Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 7, 1938, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventysecond year of publication wednesday evening december 7th 1938 15p per annum in advance 2 00 to usa parliament opens january 12th trade treaty to be discussed report of dominionprovincial relations commission form of social insurance will be up for consideration by spectator ottawa december 6th on january 12th the houses ol parliament will assemble here for what may probably be toe final session of the present parliament of course there is nolh- at all definite about this being the last session the term of this par uament will not legally expire until the- autumn of 1940 but there is a predisposition that almost amounts to a superstition not to let the life of parliament come to its constitutional end before making the appeal to the electorate the decision will rest of course with the government the new trade treaty with the tjnitod states will play a large part in the early discussions of parliament there will be lots of fuel for debate dn the 80 cent wheat guarantee wth its effect on the west and on the treasury in the report which will be presented by the commission on do minion provincial relations some time during the session in the foreign situation in defence measures and many other national questions some of which are hardy perennials like the railway problem but which with the passage of time always present some new phase each session before parliament opens the gov eminent will have prepared its pro- for the session and there is likely to be very little delay in getting dawn to work it will probably be come evident early in the session whether tt will be possible for it to come to an end before the king and queen arrive on may 15th if not the session will be adjourned during the time of the visit and will resume work later there is no doubt an earnest at tempt will be made this session to bring in a form of social insurance last session unemployment insurance was discussed frequently in parlla inent but the governments efforts to inaugurate a system for the domji ion could not be brought to a head because three of the provinces did not agree to an amendment to the constitution which would give tie dominion parliament the rlgh halton exhibitors prominent at winter fairs the winter pairs are over lor an ther year those of 1938 were well up to the standard and as usual hal- ton livestock men and the fruit vegetable and grain growers and al so the junior farmers brought nany honours beck to the county at royal the fruit exhibit of w l and colin smith was most attractive as were their exhibits in the opn classes in the poultry wing the ex hibit from fisher orchards under the personal direction of murray fisher attracted much interest in ul brief resume it would be impossible to list all the awards won by exhibited from the county but following cross section v111 indicate the prominence of hal ton exhibitors and also the diversification of halton agriculture the winning award of grand championship at any ihov is real achievement but to win such i award at the chicago internationa is legislate on the subject it is not one which is most gratifying to al clear whether the government now canadians no matter in what province which amounts to aboutlgrtnllltorr and bears an average rate of nearly there has been no official state ment or the result o the interviews but the atmosphere in which they have be held has been ausplllous and mr apethartrsayi h is aasureof- domlnon assistance a silver lining has appeared in the cloudy relations between the alberta and dominion governments mr abcrhart has as serted that the people or alberta are loyal that they have no desire to secede from confederation and that in case of war the british admiralty would have first call on the turner valley oil it has become increasingly apparent in recent weeks that any fear that may have existed anywh re of the loyalty of any particular pro vince should be discarded no pro vince wishes to secede from confeder atlon there is the assurance ol pro vincial leaders to that effect or county they anay reside and there fore the grand championship won b campbells command owned and ex hmtkd by grant campbell of moffat indeed worthy of special menticn the berkshire female championship at the royal was won by a sow own ed and exhibited by rae scott of ac ton other livestock winners at the royal included hugh rodney m 1 ton with percherons valley crest parma palermo with clydesdales saddle horses and guernseys dr ce ell heslop with standard breds geo h king oakville with ouemscys mark given and son umehouse n lindsay and robt kerr and son of acton with hackneys w o and brownridge with berkshlres and tamworths and oscar lerch george town with yorkshires many of these exhibitors were aiso prominent winners at the provincial winter pair ouelph and in addition we noted the wellknown sheep flocks of p c wilhnott and son and j mcrlnnon both of milton the agricultural society class ouelph brought out is entries with bsquesing society in second and ac ton society in 7th place prominent amongst the winners in the seed divllson at both the royal and gaelph were t j brownridge jas cunmn wilson all of believes that the provinces will agree to the required amendment or tnati the government will bring in its bill which would not have validity in it sea until the various provinces pass i enabling legislation if this latter course were followed the insurance xnight be in effect in eome provinces and not in some others until they de- dded to adopt it in regard to un employment insurance it is held by a i great many people that this partlcu lar form of social legislation is no longer in anything like an experimen tal stage it has been in operation in great britain for a great many years and experience has shown that it is workable in canada however there is the constitutional hurdle which has to be leaped in some way before the legislation can be put into effect it would be useless to hazard a guess on what will be the ultimate late of the findings and reoommen inatjons of the dominion provincial r commission it may be late in the session before the report is tabled it will be studied by domin ion and provincial authorities and a conference will later be called to dts cuss its findings all this will take time tt is therefore unlikely that anything concrete will result from the study of the report during the com tag session of parliament it is un iham bruce brigden likely also that the report could play any part in platform discussions if the election is held next autumn de spite its sometimes rather stormy course there is no question that the report of the commission will reflect a profound earnest and scientific study of the financial relations of the differ ent governments in canada it is ex pected that in one specific regard he question of taxation the report will give valuable suggestions on the imp lication of taxation systems wltn the removal of duplication waste and in efficiency there is a vast and fcr tile field in this taxation branch of the inquiry which in itself might justify the extensive investigation it is un fortunate that in making out the re port the members of the commission will not have the advantage of lude rowells mellow judgment the re port however is certain to be a docu ment of historic importance the public hearings of the cotnrns sion are now finished there were 85 days of public hearings covering from first to last slightly over a year sit tings began in winnipeg and fom there the commission visited all pro vinces the voice of manitoba hap pened to be the last as well as the first to be beard by the commission at the close of the sessions premier bracken of manitoba said his gov eminent were appreciative from the first- but at the final sittings were even more appreciative of the efforts being made by the commission to come to grips with the problems tend ing to keep canada apart a sug sestlon urged in a final brief by tne provincial treasurer of manitoba was that the dominion government should assist in a general refunding of pro- vmical debt atr aberhart premier of alberta baa been in ottawa consulting wth the minister of finance and other a embers of the cabinet on the ques- tion of the scaling- down of the in terest rates on the provincial debt let wi eep ctjriatmaa whatever ele be lost among the years let us keep christmas still a shining thing whatever doubts assail us or what fears let us hold close one day remembering its poignant meaning for hearts of men let us get back our childlike faith again wealth may have taken wings yet still there are clear windowpanes to glow with candlelight there are boughs for garlands and a tinsel star to tip some little fir tree a lifted height there is no heart too heavy nor too sad but some small gift of love can make it glad and there are home sweet rooms where laughter rings and we can sing the carols as of old above the eastern hills a white star swings there is an ancient story to be told there are kind words and cheering words to say let us be happy on the christ child s day 9 by grace noll crowell georgetown j h mclean mil on 1 john vansickle palermo woodlands orchards bronte s e gritlen nrt son and hugh reid of acton in the i action open to members of buys grain clubs wm bradley hornbj i bruce reid geo and allan simpson campbellvllle was 4th 5th and 6h respectively in the early oat cuss while in late oats geo flner georgetown was 4th ward brown ridge georgetown 5th chas barber acton 7th and smith grlffen of acton was 8th in the inter gain club judging competition hich brought out 18 teams the acton tam composed of jack van ooozen and james mcnabb was third and the georgetown team of joe milton and robt alexander was fifth at the royal winter pair the inter county judging competition for the jeffery bull memorial trophy brought out 30 teams from as many different counties here the halton team of gerald graham georgetown richard mclaughlin norval and walter reid milton placed twelfth with gerald graham placing tenth out of the nine ty comeptitors to all halton exhibitors we extend our hearty congratulations for the honours brought back to the county exports of gold bullion other than monetary from canada during sep tember last had a value of 34 738 000 compared with 11165 000 in sep em ber 1937 remuneration for councillors bylaw passed last night grant to hockey club protest against compulsory pas teurization mho report received accounts passed prizes to winners norval rifle club fifteen members of the north to ronto rifle club visited the nonal range on monday night dec 5th in competition with the norval rifle club and defeated the norval team by narrow margin of six points ihe scores north toronto 1470 points out of 1500 norval 1464 points out of 1500 a return match will be shot in toronto on friday dec 16th during a lull in the shooting dr stevenson called the compeutors to order asking them to stand at atten tlon to observe a silence of one mji- ute in honor of our late president mr w g m browne who recently passed to the great beyond the hillsburg rifle team expect to visit our range in compeuuon on mon day night dec 12th the individual scores made on mon day night are as follows north to ronto w j young 100 k brooks 98 w v thompson 100 w sturman 09 o ballard 99 e falrbalm 96 l young w sinclair 98 j kiylor 98 j peacock 99 m watson 98 b kaylor 97 h tyers 93 w barclay 99 w goadwell 97 total 1470 out of 1500 norval h nurse 100 r w hall 98 p johnson 98 w wilson 97 e mckinney 98 m atkinson 100 p hustler 94 c meredith 9s dr svv enson 99 g h hall 99 w robinson 97 w llsk 99 p stark 93 a w wll con 96 extra man 98 total 1464 out or 1500 friday evening dec 2nd in the sunday school room of knox churrh an appreciative audience listened with delight to the sixteen contestants from georgetown and vicinity who took part in the annual temperance oratorical contest conducted byi the wcttj the president of the local union mrs a r vannatter occupied the chair while the arrangements tor the porgram were in charge of mrs w g marshall supt of medal contest work both of georgetown and county organizations the committee of judges mrs j f sutcllffe miss luena campbell and rev d d david son in making their report congratu lated all upon the good work done and mentioned the difficulty they had experienced in some cases in deter mining the winner special commen dation was given to miss ruth smith winner ol the medal in the inter mediate grade presentation of the awards which was made by the presi dent were as follows junior grade i 7 to 9 years 1st george cousens umehouse 2nd augusta hauptmann georgetown junior grade n 9 to 12 years 1st jean roney georgetown 2nd pamela cousens lbnehouse intermediate grade 12 to 15 years 1st ruth smith sllvercreek 2nd shirley wright umehouse varying the program supplied by the contestants were several delight ful vocal duets rendered by misses mary and alma tost of georgetown and by misses ethel and doris hyatt festival singers ol brampton to the pleasing and generous help of these young singers and their accompan ists miss janet mcdougall and miss sinclair much of the pleasure of a delighted audience was due during the interval of the judges conference mr c b dayfoot briefly addressed the gathering telling some thing of the way in which temperance education amongst the young people georgetown was carried on forty or fifty years ago in the blue rib bon societies of that time was fur nished a meeting place where young people not so plentifully provided with entertainment as is this geier ation found in a wholesome cocapan lonship and entertainment as well as sound temperance education the pledge of total abstinence from bev erage alcohol then taken had ben adhered to by most members bearing dividends ol untold value throughout the long years since a hearty vote of thanks moved by mrs a reeve was seconded by the applause of the audience and tender ed to all who had contributed to the success of a very happy evening watt for a doctor when an automobile accident or any other accident for that matter occurs it is- usually better to leave an injured person where he is keep him warm and comfortable and await the arrival of a doctor or ambulance quite often injuries are aggravated by inexperienced persons hand ing people who are badly hurt christhirs georgetown stores are prepared to make this a real christmas do your christmas shopping in georgetown no matter what your need is georgetown stores are ready with an extensive array of unusual practical and beautiful gifts for christmas all economically priced the christmas season ts now open do your shopping early watch thesexhristmas gift editions of the the georgetown herald crammed with thousand of logical gif t ideas for the whole family the regular december meeting of 1 evening with mayor joseph gibbons the chair reeve george davis and councillors a e cripps joseph hall n h brown james cosuan thos lyons and w p cteuth present minutes of previous meetings wtre read and confirmed on motion of costigan and davis mr era thompson representing the intermediate hockey club asked council for a grant of ssojoq toward meeting the expenses of the club dar ing the season moved by hall s by davis that a grant of 5000 be made to the georgetown hookey club carried communications were read re com pulsory pasteurization of milk from the natural milk producers and con sumers association of ontario sfsfc children s hospital county clerk of halton toronto general hospital toronto western hospital re indigent patients dr c v williams mojh for georgetown presented his annual re port moved by smith seconded by lyons that the report of dr c v williams mou be accepted and filed car ried mayor gibbons expressed his thanks to the mxjjl for the very complete report and for the efficient manner in which he performed his duties dur ing the year the complete reportwill be pub lished in the herald next issue mayor gibbons presented the rebel report for november showing an ex penditure of 7684 for the month or 33 13 less thaa the same month in 1937 there are 5 families 26 de pendents and 2 si persons now on relief moved by lyons seconded by cripps that the treasurer pay the relief commission the sum of 7684 to pay november accounts carried moved by hall seconded by costt- gan whereas we believe the compul sory pasteurization law which came into effe- on ocobt is 1938 in the province of ontario is an unwarrant ed invasion of personal freedom and whereas this act will seriously lm the income of many farmers now sell ing milk and cream will impose ad ditional taxes on municpauies through loss of market fees and will result in higher costs to consumers of dairy products be it therefore re solved that we go on record as op posed to this compulsory act and re spect fully request its early repeal by the government of ontario yeas hall costigan gibbons brown lyons davis cripps nays smith caried moved by hall seconded by cripps that the following accounts be paid john bmmcrson ww 210 w gummer wjw 735 w holmes bousing comm 2jw wm ward court servces 4jdo e c thompson court services 440 j schulx sts 3140 jenkins hardy stationery i os r h thompson co 3410 snyder s cartage freight 400 r w robb stationery 120 public library board rent 69joo j b mackenzie son sts 140 k c mcmillan coal 30 so wilson paterson glfford ltd 32js8 municipal world stationery 336 hagey gray plunkett plans and estimates for sewers 18500 p b hirrison re revision voters list w g marshall re revision voters list r mcmullen water rebate e e young signs for streets barber floral co wreaths georgetown lumber co wjw hugh lindsay loud speaker rental bell telephone co esqueslng township e p bowman surveying canadian legion rent for firemen richardson s hardware paint for judges stand k m langdon legal fees w g marshall postage hydro electric p f blackburn police coats georgetown herald printing p b harrison postage s mills fire protection f sinclair town truck iav j wb- by law to provide for remunera s tlon for members of council was read the necessary number ol times and finally passed the amounts betng fixed as follows mayor 125 00 per year reeve 1100 00 per year councillors 7500 per year the same to take effect as of janu ary 1st 1938 4840 500 40 740 725 466 540 941 taxes j840 289 00 2500 455 7750 375 9245 6000 5621 900 1245 i40 uons club christmas movie submarine dji come to the lions dub movie on december 12th in gregory theatre there are two shows 7 and 0 pjn simply bring two or more cans of fruit or vegetables as your ticket of admission these will be collected in the lobby apart from the excellent quality of the picture your heart strings will vibrate with the music of christmas as you think of the cheer your atten dance win giv some one leas fortun ate all proceeds to be used at christmas tree eeubrauons

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