week and elected their officers for 1938 as follows honorary presidents e 8 force amos mason g a- dills h 8 holmes and j m mcdonald president c cook vicepresident w conn secretarytreasurer e dron executive j adamson m tyler bayilas 8 manager h f holmes coachjack kentner mascot- woods acton will enter their junior team in the ojxa again this season native op georgetown at w b mcctulooh building contrac tor of brampton onfrlday celebrat ed his 85th mrthdaytbe has spent 70 years m brampton and went there from georgetown when both centres were small vusftges noted for their muddy streets the main thorough fares were then lighted with ofl lamps and the torontdouelph railway just had been inaugurated mr mocuuoch formed the firm of umqi and mcouucch which c structed the- brampton postoffice and 27 nouses in its first y hi fat gest x was building the pease foun dry at brampton he was former a member of- the brampton council and served for h years on the school board mccuuoch former mayor 1 two other sons frank and bert uve hi brampton georgetown sewage system oblovcoshi20 plans submitted to council at monday nights meeting business men want place to hold meetings road improvement discussed only pasteurized can be sold georgetown milk on and after october -lu- 1 1938 amendments to the public health act of ontario forbid the offering for sale of any milk which has not been pasteurized see notice as published by the medical health officer on an other page of this issue synagogue services mark year 5699 as the sun dropped below the hori zon on sunday last the walls o synagogues in toronto echoed the blast of a rams horn calling jews to the festival of the new year the year 5699 was greeted by jews the world over with the traditional ritual as a time for prayer and meditation most of torontos 43000 jews and those from surrounding towns attend ed services in orthodox synagogues beginning at sundown sunday and continuing until tuesday rabbi maurice elsendrath conducted ser vices on sunday night and monday in ancient times this festival mark ed the beginning of lhe agricultural and economic year in palestine with the destruction or the temple in jeru salem and the dispersion or the peo ple the holy day began to mean a time of prayer and meditation or selfscrutiny and of penitence this interpretation or the holiday comes from the rablnical tradition that the new year commemorates the anniver sary or creation the prayers of the day are filled with the message of justice the sound of the shofar calls for remenv brance of gods laws and ones ob ligations to his fellowmen rosh hashonoh is a day on which family ties are strengthened and friendships are renewed encom passing the ideas of divine justice and human responsibility the day began the ten days of penitence which culminated in yom klppur or the day of atonement it the repentance is sincere forgiveness is attained on yom kippur the solemn festival of the day of atonement which closes the penitenial season the weekly meeting of the united church young peoples union was held on monday evening sept 26th with president armand swackhamer in the chair the guest speakers of the evening were two former members of the un ion mr arthur dayfoot and mr wm maclaren mr dayfoot who has just returned home after four months missionary work in northern ontario gave a most interesting talk on his mission field in the cochrane dis trict and the relief settlement scheme there mr maclaren who has returned home for a holiday af ter spending a year in bermuda in a most interesting way depicted life in that sunny land at the close a hearty vote of thanks was given to arthur and bill for the enjoyable evening they had given ajl those present the young peoples benediction closed the meeting nobval rifle club a good attendance on monday night was an indication for an active fall and winter shoot beginning next monday the first shoot in a novelty event will take place and will con tinue for four club nights the con ditions of the shoot are as follows ten shots off hand 10 shots prone in one minute and 15 seconds and 10 shots prone deliberate the aggre gate of the three shoots to decide the winners a silver mounted shield is being donated for the event the scores for monday night were as follows m atkinson 100 m mere dith 89 w wilson 00 h nurse b9 e mckinney 98 r w hall 97 f hustelrwl w lisk 97 dr steven son 07 w robinson 95 c cantelon 95 p stark 93 see advertisement for thanksgiving day shoot on page 7 of this issue halton count fair at milton last saturday was largely attended among the prize winners from georgetown nntw r ty for light horses w o brownrldge for heavy horses and c herrmgton sunset farm for poultry the potato race on horseback was won by miss vivian clark of norval the standing in the various exbjbtfs of the womens stltutes was hornby first sec block second mlltbo juniors third molly dies was one erin horse in mo ie molly only erin horse ever to play in movies is dead she died friday after three years of glory since ap pearing in kings plate a moving picture filmed in ontario molly was owned by trueman beer and appear- with him in the movie from all horses in the township molly was chosen ror parts in the film when the company was on location in erin three years ago a special meeting of town council was held on monday evening witb mayor joseph gibbons in the chair reeve george davis and councillors n h brown a e cripps wm f smith james costigan jos hail and thos lyons present dr c v williams medical officer of healthr-was-also-present-on- hxiitrz ation of mayor gibbons the meeting was called for the pur pose of receiving a report and plans for installing a sewage georgetown also the cost submitted on request of council by hagey gray and plunkett consulting engineers or fort erie ont mr c ralph hagey bbc senior member of the above mentioned firm was present and explained in detail the complete plan and ways and means of installing the system the plan as submitted has been ap proved by the department of health of ontario the total cost of the system cover ing the entire town is estimated at 127000 the trunk sewer and dis posal tank would cost 37000 which would add 169 mills on the general tax rate the balance of 80000 would be paid for by a frontage tax of 6 cents per foot to those havlnc sewer in front of property the whole system as explained by engineer hagey at considerable length and in a thoroughly business like manner looked qulte feasible and would no doubt be a great asset to the commulnty as well as making oar town a more healthy place in which to reside provided the property own ers could bear the burden of the extra taxation mayor gibbons was firmly of the opinion that an expenditure of this site should not be proceeded with be fore the ratepayers were given an opportunity to vote on the same wm long president of the busi ness mens association on behalf of that organization asked council to assist in securing a place for holding meetings the old council chamber at the town ball was suggested and the matter was left in the hands of councillor cripps chairman of the property committee and other mem bers to act in conjunction with rep resentatives of association with a view to arranging a satisfactory meeting place permission was given to the beh telephone company to erect a pole on mill road the deplorable condition of the con necting link of the county roads sys tem through georgetown was dis cussed at some length and a was de cided to send a deputation to coun ty council with a view to bavins them assume their share of the costs of a hard surface road meeting adjourned open partridge season partridges are on the increase throughout ontario and hon harry nixon minister of game and fisher ies has announced two sixday open seasons from oct 10th to oct 15th inclusive and nov 5th to nov 10th inclusive no more than ave birds can be taken on any slnle day a to tal bag of 15 birds for the twelve days will be allowed georgetown fall fair opens tonight at the arena today and tomorrow will be two big days in the life of the community fine weather and better attrac tions promise a record attendance once again the georgetown district nnpi txl attraction is with us nhletytiwo years of consecutive exhibitions is a record to be proud of and this years show will be even greater than ever before if the in terest taken and the entries in the various classes so far received br the secretary is any barometer in mils case this the first day of the twoday fan fab here gets into full swing at the arena tonight when a splendid program has been pirt by the committee in charge some of the attractions have already been advertised and trarhid tap dancing folk g i bouts musical chairs and potato races on horseback choruses by the georgetown oltoral society and music will be supplied by the geor o and the lome boots band k will be a grand night of entertainment and begins sharp at 8 pan tomorrow ushers in another of hattons show days at the park when large exhmtts of livestock fann produce domestic science band- craft etc will greet the many who patronage the local atr there are many feature attractions for show day h horse racing high jump ing potato races sheaf binding ladles oar driving contest etc a mksway will also be in full awing throughout the afternoon pair visitors win have a chance of winning the cash prises donated by the georgetown business mens association by simply registering at their booth on the grounds the 1b38 fall exhlbuon wfil be officially opened by james hewson warden of halton county mr r j kerr president of thejohtarlo fall fairs association ww also be present prizes in the baby show are again donated by one of georgetowns old boys inspector n guthrie of toronto police force mr guthrie win be on hand to greet the babies and pres the prlail free parking will allow visitors to take their cars into the grounds and thus add tb their convenience and comfort to windup the fair a dance will be held in the arena on fair night thursday sept 29th when music will be supplied by a good orchestra with everyone in the district s the local fair by oteh presence at the show the 1938 erhlhttion will no doubt go over the top

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