Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1939, p. 8

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page 8 the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 25th 1939 x westons sodas nkilsons cocoa 19c prime ribjwasts 23 elb boned and rolled wick quaker oats large package hamburg 9i sieak freshly ground i beef shanks s pork shoulders lfc 1 lb average peamealed bacon 31 rv ir drre 54 lb tin 1 lb tin 22c legs of young lamb 25 3e slewing lamb 15 h1apie leaf flour c i erun cflw liejl for bread cakes pastry etc h lb ba 73c new cheese 17c lb nippy old cheese kraft loaf cheese chateau cheese 25c lb 29c lb v lb 16c new carrots 2 bunches for 15c green spinach 2 lb for 19c texas seedless grapefruit we sell for cash phone t f rjf tpv we 28w v duviv deliver preston s specials select bluepoint oysters in bulk uc per pint seabright red salmon lie per lb whole fish wintkkcaught lake whttefish lfic lb whole fish lake herring 3 lb 19c i extra large sea herring 5 s5c smelts xoe lb sail codfish tablets lo each best quality fish at lowest prices for better health eat more fish phone 293 we deliver 5 old country papers each week we receive shipments of periodicals from the british isles bach weeklies as tit bits hobbies weekly bettys paper womans weekly news of the world news review and the new illustrated picture post monthlies weldons ladies good needlework journal stttchcraft mother and home parade needlewoman we can arrange to supply you with any english irish or scottish periodical you would like to receive drop in and discuss it with us we have jmst been appointed local agent for harding acid treatment see their adrl in this lane s p chapman phone 72 r pharmacist droq stokc sebvkx ictou bints local news only six more bays in january burns supper at knox presbyter ian church on friday evening se cure your ticket early vital statistics for georgetown for the year 1938 are as follows births 18 marriages 19 deaths 21 reeve norman cameron of chln- guacousy has been elected chairman of peel good roads committee if you are hungry and want something tasty visit jacks hambur ger and light lunch counter on main street it miss betty j bryant pfd of new toronto has opened a school of dancing in the legion hull sec her adv t in this issue the regular- nnvtlng georgetown women s institute will lake the form of a social evening at the home of mrs howai d kentner feb 1st at 8 o clock it si gtorgei daughters will hold i si valentine s dunce in the arena n february i oth graham melroas and his orchestra w hi supply the muic remember the young bachelors danci at norval parish hall janu ary 27th modern and old time dances admission 25c and good time is assured don t miss it ltp cut out brill a- cos coupon on page 8 of tills issue and save 25c on your purchases at their store this week they carry a large range of the very latest in ladles and gents furnishings it the willing helpers bible class of st georges sunday school had a ing song at the rectory on sunday evening after church they inter viewed jack thompson of ckcl who answered questions in regard to radio never judge a person by his out side appearance a shabb old coat may enwrap a newspaper publisher vi hue a man wearing a plug hat and sporting a gold headed cane may be delinquent subscriber the horucuunraj society the annual meeting of this society will be held in the library auditorium on thursday feb 9th at 8 00 pm j f clark of toronto will give an illustrated lecture the public are united to attend meeting of canadian legion the regular meeting of georgetown branch canadian legion will be held on thursday evening jan 28th also a special meeting of all imperial vets will be held in the legion rooms im mediate following the legion meet ing all imperials are cordially lnvlt ed to be present wm roney pre sident f mccartnej secretary it presented with life membership the january meeting of knox church wmjs was held in the sun day school room of the church mrs douglas davidson presided the pro gram was arranged by mrs hodgson the subject of the meeting was prayer mrs hugh clark gave the address at the close of the meeting mrs m williamson was presented with an address and life membership mrs w sinclair read the address and mrs f hillock made the presentation mrs williamson very feelingly thank ed the ladles for the honor conferred on her doings at ottawa during the week barns supper at knox church a bums supper under the auspices of knox presbyterian church george town will be held in the sunday school room of the church friday jan 27th rev wm allen oj dover- court presbyterian church toronto or the sunday evening air waves will be the guest speaker of the even ing supper served at 6 45 pjn tic ket 75c as the seating capacity is limited please secure your tickets early at r w robbs store or from any member of the board of man tea and travelogue a successful tea and travelogue was held in the united church under the auspices of the women s association on thursday jan 19th there was a good attendance mrs h w ken nedy of toronto gave a very inter esting account of her trip last sum mer up the pacific coast to alaska mrs h c wrlgglesworth contributed vocal solo miss marion overend and miss betty speight sang a duet misses alva crlpps and nora cleave played a piano duet all of which combined to make a very pleasing en tertainment free miamyiw home sinclair wedding a pretty wedding was solemnised saturday jan 21st at the home of mr and mrs alex d hume george town wlten their youngest daughter adeline bailey ada became the bride of john campbell tr son of mr and mrs wm t sinclair of norval rev d d davidson offlciat- mlfla june frank played the wedding music and during the sign ing of the register miss ruth ander son sang i lore you truly the bride given in marriage by her father wore a gown of ivory satin wim train and net veil caught with pearls i carried roses and fern mrs jet nodding of toronto was matron of honor gowned in deep blue re with gold bandeau little ruth bird of wlarton niece- c the hrtdaoted as flower girl and wore powder blue swlss muslin the groom was attend ed by mr tanr mackeaas- follow ing a reception at which about tfaixty- nve guests were present the bride and groom left on a motor trip the bride tzmreumg in nary bios dress with nary coat and navy aooeatorles on their return they will lire on the grooms farm at nbrral little book helps to save heating dollars it would be hard to estimate just how large a proportion of the money the average householder spends heating ts absolutely wasted through lack of knowledge of how to run his furnace properly in an effort to check this waste the producers of blue coal have pub lished a booklet entitled first aid to better heating and hundreds of homeawners have found that by fol lowing the easytounderstand advice found in its pages they can secure greatly improved heating at consider ably reduced cost in thisjpook james stewart noted blue coal heating expert discusses such matters as the proper aise of fuel for each furnace the import ance of a clean furnace the advan tages of a slow fire bow to light and how to bank a fire proper damper controls and many other vital fac tors lnxumace operation a free copy of first aid to bet ter heating may be had from any blue coal dealer or by sending a letter or postcard to buie coal elo 117 bay street toronto by spectator ottawa jon 24th parliament has launched into its sessional duties in quite lively fashion the general de bate on the governments policy as outlined in the speech from the throne is d the moment still going on there are always some interesting speeches in this initial debate of the session and this sitting of parliament is no exception in this debate mem bers are not confined to one subject bjuvmay range over a wide field the new leader of the opposition dr monlon in his first full dress speech as party leader in the house attacked the government on wide front a subject which drew his fire was the new trade treaty with the united states that is on some points he feared certain industries such as of the i fruit growing textilesand boot manu 1 tacturo would be hurt by the treaty he also legretted lhe cancellation of tdie six centi a bushel preference on wheat in the british market it was dr manlon s claim that imperial pre ference had bcln cancelled or reduc ed and the wnole structure of impel- inl reciprocity placed in jeopardy in return for concessions in the more er latlc uncertain market of the united states cajiadian jmrts wtrc going to bufitr lttsi hi trade dr manlon claim ed bee tuse of the cancellation of the mx ltnt wheat preferanc under the imperial pacts commodities to tain the preference had to be snip ped b canadian ports in his reply to the new constrvat ivt leader the prime minister mr mackenzie king said he was convln ced the new trade pnet with the uni ted states was a more beneficial ag reement than the one that has been in force for the last three jeers prl mary industries in canada would be substantially assisted by this agree ment he also believed the new pact between the united states and great britain signed at the same time as the canada united states treaty would benefit canada but he ask ed are we in times such as the pre sent going to view everything merely in terms of material values in the prime ministers opinion these pacts constituted one of the most substan tial contributions toward improving world conditions that have been made in the past decade it is literally and absolutely true he told the house that at this time in the worlds affairs when different forms of gov ernment have control in other lands that the nations which cherish com mon ideals of liberty cannot be brought too closely together the two agreements have helped to bring together in a more friendly way the great elements of the english speak ing world defence measures on many subjects the two party leaders held divergent views and without doubt the speeches being made in parliament this session are preliminary skirmishes in the general election affray which probably will be coming along in the autumn no ob jection was raised however by dr manlon to the governments plan of substantially increasing canada s ar maments with this policy he was in complete agreement canada could not remain alone unarmed against arming nations a land like canada might well attract the cupidity of dic tators adequate defences were ess cntial in this connection it has been interesting for the canadian public to note that australia contem plates a three year expansion of de fences involving an outlay of 250 mil lion dollars in the senate where raoul dandur- and leads the government forces and arthur meighcn the opposition the defence question has brought lively tilts between the leaders the ques tlon whether canada would come to the aid of britain in time of war or whether prior consultation of parlia ment was essential before deciding on active participation in war brought sharp clash senator dandurand said canada was organizing its defen ces against an emergency canada was preparing to defend her territory against attack which would come from the pacific or atlantic one of defence was that the country might be called on to defend her neutrality in case the united states was attack ed from the pacific senator melghen urged cooperation in defence meas ures with britain the determinat ion or great britain to maintain her integrity never changes he said and with that determination we can al ways cooperate he was not speak ing he said of sporadic outbreaks such as palestine but only of defend ing the freedom of this country the real defence of canada senator mel ghen said was the ring of steel that surrounds us and has always sur rounded us it is felt here with the crisis of last september still fresh in the mind of everybody and with world conditions being still fraught with the gravest anxiety there will be little real oppo sition to the increase in armaments the extent of the increase is not yet known all that is known definitely is the statement appearing in the speech from the throne that the in crease would be substantial and that particular emphasis would be laid on the air arm of the service it is uncertain whether much will be heard in parliament of tpfe royal commission ininjjry into the bren gun contract the commissioners report in the opinion of many observers left not very much ground on which criti cism could be founded parliament is left the task of determining wheth er the contract for the machine guns was in substance a good one and this may serve as a subject for argument this coupon is good for 25c on any purchase of 200 this week only d brill co appears as if the constitutional auto mobile 1867 model is still going to keep to the highways without being sent into the garage for repairs personals miss marjory harrison of toronto pent the week end at the home of mr and mrs a h feller mr and mrs r f carter of nor val are attending the ontario hotel association convention held at the royal york hotel toronto today postmaster john mcdermld was severely bruised and shaken up when he slipped on the icy walk and fell going down the hill to the post of fice on friday evening he has been confined to his home since but is improving nicely and we hope soon to see him around again as usual notice to creditors in the estate of george gordon wingfield late or the township of enqueuing in the county of hal- ton farmer all persons having claims the estate of george gordon wlng- fleki late of the township of eteques- ing in the county of halton far mer deceased who died on or about the 2nd day of july 1938 are re- quested to send same to the under signed solicitor on or before the 11th day of february 1939 otherwise the estate will be distributed without re gard to their claims t a hutchinson milton ont solicitor for the administratrix milton january 19th 1939 3t notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of wilfred c besbfcy late of the town of georgetown m the county or halton miller deceased notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de mands against the late wilfred bessey who died on or about the twentyfourth day of october 1938 at the town of george in the county of halton and province ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the under signed solicitors for emily elizabeth bessey the administratrix of the estate of wilfred c bessey miller deceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securi ties if any held by them and take notice that after the twentyfifth day of february 1939 the said emily elizabeth bessey will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice and that the said emily elizabeth bessey will not be liable for lhe said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have receiv i notice dated at georgetown ontario this twentythird day of january d 1939 dale bennett solicitors for the said emily elisabeth 3t practical nursing practical ma nurse open for engagements will take cases hi her own home if necessary miss lamb phone mrs ge tf to those who had been optimistic aboulothe possible acblevement- the national conference which wfll be called after the oommlssion on x inion provincial relations has tf its report it ha been rather dtaooor- aglng to read in the speech from the throne at quebec about the provincial governments determination to stand solidly behind provtocial rights it new advertisements arthritis rheumatic pains lumbago sciatica backache acid stomach have you about given up hope of relief from these ailments dont do it use aqd hardings treaimint ask s p chapman the druggist about it miss betty bryant dma t-dajt- ptjd has opened a school of dancing in the legion hall classes every tuesday tiny tots 3 00 beginners 430 intermediate 5 16 advance pupils 600 ballroom class commencing at 8 00 pm ad types of dancing taught tap ballet acrobatic fully certified teacher prices cuss lesson so cento private lessen 75 cents house to rent room house on main st north conveniences possession feb 18th apply box 427 georgetown po 3t green parker fountain pen lost on tuesday eltber on main or guelph streets reward finder kindly leave same at herald office it pianist wanted to play for dancing classes tuesday of each week must be able to read popular music apply next tuesday 91st at s pm at legion hall georgetown ltp agents wanted we wish to contact you for steady employment good pay independence kvrybody buys our 200 guara products hlgtoer quality l prices no experience needed your success makes ours so we help you big continuous repeat sales and pro fits ho risk pree catalogue and details patschex 00 570 st clem ent montreal it wood for sale tncm anm a ltaidotliaklll royal gudpbs comfortable show place now until ntmx jeanette nelson ma0donald ed07 in technicolor sweethearts dally at 230 7 and 917 pjn saturday and monday artists and models abroad with jack benny joan bennett mary boland charley grapewm the yacht club boys saturday continuous from 2 pin coming t for days in technicolor wttn tyrone power bave you visited 1 your new hauiburger and lb lunch counter mt if not i why not 1 come in and inspect it amies g jacks htflttarger -fssi-

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