Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 1, 1939, p. 6

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page 6 the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 1st 1939 omjl tjbxjl pj has opened a school of dancing in the legion hall classes evert tuesday tiny tots 3 00 beginners c30 intermediate 516 advance pupils 600 ballroom class commencing at 800 pjn all types of dancing taught tap ballet acrobatic fully certified teacher prices claw lesson 50 cent private lesson 15 cents arthritis rheumatic patna lumbago sciatica backache acid stomach have you about given up hope ox relief from these ailments dont oo it use q hardings wemment ask s p chapman mxo druggist about it tadio repairing ii yetta exaerienm we specialize on this work j sanf0rd son early ruler of sweden were of warlike nature although finland was conquered and not way defeated m the middle ages to make sweden a mighty kingdom of the north it was not ntll the reigns of the vnso kings t ml the ountry become the leading 1 t u powtt at the continent thrt ugh the efforts of gustavus art iphus and his immediate prede- i es or and successors territories that comprise large parts of the 3ultic states germany and poland were added to sweden swedish armies pushed far into russia oc cupied all of poland and marched and countermarched over germany how lyarlike were the kings of sweden in those old days is shown fir example writes john a me- ighntheqiicago tnbunein the fact mat charles x m his bare five years of rule engaged in no few er than five wars with the danes and repeatedly laid siege to copen hagen he would have subjugated denmark then had not the dutch and the english interfered with jus plans charles x ted other wars as well as those against the danes charles xi and charles xt1 also cferried on conflicts with the danes as well as with other peoples it was not until after the final de feat of charles xtt in russia in 1709 that sweden s an empire be gan falling apart soon after the death of charles xti at the siege of frednksten m norway the swedish territories on the eastern shore of the baltic sea were ceded to rus sia finland over which the swedes and the russians had warred for centuries was lost to russia in 1809 norway which was under swedish domination briefly early in the fourteenth century and which was acquired from denmark in 1814 at the time swedish pomerania and the isle of rugen were ceded to den mark by sweden was made an in dependent ki in 190 all countries are drawn upon for chemists goods in order to fill the drawers and bottles of an ordinary chemist s shop there is hardly a country whwh is not drawn upon for some ingredient or drug castor oil is made from the seeds of the castor bean a plant which grows well in any tropical country but the best oil comes from the plants grown in india aloes from which a loin is pre pared is the juice squeezed from the thick prickly leaves of a variety of aloe the best comes from arabia but much is grown for medical pur poses in the west indies the juice dries into solid blocks in which state it is imported into this country says london answers mag azine the rhubarb from which pills are made is not that with which we make tarts tn the spring tn the trade it is known as turkey rhu barb but it is really the root of e plant principally grown in china quinine is the bark of the cin chona tree and licorice much used for coughs and sore throats is most ly grown tn italy county council no action taken on paving good roads connecting links tn georgetown the second meeting of halton coun ty council was held in milton on tuesday jan 24th wltn the warden and all members present except mr hewson minutes and correspondence were read at the morning session af ter which council adjourned until 3 pjxl at the afternoon session major benjamhi bourne patn hamilton representing che salvation army ask ed the assistance of the council in the work of the army said major bourne you all know the work that we are doing but we feel tt is only right to oome here sometimes to show our appreciation for your past h an to tell y something of our work last year there were 1212 un- married mothers assisted by us in various ways and we would like to emphasise that the salvation army does not refuse help to anyone no matter what their creed our job is to savsoul8 while we care for toe bodies and if you gentlemen think our work la worthwhile we shall be glad of your help moved by mr by mr mocutcbeon that the county council grant the sum of 80 to the salvation army of hamilton council went into committee of the whole with mr gilbert in the chair to consider the reports of the stand ing connnlttees in the hospital accounts there were one or two cases which provoked some discussion and the question as to whether some of these accounts might not have been paid by the parties concerned mr allen thought they could mr mcniven spoke of one party as being two yeans behind in their taxes mr allen tnats nothing to go by people can pay for an kinds of things and still let their taxes run mr gilbert something will have to be done regulations will have to be tightened up somewhere that evident u we just study the alarming way jn which hospital accounts are increasing year by year after explanations had been sifted out the hospital accounts were finally a buying guide before you order dinner at a restaurant you consult the billol fare before you lake a long trip by motor car you pore over road maps before you start out on a shopping trip you should consult the advertisements in this paper the advertising m re a buying guide to you in toe purchase of everything you need including amuse tnents i a guide that saves your time and conserves your energy that taves useless steps and guards against false ones that puts the itret oh in family budgets xne advertisements in this paper are so intererttog it is dimcult to see how any one could overlook them fall tb profit by them just check with yourself and be aura that you are reading the advertisements regular ly the big ones and the little ones it 1 time well spent always your local paper is your buying guide believers tn preparedness the man who makes preparation for the expected only sooner or lat er will be confronted with some ituationywith which he will be un- cope abraham lincoln i will get ready and some chance will come he got and his chance came when webster made his reply to iyne some one esked him how long it had taken him to prepare to make that speech his reply was forty years ail through these years webster had been add ing to his reserve supply the mtel lectual resources that enobled him to meet the demands when the call came life furnishes many critical s tuations which can only be met by tho e who take oil in their es sels with their lamps the wise make the fullest prepintion they prepare for the expected and also for the unexpected rev e v cole passed a tmt a resolution from middlesex coun ty was endorsed which expressed dla approval of any change in the lords day act which would tend towards an open sunday in regard to public amusements a resolution from grey county road in part whcretu the provincial gov ernment and hyoro electric commis sion have reduced service charges and whercai tl e rural pcop c cannot take advan c of such reduction be because of the h avy cost of lnstolla tlon be it resolved hat th- hydro electric commission sliall c m ceasary wire insulators etc aia up- ply the some to all prospectlv rural hydro consumers at the actual cost of the same mr allen objected to the resolu tlon hydro happens to be my job said mr allen and it is my opinion that the hydro commission should be responsible fortaking the wireafrom tile road to the transformer at the house free of charge if that were done bo per cent of tlie rural people would have hydro today and would consume the surplus of power which we pay for whether we use it or not warden someone would have to pay lor it being brought from the mr allen sure somebody has to pay and ttieres about 45 engineers down there and they all have to come out one at a time i move that the resolution be filed in regard to the proposed revision of the county assessment the follow ing was received from the deputy minister of municipal affairs the department at the present time is considering ways and means of setting up a county board of assessors to caporam notice to creditors in the estate of geobge gordon wfngfield late of the township of esoweslnf tn the county of hal ton fanner deceased all persons having claims against the estate of george gordon wing field late or the township of esques- lng in the county of halton far mer deceased who died on or about the 2nd day of july 1938 are re quested to send same to the under signed solicitor on or before the 11th day of february 1939 otherwise the estate win be distributed without re gard to their claims t a hutchinson milton ont solicitor for the administratrix milton january 19th 1939 3t notice to creditors meet the problem as sscntloabd in your letter but it is early yet to ul timate the mechanics of this arrange ment or what the personnel might be of such a board the good roads committee recom mended that the road committee be sent as delegates to the ontario oood roads association and that their ex penses be paid that the sum of 15 be sent to the secretory treasurer ot the assod- et on as membership fee for 1939 that the county engineer be in- mruitcd to attend the road superin tendent s conference at the oonven tlon tlit no action be taken on the communication from georgetown on the paving of their connecting links until such time as the road commit tee has nod an opportunity to inspect the roads of the county the letter vas as follows we hereby request t county council toenter into an agreement with this municipality to construct a bard surface road on the connecting links it being understood that the province of ontario pay 50 per cent of the cost and the county 50 per cent of a twenty foot strip county buildings committee recom mended payment of various accounts and suggested that concrete floors be laid in the downstair cells and corn- dors and further that the work be done by prison labor under the super vision or the goal governor and that mr murdock be employed to furnish concrete for the above work tne re commendation was adopted the following education accounts accounts were passed for payment brampton high school 73758 acton 142730 burlington 1144583 georgetown 456029 milton 10 00o00 oakvlde 1143379 streets tffle 4g waterdown sstm on motion of mr r and lor i gordon the resolution passed jan it appointing messrs mcniven and ho outcbeon to the road committee v rescinded and john monlven was i appointed to the conbntttee for 1939- 1943 4 on motion of mr irving and mfcy byers the following accounts were passed finance gil 47- hospital 86950 printing 18003 county buildings 32435 wlucation 40 41290 r mr gordon mr kerns and mr wilson were appointed to be j to the agricultural cbunofj m6r thomas held was appointed trustee lor 1939 to the milton high school mrs david hartley and mr allen were reappalnted to the old age pen sions and mothers alolwance board or 1939 astfgrove the ashgrove women s met at tte home of mrs j guy wilson on jan 17th with a large at tendance our motto keep 3 face towards the sunshine and shadows will fan behind you well explained by mrs w ruddell the roll can history on our farm proved very interesting mrs mb- phafl gave us a talk on ttie advance of ttoe tears mrs p wilson and miss i wriggtesworth gave a piano duet mlsa r fisher demonstrateit the making of booked rugs a sodal half hour closed the meeting there is more heat in old companys anthracite rfcjni5vnature plltlt there only old companys anthracite comes from the famous panther valley deposit where nature exerted more pressure in the making of coal thereby m it harder and more compact as a result it has more heat units than other anthra cite and burns more steadily and economically ash for tt by name phone 33 j b mackenzie son coal and lumber georgetown old companys anthracite th sdlo fuel foff socd comfort pcnnsylvana amtmractre coal queer habits of fish the nile catfish adopts the strange habit of swimm ng on its back and as a consequence its stem ach is colored darker than its back whereas in most fish the back is always darker than the underpart another strange swimmer is the shrimpfish or needle fish of the indian ocean these little chaps al ways live together in small shoals of five or six and they swim in a vertical position snout upwards they can however swim in the ordinary horizontal position and have even been seen swimming about in a vertical position with their queer looking tail end up wards in the matter of the wilfred c bessey late of the town of georgetown hi the county of halton mluer deceased notice is hereby oiven that all persons having any claims or de mands against the late wilfred c bessey who died on or about the twenty fourth day of october 1938 at the town or georgetown in the county of halton and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the under signed solicitors for emily elizabeth bessey the administratrix or the estate of wilfred c bessey miller deceased their names nnd addresses and rull particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securl ties if any held by them and take notice that the twenty fifth day of fe 1939 the sold emilyellzabeth will proceed to disti the said di entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice and that the said emily elizabeth bossey will not be liable for the said assets or any port thcreor to any person of whose claim she shall not then have rccciv 1 notice dated at georgetown ontario this twenty third day of january a d 1939 dale bennett solicitors for the said emily elizabeth mister local merchant will you help us to help you magic mind reading its supposed to be a ticklish busi ness to ask a lady her age here s a way to do it without danger ask her to put down the number of the month in which she was born mul tiply it by 3 add 5 multiply by 50 add her age and subtract 365 when she gives you the result you must mentally add 115 now the last two figures of the total are her age and the first figure is the num ber of the month she was born to suppose you get 719 then she is 19 years old and her birthda is m the seventh month july tins simple trick will work toranyage up to 100 notice to dog owners in esquestng township tho owner possessor or keeper of any dog shall be required by the as season to deliver to them in writing a statement of the number of dogs owned arkept t hln gl on or more and for every neglect or refusal to do so and for every false statement made in respect thereof he shall incur a penalty not eweedtnc 1940 to be re with costs before any justice of the having hirtsdtetlon to the said ttieilobpalttyafio 1027 the above wol1estrtcuy e abo dec tax mast be paid fct times qomt townswp of ataoeain we re partners in a way for we depend upon each other for our success your advertising helps us operate this newspaper and our newspaper carries your advertisements to more than two thous and readers in the georgetown district and plays a major part in your business progress we both know that advertising pays dividends in increased business with corresponding increases in profits and so we ask you to cooperate in a campaign to increase our advertising and our business speak to the travellers and manufacturers representatives visit ing your store imprss upon them the fact that you have found the georgetown herald a valuable advertising medium and urge them to suggest to their firms that the georgetown herald be placed upon the list of publications which carry advertisements for their nationally known products experience has taught you that advertising pays and if national advertising in the georgetown herald is increased you know that your sales will show a sharp upward swing we re partners you know so lets cooperate you and the georgetown herald

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