Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 18, 1939, p. 8

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page 8 the georgetown herald wedneaday evening january 18th 1939 r jelly powders gr 2 st pard dog food beady cut macaroni 5- catsup oc botue 13t u os botue fresh pork legs bat or whole 19 breakfast bacon machine sliced rib boiling 1 ocib beef elb fresh stewing f c veal ia silverbright olcib salmon 2 hut or whole fish new green cabbage lb g head lettuce 2 for 15c larre finn heads swiffs jewel shommmo u purer vegetabb m grapefruit large sin 6 f 23c we sell for cash hone f htttolar w 28w v duiv deliver the young wife went into the grocers x bought three or four hams here 4k month or so ago she said and ttiey were fine have you any more of hem yes ma am replied the grocer there are ten of those hanging there now well if theyre off the same pig til take three of them she sam mew advertisements to bent flat of duplex four rooms all fireplace possession apply phone 86 r 15 tf practical nursing practical maternity nurse open for csgmgements will take cases in her phone 84 r 6 georgetown agents wanted ntiirf an independent business of tour own with the distribution of 200 guaranteed necessities in se sect district every day is pay day repeat orders on all goods lower prices success guaranteed to all hon bit ambitious alert men write to day without obligation to familex oo 670 st clement montreal it wood for sale hurry hurry to jacks hamburger an hot dog shop the best sad meet for yowr where you will be used right day snd night church news scripture text how can ye believe which re ceive honour one of another and seek not the honour that cometh from god only john 8 44 st georges church re w o o thompson rector third sunday after uie epiphany holy communion 8 am sunday school 10 ajn matins and litany 11 am evensong 7 pm st albans church glen williams third sunday after the epiphany sunday school 2 pjn evensong 3 pm baptist church rev e g baxter minister 2 00 pm church school 7 00 pm wor ship service subject the god who is everywhere monday 8 00 pm bypu thursday 8 00 pm rev h w piercy a welcome to all the united church rev p c overend bjl minister the sunday school and bible classes will meet at 10 am service or wor ship at ll am and 7 pm the sub ject in the morning will be chris uanity not weight but wings and in the evening the faith of tolstoy local news at the annual meeting of the duf- terln agricultural society held last saturday it was decided to hold a threeday fair on sept 14 10 and 16 the annual meeting of the local council of women will be held at the home of mrs j b mackonsle friday jan 20th at 3 pm affiliated members please bring reports it the annual meeting of the hor tlcultural society will be held on thursday january 26th in the lib rary auditorium there will be a speaker the public are invited it the date of the bums supper to be held under auspices knox presby terian church georgetown has been changed from jan 26th to friday jan 27th tickets may be obtained tommmbe o boa or at robbs drug store c d graham peel agricultural representative urged members of the stroeuile junior farmers association at list nights monthly meeting to pre put lor the annual campaign igaint the bot and varble fly for tie post three seasons the local agricultural of fict has managed co iu widt cam pain s for tlit irtalmint of stock a aii l llit pcsls and mr graham in slstcd that much of t t tro nd tamed during the last thrt jears would be ost if tht tr itm i s wir m bloc ted tins spring members of tht sandhill hunt club composed of deputy rcct ains lee sherman of chuiguacoiisy reeve n a robinson of esquesing george wood william thomp on emerson lougheed harvey weir bill grey and fred hostrawser entertained their wies at dinner at hostrawscrs homp last week w id bowles clerk and norman cameron reee or clung cousy were guests at the dinner which lhe mounted heads of three bucks shot early this winter were dis played bridge club news very close pla at lhe bridge club monday evening resulted in a tight race first prise vent to messrs f faram and l humberstone in sec ond place were c sinclair and j milts with c parton and s p chap man finishing third the margin be twen any of the first seven pairs was verj small nev comers are still be ing welcomed personals mr b a warren of toronto was a visitor in town on saturday mr steve emmerson left on mon day for the north to resume his work with the auric diamond drilling co mr and mrs frank plews or co- bourg spent the week end with mr and mrs 8 p chapman mr and mrs albert querin of kitchener spent sunday with mr and mrs garfield mogllvray mr and mrs j e peterkln of to ronto and mrs lumsden of gait were week end visitors with mr and mrs t faram mr and mrs wm graham of erin returned home on sunday after ipcndlng a week at the home ot chief and mrs w g marshall phoeeconn who recently underwent an operation for append citis at guelph general hospital re turned home on monday and is con valescing nicely at her home here mis marlon trcanor has returned home after undergoing an operation for appendicitis in st josephs hos pi tal guelph and is able to be u round again as usual mrs labey of new york is visit nt with 1 er sister mrs s t faram miss miyslc mcdonald who has been lonilned to her home here thro ifch illness was able to return to toronto on sunday evening and re turned htr duties on the teaching staff of fern ae school on monday at the guelph music teachers as sociatlon recital held on friday jan 13th betty speight or georgetown vas awarded an honor certificate for having attained the highest marks in her grade for 1938 she obtained first class honors in grade iii har mony and grade in history mr and mrs james hlckey esteem ed residents of georgetown for many ears will celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary on friday jan 20th the herald joins with their host of friends in extending heartiest congratulations and best wishes for continued health and happiness herbert w piercy interpreter of literature nuiumiii sad dfawiihe story befiter cm of canadas favourites wul present jean valjean at the baptist church tkomfcy january 26 at aototak balunafad mrs george thompson of orange vllle is visiting this week with mrs b vannatter we are glad to report that mrs a foreman who has been on the sick list for some weeks is able to be around again the mission circle held their janu ary meeting at the manse the pre sident miss m grossman having charge of the meeting mrs w mcenery of georgetown visited with friends here on sunday the membersof the wa met for their january meeting at the home or mrs wiley mrs a o foreman gave a very interesting account or the second chapter or luke for the scripture lesson plans were made to hold a croklnole social sometime in february programs for the year were given out to each member a reading entitled lord make a regular man out of me was given by mrs r mcenery miss shortlll read some interesting quotations of miss agnes mophall mrs klrkwood conducted a what do you know contest the roll call was answered with sing whistle speak or pay which caused much toerrtment lunch was served by the committee the next meeting will be held at mrs a r merriana oakville new roomxat school almost ready at the final meeting of the oak vllle board of education held last week in the council chambers trus tee fred shaw of the property com mittee reported that the new rooms for domestic science and manual training would soon be ready for oc cupatlon work was completed but all the equipment had not yet arrtv 1 he stated trustee frank pullen v anted to know if anything was being done to stress the advantages of living under democratic principles i think this is very important in view of the insidious camapign that is being waged against democracy he said chairman shipley complimented the different committees on keeping within the bounds of their estimates estimates and expenditures he said were as follows total estimate of board 37999 expenditure 37927 education committee estimate 1 465 expenditure 1506 fire and v ater committee estimate 3 060 expenditure s3 006 property com mittee estimate 4 100 expenditure 2 683 mr shipley also stated that the in spectors report highly commended the principals and teaching staff the subject of music and provkt tng a supervisor should be borne it mind because in the near future we will have to handle the situation said the chairman at the beginning of the year i asked for the co-opera- tlon of all and i am pleased to say that i got it 100 per cent he added police chief david kerr who la also attendance officer reported that there was no juvenile crime in town i l skuce inspector or schools for halton county in an address to the board explained that his purpose attending the meeting was to become better acquainted with the trustees he laid stress on one or two items of his report especially the music prob lem it is being now taught by t regular member of the staff in add tion to her other duties and must be very difficult he said teaching music requires a special type ability mr skuce hoped that later on the facilities at the high school for man ual training and domestic science would be shared with central public school the lights in the crowded bushad and the pass were thrown tailed and the p toto- can i find you a strap the tall young man asked a young lady at his side thank you she replied tiut ban just found one m oood be replied then perhaps jou wouldnt mind letting go of my ttet milton january sale still in effect at d brill co c sm glen williams the annual meeting of the ladles guild of st albans church took place on thursday afternoon the 12th january the rev woo thomp son presided the treasurer mrs jack crawford presented an excel lent report of the years work the officers elected for the coming year werehon presidentmls wgf o thompson president mrs roger guyot vicepresident mrs wagstafte secretary mrs arthur beaumont as sistant secretary mrs herb preston treasurer mrs jack crawford visit lng committee mrs herb preston and mrs tom haines sewing com mittee mrs hadley and miss pugb the guild decided this year to revert to their old custom and hold their annual bazaar on shrove tuesday the annual vestry meeting of st albans church was held in the parish hall on tuesday evening the rector rev woo thompson pre sided with mr jos beaumont as vestry clerk there was a very good representation of parishioners present and the reports given by the various organizations showed a very successful year mr thompson thanked the wardens for their work and their sup port during the year and the mem bers for their interest and for their work accomplished during the year especially the ladles guild who had been outstanding in their efforts and had contributed so generously tow ards the upkeep of the church mr thompson appointed mr arthur beaumont as his warden in place of mr robert eason who resigned the appointment peoples warden m mcrryday the sidesmen and the board of management were all reelected lay delegate to the synod mr jos beaumont substitute for st albans and st georges m merryday mr jos beaumont and mr arthur beaumont attended the farewell din ner tendered to the hon r b ben nett at the royal york hotel on monday evening pure food store 24 lb bag excelsior pastry flour 3 lb golden hallowi dates 3 large tins tomatoes 3 large tins peas 1 x leoz tin and 1 x 8 02 tin toddy both for neilsons jersey brand cocoa per tin sweet pickle cottage roll by the piece lb peamealed back bacon by the piece lb choice breakfast bacon by the piece lb fresh bologna by the piece lb 43c 23c 25c 25c svc 19o zoe 31e 25e l4c valuable premium coupons in every packa8e 33cvilb nuow utan 38c vhb choice fresh fruit and vegetabubs a e phone 75 farnell free delivery promoted by the county board of junior farmerq a dramatic school has been formed the first meeting of the esrles was held monday night in the farmers building mr j e whttelock opened the meeting miss eva chlsholm was elected chairman and miss marlon fox secretary trea surer mr whltelock then lntroduc ed mr burroughs who is to be in charge mr burroughs is well known in halton through his adjudication at drama festivals held throughout the county is b u i 3untotnitarano7 public school at merton is still unmjuno sustained in a motor acol able to roaunw her duties and school mrs hurrm returned home reopened on tuesday with mrs a d f new years bat it was deemed mcduhee ot milton as supply tcher for her to return to the erin bums presbyterian church was the scene of a pleasant gathering on friday evening january 6th when reception was held in honour of the new pastor rev p w murray and mrs murray and small daughter mary council met in the town hall ac cording to the municipal act and the following subscribed to the necessary declaration of office d 8 leltch reeve w r bingham peter j sin clalr geo h griffin roy ferguson a rich rull lire came peacefully to its close on earth tuesday january 3rc as mrs r george overland slipped away to the bourne from which there is no return the cup of her days was filled as she had at tained her eightysecond year for fifty seven years she had been a real dent of erin village coming as a bride to the home in which she always lived while here her husband having pre decased her on jan 5th 1s29 dr h gear and mrs gear left on wednesday morning for florida where they will spend the winter mrs wm delaney and daughter miss lillian of guelph spent sunday with mr and mrs w r bingham mrs ed hurren was removed to peel memorial hospital on monday a nevvpetunia for gutting ikmjk2ajfcj tiasi hk gvb ssssssswppp by betty barclay sobmtulng tor nothing after losrtlnr these four paragraphs t will have to admit that for once you have an opportunity to get something decidedly new and at tractive tor as near nothing as a penny post oard only a tew miles from where i am writing this story on david burpees fordhook farms near philadelphia they have developed a new petunia that la outstanding for eat tower use a petunia named strawberry restivel pic tured above with a color half way between strawberry and old rose flowers grow iv to 1 in across have artistically waved or ruffled edges and a broad deep rich plumcolored throat so that they may be likened to a gloxinia as easy to grow as any beddtng petunla does well almost amy- where in any ordinary garden soil and a sunny location hakaa a gorgooas showing in the garden ha long litems 1 ft or more ta length artistic flowers and attrac tive foliage all combine to make strawberry festival the finest and most desirable petunia for cutting lest you think i am unduly ex sited over this ims petunia model may i say that while many r our favorite garden bowers have eea in cultivation since before history hng n the petunia is a newcomer discovered in south america only one hundred and fifty years ago the first flowers were small and of undesirable colors horticulturists increased the tiny flowers to giants seven inches across developed deeply fringed or ruffled blooms and grew flowers so fully double as to resemble immense fringed or laclnlated carnation petunias have been developed for large beds borders edgings pot culture and tor trailing from hanging baskets but this new petunia ta the first cute that is outstanding for cut flower use it wnl be one of the next eea for nothing i said m who wishes to be jooanty with this i gladly aettd a pack of strmwherry festival petunia seed aa l as my supply lasts there is no charge just drop a postal to betty barclay uq ken sington avenue philadelphia penn sylvaniaand the aeed wm be mailed promptly for a few weeks mr and mrs martui early and their two little sons donald and gordon of hydro ont returned home on saturday last after visiting mm earlys parents mr and mrs harry ooulson for three weeks the hills near the mountain hare been providing plenty of fun for those who enjoy the thrills of skiing or the invigorating ride tha can be tsul on toboggan whenth plunges through the drifts or turns ovetohainpton hospital advocate acton ju the t meeting of acton public utilities odmmlsslon on tues day evening oominlssionefu r j kerr o ttimen and reeve hcoutch- eon were present it was the unani mous choice of the board that mr the board for the year a wedding of interest to many in acton was the hendersoncleland wedding in toronto on saturday the bridegroom mr ralph henderson is the elder son of mr and mrs c o henderson and was born and spent his boyhood in acton he a grand son of the late hon david bender son prominent not only in acton but in halton county as its member of parliament for many years mr and mrs alex gowdy observ ed their golden wedding anniversary during the chrtstmastkte at their home in kansas city montana mr gowdy is a brother of mr wm gow dy at the regular meeting of the young peoples union of the united church mrs caldwell the speaker for the ecenlng gave an interesting talk on the missionary work of her daughters in china after the mltpah benecoc- uon some lively games were enjoyed by the group kerr continue to act as chairmen of lattre oounco mysore one of the largest states in southern india may soon hare a member of parliament to represent the mteresta of animals m its legis- royal gndph comfortable theatre now until today angels with dirty faces with james caonkt winner of the new yotjft crl tics award for the best perfor mance of the year in this at- tracuon pat obrien humphrey bagaxt presented dally at 245 mo s staking saturday far one week tn technlfnvtr jeanette nelson macdonald in victor n sweethearts wtth prank morgan saturday continuous cram s pm

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