Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 30, 1938, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 30thl 938- v the georgetown herald phonk no a j h mooreedltar u4 ibusher a meuy newspaper devoted to the best interests of the town of georgetown and surrounding country including the villages of qlen williams norval limehouse stewarttown balunafad and terra cotta issued every wednesday evening at the office on main st georgetown sobscription rates 130 per year in advance united states 60c additional single copies 3c both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested advertising rates legal notices 12c per line tor first in sertion yc per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c pe line for eaclrnnseruon if in black face type 5c per line additional notices qualifying as coming events such as concerts entertainments society church or organization meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in meraorian notices 50c and 10c per line extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 50c rmaii advertisements one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 25c for each subsequent lnsermon display advertising rates on application although everj precaution will be takento aold error the herald accepts advertising in lis c on the understanding that it m 1 not be liable for any errortn any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested by the advrrtler and returned to the herald business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections p ainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shal not- exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupied by tbe noted error bears to the whole space occupied bi such advertisement the herald does job printing op all kinds why does a man go hunting wy will a man rise long before dawn and drive miles through the dark and the cold then walk more miles through the brush and the snow ovt mountains steep and bold why will be climb to some lofty crg that commands a goodly view is it only to search for a bear or while the blizzard cuts him through tis not only the hope of bear or s ag that is the hunters goal tls not only meat that he wishes to bag but nourishment for his soul as he stands between the earth ind sky seeking warmth from a feeble fir his eyes rove oer the mountains but his thoughts reach een higher though his fire may drive smoke into his eyes and the wind does chill him througl they will clear his vision and purge his heart d g hfancou rage anew it will clear his vision that he mav see bis duty toward mankind and give him courage and humility to renew his daily mind by milton h brown in penm vania game news new air mail stickers tempt souvenir iiuvtltcs with the inauguration of air mill on the transcanada air lnes he post office department began put ng stickers on the winnipeg letter boxes the object was to make citizens air concious thej took to the idea o readilv that they began taking the stickers for souvenirs the devices are circular five incl es in diameter and show a white dune on a blue background nice som but soon the public will be used to them the post office hoje5 when the j are drj the can i be removes to a certain motorkt we saw you barely miss a uttle boy this afternoon and heard you eu oct the hell out of the way dont you know any better than to play in the street he dldnt answer be cause he hasn t learned to talk cry well yet so im going to answer for him no the little boy doesn t know any better than to play in the street he has been warned not to but it tie boys don t always heed wamtups some adults don t either especially trimc warnings for example the one limiting the speed of automobiles vwie going to tell you something about that little boy he has a mo ther who endured considerable h convenience anxiety and buffering to bring him into tht world he lias a father who has worked hard nd made many jacrifice to moke him hialthj and happy the supr-ync- piirpose of their lives ls to havt ueir little boy grow up to dp a useful min now stop a minute and think f on should kill a child how oul i ion feci facing 1u parents tti at excust could you give them for lev mt robbed them of thtlr dearest a sisiloii moic important what ex us could you iiossiblv ofter h in whose kingdom is m ide up of lilt e children ci lldren oh hasty fr ci d wert here ion before you or jour automobile were thought of all the automollles on earth are not worth tht life of ont little boy we don i know what that little boy may some day be b t we know what you are and its unlm poriant we could gtt along wi h out you but ftt can l pare a sing t bov on this earth 0v 1000 00 canadian fufna ipl gaatfi hiatlhg m sattsfaction dont cake chances with unidentified fad follow the example of over ittvooo canadian homeowner who have changed to better hearing burn blue coat for the fine moat troublefree heating youve ever enjoyed order a ton today w h kentner son pnone is georgetown blue coa the modern fuel for solid comfort geiu grace theres grace in everything on earth however great however small it thrives in every breathing soul as one with life it shadows ail theres grace in just a withered laf a floating on the scented breeze and in the deep blue rolling wave which slow untold with pondrous ease or in a bird or butterfly which flies with grace to yonder tree with closing wing and dainty poise to sip the air hi ecstacy in all the perfect petalled blooms with curving stems of palest geen in every sweep of drooping heads as zephyrs wake them from their dream we look in doubt at those who grasp with clutching hands tor fear thev fall but laying aside this garb we and the grace of god is in them all by michael qulnlan brisbane the small town independent re ail merchants who have been having a difficult time meeting the compeuitoi of mail order houses in recent yi are due for a break according to roger w babson well known coio mist purely on the law or action and reaction the day of the little business man again will dawn declares already various forces are emerging if capitalized these s iojld help re establish little businesses along a broadening industrial and commercial front if little business the backbone of our economic system is to meet big business on equal grounds the econo mist asserts ocoperation ameng amall businessmen is absolutely essn tlal mutual groups are already oper atlng for cooperative purchasing he points out and such joint efforts should be extended to advertising and to sharing brands with one another little business has five unusual ad vantages he says namely 1 smal er overhead costs this is fundamen tal 2 ability quickly to change this applies both to policies and to products 3 less frequent labor tmu bjes and usually a lower wage ra c 4 management in hands of owner- this is always an advantage 5 pub lic sympathy and local cooperation this is especially valuable to prevent unfavorable legislation formation of various permanent or gni hrm to sponsor the interest of uttle business indicates that small businessmen axe recognising their place in the economic ayatem con tends babson similarly there is re cognition of tfte fact every big bus ness was once a little business i expect that we will again enter an era when employers win be honor ed and encouraged when labor will be more reasonable when more men will move back to the home concludes the economist fair play free mar kets conserv thrift dean polities and cooperation will again be tn the then uttle bustnenmen wlh to then- own canada germam apple tr de with a subnormal domestic a s harvest germanv will have no 1 fi culty in absorbing the full quotas fir both fresh and dried apples which rp provided by the germancant m payments agreement states the can adian trade commissioner in berl i this agreement stipulates that all foreign exchange accruing from ger man exports to canada shalltje m de available for the purchase of specifi ed canadian products b germanv five per cent of the total wt h in annual maximum value of 600 000 is ear marked for fresh apples and 0 6 per cent with a maximum value of 60 000 for dried apples this 1 ear s wheat i makes good flo i r milling and baking qualitv of wc tern canad i s 1938 wliat crop is at lea t equal if not supcrloi to that of a j ear ago states tli annual w lent qualitv report of the canadian board of grain commissioners flour yields of this vear crop re silkhtlv h thli tli in 193 simple spite lower weight ppr bushel is due the report siid to presenci thatcher wheat in man grade vinetv with hlth hour yielding fit compir r baking c lar icterlst tht new crop average imp t lose of the correspondii u er tie report atd that when baked by tern selves new crop no 1 hard no 1 i m rthi rn i d no 5 wl p t ire appr v imatelv equal noa 2 3 and 4 nor it em and special wiifit grades this tar are detln lelv uptrlor and garnet grade uifer or 1937 i blending vilu iuh t to ini a t ren h to a w ker mix how lit 1938 northern and special wheats ap nr to be f illv eq al ud pa blv superior to last yenrs sum les j millinery see the latest in fall and winter millinery felts velours velvets in all shapes and sizes a great reduction in prices i also vests flowers ribbons misses claridge main street georgetown herald block upstairs ford motor company of canada limited announces two new fords for 1939 at una pom v t fotdot sfdam di iuxi foi0 v provides all the banc ford feature with extra usury and ityle remarkable amount of extra equipment in eluded in the price hydraulic brake 85 hp v 8 engine sett a new hixh for lowpriced car in appearance and performance ford v now five inrhei longer from hamper to bumper roomier bod ir more itieftakc spare new hlinf hydraulir hrafcr- vien tifir oundproufink triplcuan loncd comfort 85bp 8 engine cnjt timetable im i am i pssaengss tat toronto passengers gundsj only ml nam ml 6 gafaia west passenger and man 8m in 33 tua passenger and mall tub pa passenger sunday 11ju1 pbl saturdays only leaving toronto at 11 jo pjnv arriving at oeorgetonm 1225 ajn first trip november 5th going nortb mall and passenger 945 ja going sostn mall and passenger 6v53 pjn gray coach lines time table effective sunday september 15u leave georgetown to toronto a70sajn 9j28 ajn 1148 am c 223 pxn 438 pjo 6 48 pjn 9 03 pm westbonnd to london 9 35 ajn xllo ajn 2 pjn cx255 pjn ay4 45 pjn 700 pjm bb 00 pjn dxll05 pjn exll50 pm a except sun and hoi b sun and hoi c sat only d except sat sun and hol e sau sun and hol x to kitchener y to stratford tickets and information at w h long o directory lekoy dale kc m sybil bennett ha barristers and soudtata georgetown ontario offlce gregory theatre bwg aim 8k kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary pabua first mortgage money to loan offlce main street south pnone 88 georgetowd ranet gbavdon lawrence cook barristers etc 465 bay sl toronto brampton oat e fraser raney kg h edward cook gordon oraydon 333 main st north brampton telephone 7sq harold r lawrence loblaw bulldlnc brampton telephone 643 f r watson djja vldjb georgetown office hours 8 to 5 except thursday afternoons dft j e jackson dentist xbay office hours dally i to 5 evenings 7 to 9 phone shw georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer for the cownttes ot real and ha prompt service cheltenham 36 r 33 george urs post office cheltenham walter t evans co general itiwirance ocean steamshop service real estate j main st north phone ibs and the new mercury 8 for 1939 thf mekcuiy v townsedam ihk new cars in the ford quality group for 1939 give tod a broad choice whichever yon choose whatever you pay yonll get top value for your money that is true of the lowest priced car or the highest all have one itnpor taut thing in common inherent quality there are three reasons for this quality they are bril liant engineering design quality materials and precision meicu8y i an enwrely new car fun tnio the ford line between he de lore ford and ihe linrolnzephyr di imrtive xtylins 1 16inrb wheel baie lnnsoallv wide bodies remarkably qntet hydra nhc j new vshp v 8 engine workmanship a combination that yon will acknowledge when you have seen and driven any one of the fine cars in the ford quality group for 1939 thingsare happening in the automotive world this year ajid nowhere is the advance more marked than in this ford quality group see your nearest ford dealer before yon buy any car at any price fottd hotoi company op canada lihttkd pobd mircurt lincoln zephyk and lincoln motor cas 1 monuments 1 pollock ingham j succusors to cter worui i gall ont 5 designs on beqwest phone 2ms 1 inspect our work m greenwood 1 cemetery a m nielsen 5th tear of practice chiropractor xray drugleu therapist lady attendant offlce over dominion qtora oeorgetown boars 38 ix j0 pjn speaking at the dedication of a memorial to the late wis rogem prestdent roosevelt said t doubt if there is among us a more useful 4ttt- sen tnan the one who holds the secret of banishing gloom of making team give way to laughter of sapplanttmr desolation and despair with hope and courage fur hope and courage al- way p with a ngt heart

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