Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 1, 1939, p. 8

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i the ouwwu htkl wednesday evening february 1st 1939 qpggi of woexa flour m jb bw 7 fc 43c 25c subham corn starch soap flakes 3 19c gold medal ckafcso qaaltty toaato jnice is os tin 3 25 base baking powder 12 thick rib roasts boneless f c st bee rib boiling ocifc beer boneless veat roasts gaelphcreaniery r butte domtatic shortening 223 fresh frozen z u 3 lbs nch whitefish 1 4 oceanbihoht hm or whole ask salmon 12s beacon brand j oysters 30c we sell for cash p c j buck de qwsnapshot cuili j shadow pictures abb yon looking tor snapshot ideas then just load p roar camera and hare a try at ahadow pictures on a eunzry day outdoora every olid object casts a shadow ii this shadow falls on a tighttoned sur face such as smooth snow or con crete it stands out clearly end there mar be a picture opportunity there people doln thlnsmfjast shadows that often tall a complete atory a troop of winter hikers or a eld party climbing a slope may produce shadows which mzke a more inter sting story snapshot than the group itself many objects cast interesting pat terns of ahadow a tree near a street frrnfj myttww a delicate tracery of shadow on nearby building wall a abort time exposure of this made with the camera on dim suppo s you hte an unusual and gateways not only produce fas- ct- shadow patterns but are often mterastlng pictures th selfs include both tl than a direct shot of the ski iy yield many a novel and the ironwork in one picture shooting from a viewpoint that shows as many repeats of the pattern aa possible indoors there are many chances for shadow pictures use a single photo bulb at one end of a room and direct its light on the tar wall let of your family stand so that they cast grotesque shadows on this wall changing their dis tance from the light and the height of the photo bulb from the floor produces unusual effects with this shadow arrangement it is easy to have your subjects act out storytelling ideas short time exposures will be required in tak ing these pictures because of the distance between the light and the illuminated wall whh a box cam era try exposures of several seo- whenever yonye taking pictures watch for shadow effeota theyre the i of many a snapshot and a special ahadow hunt with your camera loaded and ready might be worth your while 219 joluvanounder lucalnews st valentine dame feb 10th see advt ww fee bear see his shadow to morrow feb indr george curlers will hold their annnl bonspell on monday tw 13 rev a neil miller was inducted as pastor of brampton presbyterian church lastthursday ntghc dont miss the lions mo lop carnival on pet 17th at the arena see posters for further particulars ssouettng agricultural society will hold another dance hi the arena georgetown on wednesday feb is watch for further parttculara it there are many slippery spots on our walks pedestrians should be careful and especially soon walk going down to the post qmce on sunday evening feb suvifae young people of the united church are presenting a drama for re hath great possessions hiss irene barber erin and mr jack wilson of ouelph won the birthday dance at the bon temps club party held here recently when she has charge of it does your wife try to preserve your car ive never known her to try to pre serve the car but she often makes truffle jams the corporation of acton is of fering the taxpayers of that village the opportunity to purchase tax pre payment receipts at substantial dis- b mcquesten ontario higrwgnyg nlnhtjir atiirpi p mating of his constituents in hamilton there would be no increase in the provhit cial gasoline tax if he had anything to say in the matter miss betty bryant wishes to an nounce that her advanced classes in acrobatic and tap dancing will be held every tuesday in the legion hall at 7 o clock instead of 6 as for merly advertised the ouelphhalton residents win ter school under the auspices of the united church young people will be held in georgetown on feb 611 this is the first time winter school has been held in georgetown and it is expected there will be a large at tendance members of the officers mess of the lome scots regiment tendered a dinner- to ooj j r o macnamara upon his visit to brampton last week col macnarausa officer commanding the london irish rifles and a british welcomed by ool o m flugerald orangevule command ing officer of the regiment bingo players attention lions club monster bingo thurs day feb 9th legion hall good prizes more particulars next week it annual meeting p tpuu owing to the severe storm of mon day night the annual meeting or the united church was postponed until monday feb 13th canadian legion members attention all manners are invited to attend a banquet and social evening friday feb 3rd in the club rooms supper 7 pjn sharp social and dancing it the horticultural society the annual meeting of this society will be held in the library auditorium on thursday feb 9th at 8 00 pm mr j f clark or toronto wlil give an illustrated lecture the public are invited to attend injured by fall mrs w g marshall had the mis fortune to rail on monday morning when hanging out clothes at her home fracturing a bone and dislocat ing the elbow or her left arm she was taken to ouelph hospital for treatment she was able to return home tuesday evening her many friends wish her a speedy restoration to health derfaoimd wat known a royal dow of scotland the scottish deerhound once was known as the royal dog of scot land one of the biggest of the- long or coursing hounds and one of the oldest of breeds this shaggy son of the heather in olden tunes decorated the halls and firesides of ihe highland chieftains end- was their companion in the hunting fields writes k d dickey in the philadelphia record they were used for deer and stag hunting in twos and threes and were followed on horseback one of them alone coudbring dawn- a 250pound deer but usually they held the game at bay until the hunt ers arrived they are built like a greyhound but heavier arid have almost a greyhoundsspeed they i have the keen scenting powers and general hunting ability of the entire hound family the scottish deerhound does the same work on the canadian plains and is popular in australia he is used down under for hunting the dingo wild dog and in pursuit of the kangaroo the scottish deerhound li a little smaller and lighter than the irish wolfhound which he resembles closely the wolfhound averages 35 inches in height the deerhound from 30 to 32 the scottish dog is altogether more racily built with a narrower head and less spring of ribs th coat is hars and wiry the kind that turns water shaggy sometimes with a silky strain this mixed coat is not unusual in the united states where the climate is gentler than that of scotland in color the dark bluegray is pre ferred but it runs through brindle yellow and sandy to red or red- fawn with black points points being ears and muzzle the oldest known strains the mcneil and chesthill menzies were of the yel low to red variety ukulele is of european origin known for ages the ukulele is essentially a small guitar with four strings and was in troduced to the hawaiians in the latter part of the eighteenth cen tury by portuguese sailors so far as known the guitar itself is of european origin observes a writer in the indianapolis news in the royal library at stuttgart germany is a manuscript dated 1180 a d which contains a repre sentation of the instrument the hawailans imitated and modified the smaller guitar of the portuguese and popularized it under the name ukulele the same instrument particularly adapted to the wistful minors peculiar to the native music of hawaii became an instrument of jazz in the united states ukulele is a native word being derived from uku flea or insect and lele to jump thus uku tele literally means jumping flea a name no doubt suggested by the motions of the fingers of the players over the instrument the most common english pronuncia tion of the name is yookoolayle although ookoolaylay more nearly approaches the hawaiian pronunciation hawaiian ukuleles are genera ly made of koa a finegrained wood obtained from the native tree called acacia koa advertise in the herald it pays bridge club news challenge games were the order or the day at the mens bridge club on monday night in spite of inclement weather the attendance was normal play was or a high order with se veral grand and small slams essay ed and completed with no chang ing or partners on tables the prizes were awarded highest total points rather than net as heretofore the winners were messrs a b oiliard and w huffnhu next in line were h lullco and a e wright with t faram and wm king third a match team of seven pairs haa ac cepted a challenge from a local ladles club mrs wm graham dead in 918t year mrs wm a graham 90 was buried in ohurchvllle cemetery on saturday following funeral services at her home in huttonvllle born in luuxilnshtre england she came to canada when 10 years of age and had lived there 65 years two daughters miss alice graham superintendent of grace general hos pital cleveland and mrs o w weech cleveland and a son w41mer graham huttonvllle survive and a brother william kirk of victoria b burlington school principal to retire alfred o green principal of east burttngton pontic school for it years has announced he win retire at the end of the june term over a period of tt years teaching mr oreen has had over 9a per cent of pupils under his ttitkm ach troops in the entrance examination i prefer the pres met whereby students wit sui mtand tngs on their yeera work an reconv mended for entrance by prtoetpala rather than the old way of havinciil saiddaily star angler fish does not swim many fish prey on others of their kind but the angler fish does his fishing with rod and line and he patented the idea long before man thought of it also known as the fishing frog and sea devil the anglerfish is fairly common in brit ish waters the rod and line con sists of a long filament almost threadlike at the end and baited with a small flap this bait looks like a tiny fish moving about in the water when a codling or herring comes along it grabs the bait at the same moment mr anglerash gives the line a jerk and opens his great mouth that is the end of the codling or herring the anglerfiah is an ungainly fellow he doesnt swim says pearsons london week ly his fins have developed into a kind of legs and he just shuffles along the sea floor on sale this week end ibex blankets 198 mens overcoats 1 0pp d brill co personals mr bruce heath of toronto was a visitor in town on tuesday misses hazel walker and yvonne adams- attended the mtdflrinter car nival at huntsvllle last week end mrs h f oorrlng and son robert arrived home last saturday evening after a pleasant holiday in florida and new york mr and mrs j h lullco attend ed the ontario barbers and hair dressers convention at the king ed ward hotel in toronto on tuesday mr and mrs walter moguvray who have been residents of larder lake for the past five m are spending a few days at their home here prior to leaving for dunnvule where mr mcollvray has secured a position with the dunnviue oaaette priendir you want something from your husband and dont succeed try try tigs in wlfle i can beat that my deatv- cry cry again s the way to succeed phone 84 r 6 georgetown new advertisements phvacttcal nursing practical maternity name open far engagements will take cues in her 5 room house on main st north mvenlences possession feb lstto apply box 437 georgetown po st wanted capable woman wanted for general housework mornings central toca- langnage of the gems moss agate health prosperity and long life amethyst prevents violent passions bloodstone cour age wisdom and firmness in affec tion chrysolite frees from evil passions and sadness emerald insures true love discovers false diamond innocence faith and vir gin purity friends garnet con stancy and fidelity in every engage ment- opal sharpens the sight and faith of the possessor pearl- purity gives clearness to physical and mental sight ruby corrects evils resulting from mistaken friend ship sapphirerepentance frees from enchantment sardonyx in sures conjugal felicity topaz fi delity and friendship prevents bad dreams jturquoise insures pros perity in love halton organizations co ordinate efforts tn county crop and sou ifrovement program the halton crop improvement as sociation was inaugurated on friday last when delegates representing the acton esquestng and halton agricul tural societies the halton plowzhen and ha junior farmers m in milton it was the enlhusliistjcfeel- lng of those in attendance that by co ordination of effort on the part of all interested organisations a worthwhile crop and soil improvement program will result in the county the organization with which is affiliated the above mentioned organisations has already laid plans for a county seed fair to be held in muton march 3rd and 4th a splendid prize list is being prepared inasmuch as only halton farmers who have seed grains small seeds and seed potatoes for sale are eligible to compete and furthermore such exhibits must be of the same quality as that offered for sale it can readily be seen that the sed fair is to be continued on a prac tical worthwhile basis the newly elected directorate also feel that a sound crop program must be based on a thorough knowledge of the different soil types of the county and to this end it is hoped that the soils dept of the ontario agricultur al college will conduct a syst soli survey in the county during the coming summer with the assistance of dr g morostie of the field hus bandry dept and prof n thomas of the chemistry dept the djerctor- ate of the organization has laid ten tative plans for a porgram which will also include tests with various varie ties of hybrid corn as well as other tests with digerent varieties of grasses and clovers varieties or cereal grains and further experiments with vari ous commercial fertilizer mixtures in laying down these tests we under stand digerent soil types will be tak en into consideration from information secured it would appear as if w e breckon of free man president elect and his associ ates are launching a program which will if diligently promoted over a period or years render a service of untold value to the farmers of hal ton other officers elected were as fol lows vicepresident j h wllhnott mil- m secretarytreasurer j e white- lock directors trafalgar warden victor hall hornby victor j lawrence oakvllle reg smith oakvllle nelson w j robertson milton robt batherlngton freeman nassagaweya heeve oeo gordon rockwood edgar ellenton oampbell- vllle uoyd chlabolm milton esqueslng thoe brownridge georgeto edwin harrop muton donald monabb georgetown o w murray acton erin and eramosa j e pearen acton agents wanted build an independent business of your own with the distribution of over 200 guaranteed necessities in select district every day is pay day re peat orders on all goods lower s- success guaranteed to all honest ambitious alert men write today without obligation to nasbxk c 570 st caement montreal it wood for sale choice beech and maple at w mixed wood tu5 par cord v end of the oeatary the year moo was the last of the nineteenth century the twentieth century began with january 1 1901 a ceritury begins with the beginning of the first day of its first year and does not end until the close of the last day of its 100th year the first century consisted of the years 1 to joov inclusive the second century began with the year 101 and end ed with the last day of the year 200 so you dont think much of the handsome motor cop nohes always chasing after these fast girls for eczema- skin troubles to ouma uot n- th wrr tort nlkf4fc mmo f bray chicks n br chick doto the wcfc let me ow yoo the proot ph our older here nowrlum no bother cmuorphone george c brown no r v al ontario royal guetph comfortable show place now onto monday tbe most pudoub outlaw that brer lived i bto is the bpto story of a lawleavxra i jesse james tyrone power nancy kelly rondorph floott shows daily at 2js 7 and 9 pun skturday continuous cram pan stamno tobbdat for 10 day chucub iaccjhion to sonxnm uaotnaaa the bekbcorflbcr with a show dally at ms 1 w

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