Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 28, 1938, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening september 28th 1938 the georgetown her ald phone no i j h moobe edttar and riuww a weekly newspaper devoted to the best interests of the town of georgetown and surrounding country including the villages of olen williams norval llmehouse stewarttown balllnafad and terra cotta issued every wednesday evening at the office on main st- georgetown subscription rates 9160 per year in advance united states 60c additional single copies 3c both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested rtnvttgmu llriumlegal notices 12c per line for first in sertion tc per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line for each insertion if in black face type be per line additional notices qualifying as coming events such as concerts entertainments society church or organisation meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted iree in memorian notices 50c and 10c per line extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 60c small advertisements one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 25c for each subsequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald accepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the heraw business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement the herald dobs job printing op all kinds we cannot of course all be hand some and its hard or us all to be good we are sure now and then to be lonely and we don t always do as we should to be patient s not always easy to be cheerful is much harder still but at least we can always be pleasant if we make up our mind that we will and it pays every time to be kindly although you feel worried and blue if you smile all the world will be cheerful the world will smile right back at you go try to brace up and look pleasant no matter how low you are down good humor is always contagious but you banish your friends when you frown the compass the very last i dreamt i saw two souls set forth through life and bearing loads they both were bent on heaven s ascent but followed different roads the one chanced on a wellwom track where saints had trod before and running straight soon reached the gate of rest for evermore the other god knows why he found no path so sanctified went blundering on from dawn till dawn till all the world had died for many a tempting turn he took to be betrayed by sin how oft he fell he wept to tell yet dared to hope to win so when the tired worlds toils were oer and all the seasons past sad sick and sore be reached gods door and crept in least and last and some stood by who wondered why the master spoke no blame they bad not heard his tender word i know the way you came j j bell lost kingdoms and now i too am come of those who weep through empty days and nights of jileak despair 0 for dear lost kingdoms that they could not keep l too must stand in alien fields and stare with burning eyes upon a distant scene on haloed hills whose purple shadows he caressingly on meadows far more green than those that claim this cold un friendly sky on wooded vales that know no wintry grief but stand unchanging through eter nal spring not theirs the loss of cherished hootn and leaf not theirs the pang of beauty s per- wlthln us all the listening heart might hear a lone child grief for kingdoms lost and dear constance davles woodrow highest in her class r of record of performance certificates have been issued by the federal department of agriculture to members of the holsteln herd of clarence anderson georgetown dur ing the month of september accord ing to the monthly test bulletin highest tn her class was dewdrop burke bonheut who led 23 twoyear olds in the fcs4ceawytnllking sec tion of the 306 day division her offi cial production is given as 438 lb fat from 12835 lb milk me c i really this is stocking freddy mui his mother saw is it that you v always at the bottom of the jdopt worry mum said rueach the same at both the hitchhiking slugger while repeated warnings have been issued in regard to picking up hitch hikers along our highways the gen erous spirit of human nature prompts motorists to continue to give wanders a lift notwithstanding the dastardly attacks by the odd thug on the driver who hae played the part of the good samaritan only the lowest speci men of individual will attack the benefactor but evidently some of this class are thumbing their way along the roads ven women are preying on auto drivers on our hlghmajs by trumping up improper charges and threatening prosecution unless the man will come across with hush money several vomen are serving terms in jail for such offences only last week two men tobacco harvester on a south middle ion farm with their mages in their pocket learned the folly of picking up hikers on the highway their reward for a kindly act near brantford was assault and robbery by a scoundrel carrying a gun and swinging a piece of lead pipe the man was prepared to kill and murder well might have been the consequence of his brutal attack this man was no amateur in crime he knew the moment totrlke and in every respect went about his work like an experienced highwayman he wanted these workers wages and their lives meant nothing to him and he is still at large there may not be many others of his type but there are enough of them to moke the risk too great to take any walker into a car the pity of it is that hundreds of deserving men foot weary in their search for work merit a lift their gratitude would reward any motorist but in view of what may happen they will be left walking another deterrent to the car dri vers generosity is provided by the number of hitchhikers well able to pay for transportation who are spong ing their way along the roads these are harmless but contemptible and they are ungrateful therefore the motorist who would protect his own life and who does not want to be im posed upon cannot risk picking up any strange passengers burlington gazette cooperative movement on canadian national is twelve years old the 12th annual meeting of the un ionmanagement cooperatlve move ment with employees of federated shop trades and the management of the canadian national railways will be held at winnipeg on october 6th according to announcement made to day by a j hills chief of personnel for the system this movement of ten called the joint cooperatlve plan is one of the most distinctive features of industrial relations on the canadian national railways the plan applies to shops and to maintenance of way and structures approximately 37 000 employees are effected and there are 115 committees in operation these are composed of equal representation the railway man agement ard the crafts selecting their own representatives since its inception the motive power and car equipment committee has brought up a total of 22 686 sug gestions of which more than 83 per cent have been accepted the sug gestions submitted pertain to secur ing addition traffic for the railway measuring production system oper ation of the cooperative plan ap prentice instruction pass halffare orders etc cooperation in produc tion improved work punctuality etc increase in staff promotions safety and first aid fire prevention stan dardising forces conditions of shops and rounds heating sanitation re pairs output records developing new devices manufacturing equipment for shops etc purchase of new shop equipment care of tools and machin ery repairs to machinery defective materials purchases manufacture of material instead of purchasing in creased work economy reclaiming material storage and handling ma terials standardizing materials shop methods and practices alterations to standard designs for locomotives and cars maintenance of locomotives and cars lunch rooms lockers garages and other miscellaneous subjects in the maintenance of way move- meat 14 620 sibects have been re- viswe of whi o 66 ha b adopted imagination was given a man to compensate him for what he uvsbot aris sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is the child kg coanime e davb whmter srndtcam tats the sun at the end of that hot august day bobbed mockingly like a huge red jackolantern on t hill ho s d from sight evening came and with it a cool breeze- the two siaters sat side by side on the farmhouse piazza silence more hostile tharr ever before fbl- joned the argument that had been more bitter and determined aunt florillas hands were folded tightly on her spacious lap her amiable mouth was set in strange lines of unyielding stubbornness aunt janes knitting needles clicked an grily and her austere countenance was grim in the gloom the time was rapidly nearlng when the ques tion must be settled oncefor au aunt florilla first broke the un friendly silence speaking in little breathless sentences its so im portantand ive always given- in to you all my life the child ef- fie she groped for words sfiet is going to have what the rest of the family didnt yes answered aunt jane harshly she js she can go to normal school then when shes taught a while and saved some mon ey she can marry some nice steady going fellow if she wants to but finishing school learn to ose the right fork bah her voice shook with disdain the younger sister turned on her furiously her pudgy hands gripping the arms of the chair yes learn to use the right fork she shrilled with her looks and a little training nothing will be too good for her any man would be proud of her as a wife she could trael but you she choked on an hysterical sob ou condemn her your only niece to the everlasting scrubbing and short short story complete in this issue dibhwashmg of every other woman in this town minutes passed it was quite dark now at last flonlla spoke agam jane she said and something in her low constrained voice startled the other you hold the whip hand and always have the child effie will do as you say if we have to put it up to her but listen here jane if you go against me this once in ii our uvea that ive stood out then the day effle goes to your nor mal school i leave here too for ever a chill swept over aunt jane the elder by 12 years old age was fast becoming a reality to her and what a hideous reality alone for the first time she wavered but the old habit of domineering proved too strong and a wave of anger oblit erated every other emotion very well she agreed crisply be that as it may effie goes to normal school an hour passed night waa well n its way a clear bright moon lighted the tidy front lawn a car stopped at the gate and a young girl jumped lightly to the ground not tonight dan she said in a low voice its too late goodnight she lingered a few moments looking after the disappearing car then came swiftly up the walk you two still up she called gayly casually but there was an excitement in her voice that both aunts would have been quick to no tice ordinarily of course we are snorted aunt jane how in the world can we go to sleep with you gallavantin round the country all hours of the night eftie started te speak then stopped then she began again hurriedly i must tell you- dan asked me were engaged we are going to get married in the spring neither sister spoke it was as though a thunderbolt from the sum mer sky had dropped in their midst the girl broke the pause i am afraid its quite a surprise to you im sorry but i was afraid dan didnt like me and i couldnt say anything to you she arose a slender radiant figure dont bay anything tonight but wait till tomorrow she broke off and kiss ing them ran into the house aunt jane it was who spoke first florilla she said and there was a curious relief in her voice i guess them things aint for ug to say dans a good boy she was striving in her inarticulate way to offer some sympathy to the other whose disappointment she sensed must be greater than her own but it was not unto the two lay side by bide tn the big old- fashioned bedroom that florilla an swered her once i went to see our sister soon after eftie was born she said gravely she was all dragged out and the house want any too tidy i guess i must have hinted some sympathy for all at once he went to the old clothes basket you and i had rigged up as a crib and picked up the baby flonlla she said real solemn like never say any thing like that again happy i pm almost afraid to be so happy it was florillas way of giving in 1 insect pests on tvs fabaf the army worm was the outstand ing insect peat ux august the most serious outbreak of this insect within the last fifty- yean has taken place the worms were most numerous and the damage greatest in the counties of huron bruce orey sfancoe duf- fertn waterloo wellington york ontario an durham but there were minor outbreaks all over old on tario and also in several areas in new ontario even as far west as rainy ri ptsty the crops attacked were all kinds of grasses including timothy and nut let oats barley spring wheat corn and to a alight extent winter wheat the chief damage was done to oats and barley hundreds of fields of these were very heavily attacked in the above mentioned counties when ever the poisoned bran bait was ap plied jn time and properly distribut ed it gave remarkably good results a single application saving the crop wherever it was not applied or ap plied too late the crop was either ruined or severely damaged the furrowmethod combined with poison ed bran also was a decided success in preventing the worms from marching from an infested field or fields into non infested crops especially corn fortunately in even the worst areas there were usually many fields that either had no worms or very few and this fact prevented the loss from be ing so great as it otherwise would have been white grubs in some localities in central ontario are abundant in sandy soil or soils of an open texture and are attacking especially potato tubers grasshoppers have caused some damage chiefly in the counties of oarletan and prssoott proton for balung was sent to these with the result that little further likely to take place wheat stem numerous in a number of barley and wheat fields- as shown by the heads turning white prematurely without any kernels developing this insect seldom does a great deal of damage a wheat stem awwosv- probably the same one as occurs in the wheat areas of our west has been found in wheat fiajrf t prince edward hastin and york counties this is new insect for ontario and whether it will prove to be a serious pest re mains to be seen it is too early yetto report on the european corn borer but the indica tions are that there will be consider able damage in essex and rent the variegated cutworm was found in many fields when iiff for army worm it as not numerous enough to cause any appreciable dam age trouble brewing if said the examiner at the naval college you stand facing east wlu north be on your right hand or your left im afraid i dont know sir said the prospective cadet you see rm a stranger in these parts no escape m nairn twas a fine sermon the day sandy tho mebbe a wee bit per sonal tor ye sandy the village reprobate achl weel mon i dinna ken its a michty puir sermon that disna hit me somewhere h whats in a name a great deal remember me name famous r anthracite the laundered coal for emoomical g were aa dose co yooasyonrtelcphooe why not try some now k c mcmillan hone 0 georgetown bivrrx bonds 1 1000000 1st mortgage 6 per cent 1945 fully secured not industrial interest payments to date write for information box 123 herald office qtsnapshot cuili pictures at the fair stock ahewtnas provide snapshot ehanoaa at the fair end so do many other events take the camera wherever things are going onl exhibitions and county fairs supply a wealth of picture ma terial for the busy camera stf do street fairs and carnivals take your camera along when you visit these lively affairs and youtl have no difficulty keeping it active all day long on such occasions thare-ls- al ways plenty going on and wherever things are happening on can find subjects for pictures especially do these events offer opportunities for the offguard type of storytelling snapshots the vendor of toy bal loons m a sale the fat man mooching a hamburger at a midway booth the barker tn front of a sldeehov the child gaslng longingly at the merrygoround these are bat samples of the dozens of plctsre chances you may find to an after noons visit and there are many other types of snapshots to take one always finds contests and exhibits ranging from homecanned peac to prize watermelons chocolate layercakes and the best bushels of corn snap shots of the lodging as well as the exhibits make good pictures lor your collection too there are horse and livestock shows that offer many picturetaking possibilities keep your eyes open try to cap ture the spirit of the fair tn all its aspects and you will come home with a pocket tun or good snapshots these occasions just give point to an old role if you want really good pictures and plenty of them take the camera where theres something goingoat v 202 john van guilder j cnjr- time table standard thne and mail f for toronto 941 j passengers sundays only ut p saturdays only leaving toronto at 1130 pm arriving at georgetown 1329 am gray coach lines time table effective sunday september tstfa leave oeoroetowk to toronto a 708 am 938 am ii 48 sjsl ca23 pm v3apjn 648 pm 9x13 pjn o 935 am xll20 am 2 06 pm cx2s5 pjn ayi45 pm 7j pm bo 00 pjn dxll05 pm exj150 pjn a except sun and hol b sun and hol c sat only d except sat sun and hol e sat sun and hol x to kitchener y to stratford tickets and information at w h long directory m lekot dale ex t sybil bennett ba barrister and satletten georgetown ontario office gregory theatre bwg wn 8 kenneth bl langdon banister solicitor notary pnhue first mortgage money to loan office main street south phone 88 banet gbaydon lawbence cook barristers eta 465 bay st trnmiln im hapten oat e fraser raney kjo h edward cook gordon oraydon 333 main bl north brampton telephone 193 harold r lawrence louaw bufkttnc brampton telephone 043 f b watson djk mjks georgetown office hours 9 to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j e jackson dentist xbay office hours daily b to 5 evenings 7 to 9 phone 24w gcoaoetowlf frank petch licensed auctioneeb the cewntjea ef peal aa mil in prompt service cheltenham 26 r 23 georgetown ctrl walter t evans co general ingttnce ocean steamship sbbvicb bbal estate main st north geargetewn 1s3 carman ftutdtftt tuition m piano organ and theory tecal oaachlng svrasui at stttert sab jftcjla a monuments pollock ajngham nnmwiim to cater worth gab out m nielsen st tear of taetlo chiropractor xray d ttlil l attaaiaas hoan 5 km

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