Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1939, p. 3

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fe the georgetown herald wednesday evening jamwry 25th 1939 page excels in quality tea well be right over no orders accepted fa d yesterday bat outside of that fast try na for quick service wu be ngbt over with the right coal famous resting anthracite he xannderedcoal k c mcmillan phone 6 georgetown burtl tjelung our story just why should a family spend about three cents a week to set a subscription to a weekly newspaper the answer to that question con stitutes thtr sales story whhsh needs telling over and over again if we are to get and hold the circulation we need here are some thoughts three cents a week is a very small amount the average child wastes mora than that every day special sole advertising 3 cent item for 23 cents will save 7 cents paying the cost of the paper and giving a proot of 4 cents you pay more than three cents a day to rent a book the home paper costs less than half a cent a day and did you ever see anybody reading a book whadidn tayli aside promptly when the paper came every member of the family from 9 years up children parents grand parents find something of great in terest in the home paper that can t be said truthfully about any book or any other periodical it costs more a week for any the following than it does for your home newspaper four cigarettes five ounces of beer one package of gum a bag of candy one cigar a cup of coffee one and a half pints of gaso line one play of a slot machine checking a hat in a hotel a mile ride in your car when you re finished reading your paper every other member of the household can still use it you cant say the same about gum candy or tobacco the home newspaper is the most important ally of the church the school the civic organization the farm associations the governmental bodies no agency renders so much service to the household at so small a cost optical needs vary there can never be a set rule for fitting or recommending glasses the human eye has so many variations that every case is a distinct one it re quires training and skill to re- we specialize in eye examination and good o t walker ro optometrist eyesight specialist brampton who la at bobb s drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month or yon may consult w t walker at bis office in brampton gallaudet wu firmt to urt school for deaf dr thomas hopkins gallaudet for whom gallaudet college is named was the first american edu cator to establish a school for the deaf in this country born in philadelphia on decem ber 10 1787 he was a tutor and a theologicnl student but because of ul health declined a ministerial po- sitition then gallaudet became acquaint ed with a deaf child named alice cogswell and it was his interest in her education which led him to de vote his life to the education of the deaf furnished with funds raised by alice s father and a number of friends he went to europe to make a study of methods employed there upon his return relates ieslie hartley in the wishington star gal laudet in 1817 founded at hartford conn the first free american school for the deaf and was its president until 1830 purine that period he was able to train a number of men in his methods of teaching and these in turn became heads of sim liar schools all over the country dr gallaudet married one of his pupils sophia fowler they had two sons thomas who became a mis sionary to the deaf and edward miner who was the first superin tendent of the columbia institution for the deaf when it was established tn washington the advanced de partment of this institution which is the only college for the deaf in the world is named in honor of thomas hopkins gallaudet smiles there s poetry in everything in eluding the wastobaket the electric chair is an example of period furniture it ends a sentence yuletide some of the neighbors drop in for a call and others call in for a drop it does make a whale of a differ ence whether glasses are used under or over the nose somebody has suggested a statue to the man who invented rubber tires maybe a bust would be more appro print a writer says that a man should be the master in his own home or know tne reason why moat mar ricd men know the reason whj what would the girl of today do if she suddenly found herself in the middle ages wonders an essayist go on pretending that she was only about twentyone if vou have an article you would like to sell having no more use for si me try a herald small adver tiscment it will trv you results a neijro boy was takin a stroll through a cemetery and reading the in notions on the tombstones he came to one which declared not dead but sleeping alter contemplating the phrase for a moment and scratching his head the negro exclaimed he sure aln t foolin no one body but hlxself mister local merc hant will you help us to help you were partners in a way for we depend upon each other for our success your advertising helps us operate this newspaper and our newspaper carries your advertisements to more than two thous and readers in the georgetown district and plays a major part in your business progress we both know that advertising pays dividends in increased business with corresponding increases in profits and so we ask you to cooperate in a campaign to increase our advertising and your business speak to the travellers and manufacturers representatives visit n your store impress upon them the fact that you have found the georgetown herald a valuable advertising medium and urge them to suggest to their firms that the georgetown herald be placed upon the list of publications which carry advertisements for their nationallyknown products experience has taught you that advertising pays and if national advertising in the georgetown herald is increased you know that your sales will show a sharp upward swing were partners you know so lets cooperate you and the georgetown herald phoneno lion dog of china name given to the pekingese the pekingese was known for nun dreds of years as the lion dog of china he is to be seen in paint infis ceramics bronzes and richly colored textiles adorning fans and boxes and gongs he is an artistic inspiration a svmbol of religion and rule an animal revered in the purple forbidden city even more than the sacred cat in ancient egypt we can conceive no resemblance between a pekingese and a lion observes a writer in the chambers j urnal such a conception seems ibsurd it is absurd except to the im iijnative mind of the chinese who anxious to confer every pos s ble ind impossib e honor upon that dog went so fir as to associate hint with the kin f beasts pekingese dojs lived in the for birldi n city eui uchs fed washed and excrti cd ihtm it nab at one tnni the custom in china to kill unwanted female h thus and sc me f the unfortunate i tiers were compiled to suckle pl k mm st upp is it mere fancy tli u mdki s in it v ers of that treed cl nm t ce s mething hu man in the pc k njest most i ed letters the letter use 1 for more t n th m jn l i r ktier in our 1 i ie unci tli l ru r z is used k t in r r of frequency v run is ml e t i i s o i r il 1 ii l i i f w pc 11 il t ktter e of 1 000 the t rs h ivt tl t miming frequen s i 770 a 72k i 704 s fit 0 ti72 n 670 h ho r 528 d 1i2 tli ii 296 r 2 rn 272 f 216 i9n y ih1 18 l 168 v 18 120 k 88 j 1 q a0 x 46 z 22 southwest s kiv t kn i is ok i s closely guarded i imc given to the t rtt ten niunnl ch imber which i m prehistoric times has been the i i nipnrl mi feiturc of every in tn uc bio in the southwest at l ist i store of pueblos or villages ut cl b the descendants of the i hi k im tho who have van ishect flourish in new mexico in i th iht kiva is si rupulously guird td from white visitors caucasians hive access however to the an c nt kivas in the prehistoric ruins ol ihc southwest first government lighthouse the first lighthouse built by the f i ral government nftcr its found i l st inris on cipc henry guarding ik entrance to the virginia capes n term is for its construction had een assembled by the colonial ad nistnt on of virginia but with i idv nt of tin new government l site wis ce led to the latter the i lht wns put in operation in 1791 it was repliced in 1881 by a modern i house but il e old tower stands a historic lindnnrk manv mo in the co n unti ntuns in vermont f ir itivolv snnll state en ire more than 900 th summits 2 000 feet ke the sct many of s mom li ns are iccpssible by i tor nolnblv ml mansnelduhlgh si in the st itt from this lofty t i ik 4 tsl feel high views of the- f tn en mnun tin rai qe may be en j ed lnk chirnplain 30 miles ivvny in nt w york stite is clearly in view for much of its expanse reeve of trafalgar haltons warden the inaugural meeting of ballon county council was held in milton on tuesday jan 17th when the follow ing gentlemen took their seats tra falgar reeve victor hall deputy- reeve norman gilbert eeirueslng reeve n a robinson deputy reeve wilson kelson reeve john mcnlven deputy reeve jjeslie kerns nassagaweya reeve george gordon oakvllle reeve jas u hewson de puty reeve john r byera burling ton reeve arthur a allen deputy reeve rex hume georgetown reeve geo w davis milton reeve john irving acton reeve john p mc- outcheon nominations for the office of war den were made as follows mr hall nominated by mr robinson and mr mcnlven mr gordpn nominated by mr irving and mr hewson mr mc nlven nominated by mr mccutcheon and mr kerns mr mccutcheon do minated by mr wuson and mr gil bert mr allen nominated by mr davis and mr hume messrs gordon mcnlven mccut cheon and allen thanked the gentle men wh6 had honored them with t nomination but asked that their names be withdrawn- and the nom lnation for mr hall be made unanl mo us there being no further n lr hall was elected as warden halton county for 1939 and made his declaration of office before his honor judge munro t moglll representing the canadian national institute for the blind addressed the council asking for a grant of 50 to assist in their work mr mcgill stated there were the present time seventeen blind people in halton county receiving some kind of service from the in stitute specialized service for which the institute assumed the responsi bility he thanked the council for jieir generous support in the past and hoped they would 6ec fit to continue it councu resumed and mr mcnlven chairman of the striking committee presented the following report of committees finance messrs irving hewson allen robinson education messrs hewson gordon hume davis printing messrs mccutcheon kerns gilbert bvers county build lngs messrs allen mcnlven irving mccutcheon special communications messrs mcnlven byers gilbert gor don hospitals mers byers kerns dav is hume wllion railways agrl culture and legislation messrs gor don kerns gilbert wilson mcnlven c ounty roads messrs robinson gor don mcniven mccutcheon hewson county bridges messrs davls wilson hume gilbeit john mcn vtn wa- appointed to the ounty roads committee for he years u39 43 ind mr mccutcheon was ap ik nted to 1111 m the unexpired term or victor hall a resolution was passed recom minding to the l eutcnamgovernor in council that an increase of 100 be m h i the a aij of he goal sur wm for ihc county ol hnlton mak ing the salary 200 per annum reg m smith was appointed to tlie oakvllle board of education for the vear 1j39 other trustees appointed w t re burlington w l smith and george tow n c b dayfoot wm vansicklr from nassaeaweyii council addressed the county council with the rtqt c th it mmt help be jivcn towirds be ler transportation lor nxsatnuji pupils to and from milton hie school mr vanslckle jcplined tint since the di continue ti n o re ir train service he per onall hail prov ided transportation for nurrtx r of pjplls but thought it would be better tf some sort of bus ervicc wcrt inaugurated to whi dcpirtmtii of education would con tnbule s ty per n nt ind possiblj the remiining fortv per cent might bo arranged with the county after some aiscussion it hfes felt that the question of transportation was one that needed more looking into and the matter was therefore left over mr mcniven of ntlon township aid that at the last meeting mr coombs from the department of municipal affairs suggested that the reeves of the municipalities meet with the assessors to revise the assessment of the county the equalized assess ment had always been a bone of con tention and he thought it high time the council did something about it he stated he would like to have t meeting arranged as mr coombs sug gested not in the winter when the miow is on the ground but later in the year when the assessors can real ly arrive ni some valuation of the places they v isit mr robertson and mr allen agreed with mr mcnivens suggestion also mr gilbert to a certain extent mr mccutcheon and mr gordon also agreed that it was time some change was made regarding equalized assess ment it proved an interesting dis cussion council agreed that the clerk should write to the department of municipal affairs for further par ticulars and that it be again discuss ed at another meeting birds on guard duty many birds when feeding have one of their number oh guard and it is his duty to warn the others when danger approaches even in the farmyard you can hear bird language when jhe mother hen emits a peculiar squawk which warns the chickens that a hawk is dying overhead the way they dash for cover leaves no doubt that they understand bell telephone company lias come fcrtvard with these following r that were made vnong employees during the last 21 years the bell telephone company of canada has paid out over 3600000 in the form of sickness benefits to its employees a study of the more than 40000 cases of nines involved has revealed that ailments of the respiratory system such as colds laongltls influenza bronchitis and tonsflltls were respon sible for by far the greater part of this expenditure if the experience of this company is to be taken as a criterion the 7 simple rules for good health durlns wintertime boot which bell em ployees were reminded recently should be of general interest they fouows 1 keep room temperature around footprints of service this is a reproduction of a picture taken in subzero tem perature the morning after ar severe snow storm it shows footprints of a telephone operator leading to the tele phone office they are mute evidence of the spirit of service that is back of your telephone blocked streets and high ways seldom keep telephone employees from the job if humanly possible they are at work ready to do their part in providing your telephone service the management of dn company is proud of the fine spirit of service shown bj employees and we feci sure that our customers appreciate it because of it your tele phone service is maintained at a constantly high stancarc 72 degrees 2 keep air molstv all radiator para with water regularly 3 sleep with windows open but keep out of drafts 4 keep fresh fruits and vegetable on your dally menu 5 wear enough clothing when oat- doors not too much when inside 6 avoid going out into the cold when you are perspiring 7 if you have a coal are be am gases are burned off before clastnc dampers for the night begin to dat dream not too much of what youll do tomorrow how well you ii work perhaps as- other year tomorrows chance you do not need to borrow today is here boast not too much of mountains joul- will master the while you linger in the late below to dream is well but plodding 1 to where we go talk not too much about some new endeavor you mean to make a uttle later on who idles now will idle on forever tci life is gone swear not some day to break somet habits fetter when this old yew is- dead an if you have need of irrmf wiser bet ter begin today i

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