Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 30, 1938, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 30ih 1938 christmas shoppers special attractions at- silvers for early with christmas only a short time away silvers are now heavily stocked with seasonable merchandise fib- ting to the christmas season early shoppers will bene fit from the opportu of choosing their gifts now when the variety is larger and more complete womens ski suits featuring melton cloths fully lined and fancy leather trimmed sizes 14 to 20 795 misses ski suits very latest styles sturdy quality sizes 8 14 ft50 girls ski pants good quality sizes 814 198 childrens good quality snow suits with hat to match sizes 26 295 evening gowns exceptional smart assort ment of the very latest evening gowns with all up to the minute features fi qk special feature only 2 karakol paw fur coats reg 49 00 spe clearnrng p 3500 womens winter coats drastic price re ductions on women s winter coats special 995 and up mens overcoats sharp reductions on mens navy blue melton cloth overcoats special silvers are now oped all day thursday until christmas shop with confidence at silvers dept store where your dollar goes farther phone 375 georgetown news from ihe imyal drug store do your christmas shopping early avoid the last minute rush a smali deposit will hold any article electric razors kwik shave guaranteed for only 495 our stock is so large and varied we cannot begin to list the many items btu the following are a few suggestions cosmetic sets of evefty description from 25c to 510 00 smavutg sets all the popular brands from 25c to 25 mens brush sets from 1125 lo 55w parker pens and pfcnclls 125 to shoo eclipse pens and pencils 8100 to st5 eclipse desk sets s2ji5 leather snapshot albums 51 75 2 00 s3 00 stationery in leather containers 00 2 00 stationery warwick brand z5c to 130 xmas cards seals tags xmas tree lights complete wrappings 59c macurmalks drug store piione 327 we deliver georgetown prestons specials fhesh lake hkbktng 10c lb fkjbsn whikfisn ifc lb i sole fillets z8o lb winkles 4 lb 25e dkt shkmfs old coastir style is eat fish ant day n8 good fob you phone 293 we deliver sea herring 12c lb plaice 16v lb cod steaks iso ik oysters 30c perjar obituary bobs wm mcgregor on sunday november 30th 1038 mrs vkn mcgregor passed peacefully away at the home of her daughter mrs rev h p deller at oxford nv the deceased whose maiden name was catherine jane reld was in her 88th year and was born at reaboro the daughter of the late david and mr reld on august 1st 1878 she married wm mcgregor and after living a short time in toronto and brantford came to reside on their farm near glen williams roro which they retired about twelve years ago to live in st george since the death of mr mcgregor in june of this year deceased has made her home with mrs deller from whose home the funeral services were conducted by rev mr connell cremation took place at watervllle n y ashes wffl be brought to the family plot at gen williams at a later date mrs mc gregor was a life long member of the methotust arid later the united church surviving are three daugh ters mrs thos rogerson streetsvllle mrs c edgar ruddell toronto and mrs rev h p deller of oxfoti n y and one son n of b fordtahd fifteen grandchildren two sisters mrs dr nugent and mias sophia reld also survive ashgrove mr gilroy manager of the bank of nova scotia milton had chage of the morning service in the united church last sunday on account of the illness of the pastor rev j o totton three lovely bales of good second hand clothing books sunday school papers and magazines were packed on monday afternoon to be forwarded at once to some of our western needy folk we thank all those who so kindly contributed so generously the sunday school are holding a crokinole social on monday even tig dec 5th everyone invited the white gilt service will be held on sunday morning dec 1 1 h ashgrove school concert will be held on monday evening dec 19 i this ahjfth at in sport by g mac mcguvray at ojha anna meeting in toronto last saturday georgetown hockey club was rep resented at the annual ontario hoc key association meeting held at the royal york hotel toronto saturday last by mr clare walker treasurer of the club he reports a very inter esting meeting with 130 delegates in attendance following the meoung and banquet at the royal york the gathering proceeded to the king ed ward hotel where a meeting of the ontario juvenile hockey associat on was in progress in the evening the delegates were guests at the detroit maple leaf hockey match at maple leaf gardens many changes were made in the rules and regulations of the ojha and will no doubt be of interest to local hockey fans a number of these will appear next issue as space pro hibits thetrlnsertion this week government considers difficult problem continued from page one three weeks visit to the dominion the plrtne minister has stated finitely however that there wl no passage of legislation v thr ut members havinr full opportunity of discussion if the work is not jone when thetr majesties arrhe th slon will be adjourned unul afur thlr departure it promlses in any enl to be a lively and interesting e iun with the troubled conditions of he world forming a background to deliberations of int parliamentary defence so prominent tn the conci ousnes of thr peoples of all nat oj ihese das and the nev trade nac recentl signed at washington ail unquestionably be the subjects of pro longed and earnest djcus ion the commission on dominion pro vtneial relation the commission hlch ha com intermediate team for georgetown this year the georgetown hockey club will sponsor an intermediate team in town this year but do not feel that a jum or squad could be organized to play o ha hockey all players wishing to ptay intermediate hockey should get in touch with president thompson it once so that their name can come before the executive the o h a grouping will not be out for a week or so and until then georgetown do not know who will be their rivals this year bolton and brampton have ei tered a team while acton are drop ping back to b rating fergus alio want to enter in a group here it appears that guelph is not wanted in this group but that will be up to the oh a to decide the hockey club will have a hard row to hoe financially this season as in the past their is a very low bank balance players can help out great ly by looking up all equipment neccs sary for themselves as the club will not be able to stand much expendl ire in this line and of course if iny sport enthusiast would care to donate be sweaters lor the team their gesture would be greatly appreciated the lions club will sponsor jmemle teams and enter in the oha this jeir however we haven t much daia ne on ihls at present dr j e jatkion menor for the lions club are wl going to let midget hockej drop this vear in georgetown or ore w joins to get in the fight foi the ontario nhl championship it is i fiee trip to the north for the sou lhern w nners surel we can i a be called the rowell commlvjon and couple of teams at least for need to what about midgets which has been earning on estigation so lhoromhl and c n mienliousl will short 1 present it i port to the govern tint the ex ict tune when the rcport will be flu icd is not known bi t u r comm s i now listening to fin u brif and cj rcsentallon i om nit of tl t rj- vinccs unfortunatch the clia rm in of the commission just let n w r well h ts been forced tl ro ikh ill h a h to resign his position on thi comm slon as well as his post as chief j is uce of ontario in anno incmg j ulae rowells resignation prime ml iu er king paid tribute to his inullilti al attainments his ur irif liar- ter and the txctllcnt work he his doi t n the service of his country ik pre sed the hope that ruicicd now of his public duties he will rapid iv regain his heillh mr dyson prem er of new br itk speak n bflre the royal c in mtssiu i ha stated that thi atl i ai of his prom t to cni ida and fmplrc has been mi r pre cnkj in certain quarters ainom who i gesls that ne brinswick wishe to withdraw from confederation he said is lacking in appreciation 6t iht spirit and aspirations of our dtl tid ur morel iz trophj and ketp it in georgetown if possible what about plans for 1939 crop acton friends are pleased to learn that mr tom nlchol who has been criti cally 1u in the general hospital in guelph is now improving all hope he may soon be fully recovered and able to return home mr and mrs c o mclean of matheson visited mr geo t wilson nassagaweya duimg the week nd mr mclean was with mr erwln wil son on the camping trip that ended when two of the party were drowned although the search for the body of erwln wilson has never been let up there has been no success in locat lng the body of the young man w 10 has been missing since october 3th driving a car without obtaining an operators permit cost an acton yoang loan 10 and costs in police court nee a r moffat of new dundee was remanded for trial in custody on a charge of stealing bonds in acton court this week he was taken to milton and will come up for sentence next week chief mcpherson is determined to collect all poll tax due the municl pahty and has commenced laying charges tn police court against de faulters this method is more costly to the defaulter robert kerr and son acton cere winners in many classes at the royal winter pair during the week they won the award for the grand cham plon hackney horse and other prizes for this breed free press milton sight of a bear met on the cad caused one of his team of horses o die of fright robert wedge claims he says he was drawing some wood from the countryside near the sixth line nassagaweya township when his team became panicstricken wedge says he then noticed a large bear on the road after bringing his team under control he drove home and put them in the stable one of his horses died the next morning and he atri butes the death to the fright the horse got the day before chester mcdowell is having a fine new bungalow built on the second line esquesing township one mile northwest of milton wm whitaker and sons of oak ville wellknown auto dealers have opened a show room in milton in metcalfes new garage on main st dr marshall m oowland second son of the late dr m b gowland and mm gowland of milton la now in london bginnd to do post grad uate work in medicine and will be there for over a year champion v ol a buying guide before you order dinner at a restaurant you consult the blllof fare before you take a long trip by motor oar you pore over road maps before you start out on a shopping trip you should consult the advertisements in this paper the advertising columns are a buying guide to you in the purchase of everything you need including amuse ments t a guldethat saves your time and conserves your energy that daves useless steps and guards against false ones that puts the stretch in family budgets the advertisements in this paper are so interesting it is difficult to see how any one could overlook them fall to profit by them just check with yourself and be sure that you are reading the advertisements regular ly the big ones and the little ones it is time well spent always yonr local paper is yonr buying guide c 71 avoid wasting detours merchandising vatae ugpu4rl and is ill informed rez irding our art i ginal presentation to this commlvnn new brunswick is seeking only to shape a course that will make ihis confederation great and cause to s realize the expectations of fts oun ders in presenting our com mr dysart said we have been proirplrd by a desire to promote national unl y after the commission s report l re ceived by the government copies w ii be fully studied not only b the ft r eral but by provincial government as well and later on a conference w ill be called to discuss its findings and recommendations this conrerince will deckle on whatever action is to be taken on the report mr bennett s futnre when parliament meets a nw leader will occupy the centre of he front row of conservative bencl t this will be di manlon who won he recent byeelection at london on wood for sale cboftb bsecfa and hants at ikvm ord mtasd bsiw ut pat aflsr ootobsr kh offlom now ee ls dels fc bennett barrtotars apply ru tf agents agents i agents hera is a selunc job with a real fa- tare good earntngb tram the start 300 guaranteed products assure steady sales repeat orders make up to ft dairy in r locality openings available to ambtootts men ably with car and little caah wrttk mbcftcx co no at r went biiore the last furrow has b en in ed for 1938 farmers must start making plans for the 1939 sei on what acreages of the various grain crops shall be sown shall pot j tots be planted next ear and if so hail the acreue be decreased or lncrcised shall there be one iow or two 1 r prni farrowing and how manj bvbj chicks will have to be bought in ie pring these plans cannot o madc haphazard if iiv es ock i m jprs art to be increa ed then the i d i plv must bt increased as vv 1 pi ins must be made so that work on tin firm will not p li tip too he at aii one snsoi i haps thi lmixirttut con i n i n will be how tan a sulucieiu iicomc to cotr f rn xnsis be midc and kavt me tiling over lor hvin costs no one cm know in advance whit sort f luck there will be with lambs so is must be made on average condi i is i tlll otner facior in probable in mc will be the pi r s of things uil far tut r has to sell prices arc almost as difficult to orecast as yields per acre but there tre some importani factors fthcli ovtrn prices that can be known in tdvance it is known tliat if pota o lereage ls high the yield per acre is iverage there will be a large trop ind prices iwlll be low unless me spe mi demand develops what are the chances for such devclopm nt tills may depend on conditions in sojth america as well as in canada the same thing ls true of other pro ducts wheal prices are low ixxlay because of heavy supplies and a low export demand what is the f iture outlook in an attempt to bring together those factors which will aftec the supply and demand in farm products during 1929 the dominion depart mcnt of agriculture and the depart stores lfrftec- drop into your dominion and look over these dig valul kraft velveeta plain or pimento cheese nib i gt aylmer sweet gherkins j 23 standard peas 2 solram rcuod baisdis 2 mclwhi ptanit nut crush ctov i h0net w dates glmwtmd artacml vaniua 1 25 25 2 29 brunswick sardines singapore pineapple- rosedale cuttings asparagus giassccn marmalade domestic 4lb hg 43 shortening xrt09 pure 32ik j rangc iar tarlo mr bennett is not likely to be mcnt of trade and oonunerce work seen again in the halls of parliament ing in cooperation are preparing he will live in future in england he their sixth annual agricultural su has bought a small place about 30 atlon and outlook in this public miles votn london in surrey it ls in england he said in a recent in texview where i 6ee the opportunity for serving canada in the future over there i shall not be considered as mr bennett the former conserva live prime minister it will give me the chance x want and cannot have if i remain here to speak for canada whole- picobac lion each of the major farm commo diues from honey to wheat are dealt with individually and all the available facts are appraised in an attempt to place farmers in a better position to judge what 1938 may hold in sto the agricultural situation airf outlook will be available for free d- trfbuuon early m the new year as whole to work for canada askr through the pubbjctty and nrtmstnn dominion departinen of division agriculture ot the kitchener record is responsible for the sate remark that host auto mobile accidents happen to people in an awful hurry to est n the treats withal when the accide hap pens they gat aomawhere to the hos pttal the pouee court and sometime to the cut boxed peel extra larg pecan 33 walnuts surprise hmhlsmp lifebuoy somca start prtf lux soap cis 25 25 mos 07 c06 98 lb quaker bread floor 229 white sattn pastry floor 45 24 no 1 spy apples oranges spinach celery lettuce turnips 1utian saecun d chmstk iiscurk sodas n 17 chmstie iiscuits ritz- 229

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