Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 7, 1938, p. 2

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liiiiwaaaiamakaat -par- ihe lieoinetowu herald wednexiay evening december 7th 1938 the georgetown herald phonr no 8 j m hooks sitter and paausfacr a weekly newspaper devoted to the beat interests of the town of geor and surrounding country including the tillages or chen wnuaos norval umehouse stewartdown bauinafad and terra cotta- jbsued every wednesday evening at the offloa on ualn st georgetown 1 jtt subscription rates 150 per year in advance united states soc additional single copies 3c both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested advertising rates legal notices 13c per line for first in sertion 7c per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line for each insertion if in black face type 5c per line additional notices qualifying as coming events sucn as concerts entertainments society church or organization meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in memortan notices soc and 10c per lfcie extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices soc fimall advertisements one mch or less soc tor first insertion and 25c for each subsequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald accepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly n6ted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not e such a proportion of the entire co of such adyertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement the herald does job printing op all kinds if i knew could we but draw the curtains that surround each others lives see the naked heart and spirit know what spur the action gives often we should find it better if we onlj understood could we judge all deeds by motives see the gotfd and bad within often we should love the sinner all the while ve loath the sin could we know the powers working to overtime integrity we should judge each others errors with more patient charity ii we knew the cares and trial knew the efforts all in vain and the bitter disappointment tjhderstood the loss and gain would the grim eternal roughness seem i wonder just the same should we help where now we hinder should we pity where we blame ah we judge each other harshly knowing not lifes hidden force knowing not the fount of action is less turbid at its source seeing not amid the eiil ah the golden grains of good oh wed loe each other better xi we only understood the old gardener his shoulders bear the weight of eight years and while each spring takes from him a toll of strength yet when the friendly robin first ap pears he feels a strange new stirring in his soul today i saw him delve and ply hla hoe bow dear to him is that familiar plotl and when in june his queenly roses blow bven with crowned heads he would not change his lot he recks not though the markets crash in doom the tramp of armies mar not his re pose his gardenworld has color has per fume bees sip the nectar and birds fear no foes brides get their posies grief her dewwet spray and god walks with him at the olose of day louis fraser occupation age has not passed me by without his toll of strength from eye and ear but with a gracious gesture leaves in every ravaged spot a thousand miracles of glad surprise an answered prayer a friendship icw the touch of loving hands a child s gay voice a sacrament of pouring oil and wine in this sad world clouding the stars with hate oh heavenly one who rules both age and time give me the grace to lively live that i shall not the end anticipate throwing his gifts of occupation to the winds so gabriel when he comes must loudly call me from my work not find me whining at the outer gate sarah avery faitnee seasons of canadian apples every variety of canadian apple for eating or cooking has a definite eason when jt is at its finest a period when its flavour is perfect qtmvenstelns and wealthy in septem ber october and i november mcin tosh pameuse snow wolf river and rlbston in october november jpecember and january king novem ber december and january baldwin wagner delicious greening ha and cttark november december january and february stark is still fine in afarch northern spy rome beauty and golden russet december jan- nary february and icarcb ben dtvts gano and wmesap december january february march april and hay under proper storage coodl- jti tfcau some varieti c be kept m b apod condition longer than the mon- say there a bunch i ovtsfde waiting to see yon bsm to a bubop who wys tt aansm yon orae k baan xjee rm precticatfy i ijmtar married a bishop christmas and liquor ordering discontinuance of christ mas wrappings for liquor the chair man of the michigan state liquor commission explains i do not want christmas and liquor to be associat ed he has spoken the mind of a great many people in this country as well comments the halifax herald christ mas is a sacred season and it should not be made an occasion for orgies of intoxication the spectacle u re pugnant to the ideals and conscience of the majority of our people v ho understand the significance of christ mas and desire to see its observance kept wholesome affd appropriate ii is quite possible concludes the herald to have a merry christmas without the help of intoxicants well said indeed and we wonder if ontario s mr odette will have lie courage to speak up to the liquor m terest5 heaven knows he has i t mitted the booze barons to get may with murder in their violations of th no liquor advertising edict pauley advocate science and research those of us engaged in agriculture must pay attention to what science and research can do to help li lord elgin speaking at the dinner on the opening night of the 1938 royal winter pair toronto botanical notes for december towards the end of this month time crowned with supreme and rad iant content seems to pause in its mad career for a fewvahort days of contemplation in the crystalline air of glittering world it was 1938 years ago in a heaven pure and remote crammed with pul sating pinpoints of light that the large star in the east shone with such magical brilliance when k an extraordinary awe hushed the spirit of our troubled world to a sense of en chantment and miracle charity and love the busy world of today is gratefij for the annual pause in honour of oils sacred event as evinced by the unhfr- sal spirit of peace goodwill and joy those yuletide symbols of beneo cence qlirtetmas trees soon to be come fairylike loadstones in glowing pageants of joviulty stand like park ling pyramids in a virgin white dream andscape young and oldf rich and poor hale and sick are aglow with warm anticipation of an indefinable bejewelled something which may be awaiting them on one of these trees now there are christmas trees ind christmas trees on the balsams the cones stand proudly erect the haitian leaves which on many branches appear to be two ranked form apparently flat sprays those leaves will stick tlht even in the heat of the house spuce trees allow their cones to droop as ir ashamed of their objectionable habit of shedding their sharp four sided needles which bristle all round lie branches over the party rug but the needle will remain attached to twigs of herbarium specimens if thj are boiled in threequarters o a gallon of water for half an hour o which one ounce of copper sulphate has been added as resonant chimes merrily clash and clang in the freshness and om ance of christmas ee churches are filling with worshippers for the mid night service of the feast of nathly vho will inhale with tingling remln iscence the rich fragrance of floral dv corations garlands or aromatic cedar are draped and festooned in bold con trast with naming poinsettlas sweet- iyscented roses and carnations plain live and heart searching carols melt into a dream deep and mellow as time itself the notes of the grand organ which soar in triumphant rnel odj seem to promise a nobler living and glories jet to be lndej the en voice of goodwill speaking to our hearts and souls the christmas dinner tables of tne fortunate are loaded with good chner mostly the produce or our vegetable friends many of us treasure lasting memen tos of happ times like this and have provided such as living plants seeds of the orange grapefruit leta on fig or date will germinate and grow quite readily in the wannth of the house and live witfa reasonable care for many years thus stabluhing a pleasing evergreen indoor garden the fig kill lose its leaves toward spring but will grow new ones when enjoying an outdoor summer vacation the pineapple will add variety to his exotic garden if the rosette of leaves be potted in sandy leafmould as the calendar year draws to a close botanists will hall one another with cordial christmas greetings garden field and forest may be des olate with the apparent death of de cember but there is no winter in the soul of the plant lover only serenity and hope as he recalls with supreme gratitude a world of great simple things where contentment meets him and takes hun tenderly by the hand revels in the sweetly tnystjr notes of the pipes of pan which even the ribald bellow of an ugly and ruti- less reality caff never never subd le experimental farm note that sheepish feeling why pa this is roast beef i l x claimed little willie at dinner one evening when a guest of honor was present of course sad the fatner what of that why you told me this morning that you were golnj to bring an old mutton head home for dinner this evening picobac for a mild cool smokl radio repairing u years experience we specialize on this work j sanford son phone georgetown 34w over amm have switched to muecoal for better heating let this overwhelming preference for blue coal the worlds finest anthracite be your guide to better heating blue coal will give you a standard of beating satisfaction and value that has won the confidence of over 100000 canadian homeowners order a too of blv coat today w h kentner son phone 12 georgetown lie coa he modern fuel for solid comfort tune in on th mmy srt 7 t 730 pw ovt- tuo cbt vi tor everyone f a complete varied selection youll 6nd so many appropriate gifts here for everyone on your giftjislthat it will- make your christmas shopping much easier and a real pleasure this year come in today and exaimne our selection of fine gifts at economical prices for him- kwik shave electric razor gillette electric 495 razor parker pens pipes kodaks shaving sets by yardley shaving sets military brush sets cigarettes 2000 350 to 750 25c to 350 125 to 1025 100 to 725 25c to 149 125 to 550 cigars tobaccos give the kiddies a book childrens books from 5c soc for her- yardley sets formal sets dernvs sets stationery compacts perfumes woodburys sets parker pens bath salts body powder 100 to 1000 125 to 400 25c to 600 25c to 200 25c to 450 25c to 375 25c to 500 350 to 750 25c to 110 25c to 135 snapshot albums 175 to 300 auto bridge 150 seals tags cord j ribbon wrapp ings xmas cards xmas tree lights manufacturers special offers this weekend see our handbills for details maccormacks drag store phone 327 wedeuver mmmmmmmm georgetown cnjl time table standard tim 1m i passenger and man 10jm i passenger and mali i passengers for toronto 041 passengers sundays only 9m going west passenger and man 624 turn passenger ijgfi p passenger and mall 8jr pm passenger sunday hj9 pja saturdays only leaving toronto at 1130 pm arriving at george 1225 am first trip november 6th going nortb mall and passenger 845 ajs going sooth mall and passenger 53 pm gray coach lines time table effective sunday september 5th leave georgetown to toronto a 7 08 am 928 am 1148 am c 223 pjn 42 pjn 6 48 pm 9 03 pm westbound to london 9 35 am xli20 am 205 pm cx255 pjn ay4 45 pm 700 pjn booo pm dxllos pm tart 150 pm a except 8un and hoi b sim and hoi c sat only d except sat sun and hol e fiat sun and hoi x to kitchener y to stratford tickets and information at w h long phone 88 qeocgetewn o r directory lerov dale kc m sybil bennbtt ea barristers and solicitors georgetown ontario office gregory theatre bwg mill 04 kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary pabtte first mortgage money to loan office main street south phone 88 oeoigetown banet gbatd3n lawrence a cook barristers eta 465 bay sl toronto brampton on k fraser raney kg h edward cook gordon graydon 333 main st north brampton telephone 799 harold r lawrence loblaw bulldms brampton telephone 64s p b watson dj bld8 georgetown office hours 0 to 6 except thursday afternoons dr j e jackson dentist xray office hours dally 9 to s evenmgs 7 to s phone tuw georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer for the comities of peal and itsh prompt service cheltenham 28 r 33 georgetown art post ottce cheltenham walter t evans co general imurancc ocean steamship service real estate mai st north georgetown phone 183 monuments pollock ingham successors to cater tfc worth gait ont designs on request phone 2048 inspect our work in greenwood cemetery a m nielsen kth tear of practice chiropractor xray drugleu therapist lady attendant office over dominion store georgetown hours 18 720920 pa two little children on their way anae from sunday school vera solemnly discussing the timmri do you believe there is a derflr asked one no replied the other ifa like santa otaos urn daddy si

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