Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 18, 1939, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening januavy 18th 1939 page 5 ings weekend specials 8rcul fmh pfcnlo stria pork shoulders 18 veal roasts 23 fmb cot bou pork chops 2s choice tender beef mwause 1ndboued prime rib roast 2 choice bound steak roast 22 elk boiling beef 1 2 mke8 a delicious pot boast blade roast 1 7 trail oaastry style sausage 2 b 2 5c fresh made small pork sausage elk legs of lamb 27 fresh and smoked fish lake herring 3 20c sllverbrlght salmon 14 half or whole tfteah r smtihea fillets 17 sea herrings 23c p delivery watch our window por weekly ick crcam specials and oontootloifebt pineapple marsbmallow sundae 1 3c 2 for 25c longs confectionery fsssts crrby theatre friday january 20 i met him in paris comedyromance with claudette colbert and mdvyn douglas musical ray kinney and his hawaiians cartoon old smokey fox news novelty mans greatest friend saturday january 21 judge hardys children another great story of the judge hardy family with mickey booney and lewis stone musical patio serenade cartoon moth and the flanie chapter 13 wild bill hickok 3 pjn tuesday and wednesday january 24 and 25 bulldog drummond in africa thrilling adventure with john howard aa captain hngh dnmntrnd comedy mind needer musical harris in the spring rambling reporter isle of pleasure cartoon alls fair at the fair soon just around he corner shirley temple and joan davie thompsons baby chicks buy your quality chicks at thompsons poultry farm quality barred rock chicks and hollywood white leghorn chicks from our government inspected ojfl flock bred for vitality and stamina to stand high egg production chicks are hatched from 3ceb weighing 24 ox and over extra quality barred rock and white leghorn r o p trad chicks from our bloodtested 03 pens of yearling hens eggs weigh 38 os and over order early as only limited quantities are oejfti hvsjlabte rx d oer batching date write or calx francis thompson phone 48 r 3 georgetown r r 3 norval rifle club of 1938 in review hasvkt nubsb elected presi dent of club fob 1ss9 the norval rifle club held thelr ptenna meeting on the club range on monday night jan 16th a review of the events for the year was read by the chairman mr r w ball also the financial statement which showed a substantial balance to the credit of the club for the year ending pecem- ber 31st 1938 mr harvey nurse was elected presi dent and mr e j oollop reelected secretary mr p hustler elected as sistant secretary the following members were chosen as a general purpose committe viz r w hall ttbd johnsonr m atkinson geo o brown and h nurse on monday night january 9th sixteen members of the noryl rifle club visited the hulsburg club de feating them by 54 points out 1600 the scores norval 1558 but of 1600 hulsburg 1504 out of 1600 four of the norval club scored the pos sible of 100 points mr sinclair o the hulsburg team was high scorer for his team with 99 points monday- nights scores for the ag gregate event of the norval club are as follows fred johnson 100 nurse 99 r w hall 99 w wilson hall 98 m atkinson 88 dr stevenson 98 w lisk 98 e mc kinney 97 a w wilson 97 f hustler 97 f stark 97 w robinson 94 a review of the events which took place on the norval rifle range and other ranges by the norval rifle club during the year ending december 31 1938 the indoor league as sponsored by the dominion marksmen of montreal was competed for in january and february this competition was canadawide and was divided into four districts viz newfoundland maritime provinces central district ontario and quebec and the wes tern provinces norval entered two teams in the central district no 1 team winning ninth place and no 2 team seventeenth place twenty- seven teams competed in the central district three expert spoons and ave marksmens spoons were won by th norval club in the outdoor league 50 and 100 yards 40 shots at each range mr harvey nurse was high scorer mak ing 793 points out of 800 on june 3rd and 4th a rifle meet wits held on the norval outdoor range open to marksmen of canada and the united states this meet being an initial for the norval club was well attended by riflemen from all parts of ontario and the border towns and cities of the united states the meet was a decided success both financially and otherwise much credit is due our mr r w hall for his energetic and able ability in sponsoring and conducting this meet should a simi lar meet take place in 1939 it is pre dicted that the success will be even greater our mr harvey nurse won the dominion of canada challenge shield in the small bore matches held high school activities basket ball games party in the arena last thursday evening in the arm ories the students of the georgetown high school witnessed an excellent brand of basketball between the mil ton juniors and the georgetown juniors in the first quarter the georgetown team held their oppon ents to a score of 4 0 the half mark found georgetown leading 63 cummins netting all the points thus far in the third quarter milton showed their old fighting spirit tying the score 66 the last quartet prov ed to be a regular rough and tumble both teams fighting hard to break the tie in he last few moments of jilay m hoare came across for georgetown making the final score 8 to 6 for georgetown lineup ru m cummins rx m hoare c1 j hale subs j mar tin m schenk lg m paul rg m keen sub e le eg e lane sub m keen georgetown high school senior girls basketball squads trounced milton lost thursday in the armouries with a score of 10 4 when they accepted miltons challenge d braisby left forward started th girls of red and blue on the right track shortly after the game began by scoring the first basket the guards were in good form checking the milton forwards perhaps a bit hard as spills were frequentj and prevented them from scoring in the first half two more baskets by j henderson centre forward and d braisby raised the score leaving it 6 0 tor georgetown high school at the end of the first half helen deer of the white and blue opened the scoring in the second half but m dick right forward proved the georgetown high school girls were still on their toes by scoring with a beautiful long shot h deer scored again and d braisby retaliat ed with another basket and completed the scoring of the game outstanding players of the game were on the forward playing llni braisby m dick on guard betty speight jean ruddell georgetown team was composed of forwards d braisby jnldick j henderson guards j ruddell isley b speight subs j bennie campbell joy ruddell h devereaux lost friday evening the students of g h 8 held a party in the arena in spite of the date the thirteenth a large number were present to enjoy the fun the games committee provid ed some excellent icebreakers at the beginning of the party and these novel games fere enjoyed very much by all who took part in them an hilianous highlight of the even ing was the burlesquing by the boys of a girls sasketbau game the rug by team however came under lire lat er in the evening when the girls de monstrtited what they considered t be the bovs technique on a rugby held armstrongs orchestra provided music for the dancing which occupi- the latter part of the evening ottawa in the august meet ol the d i a z jj lunch rjl mr nurae also won the grand j c was w i sumed until halfpast twelve when the party broke up that the party ra mr nurse also won the grand aggregate at the ora matches held at long branch congratulations harvey mr fred johnson won the novelty shield for the highest score in the three novelty shoot ten shots each at off hand rapid fire and prone mr harvey nurse is high scorer in the years aggregate shoots scoring 3282 points out of 3300 competitions january 17th at norval scores o ac 853 norval 880 february 7th at hamilton scores hamilton 1452 norval 1447 february 16th at guelph scores o ac 871 norval 873 february 28lh at hamilton scores hamilton 1280 norval 1261 march 18th at norval scores to ronto cjta 866 norval 878 march 21st at norval scores waterdown 390 norval 389 march 2lst at norval scores huls burg 928 norval 970 march 25th at toronto scores toronto cnr 685 norval 688 march 30th at toronto scores roncesvales 683 norval 883 april 6th at norval scores ron cesvales 1238 norval 1269 november 21st at hamilton scores hamilton 1171 norval 1184 december 5th at norval scores n toronto 1470 norval 1464 december 12th at norval scores hulsburg 830 norval 875 the lucky draw for the rtfle owned by our late president took place on christmas eve at mr frank hustlers store mrs hustler was chosen to make the draw and drew ticket no 305 held by jack see of mai ton two hundred and thirty tickets were sold realizing the sum of 11500 10000 of this amount was handed to his widow the balance after deducting expenses was credited to the clubs fund in submitting this review of events i regret it is my painful duty t o make entry in our minute book the death of our late president the late mr w o m browne who passed to the great beyond on november 23rd in the guelph general hospi tal after a lengthy illness our sin cere and deepest sympathy is extend ed to his family wishing the rifle club members a happy and prosperous new year i itn your most obedient servant e j oollop secretary ful was confirmed by the many nurmurs heard the best high school party weve had in years the committee in charge of this events was jean ruddell jean mar tin mr heldmann and bob mc- mcnemy new arrivals new arri prints prints a lovely assortment of the beat quality prints gloves ladies real angora gloves 185 now 149 ladies fabric gloves 50c for 39c 75c for 59c sheets 90 x 104 hs heavy cotton sheets 175 ea 76x90 ii9ea 77x81 99c ea towelling 15 roller towelling 14c yd 16 roller towelling 19c yd 16 heavy towelling 30c for 25c yd bedspreads rayon and cotton bedspreads with fringe 335 sheeting 94 white sheeting 45c yd 72 white red cross sheeting 49c yd agents langleys cleaner and dyer mcbean co j phone 64 we deliver georgetown save with safety at your rexall store 29c special o a b face cre 49ctaanttcruschen g9 electric heating pad 495 apprd by hydro baby soups now 3 for 25c specials for this week just arrived we are only allowed a limited quantity of these so get yours early fruit juice glass free with briton tooth paste 29c 2 large glass free with english health salt you can always shop to advantage at your rexall store pkg envelopes free with 100 sheetwrittpglg fad m both for 25c sqtlebbs cod liver oil 50c 100 for that cough pasmobes 2 minute bronchial mixture 50c robbs drug store phone 7 we ddbw the rjkxall stobe geobo 5 5 preston s specials oceanbrigiit salmon special best red salmon sliced 16c lb thursday cots lie lb whole fish 13c lb top or tall parliament now in session wuxbe busy active lively continued from page 1 the unemployment lfcy of i despite the difficulties presented by the unemploymenm- problem the peach records that at the brgrtrtg of oils winter the namber at theme receiving mwan and agricul tural renef w about 40 per cent than tiro yean ago sabbath threatened by organized sport lords day group will launch aggressive campaign against repeal fear wideopen sunday toronto jan 1 7th ontarios sun day ls in imminent peril through pro posed introduction of commercialized sunday activities declared rev g g webber general secretary of the lords day alliance in a statement issued to the press today the introduction of the business of sport into ontario sunday life would be but the first step toward a wide- open sunday and that in turn would mean the loss of the sunday rest day to increasing numbers of citizens mr webber stated he was commenting on the recent intimation given by at torneygeneral gordon conant that the ontario government would ask ottawa to repeal the pre-confedera- tlon statute of 1846 the only legislation that could be introduced into the federal parlia ment or the ontario legislature de signed to increase sunday sports ac tivities mr webber stated would legalize professional and conunerclal- ed sport on that day that is the issue we must face let us discuss it frankly and without any camouflage whatever mr webber asked does ontario want professional and commercialized sports on sundays we believe those who want a wideopen sunday are very much in the minority even though we recognize that many citi zens are desirous for freedom on sundays for personal and voluntary recreation the general secretary of the lords day alliance pointed out that the lords day act of canada docs not forbid personal recreation on sundays that law gives the poor man the same liberty as the rich man of course the poor man does not have the same amount of money to spend on recrea tion any day of the week and the only way in which recreational privi leges could be equalized would be to increase the income of all people on the lower levels of income that of course is another story and one which we cannot discuss here but all this talk of introducing legisla tion to benefit the poor man with re spect to his sunday recreation simply beclouds the real issue the lords day act of canada stated the cods day alliance eecre- fresii lake herring extra special 3 lbs 17c lake whitef1sil whole fish 15c lb only best quality fish sold at lowest prices for better health eat more fish phone 293 we deliver great bargains biggest ever 50 off watches and jewellery this week january 24th to 31st inventory special sale hintons jewellery georgetown tary forbids the business of sport and the business of entertainment on sundays throughout canada that is the only restriction placed by that law on the sunday recreation of the people an aggressive campaign of educa tion will be launched through the lords day alliance and allied bodies to forestall the bringing in of com merclalteed sport on sundays it was announced canadian wheat in norway canada for the past few years has supplied a large part of the wheat re quirements of norway during the three years 193537 imports from the dominion amounted to 265000 metric tons or more than 53 per- cent of norways what imports of 500000 tons during that period this ls an aver age of 68500 tons per year over the three years on october 18 1038- 9000 tons of the highest quality of canadian- wheat arrived at oslo the capital o norway tbls is one of the largest shipments of grain receiv ed toy the norwegian state oralt monopoly which is the sole purchaser of grains for the country said the visitor to bis hosts utue gin bern do you know that if the first of the month oaww all daddy letters have got front windows to them replied u mustbeeaten dessert frances lee barton most delightful and modern a version of a traditional festive holiday pudding is one which is molded in gelatin and of coarse served cold it is a most fitting end to a partj- dlnuer yet it is so light that not one of your gueats will de- tline it with the regretful plea tve no more room jellied holiday pudding 1 package cherry flavored gela tin h teaspoon cinnamon k tea- spoon cloves dash ot salt 1 pint hot water cup brandy cop chopped raisss cup chopped cooked prunes cup sliced cit ron cup broken walnut meats combine gelatin 101068 and salt mix wall and dissolve in hot water cool and add brandy chill when slightly thickened fold in rsmaln- jng ingredients tvn iito mold chill until firm s tcve- with whirr m or mar favorite sauce flerrc 0 vjvisap o

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