Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 7, 1938, p. 6

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page 6 the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 7th 1936 mutt street georgetown richard licata fruit awpvecetable market our stock of nuts for christmas is now in guaran teed fresh of this years stock and absolutely the lowest priced in town our many customers appreciate the highgrade quality and freshness of our stock of fruit and vegetables which are always sold at the lowest possible price consistent with quality you can prove these facts by coming to l i c a t a s for your holiday supplies lows dat auuancb the lords day alliance of oaasda which 1b celebratms the semicen tenary of it foundation in ottawa shoruy is one of those organisations whose genesis is to be found in a re sponse to an almost universal demand ine purpose of the alliance once firmly stated some years of quiet educational work went on before the lards day act was put upon the statute books in 1009 the lords day act would nover have been the success it is had not that same admirable quality of om- moneense been generously applied in its enforcement the alliance has relied upon reason rather than epon coercion for the enforcement of he principle of weekly rest in canada and the result has been to strengthen rather than to weaken the esumatton in which it is held by the emplujing class which otherwise might ve been its deadliest and most effective enemies the purpose for which the alliance exists needs no elaboration and no praise here live and let live 1 a good motto but it can be made to cover a multitude of meannesses aid tyrannies the alliance asks only that industrial slavery shall not exist in canada and that sunday shall be the emancipation day of the very great majority of the people it is practical christianity that is allr from the montreal daily star phone magic your great grandfather had to bew and haul saw and chop dot yaw need only pttm and prcstol your coal is oo the way to sssvrv your comfort and economy we deliver famous reading anthracite the laundered coal dirt tree dust free mli coal saw beat phooe now k c mcmillan ukokuvi1jwn vegetable products canadian manufacturers based on vegetable products form an important group in canadian industry acs rul ing to the latest statistics this group ranked first in the dominion in 1036 in gross value and cost of the materi als used third in capital invested snd fourth in the number of persons em ployed and salaries and wages paid exports from canada cover all phases of manufactured vegetable products but in the present review lo not include those of chemicals 3bre and wood the exports include fruits and vegetables pickles sauces ket chups milled products bran shorts middlings oatmeal and rolled oats flour of wheat and other milled pro ducts biscuits cereal foods com starch macaroni vermicelli spaghetti malt screenings confectionery and chewing gum maple syrup and sugar molasses syrups sugar of all l ids santa claus comes lo georgetown on saturday december 24th coffee vlnegbmwverages rubbriunr its products cbeltlng shoes ures casings and inner tubes tobacco and cigarettes oil cake vegetable oils and other vegetable products the value of vegetable products expo ted from canada in 1936 was 81219 005 a very good reason a small boy was late for smdny school and the minister inquired the cause i was going fishing but my fa her wouldn t let me said the boy that the tight kind of father to have replied the minister and did he explain the reason why you mtrc not to go yes sir he said there wisn t enough bait for both of us richardsons hardware phone 25 we deliver full line xmas selections of pyrex oven ware electric toasters to 595 electric grillettes 295 695 sdlex coffee makers 395 to 995 electric coffee sets 1800 electric toaster sets 2l00 samson electric mixers 1495 carving sets to ftqqq cups and saucers jo to 75 tea pots chm 75 to j doll prams 295 to 395 special white and red enamelled ware lowest prices ever known for this most popular of all boys wagons joy riders toys games tricycles etc christmas tree light sets 49 up christmas tree decorations oven ware only 21 more slopping days before christinas a small deposit will hold any article till flmintii for winter sports visit our store skis tobogans sleighs skates and shoes hockey sticks and equip menl baby sleighs ski poles ski boots gnus and richardsons hardware matty washer store ccm representative radios wsstoghouse refrigerators imp t7 ttc finest m you cant do any thing better than to see our displays of xmas articles suitable for every person on your list suggestions for him cigars 25c 500 cigarettes 25c 200 gladstone bag fblly equipped 1750 nt to toe if prices fctj rolls razors 695 895 1000 electric razors 850 1300 yardley sets 100 485 jasmine sets 85c 500 medico pipes 100 suggestions for the home electric heating pads approved by hydro 495 playing cards 50c 200 xmas cards 2f 5c 10c 15c xmas tree decorations xmas crackers 49c box bathroom scales guaranteed 5 years 495 milk of magnesia tooth paste 39c untvex movie cameras you can always shop to advantage at your rexall store below we are listing just a few of our many offer ings for this year suggestions for her yardley sets 100 1000 jasmine sets 85c 1000 cutex sets 50c 250 candy nettson jenny lind and annie laurie ladies weekend bag folly equipped 1350 compacts 50c 450 perfumes 50c 500 jasmine mirror ba1x creations powder perfume 100 150- stationery 25c 300 robbs drug store phone 76 the rexall store georgetown the sin of covetousness thou shall not golden tlxt covet exodus lesson passac e 1xodus 20 17 luke 12 13 21 i tlmotliy 6 6 10 lord of uu minlikht lord of the starlight lord of the seasons i teach me to know how best to lo 4hic how best to sine tliii mid summers showirs or winters snow a sin in the mind 17 covi tousness is nu attitude of mind it begins in dslrc the ac fquishlve habit may lend to outward acts but at first it is earning for something that belongs o another one great trouble in the life of in dividual and nations alike is that so many arc playing the ancient gime of grab yet possessions in ihemscl vos do not satisfy the higher longings of human beings frequently posses sions when attained clutter up the mind and become a waste of life s op pdrtunltlee if covetousness is a mn- tal sin the cure must be obtained through changed thinking we mav cure ourselves of the desire to have more than our neighbors or to get gain for ourselves at another s loss there are many statutes in both crim inal and civil law protecting property rights many of those would be un necessary were it not for the dep- rooted desire for possessions which others have earned by their own toll our materialistic- age must change its thinking before its conduct will im prove greatly family quarrels 1115 there is much litigation over mills there are many disputes about indi vidual rights in homes borne of the bitterest family feuds have arisen through dispute concernm articles of small value jesus saw clearly that the dealt for material possasiuns oould easily destroy family lor a man earn to jesus askmw mm to act as a bktssttrete and pronounce a deoi- ton about the division of family pro perty jem left the dec to a judge and began to deal wtt tbs man heart to sesfseettnf proper- tnttdsd man was warns actios a man life consusteth not in he abundance of things which he poises seth such ls the teaching of jlus he ihed b tills standard whll i he taught living for thinirs 16 11 a modtrii motion picture has as its till u cunt take it with you this k the twenlith centur w or teaching the old proverb that here an no pocktus in a shroud men uid women will work for tlltj ears tek lng llnanclal securlt only to fa d that spiritual peace is a greater ea t t christ showtd the futllltj of uur acquisitive socictj w hen he plo wed the rich man pulling down his lijirns and building greater and gleefu ly looking forward to ean of ease and indulgence yet death in a mom ni could separate him from all his great possessions the rich fool laid up treasure for himself but was not rrh toward god jesus left no estat yet no life has influenced human history as his has done contentment 68 clear thinking is necessary in the discussion of contentment ood awakens within us a divine discontent which li an urge to progress and an provetnent it ls right that a settler whose first house is of logs should ad vance to a larger fram building and vance to a larger frame building and structure constant improvement en courages business and prevents unom ployment the- fact to stress is that inner happiness does not depend upon affluent circumstances many pioneer families were happier in the first log house than in later pretentious homes it is i matter of placing first things first our primary duty is to discover the will of ood and do our utmost to obey it inner peace depends mich more upon conscience than upon chattels it was said of john calvin that money could not tempt him he had found ufes satisfaction in study worship and service much of the economic cruelty of today is due to materialistic ideate to sot rich quick to surpass competitors to be able to live with extravagant display of wealth too often las to rutblsss- ness in competitive methods it is poatible to think great tnoaghu osnt- uat m- a lniihlii twsjw ana wearing i dotbe fix a certain unlmehj it was dsnosantt that tbs ootstandms lntehsotoal lead smttt only about onethird upon fill ward ents he found his delight in study teaching production of books and stimulation of the thought life of hta co mm unit j the lore of money 910 honey is not the root of all evu mone is the source of much good it can gr e shelter to the homeless clothing to the cold food to the han- grj education to seeking minds monej doti m trades it can trans form stone out of a quarry into a beautiful cathedral it can take the graln of the fields and support family life schools churches libraries and art galleries whj then ls money suspect it is because money is so- often ioed for what it is rather than for what it cando there is a world of difference between hoarding money i bank account and spending it to brighten the ihes of neglected chil dren when a man wishes to be known for what he has rather than for what he is his sense of values is distorted the christian cidttd must seek to undo the pervalent habit of making monej a public idol ma terial weatlh can be a good servant it should never be master one our master even christ questions for discussion 1 desires are the mothers of deeds explain 2 covet earnestly the best things for instance 3 agassis said i have no time to get rich was the noted naturalist poor 4 r l stevenson spoke of the ma lady of not wanting discus stimulate desire avoid repres sion is this wise counsel chbsxsanthemdms ancient tv unbagb the wonderful array of chrysanthe mums grown every year at the omn tral r the recent popular exbtbtlon e flowers in tbegamjmtmoissiy oatt tb faot tbjpy 1 1 hrvestlsjittoa of the ptantaimfttta m

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