Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 18, 1939, p. 6

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page 6 the geoigetown herald wednesday evening january 18th 1939 repairing radio ttyeara bapehenee we specialize on this work j sanford son fhoni geobgetown mw i t used car values e listed a few t our wed on thoroughly ocn ed tor winter driving sedans 1036 cbrysler royal o d heater 1937 plymouth deluxe cheater 1937 chevrolet master deluxe heater u36 chevrolet master 1934 chrysler airflow 1834 bulck special cheater 1933 chevrolet mastetspecial 1933 pontine cheater 1939 chrysler 75 1939 chevrolet 1933 oraham blue streak coaches 1938 terraplane custom 1937 terraplane custom 1937 ford custom radio heater 1937 chevrolet trunk 1935 pontlac 6 cheater 1936 ford 1935 ford deluxe c trunk 1933 chevrolet 1933 ford v8 1928 chevrolet 1938 whippet coupes 1937 plymouth deluxe heater 1937 hudson opera electric hand radio heater 1938 plymouth deluxe cheater 193s terraplane 1933 studebaker 1929 dodge 4 passenger trucks- 1937 ford 2 ton platform hj 1934 om c 3 ton platform dual wheels 1935 chevrolet 1 ton platform dual wheels 1935 international v ton panel 1934 ford 1 ton panel 1933 chevrolet h to panel 1931 dodge m ton panel 4 cyl heifernan motor car co guelph ont georgetown hep speights garage 4 buying guide before you order dinner at a restaurant you consult the blllof fare before you take a long trip by motor ear you pore over road maps before you start out on a shopping trip you should consult the advertisements in this paper the advertising columns are a buying guide to you in the purchase of everything you need including amuse ments i a guide that saves your tune and conserves your energy that saves useless steps and guards against false ones that puts the s t re t ch in family budgets the advertisements in this paper are so interesting it is difficult to see bow any one could overlook them fall 1 to profit by them just check with yourself and be aura that you are reading the advertisements regular lythe big one and the ttttle ones xt 1 time well pent always your local paper is your buying guide white hone of hanover used for battle emblem all cavalry flags are crimson says a writer in pearsons london weekly dragoon guards carry square standards dragoons pointed flags called guidons a white horse appears on all it is the white horse of hanover to show that these regiments saved the hanover ian succession by defeating the stu art rebellions in 1715 and 1745 the first white horse standards were carried into our country by the anglosaieon invaders about 400 years after christ a white horse was- their battle emblem you can still see it carved in the berkshire downs above ufflngton vale to mark the site of one of thei victori over the danes their principal chieftains called themselves after rt hengist steed and horsa horse the kingdom of hanover covered the land of the ancient saxons so their white horse tecame the emblem of the hano- venan kings lancer and hussar regiments have no colors their battle honor are emblazoned on the saddle cloth instead they have appeared here as on flags ever since the penin sular war no battle before mindea 1759 was recorded on them at first but the rule relaxed with tha years and battle honors now go back to the end of the seventeenth cen tury the colors have ceased to be car ried in battle british regiments last carried their standards into ac tion against the zulus at isandbj- wana in 1879 loudchtrpmg cricket usually fierce fighter cricket fights appeal to cultured and wealthy chinese who often wager large sums on the outcome of the insect battles fighting crickets get very special attention to make them strong and sleek a tasty dish is mixed for them consisting of fresh cucumbers boiled chestnuts lotus seeds and mosquitoes when the hour for the fight approaches relates a writer in the detroit news they are frequent ly dosed with a bouillon tonic con cocted from the roots of exotic flow era the best cricket fighters accord ing to chinese authorities are the loudest chirpers on tiny scales es pecially constructed for the pur pose the crickets are frequently weighed during training extremes in temperature reputedly bad for cricket organisms are carefully guarded against and the cricket s minute mustaches barometer of its health are constantly watched for the least sign of drooping no smoke is permitted in the rooms reserved for cricket fights the entrants are elaborately matched as to weight size and col or end then are placed in a large con tamer with screened sides and top likte cocks crickets almost in variably fight until one of the con testants is dead victorious crickets are carefully guarded and highly prized when they too eventually die they are buried with ceremony in little silver coffins indians killed white spy although michigan has been a battleground hrseveral wars sagi naw was the scene of one of the few spy executions ever recorded in the state relates a correspondent in the detroit free press during the war of 1812 the americans were trou bled as to which side the saginaw tribe of indians there would take jacob smith an indian trader was sent with two assistants ostensibly on a trading trip but actually to learn where their sympathies were enlisted one of the assistants drank too much and revealed their actual mission smith and his other as sistant fled leaving their stock the one who exposed the plan was killed as a spy but the others es caped smith later again won the good will of the indians and opened a trading post where flint now stands in 1819 and operated it until his death in 1825 plinys panther story pliny s story about- the panther was philinus a philospher saw a panther tying in the road evident ly waiting for some one to pass he tried to go around the animal but the panther headed him off rolled over on its back to attract his attention and showed signs of grief when he attempted to draw away the animal fixed her claws in his garment evidently desiring him to follow her when at last he rec ognized what she wanted he fol lowed her and she led him to a pit into which her oubs had fallen moved by pity he helped the young ones out and the happy mother showed her joy and gratitude by frisking around him and by escort ing him with her cubs trotting after her to the edge of the desert discovered chromium the existence of chromium as an element was discovered independ ently in 1798 by louis nicolas vau- quelln and martin heinrich klap- roth many years passed however before tha free metal was isolated from its compounds and even then it could be produced only in minute quantities end in an impure state it was not until about 1900 that chemical technology sufficiency to permit of the metal petcr denies his lord inte uniform bandar school less on january z2 1939 golden text let him that thlnketh he standeth take heed lest he fall 1 corinthians 10 12 lesson passage luke 23 31 34 54 62 if our blurred eyes could see beyond their weeping the sunlit lulls that some day we shall climb we would be stronger and we would be keeping a tryst with hope through every darkened time temptation 31 there need be small wonder that we are tempted it is difficult to get the body disciplined to obey the pirltwe hear and see many things in our environment that tend to de grade unless we close our minds u them we are unconsciously lnfluenc ed by customs which are agelong i is impossible to read modem books or see motion pictures or attend theatre without being brought face to face with the seamy side of life each day the newspapers record crime on a worldwide scale international politics have become a game of wits with scant regard for moral scruples there is a downward drag in our selves and in society that is attribut ed to satan a force of evil actively at work it is well for us to learn early in life the terms upon which we live life is a constant moral struggle and we need to be on guard moment by moment it helps us to be reconciled to temptation when we remember that goodness can only be attained by struggle the triumph of right over wrong develops moral strength each victory will help us some other to win even christ was tempted but his victory over tempta tion has helped many others to vie tory also peter was tempted but he need not have yielded to the temptation support 32 christ knew what peter would have to face for that reason christ pray ed especially for peter that his faith should not fall this gives us a hint as to the way to victory against temptation we get strength not by having faith in ourselves but by hav ing faith in godupon whosehelp we may depend christ s help is avail able for us even as it was for peter there is also the encouragement that temporary defeat may fit us by sym pathetic understanding to help others the day would come when peter would strengthen his brethren he actually did become the leader of the apostles christ s hopeful predic tion was abundantly fulfilled at pent cctit it is possible to turn our failures and sins into assets for helping other people to get victory over their temp tations and falls if christ had to depend upon followers with perfect re cords he would have lew helpers but he is ready to use those who have made mistakes and have amended their ways saved sinners have a powerful witness to give they talk out or experience and are able to en ter into the struggles 6f those who are hard pressed by temptation both peter and paul capitalized their mis takes for effective christian service nnmlumuon 33 34 peter was usually the spokesman of the twelve jesus had stayed at his home repeatedly peter was the first to make his confession of faith in jesus as the christ the prediction had been made that simon would be come peter a rock like man peter may have begun to take himself for granted he boasted that he was ready to follow christ both into pri son and to death his pride preceded his fall jesus told him that within a few hours he would be guilty of a threefold denial our interest in peter lies in the fact that he is so much like ourselves he does noble things and then is guilty of folly he show sublime courage and then gives way to cowardice the hopeful fact is that peter did cone out right in the end and did finally justify the confidence of christ in him peter was stronger and safqr in later life because he had loftt his conceit and knew the possibility of evil in him self there is an oft repeated prayer take me break me mnke me the breaking is part of the making denial 54 60 caught off guard peter denied his master repeatedly in the high priests hall was it the real peter who denl ed his lord there were several ex lenuatlng circumstances he was tlr ed and cold he had been under great emotional strain events had moved swiftly from the entrance to jerusalem to the public trials of jesus the other disciples had de scrtod and fled peter at least stood by the leader whom he had trusted had been arrested and had forbidden him to fight peter had many true words and brave deeds to his credit before the denial and afterwards he became an outstanding leader in the christian church eventually it is believed he was martyred for the faith it is impossible to excuse his threefold denial but we must not for get his virtues which weigh heavily in the other side of the scale it is encouraging to think that christ does not judge us by our worst alone though he denied his lord peter had genuine devotion to christ and be who forgave bis enemies also forgave peter and restored him to confidence and leadership we must watch and pray lest we be led into temptation but even peter who denied had his soul restored by the grace of ood and the love of christ regret l ci if we are tempted to crate peter severely for ms denial let vm not ibnget mat be was severe towards himself tbia strong manly fisher man wept bfttefteai of regret he did not attempt to lessen the enor mity of tab fault he offered no jooess he was ashamed of himself let ua remember also that christ had a3vaea4 w 9 b towerfe tmdiletlm hnrt he m mere iu no anger 4js21fce lqrd tamed and to upon rtor bestowing upon bja etrtns dla- orple a look of lore that melted bun is it poanmo that we may learn to forgive after the fashion of christ s xorgrveneaa of peter often we arc sensitive about fancied slights or small injuries but jesus forgave one of his most intimate disciples who denied hfcn that was forgiveness up to the standard of seventy times seven so often we make thing worse by saying i told you so o it serves you right by our nega tlve criticism we erect barriers that prevent us from giving help jesus showed no wounded s f love to peter he gave his disciple loving look tha sent peter out to weep when next they met the way was open for jesus to restore peter to his place questions for discussion 1 have you a working theory about evil 2 how do f give victory over temptation 3 how could christ predict peters threefold denial 4 how are nations denying christ 5 what did peter see in christ s look uncle sold his nephew the village of bolton it is related that almost a century ago the village of bolton was sold lock stock and barrel after a conversation that lasted less than one minute now one of the most important business centres of peel county bolton was the creation of one man george bol ton known olcally as the boss ac cording to old records bolton pur chased two hundred acres on the pre sent village site m 1821 cleared the land constructed a dam across the humber river and started a grist mill which in tune became the centre of a small community a few years later with his success assured mr bolton employed a mill er his nephew james bolton within few years through bis industry james had become head miller with the magnificent salary of 100 a year some time later he left the milling business and was succeeded as head miller by an englishman the spring or 1845 brought the humber to its usual high level the head miller was returning home ac ross the dam one night when he notlc ed a trickle of water flowing over it acting apparently upon the impulse of the moment he cut a small v in thedam and within a matter of hours ruin followed three days later the boss visited his nephews farm informing james that the dam was gone he announ ced his intention of selling the prop erty and suggested that the nephew had better buy an offer was made accepted and the deal closed in three or four sentences and the village of bolton was sold the old deed show ing the transfer of the mill property in 1845 from george to james bolton is well preserved james rebuilt the mill on its pres ent site and his business was success at the time of the russian war flour rose tremendously in value and he made enough money to pay for the new structure it was sold in 1864 to e lawson of toronto orangevllle banner crt snapshot cuiu keeping score correct exposure as in this snapshot yields more pleasing picture use an exposure guide owinoing out of autumn why not pause for a moment to total up your season s picturescore before yoa dive into the fun of this winter s picturetaking take your recent prints figure out your batting average determine your most frequent mistakes and you will be better able to avoid those errors in the future how many times were you struck out by underexposure bring out those underexposed films and study them are they mostly early morn ing or lateafternoon shots if so you should watch the sun more carefully when it is near the horl zoo and begins to take on a yellow tinge ite light 1s much weaker and you bhould compensate by using a wider lens opening or a slower shutter speed did you underexpose on cloudy days light la weaker then the lat itude of modern films willtake care of reasonable errors in exposure but on a dull day it s always safe to open up the lens to the next larger mark f 6 3 instead of f 8 for ex ample if you underexposed on bright sunny days when the light was at its host you were simply using too small a lens opening for your shut ter speed an inexpensive pocket exposure guide will help protect yen from such errors get one and use- it on every camera excursion they cost but little and some are gives away free how about blurred pictures from subject movement or camera on steadiness heres an easy cure 0 j just use a higher ehutter speed if your customary exposal is 1zs second at f 11 try using 150 sec ond at f 8 or even 1100 second at- f 6 3 and another point when you press the ehutter release don t jerk hold the camera firmly push the release easily pretend yoa re flring- a rifle at a distant target and the shutter release lever is the trigger are your pictures framed cor rectly do they show what you ex pected if not watch that view- finder it gives you a preview of the picture is focusing correct de tails sharply defined if not prac tice judging distance ao you can set the camera scale correctly and try using a tape measure or range- finder for closeups a picture inventory le good camera training check your summer snaps note down your weak spots and you re better set for a successful winter snapshot season 210 john van guilder fljte so todays h deserve cl the nw sss axid hot water he r to barn oake effeethrety and eeonotnloallyt ask year dealer far write haanutan etypredaot ooka ovens limited sold by w h kentaer son j be mackenric son ite luuvl tjfetwc

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