Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 16, 1938, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 16th 1938 page 5 weekend young tender beef special sondes ml balled prime rib roast 21 brisket or plate boiling beef i o round bone shoulder roast 15 a deuclous pot breast partly boned blade roast 1 6 special a deucioaa boa sirloin porterhouse 2 2 bound or square end rump roasts 16 choice bound steak roasts 2h freshly mhm4 hamburg steak 225c domestic s 2 25 fresh cut off the sett pork c 25- special machine siloed streak side bacon sweet pickled cottage rolls 23 best quality seal- rite carton mincemeat 2 25c clovergold legs of lamb 24 sausage 2 2 5c shoulders lamb 14elb special fresh cut veal chops vealste4ks clb fresh picnic style pork shoulders 1 7ib fresh pork spareribs 1 5 fresh mealy pork butts 22ib butter 2 47t choice cooking apples fi quart basket personals miss margaret dentrjt of quelph visiting with miss ethel marshall mrs james b gray returned borne on saturday after spending two weeks in toronto mr and mrs eric allan of at thomas spent the week end with mr and mrs o t mckay mr and mrs h c mcclure and son george and mr and mrs w v grant spent several days in musfcaka last week mr and mrs jack stewart and daughter barbara aon and mrs v kentner spent a tew days last week with xrlends in tilbury mr and mrs w r douglas and children- jack and mary of toronto were week end visitors with mr and mrs j m moore mrs allan devereaux underwent an operation at guelph general hospital last friday her many friends in town and community will be pleased to know she is progressing nicely mrs dr j e jackson and httle daughter judith left on sunday for chicago where they will speni week with- friends then proceed by airplane to santlego california where they will spend the winter uons club present christmas movie on monday dec 12th the lions club will present a motion picture in the gregory theatre in connection with the community christinas tree the ticket of admission will be two or more cans of fruit vegetables or some kinds of food suitable for pres entation during the christmas season the picture is a classic submarine dl and is replete with thrills and romantic interest and your enjoyment will be enhanced by the sense of christmas cheer your attendance en sures someone in the community de tails will appear later the lions club plan to make this christmas the greatest and happiest since the pictowick club journeyed to dlngley dell and to put a happy smile on every face in the community even on the town clock on the post office grapefruit 6 2 9c phone 27 wm king prompt delivery week end specials 1 thursday friday and saturday silk underwear ladies and misses silk- vests parities and bloomers harvey- woods make special for week end a7r silk hose holeproof fullfashioned silk hose week end pr cqr ladies mercerised- lisle hose 30c and 35c week end vt rt t pr95p rayon bedspreads 84 x 90 rayon and cotton bedspreads 295 72 x 90krinkle striped bedspreads 175 for 149 pyjamas boys flannelette pyjamas 89c and 98c- lace collars a special purchase of lace collars something- new at 59c collar and cuffs at 59c agents for langleys cleaners and dyers mcbean co phone 64 we deliver georgetown save with safety at youk rexall store cedar crest golf club the local golf club closed the sea son on november 10th with a splen did supper party prepared by mrs millar fifty members and heir friends attended following the re freshments the party attended a progressive brldnc at the home of mr and mrs willoughby the fol lowing received prizes at the close of the bridge game mr k m langdon winner of the willoughby cup mr bertram willoughby winner of the foulis cup miss isabel thompson winner of the best ladies ringer score mrs willoughby and mrs nodveil were presented with lovely flowers by the club members unfortunately the shield and coffin cup competitions were not completed at the time of the closing but it is expected with favourable wemhor these evenlswtll be wound up before winter sets in cmgaby theatre friday november 18 prison farm with shirley rom and lloyd nolan musical campus cinderella cartoon plutos quinpuplets pictorial fox news saturday november 19 test pilot a drama of high courage and daring romance with clark gable myrna loy and spencer tracy cartoon play ball chapter 4 wild bill hickok matinee saturday at 3 dju tuesday and wednesday november 22 and 23 dinner at the rttz a picture a thrilling a it lovely new star annabella comedy time out for trouble band leon navarro pictorial doming alexander ragtime band tyrone power alice faye and don anieche 1 bermuda fruit market since bermuda is unable to meet ihe demands of a comparatively lurgc i tourist trade from its small agncul- j tural acreage the colony is dependent to a considerable extent on imported canned fruits and vegetables as the native fresh products arc available only t certain seasons of the year canada was the chief supplier of can ned vegetables to bermuda in 1337 exporting 22282 packages valued at 56975 as against 3783 packages or a value of j18210 irom the united states during the same period can ada also exported 5923 packages of canned fruit valued at 28770 from the united states a trade in tresh frozen fruits is being developed and when more of the grocery stores are equipped with refrigerators there will be opportunities or marketing fresh frozen canadian fruit watch our window ob mai ica caum mum urn innwimmmi fruit salad sundae 13c 2 for 25c golden fluffs a lb loc longs confectionery s5jts hajlton school trustees and ratepayers association continued from page 1 that this subject must be given care ful consideration in order that the schools may be more efficiently and more economically managed he stated that the schools determine to a large extent the condition or the state and as instances of this he pointed to the work or the schools in germany and italy mr decyes thanked the trustees and ratepayers for their cooperation during his term of office and wished the schools of halton every success in the future mr giles representing 8 s 22 trafalgar expressed appreciation for the assistance which wm given by mr denyes in the building and equip ping of their school this school is considered one of the finest one- roomed schools on the north ameri can continent mr ottos presented mr denyes with a pedal picture of the school mr sayburn presented the report at the nominating committee which wu sb follows honorary president 1 iv- actio bju b peed past presi dent k host pna h j amim ttoepreevtent cttjcon ray- bom secretary rrfismirbt lbs rlne- hut assistant sflqtetaryresnirer u a cenheti or wests 1 waterproof tooth brush 35c special for this week keplers malt extract and cod liver oil 75c s1jb5 veluo sanitary pads now 18c 2 35c fruit juice glass fre wi brtten tooth paste 29c lady jjaum tissues now 12c 2 23c lias rs45 hot snot anttfreeze gallon xmas cards now on display 2 for 5c 3 for 10c 5c 10c you can always shop to advantage at your rexall store drink it hot cold vita full the chocolate drink 34c lb decorated glass free with english fruit salt 39c robbs drug store phone 7s we deliver the rexall stork- georoktowrl new advertisements trailranger news on thursday evening nov 10th at 730 the trailrangers met in jhjir club rooms on weszcyan st the following officers were elected to of fice mentor alex mcnabb chief ranger junior arnold secretary w emmerson treasurer bruce gummrr business manager and press secre tary ralph whltmee it was moved seconded and naed that we officially open the season with a social on friday evening in the club rooms on friday evening last the door of the club room was locked and a key from the inside would not open it the six boys inside were prepared lo spend the night in the extremely wnrm room when their cries of dis tress were heard by a local girl who came to their aid and opened the door from the outside for rent fwo rooms on ground floor unfur nished apply w j mcdonald maple avenue lip for rent nice quiet housekeeping room rent apply at herald office photos last opportunity to have photo taken before christmas your friends can buy anything but your portrait christmas special one beautiful por trait hand colored in oils 5x7 com plete in mount 98c completely finish ed extra photos may be ordered if desired boris studios mcglboon hotel nov 21st 19 pjn its boarders wanted can accommodate boarders with room nni board apply mrs mark clark john st j a willoughby host at dinner autumn fruit and small bronze mums decorated the- tables at cviar crest golf club last saturday ev ing when mr j a willoughby was host to mr and mrs wm hulls and staff of the golf course and also the assistants in the club house during the past season mrs millar the genial hostess or cedar crest served a delicious hot dinner after which mr willoughby took the opportunity of expressing his appreciation individu ally to everyone not only for thelr work but for their courtesy to all the guests who had played over the links during the summer the remainder of the evening wasi spent at mr and mrs wllloughbys house where games were played and mrs hulls orchetsra provkled music lorja very jolly dance which brought to a close another happy and success ful golf season card of thanks on behalf of the georgetown lions club i wish to thank ell those who in any way contributed to the success of the boxing show we wish to express our special gratitude to the following to whom we are greatly indebted for their kind services which were ven- dered gratis to the bend to messrs dean barley alec hemes and tun sucey to mr norm snyder to dr reg paul to mr red bote to mr jack wilson to mr o j hart thank you arnold- brill all birds cannot fly the penguin and the ostrich have wings bnt ere to fly work wanted young woman wants any kbvl of work by the day or week apply at mr henry shepherds georgetown tf turnips for sale three tons or turnips for sale j x charles phone 82 r 3 georgetown i r 3 ltp to rent bright housekeeping rooms heated apply to box d herald office it jerseys for sale two jersey heifers 18 months old apply to geo munn phone 195 georgetown t stove for sale empire quebec heater medium size practically new 800 cash apply oarfleld mcollvray phone 273w georgetown holstem cows for sale two springers due middle of nov ember these cows- are young regis tered and fully accredited thos r glffen phone 98 r 3 georgetown 3tp house to rent solid brick house 6 rooms ell mod- ern conveniences also garage fob- session at once apply to box m herald office tf after october 5th offices how oc cupied by dale bennett barristers and solicitors in gregory theatre building will be vacant apply r l gregory tf sal wanted answer quick i oet an oppor tunity to make bio monet i big profltsevery day taking orders for the biggest and most powerful line of everyday necessities in the direct fell ing field repeat orders come fast bpicebmedjctnes toilet ar tjcub farm products etc ho experience needed write today for plttflc psxtkxdaia sad catslogtss and get started on the road to better esm- togs pamxlkx 870 8l clement montreal it cash for pullets cash paid for pullets all ages and breeds when writing advise number when hatched breed and price want ed tweddle chick hatcheries uaiit- ed fergus ontario 4fc notice to trespassers any person or perina0inidshoot lng or trespassing on the premises of the undersigned in esqueslng will be prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law i joseph hoare eason brothers claren anderson j w rtjtledge 3t arohxe eooles wood for sale choice beech end maple at ss0 single cord mixed rails tuo per cord mixed wood 1365 per cord phone all wood orders to ms royal guelphs modern theatre now until friday tarrone loretta power yotjno annabelila in suez a movie qtdx feature added donald deck 111 good scouts t 3j6 730 930 dally saturday and monday see it with song in joar heart listen darling iwttb freddie bartholomew judy garland uupr astor miter flceon a liotle cluls vfcmtorft ft the world is ours rfubatatm saturday oonttmooa tram 1 pa conbra the citadel

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