Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1939, p. 6

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pkb6 the georgetown hertw wednesday evening january 25th 1939 left the army with rheumatism nrfw fit to join again twenty toub up be left the army paostlpsted and rheumatic today lie is fit and nimble merry romp ing granddad 01 years young i oame out of the army with rheu- n bad to my feet i started kruschen salts and to a few is i found relief from my rheu matism i became nimble on my feet now at 81 weighing 168 x am cheer- nil energetic and always ready u play with my grandchildren fjsb many people grow old long before fnelr time because they neglect one yltal need of health the need for in ternal cleanliness eventually they adopt the healthy kruschen habit then probably for the first time in their lives they start getting eld every ffoy ftf bmh mrttefmmm-ybtnwv- jiws result is renewed health and vigour aliments due to jpstem vanish youth returns and life becomes really worth living tested recipes at first thought the per capita con sumption of butter hi canada over thirtytwo pounds per year may seem a high figure iua amount however might well be appreciably to- creased for it is proven that butter is an economical food which gives nigh returns in flavour and food value for money spent butter is unique among fats be cause of its high vitamin a content two ounces of butter eaten dally will meet the bodys requirement for this health protective vitamin recent research has shown that there is no loss of vitamin a in the churning process and it has been proven that the vitamin a potency is not reduc ed when butter is held in storage nor when it is heated every good cook knows that butter meed 3000mile train to oabry canadian coal if all the coal porduced in canada in one year were loaded into freight cars and these strung together the tcaln would reahc all the way from montreal to vancouver a distance of dearly 3 000 miles according to an economist of the canadian national hallways writing on mining in the cana national magazine be points out that the structural mater ials cement lime sand and gravel atone in last years mining produc tion would 1311 two strings of cars leaching from montreal to vancouver and a train carrying the other non- jdetallics asbestos gypsum quarts jalt sulpher woum reach from mon treal to halifax if canada s 1937 copper production vere cast in a block the width and jielgbt of a railway freight car the block would be nearly three m jang a similar block or lead would be nearly two miles long and one of the sine production would be nearly tm and a half miles long the years fiver production would form a slab foot thick 10 feet wide and nearly 340 feet long the years gold would make a block a foot thick 10 feet wide and almost 24 feet long tiie jam lemons hod wanltd the lounge ever since they had chanced upon it where il beautiful ly nestled on a hilltop commanding a superb view of the boy linda md immediately that she loved the way the door was cut sqtrarely in the center with two windows on each side and a narrow walk lead ing irmly up to it bob thought the foundation appeared to be in rood condition both lindi and bob ex m claimed over the huge itloc bush at addsvtoyourto foortffwhfrh ptllhgeiidv which thrustupa not-of- colorful clusters of lowers to the very roof f the proprietress of ye windmill tea shoppe down in the village said that miss eliza lapham lived there was the cottage for sale that i couldn t say shouldn t wonder she could get a room m the village cheaper than keeping a whole house going the lilac bush by hazel r lanqdale 15 wtmlr sv n clients inc iv nu service sweet caporai- radio repairing 12 yeara experience we specialize on this work j sanf0r0 son phone georgetown s4w a buying guide before you order dinner at a restaurant you consult the billoffare before you take a long trip by motor car you pore over road maps before you start out on a shopping trip you should consult the advertlsemenu to this paper the advertising columns are a buying guide to you to the purchase of everything you need including amuse ments 1 a guide that saves your time and conserves your energy that saves useless steps and guards against false ones that puts the stre t ch to family budgets the advertisements to this paper are so interesting it is difficult to see how any one could overlook them fail to profit by them just beck with yourself and be sure that you are reading the advertisements regular ly the big ones and the little ones it is time well spent always your local paper is your buying guide beobtlned by any other products the dally serving of wellbuttered and buttermade sauces are two suggestions for the practical homemaker battered vegetables drain cooked vegetables such as cabbage carrots peas beans tur nips squash and mash if necessary allow at least 1 teaspoon butter to each cup or cooked vegetable place cover on saucepan containing vege table and butter and allow to steam for a few minutes before serving horseradish butter ft cup butter salt cup grated horseradish few grains cayenne cream together serve with broil ed steak drawn bolter auce 1 3 cup butter 3 tablespoons flour lfe cups hot water w teaspoon salt 1 8 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon lemon juice melt half the butter add flour and salt and pepper add hot water gradually stir until mixture thick ens cook 5 minutes add lemon juice and remaining butter serve with fish hollandalse sauce v cup butter 2 egg yolks teaspoon salt pew grains cayenne 3 cup boiling water 1 tablespoon lemon juice cream the butter add beaten egg yolks add seasonings and water cook over hot water stirring con stantly until mixture thickens re move irom heat add lemon juice delicious served with fish or such vegetables as asparagus or broccol hard sauce 1 3 cup butter 2 tabtespoohi thin cream 1 egg white 2 cups icing sugar appro i teaspoon grated lemon rind cream butter stir in cream and ccg white add sugar gradually beat ing until smooth add grated lemon rind place in refrigerator until ready to serve exceptionally good with steam fr lit puddings or hot ginger bread lemon cheese filling m- cup butter cup sugar yolks of 3 eggs juice and rind of 3 lemons in upper part of double boiler place butter sugar and grated rind of lem ons cook until sugar is dissolved and butter melted add some of the hot mixture to slightly beaten egg yolks and then return to double boiler add lemon juice and cook un til thickened chill well before us ing use as a filling for sponge rolls short short story complete in this issue spending money commenting on the apparent povcr ty of many people a speaker at a re cent gathering of economists remark ed we are poor in the sense of want we want everything the other fel low has and if we cannot have it we cry poverty how true that statement when one stops to consider the trouble with a great many peo pie today is that they spend money lavishly on luxuries whether they can afford it or not some will even bor row to keep up with the joneses our forefathers were more sensible in uiis respect for it was their practice to do without extravagances rather than de prive themselves of essentials how times have changed though this trend to spend money on luxuries and things that are not absolutely essen you two young pet pie ire so ual naa had and is having an ad- persisting thit i kin see you ii get verse effect on contributions to churches charitable institutions etc the speaker at this particular meet ing quoted the following figures for emphasis in the united states he mid since 1932 the public has de creased its gifts for the support of churches by 30 per cent for general benevolence by 29 per cent for com munlty chests by 24 per cent and colleges by 18 per cent on the other hand expenditures for non ties have soared by 25 per cent to as much as 317 per cent those figures may be taken as rep resentative to canada true there is poverty occasioned by lack of em ployment but e believe that most of us are poor because we are living beyond our means by buying those things which we really could get along without until such time as we have the money to pay for them a woman entered the butchers shop and asked him to cut off ten pounds of beef he did so shall i send it madam he a ed oh no thanks she replied tve been reducing and have lost ten and i wanted to see what it well urged linda as they drove back it can do no harm to ask such a wonderful place for your nursery bob southern ex posure on those slopes and a tern pered climate only perhaps you had better not mention your busi neas intentions might jump the price very whitehaired old lady whose bright blue eyes darted from her callers to the car in the road and back again answered their summons at the knocker come in she said come in but she was greatly startled at their question no she said quickly twisting the corner of her white apron it am t for sale nut but what 1 mightn t if i could she hesitated and her glance wandend lq tht window well 1 m st ustd to tht lie of these rooms i couldn t su id a different arrangement such a rejbun iro ltd lmdn afterwards all these ca t cod cottages look to me to be ilikc is two peas nou set thai one there ifd she pointcc u the h ust they weie passing if that sn t twin tenbob its for s it let s hunt up the owner no silly i dt n t wjnt it f r us but if we could u it for itss than the one vl v int n aybe she would swap i d be lj id to pocket the diucrei cc in actual cashl the scheme was not successful no th n k you said hie o a lady irmly thit lou nfcipnjihns s all njht as 1 ir s tl t et of tht ins but vw ii tbi r ni itt thit id b irn of timothy hancs shots off all lit if uu n irslies i vc been used lo m iishes ill my life lmd i t ok the until wiipk they imcrlid and tun id t c car round where now asked b b curl iisly timothv haynes said i mdi hortly then with a qu ck little sideways cjance up at b b the n ore i see of thnt dirling little he use the more i want it that id barn can t be worth more than s50 timothy hiynes thought the barn wis worth 575 and the vv rk of re moving it linda ind bob slept overnight on it and in the morning bob made out a check for 71 ind drove with linda to make nrrange mints with one peter tobey who was skilled in removing barns then they dro e to the cottire on the hilltop more nervous than ever seemed the little old lady this time she listened while linda recounted how they hod bqught the barn and were having it tiken awiy her thin old fingers worked and worked at the hem of her white apron suddenly she reached into a pocket and drew out a handkerchief gulpd once or twice and burst into tears k two young pet pie the truth out of me 1 oughter sell this place and i don t hesititc on account of the lie o the rooms nor yet the view it s this i just can t i bide the thought of leaving my lilac bush my mother planted it and my sister and i used to play dolls under it and i remember my father standing there watching the sunset and sniffing the blossoms and now its all i ve got left of them all it s like a relative to me a silly reason to tell of bob cleared his throat and it was a minute before linda could speak then she went over and knelt on the floor with one arm on her lap my husband is a nursery man she said he can transplant your lilac buh anywhere you wish can t you bob i certainly can said bob husk ity the old lady was crying no jong er rather she was smiling through her tears 111 sell neat i always did like that house of cap n johns it sets so close to the road which is lucky all things consid ered said bob dryly as they drove away some time later it would have been a terrible nuisance get ting the state highway moved cattle pucks should some improvement to beef cattle prices may be expected during 1930 according to the agricultural situa tion and outlook for 1009 which is about to be released by the dominion departments of agriculture and trade and commerce the prospec tive improve il en t is based on the expected reduction in cattle market ings during lot and a stronger do- mestlc demand a a result of improv ing business conditions th reduced duty on cattle entering the united states is also expected to lend sup port to the market in canada numbers of cattle on forms at june 1 1038 were fewer than at the same date to 1037 and it is expected a fur ther reduction will be shown in the midsummer of 1939 cattle numbers tend to fluctuate up and down in a cycle of about 14 years from peak to peak it u anticipated teat the- prcsent downward trend in cattle numbers will continue through 1939 and possibly 1940 marketings cattle follow the same general trend as numbers on farms and during the period june to december 1938 sales of cattle and calves off farms for do mestlc and export trade were almost 30 per cent below those of the same period of 1937 since exports of live cattle and beef were considerably smaller in 1938 a larger proportion of the total supply was taken by the domestic market than was the case in 1937 the westto east shipments of feeder cattle to feedlots and stock yards in ontario and quebec during the restocking period from june 1 to midnovember were approximately 53 000 head as compared with about 177 000 head for the corresponding period of 1937 this reduced move ment was the result of the low spread between the price of feeder steers in the fall of 1937 and that of finished cattle in the spring of 1938 and to the fact that with an abundance of cheap feed to western canada far mers in that area held cattle at a price higher than eastern farmers were willing to pay this curtailment of the movement of feeder cattle to the east does not necessarily indicate a reduction in total output of graln fed cattle during 1939 but rather a shift in the areas from which these cattle will be marketed the reduc ed marketings rrotn eastern canada will be offset in part by heavier mar ketings from the prairie provinces prospects for the export of calves during 1939 are much improved by the tenx of the new canada united states trade agreement which raises tht maximum weight from 175 pounds to 200 pounds each and increases the number permitted under the reduced dutj the rediict on of the duty on cattle over 700 pounds from 2 to 1 cents per pound with an increase in the quota would seem to improve the prospects for export of this type of cattle the agricultural situation and out look for 1939 contains a comp ett re view of the market prosptcte for ail major farm product and ls available free from the publicity and extension i branch dominion department of i agriculture ottawa i haltort hobtoai breeders chib has record year the annual meeting of one balton holsteto breeders was held u palermo on wednesday jan 11th with ap proximately 136 breeders to atten dance following the plan which was inau gurated a year ago the business meeting was held to the morning fol lowed by dinner which was very effi ciently supplied by the ladies under he convcnorshlp of mrs victor lftwren c president morley watson and bis ommittee hod prepared an outstand ing programme for the afternoon ses sion which included musical numbers by the bennett orchestra of camp- bellvllle as well as addresses by dr h d branion head of the depart ment of animal nutrition oac o uelph and mr h r ha pf the woodley department or agricultural econom ics ottawa and mr byron jenvey hoteln pieldman for western on tario it was indeed gratifying for hal- ton breeders to learn that they had the largest membership of any coun ty to ontario notwithstanding the fact that haiton is recognised as one of the smallest counties in area mr jenvey also complimented the club on the fact that they stood fourth from the standpoint of the number of their members enrolled to record or performance work and eighth to the province from the standpoint of the total number of breeders in the county according to president morley wat son the club had enjoyed one of the best years in its existence both fin ancially and from the standpoint of interest and attendance at the vari ous projects undertaken during the past year pieldman win robertson and edgar lyons reported sales to talling between fourteen and fifteen thousand dollars the addresses of messrs branion and hare were received with a good deal of interest by the breeders and at the conclusion of the afternoon vicepresident a s mahon extended the appreciation of the audience to all those who had assisted to making the meeting the best on record and to particular onmrimaaritacp tne spetjt era on the very practical inf orxnatiot which they bad given dealing wttto- anlmal nutrition andthe cost of milk production survey- to 1016 as well as to the membem of the bas net orchestra for the exponent i gramme the election of officers an 1930 re sulted as follows president morley watson tanley first vicepresident a s mahon campbell vlfie second vicepresident j o bell freeman secretarytreasurer v j lawrence oakvllle nassagaweya if c lee hockwood esquestog wkn robinson cmlg reld georgetown nelson fred hamilton and segsworth freeman trafalgar w h biggar oakvllle ford hornby addison iilltari hmjsr and hepburn best newsmakers the worlds newsiest figure is adolf hitler canadian newspaper tel egraph editors believe in a survey by the canadian prees- tbey chose the german fuehrer as chief newsmaker of 1838 over prime minister neville chamberlain and those were the only wo they named selecting the newsiest canadian of the year was not so easy the editors finally settled on premier hepburn of ontario also to the running were conservative leader manion former leader bennett prime minister mac kenzie king premier aberhart of al berta ltcol george drew dr a r defoe and his charges the quints or any one of them 4 hair cut sir inquired a barber of customer whose head was almost bereft of hair 4o was the sarcastic retort xt want it done up to a bun and fas tened with a pink ribbon pocketpicking ls increasing in nigeria now that the population is less scantily dressed csnapsh0t cuil camera in the car teachers sffk rioht to sertl- i i on councils the oniirio dtpirtmem of educa n and the on mo d pirtment of municipal adair 1 be asked b hit ontario faecondnrj school teach rs federation t in immediate stejxs to makt 11 jxssbli for teachers lo sere on munlcipil council if elect ed by the people in annual meeting at toronto lost week the federation endorwd a recommendation of the legislation comittee headed by ailecn noanan windsor to press these de partments to tike steps to clarify that section of the municipal act which at present disbars school tench ers from holding municipal office federation members contended teachers were entitled to full ciilwn ship and the right to serve on muni cipal councils if elected betty most travellfd dog betty five ear old boston terrier owned by w j weeks canadian na tional railways baggageman is be lleved to be the most widely travelled dog in canada betty her master says has travelled more trmn 40 000 miles in canadian national baggage cars with him on his runs and all of bettys mileage has been put in be tween vancouver nnd jasper park alberta a distance of 535 miles vhen driving keep yourcamera on the seat beside you loaded and ready you never know when a picture chance such aa thla wilt pop up i vo ov keep our camera in your j autoni lhilo when ou re driving ill lou i on the scat beside you nt and shutter set ready to shoot i a nit nifnt a notice try it sometime and you 11 be sur- rined ho it help jou spot pic- ire oppoi lunitl a hundred or pictures can bo shot lthoutlon nsliecar thla is espo- fall true hi warm weather when tr windows arc down and the top n home caoes is folded hack tf jou are not dolntr the driving our hands are frte nnd there are ninj more pit lure opportunities or jou na well as a blter snnp- hot position the car halts at a tha t iriiw- tliin and there nnv o a pnj rorn pi idler on tho corner i window washtr a the nfluo win iow io pt ph b isih inirrjlng o nnd fr in rk nmoll boy is h triit jjlng w th n bin bundle nn old lady passes by with her head wrapped in a shawl chance for a swell character shot indeed all these can bo good pictures natural off guard full of life never take a drive in the country without your camera you see more enjoy yourself more notice more in terestlng things if the camera is along try making a connected pic ture story of a sunday afternoon driven and you 11 be surprised how entertaining it can be and here son idea picture landscapes and inter esting stretches of road through the windshield of your car from the hick sent using the outline of the windshield as a frame for tho scene such pictures show not only what yoa saw but how you saw it hence they are twice ab effective n i diets to say the windshield glass must be clear 191 john van guilder h what f t does come ife panther valley3c anthracite coll ask for it byname what does that mean it means that oh companys anthracite is a jm rder coal it means that it is packed more fully with heat units it means that it burns 3t ccutft nae m steadily and more economically j b mackenzie son coal and lumber georgetown solid for solid comfort

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