Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 1, 1939, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday everting february isti j 939 page 3 lod ashburton active in boundary settlement bnron ashburton the english met- chunt nnd statesman who partici pant ti with daniel webster in the settlement of the northeastern boundary line of maine was the sec ond son of strfrancta baring who sent him to the united states and while here he married the daughter of wfltiam bingham of philadelphia tn the year 1810 he became the head of the house of baring upon tne death of his father and was a member of parliament from 1812 to 1835 when he was raised to the peerage under the title of baron ashburton in the house df com mons he opposed the reform bill and to the house of lords the repeal of the corn laws the unsettled condition t the northeastern boundary question led sir robert feel to send bating on ff special mission to the united states where he concluded august 9 l42 tte ashburton treaty states a writer in- the cleveland plain dealer lord pahnerston led the opposition in great britain that assailed the treaty and webster was charged to the united states with being overreached by british diplomacy however publlc opin ion on both sides of the water- sanc tioned the treaty as a satisfactory adjustment of several difficult ques tions some of which had embar rassed the relationsoi the united states and great britain for over half a century the record reads that the extraor dinary compliment of a vote of thanks for a diplomatic achieve ment was paid to lord ashburton in both the house of commons and the house of lords and an earldom was offered him but he declined it- lord ashburton was a privy coun- cuor a trustee of the british mu seum and d c l of oxford he died may 13 1848 at the country seat of his daughter the widow of the marquis of bath and his wife died six months later victor conquerer has long been favored name the name victor from the latin means just what the noun victor means conqueror because of this auspicious meaning and be cause of something gallant and spir ited about its sound the name has long been a favorite relates flor ence a cowles in the cleveland plain dealer st victor martyrrwas an6fficer in the army of emperor maximilian three popes have borne this name the first in the second century being canoned victor hugo 1802857 french poet novelist and dramatist author of les miserables is one of the greatest bearers of this name in the past victor herbert d 1924 con ductor composer of many popular operas reached high eminence in bis field among other victors of the past cousin d 1867 french philoso pher bruce earl of elgin d 1917 british statesman lawson d 1925 founder and publisher of the chicago daily news the earl of errou d 1928 scottish diplomat head of the historic house of hay blue d 1928 rear admiral com mander of the texas during the world war berger d 1929 so cialist editor congressman from wisconsin and holm d 1935 prominent sculptor warthog ugliest of animals generally acknowledged to be the ugliest of all animals is the wart- hog whose head out of all pro portion to the size of its body is adorned with enormous warts this strange animal also has a long thick mane but the jest of its body is practically naked its tusks curve in the most fantastic manner the most ludicrous thing about it is that if you surprise one of these crea tures coming out of a hole it will turn a complete somersault ac cording to a writer in pearsons london weekly sixty days to make hat in jamaica british west indies it takes about 60 days to produce one native hat the palm from which these rakishlooking head pieces are made flourishes on ja maicas north shore the tree grows wild and in great abundance is about eight feet tall and has broad fanlike leaves young leaves fine in texture and almost white when dried are selected for the best hats cut when green they are spread out to dry and bleach as linen is laid in the sun egrly pranking privilege the franking privilege of con gressmen in the united states pre dates the constitution an ordinance was passed in 1782 by the continen tal congress which provided that let ters packages and dispatches from the members and secretaries while attending congress on official busu ness should be mailed without pay- ment of postage the privilege has continued and has been extended to other government officials and de partments from time to time horseshoeshaped temples long before horseshoes wen nailed over doors and on the bows of ships to ward off bad rack the design had religions significance in various parts of the orient in qm rajputana region of india there atandsevsral hindu tempi baflt hi the ih of horseshoe h peter preaches at pentecost international uniform sunday school lesson february fc 1839 golden text not toy might nor by power but by my spirit saith the lord of hosts zecharlah 4 6 1318 youth o youth can i reach you can i speak and make you hear oan i open your eyes to see me can my presence draw you near is there a prophet among you one wittt a heart to know x will flash my secrets on him he shall watch my glory grow for i the god the father the quest the final goal still search for a prophet among you to speak my word in his soul u 15 a distinguished preacher recently startled his congregation by saying that he would be overjoyed u any one should accuse them of in toxica- uon he meant that worship was so subdued formal conventional and proper that it lacked exhilaration en thusiasm and excitement on the day of pentecost there was no lack of demonstrativeneaa there was such collective emotion that the onlookers could not understand it and toe critics accused the converts of being full of new wine it is perhaps unwise to ex pect religious experience to create the mass hysteria of a political conven tion or the personal forgetfumeas of the spectators at a match or peine fight still water may be runn ing deeply religion may be a great er power just because it works more quietly and does not express itself chiefly in exuberance and noise many earnest christian people that they get more spiritual strength from an orderly service than from an eva which descends to ranting and emotional appeal they do not oppose deep feeling but they wish it to be thoughtful permanent based upon truth and faith inspiration 1018 peter understood the enthusiasm in evidence on the day of pentecost he knew what lay back of it he knew that followers of christ had been tell ing others for weeks by personal ex perience he knew the volume of prayer in the upper room and in many a home where the love ol christ had entered he was aware of the contrast between this crowd ol eager christians and the regular wor ship of the temple or synagogue these christians some of them of only a few adys or a few weeks standing ha1 n nptrfniitm jny but peter understood the causes of their emotion- they believed that god had come into human life through christ that their sins bad been forgiven through the atoning others when they find thai fiytakr ing christ as their conscience they get higher direction many people are confused about the holy spirit but at least they know the difference be tween living in- a mood of fear doubt hate and despair in contrast to the radiance joy trust and hope of chris tian faith this exalted plane of life comes through trust in ood and obedience to christ spiritual con vlctlon communicated to dthers can transform a congregation or a com munlty on a wide enough scale it would transform the world action 3840 the reality of religion is always de monstrated when people want to do something to make themselves and society- better when peter was ask ed what those convicted of guilt should do he told them to repent and to make a public confession of christ through baptism he promised them that they would receive the gift of- ohirst and they held the hope life after death wlht faith in ood salvation and eternity how could they help singing with exultation and greeting one another with a frenzy of joy conviction 36 37 religious inspiration is not a mon opoly of the clergy m the history of the church there have been waves of spiritual power going far beyond official church rfmtiwitf why should it not happen again would it be exaggeration for a modern preacher to announce as a sennon title pentecost it can happen hens it does appear where people face their own sms realistically when they get an experience of god grace working t the holy spirit that their family life would become different and that they would become immune to the moral dangers of their pagan environment we cannot keep our ignorance sel fishness and wrong habits if we wiah to enjoy- the fruits of the spirit love joy peace and fellowship long ago aristottefrsaid that no person could believe at one and the same time that god is and that god is not when at long last we do say amen affirm the eternal yea and believe that god is life takes on a new meaning and a higher satisfaction addition 41 why are more people nol won to the christian faith why does the membership roll in many congrega tions remain almost stationary has the novelty of the good news of the gospel worn off has the touch ol christ lost its ancient power is the experience of salvation explained away by psychology have the will of god and the hope of heaven be come only pious phrases at pente cost religion was contagious it was a value so demonstrable that others wished to possess it about three thousands souls were added to the christian society why doesnt happen now is it because we are trusting to organizations depending upon the momentum of the past contenting ourselves with only a twi light faith what has been done can be done again preachers with convictions such as peter had nesses quickened by prayer as the apostles were and christians freed from grasping greed as were the early christians could repeat and reproduce pentecost almost anywhere on earth questions for discussion 1 is it possible for religion to create enthusiasm like a hockey match 2 isrellglousconvlction subject to cycles like commerce 3 is christ in the forefront or the background of the sermons you hear 4-what-doea-the- spir m to you 5 on an average how many chris tians does it take to make a con vert in your locality needed repairs darky woman was very badly beaten up by her husband and was going to sue him her lawyer asked her how much damages she wanted and she replied lawdy me boss dont want no more damages what i needs is repairs would roost high defense counsel do you mean to insinuate my client is a thief witness no sah ah dont mlstah lawyah but ah do say effen ah was a c an ah sa hint hanging around ah sholy would roost way up high helps some a darkey man consulted a physi cian the physician could not find anyt in particular the matter with him and asked him h he drank too much the darkey replied no boss i do not drink anything but coffee no liquor at all his physi cian asked htm how much coffee he damk to which the darkey replied only 40 or 50 cups a day the phylsclan said xh goodness doe not that keep you awake the dar keys reply was well it helps some oranges 2- 23- new pavels delicious nice size grapefruit 8 medium larr sb marsh seedless la tomatoes 2 pounds si delicious c finn ripe j lettuce 5 crisp firm nice size heads c ea lemons california loaded with wee nle 81m cea cabbage new firm green bead icca special bolter always fresh gar oils now its cobbler time by frmnces lee berton in tribute to the- national legend of george washington and the ebony tree we hold a national cherry week in february if your patrlotio gesture takes the form of a cherry cobbler it will receive unanimous en dorsement from the family cherry cobbler 3 tablespoons quick cooking tapioca cap sugar 2 table- poonsmeued butter 3 caps pitted ourreddberherfreahoieasdfrd 1 cup cherry juice 2 cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons doubleacting baking powder teaspoon salt s tablespoons butter or other short- enlng cup milk about combine tapioca sugar butter cherries and cherry juice let stand wbile crust is being made sift flour once measure add baking powder and salt and sift again cut in shortening add milk gradually stirring until soft dough la formed turn out on slightly floured board and knead so seconds or enough to shape roll y of dough in strip 2 laches wide and inch thick line sides of sx8x2tncn pan fitting closely into corners stir cherry mixture well and- turn into pan roll remaining j dough inch thick with sharp knife make silts to permit escape of steam fit oxer cherries pressing edges of dough together with fork dipped in flour bake in hot oven 460 f 15 minutes then reduce beat t moderate 350 f and bake js5 to 30 minutes longer sprinkle pow dered sugar over top if desired serves 8 ihavebeen grossly insulted fum ed the club bore col thompson of fered me 2500 if i would resign should ignore it said a fellow member you might get a better of fer very finest quality baby clicks buy your quality chicks at thompsons poultoy farm quality barred rock chicks and hollywood white leghorn coucksfrom our oovemtnent inspected 03b flock bred for vitality and stamina to stand high egg production chicks are h from jggs weighing 24 os and over extra quality barred rock and white leghorn r o p sired chicks from our blobdtested obs pens of yearling hens eggs weigh 25 ox and over order early as only limited quantities are available one dollar discount per hundred on orders booked one month ah of hatching date write or call francis thompson phone 48 r 3 georgetown r r 3 fjl youre telling us tkjsa youll say youve never had such clean coal as our famous reading anthracite this premium hard coal u laundered r scrubbed with sand and water to free it from dost and dirt shall we send you some kimemillan phone 40 georgetown beans oats pound z5 i package peas spw butter 320 it w 3 25 a singapore weed pineapple 3 no 2 tins 25 c stuart orani and grapefruit marmalade 32oz jar 20 c aylmer rd raspberries 2 -oz- tins 25 extra spadataylmar sauer kraut no 2v tin 10 jawal vacafabhi shortening 2 mb- pis- 23 supfch suds u big blue pkgspecialel2 tea uatarft i hands kofacjuaja rinso rov 3wl7 matastr mwfbwwpj flflvery

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