Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 1, 1939, p. 2

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page 2 the cjeotsetovra hbratd wednesday evening february tat 1939 the georgetown herald phone no i j m moobe editor and pasuaher a weekly newspaper devoted to the best interests of toe town of oeorgetown and surrounding country including the tillages of glen williams norval umehoii8e stewarttown balunafad and terra ootta issued every wednesday evening at the office on main st georgetown subscription rates 1s0 per year in advance united states wc additional- single coples3c both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested advertising rates oegal notices 12c per line for first in sertion 7c per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line sor each insertion if in black lace type 9c per line additional notices qualifying as coming events such as concerts entertainments society church or organisation meetings etc 8c per une minimum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in memorlan notices 60c and 10c per line extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 50c small advertisements one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 25c for seen subsequent insertion- display advertising iates m application although every precaution will be taken i n i r the tnld accepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement the herald does job printing of all kinds by betty barclay the orange crumb pie pictured above as well as the oth dishes faaturad below are offeredas sue intlotu for that valentines day hiheheon dinner and evening party orange crumb pis makes 1 pie 2 egg yolks beaten j cop floor 1 cup sugar teaspoon salt mix well and add 1 cups milk 1 cop orange juice 1 teaspoon grated orange rind cook in doable boiler 15 minutes or untfl thickened stirring fre quently cool poor into crumb crust pie shell cover with merln gue bake 15 to 20 minutes in a slow oven to set meringue when cold serve if desired with whipped cream li mas au gratln 3 cups cooked dried llmaa 1 cop thin white sauce cup grated cheese cup buttered crumbs h teaspoon salt arrange llmaa sauce and cheese hi layers in a baking dish cover top with crumbs and bake in a moderate oven 850 f about 20 minutes chocolata peafiut butter roll 2 squares unsweetened chocolate cup sweetened condensed milk 114 cups confectioners 4x sugar 8 teaspoons peanut butter teaspoon ranllla melt chocolate in top of double boiler add sweetened condensed milk blend thoroughly remove from lire add sifted confectioners sugar sift before measuring gradually add peanut butter and vanilla blend thoroughly form into a roll place on buttered sheet chill when arm cut in slices sweet oraama punch i cups freshly made chilled decaffeinated coffee 1 pints ice cream grated nutmeg pour the decaffeinated coffee over a pint of ice cream id s punch bowl or mgsixtng bowl and blend lightly with an egg beater until thu ice cream is partly melted sprin a with grated nutmeg vanllu cot or chocolate ice cream en a well with the coffee flato to make decaff n 1 t e bj the percolator inill jim i ing tablespoo tlecaffc rated regular grind for cacti mp pint of cold water pour cold r into pot set percriluto has i pot and put coffee in 1 c let percolate slowly aol u to 20 mln ea for a 4cup p iso lator use 4 cup coffee valentine aspic 2 cups solid pack to ma oes 1 teaspoon dried thyme 1 teaspoon salt 6 cloves i bay leaf a teaspoon grated onion h teaspoon worcestershire sauce 2 drops tabasco sauce h teaspoon cayenne optional small can of asparagus tips 2 tablespoons gelatine 2 cops canned unsweetened hawaiian pineapple juice simmer the tomatoes with all of the seasonings and the water from the can of asparagus about 20 minutes or until tomatoes are very soft then strain through a fine sieve pressing through as much n the pulp as possible while this is cooking soak tbo gelatine in m cup of the pineapple juice over this pour the hot tomato juice and stir until gelatine is dissolved add remainder of pineapple juice rinse a large heart shaped mold with cold water rpotlr in a little of the gelatlno mixture and return to the refrigerator to harden place the asparagus tips in the center of the mold and add the remaining gelatine mixture chill until arm lnmold on a cold platter garnish with crisp chicory or watercress and radish rosea serve with a tart french dressing this amount will serve 6 to 8 iblu a for better heating xet this wlwhalin i kftke coal the worlds finest anthracto be gowjagsja to batsat bil tjnacoaf win gtvg yoo a atsndarfot and alpa that baa woo the on onwotoftoffajwwcoaffodoy w h ken1ner k son of faith is the essence of seeds and deeds and wedding rings faith is a magnet of potent sway that brings out the gold in the com mon clay faith is the hand we holdo in the dark when the tune has come to dlsem bark faith is the sister of tune and space the intellects final resting place faith is the power denied to none by which we do what can t be done faith is a bridge across the span to make contact from cod to man faith had i my choice had i my choice these arc the things id ask ajluui- leisure for a well loved task a quiet hill where space unfolds her wings and winds are fresh and breath of faroff things and winters snons fall crisply on the sod white and unspoiled just as they came from god where summer heat descends with life not death because untainted b the city breath a little house where friends may come and sit an open gate whereon lhis mottos writ oood friends behold beneath these trees -a-oate- that- loves a guest here he who walks may wait at ease and he who runs may rest do to the city watch the faces gaunt is this so great a thing for man to want ode to solitude happy the man whose wish and care a few paternal acres bound content to breathe his native air in his own ground whose herds with milk whose fields with bread whose docks supplj him with at tire whose trees in summer yield him shade in winter fire blest who can unconcern dly nntf hours dajs and years slide soft away in health of body peace of mind quiet by day sound sleep by night study and ease t mixt sw l and innocence which most does please with meditation thus let me live unseen unknown thus unlamented let me die steal from the world and not a stone tell where i lie alexander pope pbalaropea shbre birds differ from other types phalaropes which are among the most delightful of canadian shore birds have some unusual charac teristics first they differ from most other shore birds in being ex pert swimmers their tarsi some times erroneously called the lower leg joints are ci mprlsied the r toes are bordered with weblobes and these features c upled w th the fact that the undtr plumage is heavy as in the gulls and the under down is much like that of a duck moke the phalar pes very well adopted to life on the water the second unusual feature about pliiilaropes is then home life the female phalarope takes the initiative n courting rites and makes the first advance tf word the shy and m idtstly co prospec mot the females are larger handsomer and wear brighter plumage than the males after mrs phalarope lays her eggs madam betakes her self to pursue her favorite pastimes more than often to join other ladies of leisure of her own kind m small sociable flocks wl lit the obedient and faithful mr phalarope incu bates the eggs and shoulders prne tically all or the tares and worries of the houel old three species of phalaropes oc cur in canada the red the north ern and wilson s phalaropes the first two mentioned nest in the arc tic and far northern regions but may be looked for particularly on both coasts and on the prairies dur ing migration phalaropes are in no way harm fftl and while they are as a whole probably not of any very great eco nomic importance they do consume insects hidden by ulluuh p leonard farmers meetings toronto will be the mecca of live stock sheep horse and swine breed ers the week of feb 6th when or ganizations representing various breeds will hold their annual meet lngs at toronto hotels executives of en considerable thought to programs outside regular association matters these various organisations have glv with the result that special speakers have been secured to talk on sub jects close to the hearts of the as sociations the ontario large yorkshire club the ontario berkshire club and on tario tamworth club are all meeting at the carls rite hotel on the after noon of monday feb 6th with the annual dinner of the ontario swine breeders association at 6 pjn this will be followed by the annual meet ing at which a w peterson ottawa will give a progr report on ad vanoed registry work qu w pear all ottawa will discuss the baoax market with special reference to cur rent problems while e b fraser ot tawa will report on the testing of swedish landranoe pigs o h wilson charing cross look ed upon as one of the best farmers and live stock breeders in western ontario will address the annual meeting of the ont aberdeen angus assn at 2 pjn on tuesday feb 7th on feeding angus calves for com jnercial trade the canadian pony society will meet the same evening also at the carls rite hon p m dewan ontario mini ster of agriculture will address the annual dinner of the ont sfaeei breeders assn on wednesday even ing feb 8th at the annual meet ing following the dinner j a tel- ter will report on grading of rams in ontario for 1038 homer j may bee will discuss experimental oar cass grading of lambs and o k obrlen manager of the canadian cooperative wool growers assn will talk on wool marketing in 1038 and prospeota for 1939 the canadian shire horse aasn will meet the morning of feb utn with the ont horse breeders holding their annual banquet that evening at the oarls rite 1 graham will give a resume of foal clubworit during 1938 at the annual metelng while j mj mccauum ot tawa who is now in scotland will discuss the horse situation five minute addresses will also be given by representatives of each of the breed associations ontario cattle breeders assn win hold away on the morning of friday feb 10th george b rothwell di rector of production services ot will be the special luncheon speaker at the annual meeting w p watson will dlscusa preoent status of t a tjsstjng in ontario prof a m shaw of ottawa will glv a progress report on atdpping beef to great britain white dr o x mcouvray principal of the ont veterinary college onelpta wul grre an address on oalf- faood vaccination all the above meetings are being held at the oarls rite hotel records show sturgeon is longest lived fish fish according to their various temperaments and activities live out their spans of life much as human beings do from actual authentic records a comparison of fish ages shows the sluggish sturgeon the most leisure lv of fish is the longest lived notes a writer in the detroit news never in a hurry it sometimes lives to be 63 and not uncommonly lasts for a hundred years the female is 20 or 25 years old before it spawns lake trout average about 20 years or slightlymore then cornea that belligerent battler the large mouth black bass with an allotted span of about 17 years while the small mouth black bass does not generally live quite so long four teen years is the average of pike 13 for rock bass 11 for bluegill about eight for perch only six for smelt and four years for the dashing brook trout although the rainbow and brown trout are believed to live slightly longer these figures may vary in average and for individuals as tor instance a perch in europe is recorded to have lived to be 27 years old marks on the scales determine the age of fish the amiable pedestrian idly am 1 bling along halted at the curb ing near to a young boy who was diligently poking with a stick in the gutter where a muddy puddle formed a small dark pool as the boy looked up the man mechani cally and quickly stepped back ward an indulgent smile lighting his face oh no mister i won t splash you lost something lad reassured atagteytrnnlsdaitthe boys clear diction the man stepped near er no sir hunting something my dad says don t go along with your nose stuck up m the air gazing at the sky you might stub your toe and fall into a mud puddle 1 he seated himself upon the curbing pursed his lips and as a result of his aim tiny circular ripples from the exact center of the pool began to enlarge and waver outward but dad says go along looking for a mud puddle then you 11 see the sky reflected and maybe find a quarter in it didn t find any in this one though he ended on a note of disappointment but again he sighted aimed and hit the mark the man s hand slipped to his pocket and brought forth a half dol well that was tough luck but you worked hnrd enough for it so here is a bit to4nake up proffer ing the coin thank you sir but can t take it dad says the return from honest toll is an honor but money received indians have little beard it is stated that the beard of the american indian like that of the orientals is naturally very sparse most male indians would have a slight to moderate mustache and some beard on the chin if they al lowed the hair to grow observes a writer in the detroit news re moving such hair was almost a re ligious duty francis parkman said that when he was among the sioux he made careful use of the razor an operation which no man will neglect who desires to gain the good opinion of indiana it is claimed that the early missionaries to the indians had difficulty with regard to this and one jesuit wrote to a friend in france for a picture of christ without a beard indian war riors while idling by camp ores would pull out by the roots any stray hairs on the chin or cheeks using a piece of flint or shell to get a bet ter grasp cnjl timetable ubtaodard time gate bass tj ft passenger and mall passenger and mail passengers for toronto passengers sundays only going west passenger and man 8j4 passenger 838 passenger and mall ss passenger sunday 11j9 pm saturdays only leaving toronto at 11 jo pjn arriving at georgetown 1225 ajn first trip november kb going north mall and passenger 8 40 am going south mall and passenger 653 pan pjbl gray coach lines time table effective sunday september t5th leave qeorgetown to toronto a 7 08 am 928 am 11 48 sua c 223 pm 3 pjn 648 pm 903 pjn westbound to l 935 am xll20 ajn 2as pa cx2j5 pjn ay445 pjn 7410 pjn b9 00 pjn dxll05 pjn exll50 pjn a except sun and hol b sun and hoi c sat only d i except bat sun and hol e sat sun and hoi x to kitchener y to stratford tickets and information at w h long short short story complete in this issue directory lekot dale kc m sybil bennett su georgetown ontario office gregory theatre bwg mm 04 red herring across trail phrase origins by alfred holt says when one politician accuses another of attempting to drag a red herring across the trail he is referring to the traditional use of a particularly strong smelling smoked fish to throw the dogs off the scent red herring were sometimes used in the training of hounds the bg urative use implies evading the is sue dragging in something irrele vant especially a personal insult fired at the other man to cover your retreat from a bad hole silken caracul is valuable the value of the silken p o caracul from an unusual breed of sheep in southern russia is de termined by the regularity and beauty of their lustrous moire mark ings as in all furs the quality of the skirtls important and the supple softness but for caracul to achieve its greatest loveliness the shimmer ing motre patterns must be care fully matched and harmonized okapl protected by its color in its native swamps the okapl is protected by fta redbrown color streaked with white which makes it practically invisible at a distance of so to vi feet another thing saves it from hunters the bushes arid swamp growth on which it feeds ere so dense that only pigmy can get through them in charity beggars one i didn t work for you mister so i didn t earn it well well ejaculated a much surprised pedestrian so your dadr says all that i would like to meet your dad young man it would be an honor dad and 1 are all the family now the boy paused and a skinny hand tugged at the pedestrian s coat you mustn t mind dad not shaking hands heis funny uses both hands to pick tip anything and then sometimes can t do it as they passed through a rickety door on the fifth floor they stepped at once into a living loom which was evidently also used for what ever else might be required a man sat on the edge of a cot elbows on knees hands dangling downward silvertempled head bent a sad pic ture of complete dejection but which was at once brightened as he came abruptly to his feet a strange ly winning smile of pleasure irradl ating his face at the entrance of his son as his glance traveled beyond his look changed to one of utter sur prise incredulity and then to sheer joy the two men stood regarding each other in amazement then the pedestrian unheeding the boy s warning sprang forward with both hands extended swift pain con trading his features the other held up his arms from which the two hands helplessly dangled they held each other off greedily gazing they thumped each other on the backs the crippled one with such whacks as he could adminis ter with his arms then later in reply came on suddenly in the night after i lost his mother alma you remember alma bet you dol tiodd old sport many s the quar rel we had that senior year oyer the nights i spent out happy though with life brimming over the cup well we married and for six years it was heaven yes i have the boy but this he made a gesture with his helpless hands been to all the clinics in three cit ies a specialist was interested and gave me a lot of attention nothing could be done he said the boy opened a lopsided door and stepped outside onto a tiny bttl cony which served tor the purpose of drying clothes and storing food when there was any to store the two old college chums were left alone a splintering of wood a shriek of terror the father reached the door first which he kicked open a bro ken rail a jagged upright post which was thrust through the front of the boys overalls there he hung backward over space the straps of the overalls being the only hold be tween the child and destruction a thought leaped to the fathers mind thank god mrs leery sewed those buttons on only last night but quicket than thought he had grabbed both of the boys ankles one in each hand drawing him to safety back into the room patting and stroking him soothing him with lov ing words the father reached to his pocket for his handkerchief as he raised it to wipe the boys tears huvgaze fastened first on one hand and then on the other with a look of utter bewilderment then be raised his eyes to the pedestrians and dried his son tears and then tua own kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary pmaus first mortgage money to loan office main street sooth phone 88 f r w p ftukfl georgetown office hours a to 5 except thuramay afternoons uk j k jackson dentist xkay office hours daily 9 to 8 evenings 7 to 9 phone tum geoatgetowm frank petch licensed atjcnoneest for the coamuea of peal and hamae prompt service cheltenham 36 r 33 oe ctrl post office oheltenham walter t evans co general losursmcc ocean steamship scawkjb steal estate mate bt north geargetawsi us a m nielsen tsth year of practice qiiropntctor xray dragles therapist lady attendant office over dommkm store oeorgetown aours 3 b 730 t jo nam collections on january 7th 1939 a to ronto clkart wrote usjn part as follows t would aureqr recom mend you to anyone x snow who has bills to collect as i em sun if ttoey can be cofleotod your company can do it i em sending you another note here with can we be of similar serrlos to your kelly aken ocjgo

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