Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1939, p. 7

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stiiw- the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 25th 1939 pas7 iahk whese small accoun convenient safety deposit boxes o think thai i can get this protection for less than 2 cents a day bank of montreal established isi7 georgetown branch j r smith manager a safety deposit box for your papers ask fr futr jte a barujraui f look at these roundtrip fares washlncton st loots mlhrmakeb j2100 2240 1790 otuw pfttaburs dallas xsio20 1415 3845 tickets and info x 5 day excursion imation at imaijfllt j2heej outinbi stop oveu hotit hath 1tc juihs71i1biwjbm4h gray coach lines thb national many of our readers will be sur prised to learn that they are in debt to the tune of 660 borne of them will probably dispute the statement and mahrtatir that they u1 have to be shown our authority is the huntingdon gleaner which asserts boldly that every canadian owes this sum on matter what their age occu pation or condition in life some day this money will have to be paid and in the meantime every citizen of can ada la paying interest on the debt the reason for all this is of course the national debt which now amounts to approximately 7175 000000 this appoiling total includes the total net direct debt of tlie dominion or- can ada the guaranteed or indirect debt of the dominion the direct and in direct debts of the nine provinces and the direct debts of the 4300 munlcl politics this huge doht is the direct canada for it was in tlielr name that the bon owing was done ia it any wonder declures the gleaner that the question is often wuked how much fuiuier can this taxtlon go is t anj wonder that when one stops to look at canada s national debt that the wonder grows how the people of canada stand for such expensive tax ation everything has to end even excessive taxation and the time should be near at hand whui steps for a decreased taxation and the clearing off of some of the burden of this national debt is going to be at tended to phieosothy of man man comes into this life without his consent goes out against his will and the road between is a rocky path when he is young the big girls kiss him when he is older the little girls kiss him and the big ones wont if he is poor they say he is eood if he becomes rich he is grafter if he enters politics it is for what he can get out of it if he keeps out of politics he is not public spirited enough to do his part if he gives to charity it is just show if he does not he is stingy and miserly if he takes an active interest church work he is a hypocrite if he docs not he is a hardened sinner if he is affectionate he is soft if he is not he is cold blooded if he spends money he is a spend thrift if he asves it he is a tightwad if he dies young he had a wonder ful future ahead of him if he lives i ripe old age he never amounted to much anyway so why worry ex change peter deduct hit love scotsman rushed into hospital bleeding from a cut in the cheek done while shaving i suppose said the doctor you want me to stop that for you not necessarily replied the boot i was just wonderin how much you paid for blood transfusions sold by w h kentaer son j b mackenrie son lesson jaimary nth ittt oofcidbn text if ye lore keep my commandments john 14 is lesson passage john 21 1119 my soul he doth restore again and me to walk doth make wltwn the paths of righteousness even for his own names sake the unbroken net 11 at the beginning of peters asso ciation with jesus he was directed where to cast his net in the sea of galilee he obeyed ttih instructions given by jesus from the shore and the net was filled until it broke in this lesson after the resurrection peter is fishing again and drew to the land a net full of great fishes yet t net was not br we ma b in this contrast a parable peters growth as a soulwinner first he was not efficient he would meet people without giving them faith in christ after months of training by the great teacher peter was jeorning the art of becoming a fisher of men on the day of pentecost he jd nnnstraud his skill thousands v n won to christian faith yet peters greatest service as an apostle as probably in private conversation face to face with one person in soul winning line fishing provides a closer analogy than net fishing practical service 12 14 christ has given us the highest idealism concerning god and man j et he was constantly doing lowly deeds of service for others he fed the multitude he healed the sick he girded himself with a towel and wash ed his disciples feet here we find him preparing a meal for his disciples he who said to all humanity come unto me ye that labou r and are heavyladen said to his disciples come and dine we need to learn to hold together the ideal and the real the theory and the practice too often religion tends to become con tent with ritual and rhetoric for getting that the test of the last judgment is actual service the peo pie who write articles for magazines about the unemployed are not as creative and constructive as those who give direct help providing sleeping accommodation food and work for the unemployed sentiment in the heart should never be allowed to be a sub stitute for meeting actual need restoring a soul 15 17 the author ot the twentythird psalm spoke of god restoring his soul even as a shepherd restores a lost sheep in this incident we see christ the oooashepherd restorlug of peter the disciple who had denied him tbere was no condemnation no opening up of the wound christ made one test that of love once he was assured that peter really loved him christ was ready to entrust peter with apostolic leadership the incident shows christ a willingness to forgive peter did not plead for for giveness he did not need to christ was ready to forgive freely not only did christ forgive peter but he save him a high commission placing heavy responsibilities upon the disciple who had denied him- three times this is one of the most gracious pictures ot christ in the whole gospel story who taught forgiveness until seventy times seven practised it himself for giving fihose who placed him on the cross and forgiving the trusted dis dple who under strain and stress denied bun christ is still able to restore our souls peters loyalty 18 it took a long time for peter to become flrmh established in faith but he made good abundantly in the end during the public ministry of peter required special tuition and direction but after the resurree tlon he became the acknowledged apostolic leader he carried a large degree or responsibility at the jeru salem conference he also demon strated his personal courage he was arrested and his life endangered but peter did not recant tradition is that he died crucified head downward thus further expiating his sin of den lal ohrist predicted martyrdom for peter cotnpariiag peters helplessness as a little child with his helplessness as a martyr at the close of life peters spiritual career could easily have been spoiled he was impulsive head strong and had a trigger tongue it was the skilled care of christ that en abled peter to overcome ail his handl caps and emerge triumphant at the end what christ did for peter he can still do for those who will put their lives under his leadership follow me 19 ohrist asked peter one question lovest thou me he gave him one commission feed my sheep he left him one command follow me all that was distinctive in the life of peter came through following christ prom ttie first day when andrew in troduoed him peter received truth inspiration power love from christ the relauonsblp had been very real during the public ministry of christ but after the ascension how could peter follow christ no longer would he see the familiar form or hear the loved voice strangely enough it was after the resurrection that peter came into fullest power he received the holy spirit and ohrist lived in his heart by faith the teacher of oallee was no longer localised bis spirit was let loose upon all humanity for all time peter ceased to walk by sight and learned to live by faith he was as sure of the presence of christ with him as when ohrist had stood in the boat or been with him on the holy mountain instead of forgetting peter realised the pres of christ man clearly as the years went try we are not deprived of something the disciples had in the earthly ministry of ohrist by the presence of the holy- spirit we hare in the fuller power which the apostles experienced we share the liliniintin m of those who not having seen yet hare bettered ohrist stut zaye to us as he said to peter follow me k 1 what was the secret of peters growth a hone does christs example teach practical servicer 3 what does it mean to love ohrist 4 is peter typical of average human nature 8 follow me why did christ repeat the actual words of peters ori ginal call world population is 143400000 the population of the world at the end of 1937 was 2134 000 000 the league of nations monthly bulletin of statistics estimated the figures were 18 000 000 over 1936 the bulletin revealed that more than onehalf of mankind lives in asia where china claims about 450 000 000 india 350 009000 and japan and its possessions 100000000 the population uf soviet russia was estimated at 178000 000 while of 397 000 000 human beings in europe 79 000 000 live in germany 47 000 000 in the united kingdom 43000 000 in italy 42 000 000 in prance and 3500 000 in poland the bulletin gave the population of the united states at 130 000 000 while south america has 90 000 000 or whom brazil claims 50 per cent in europe the united states and japan the proportion of old people is increasing as the death rat begins to overtake the birth rate in austria and prance in 1937 there were more deaths than births for kitchen artists tists l ton 1 by france lee bartoi as many artistic honors are won in the wtchn as in a painters studio every dy american house wives are mixing- flavors jct us v skillfully as a competent paint er mixes hla palette ot colors one of the most subtle flavor combinations at the dispo of the artisthouse wife is chocolate and coffee your plainest cake recipe will do you honor if you adorn it with this un usual frosting chocolate mocha frosting 2 teaspoons sifted confectioners sugar 14 tea spoon vanilla teaspoon salt square unsweetened chocfjlate melted s tablespoons strong coffee cream butter add part of sugar gradually blending after each add tlon add vanilla ealt and choco late and mix well add remaining sugar alternately with coffee until of right consistency to spread beat after each addition untn smooth makes enough frosting to cover tops of two 9 inch layers or top and sides of 8x8x2inch cake or about 2 dozen cup cakes snapshot guil finding pictures winter is full of pictures indoors and out that you should be capturing now when one is taking pictures in the winter or any other time there are just three things to seek they are interesting subjects or interesting occurrences or inter estlng effects of light any of these or all together will yield good pictures and you can and them almost anywhere at random i have set down a list ot winter pictureideas just sug gestions to set your imagination working load op your camera try them and 1 11 hazard the guess that you can turn out dozens of good pictures in the next few days first snow pictures can you pic ture the sparkle of sunlight falling across new snow curious shapes of snow in drifts on trees on shrubs and fences children sledding or throwing snowballs shadow pat terns on the snow neighbors sbov eling snow from the house walk a horsedrawn sleigh tracks of peo ple or birds or rabbits in the snow snow falling boft and white out side your window path a beaten to bam or garage birds in the snow pecking at crumbs all these will make rood pictures then cold weather can you put cold into a picture so that the viewer feels it how about a pic ture of an old horse nuzzling a frozenover water trough icicle hanging from a faucet or pomp spout frost on the kitchen window- pane t passersby vg into the wind snuggled deep into the collars of their overcoats someone scat tering cinders on- an ley pavement a small boy robbing his frosty ears with mlttened hands an old auto mobile with radiator spouting steam a stretch of open country with snow clouds dark above it these are good pictures they tell the story of winter again indoors warm pictures to contrast with the cold outside have yon tried fireside pictures pictures of the family toasting marshmal- lows or telling stories before the fire reading under the warm glow of a lamp these are good and easy to make with fast x type film and two or three photo bulbs pictures buch as these are inter esting because they tell a story they have something to say and they are the snapshots you should be getting now 215 john van guilder millinery wool basque berets and helmets the latest in winter miujnery for misses and ladies at reduced prices from 100 p misses claridge main street georgetown herald block upstairs

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