Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 8, 1939, p. 6

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the geotcetmra henld mtvevefelnttisdi 1939 t jnahqeto grqotqr et cvoftgb cmwdoif iv winqpindk tat et the t t t njbn ta cewzsy ef hal ite estate of aeorge gordon wmg- said late of the towniihlp or ayques- tag to the county of helton far- zner daomwed mw died over about jsw tod day of july 1038 an re floated to send ame 4o the nnder- mpwd solicitor on or before the nth 4fcy of february 1938 otherwise the state will be distributed without re- gard to their claims t a htrrcaokoon milton ont solicitor for the admlhlrtratrte vuten january 19th 1938 v st notice to creditors la the matter af the betate ef wiinued o bb8sbt tote of the xmm af iqetegetown la the canty of bmttimbkx aeoeaseav notice is hereby oivhn that h pcnwro bavins 7 claims or de- agalnst the late wilfred c who died on or about the twenlahtourth day of october 1998 at tbe town of george in the county of bntion and province of ontario axe required to send by poet prepaid or to deliver to the under- sdgned solicitors for emily elisabeth bessey the administratrix of tbe jbtato of wofred o beesey miller deceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of ftheb claims and statements of their ccounts and the nature of the securi- ttes if any held by them and take notice that after the twentyfifth day of february 1939 the said kmlly elisabeth bessey win proceed to distribute the assets of she said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only so the claims of which she shall then have had notice and that the aid emily elizabeth bessey will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have receiv cd notice dated at georgetown ontario ihls twentythird day of january a j 1939 tatj bennett solicitors for the said emuy elizabeth 3t arthritia rheumatic paint lumbago sctattca backachit acid stomach have you about given up hope of reuef from these ailments dont do it ssb tgj hawmncs eat1iekt a p chapman v the drujgtet about it badj0 repairing i j n w coariaxa we specialize on this work j sanford son 3rvlc w h rcoiiim4rb7 cimgreaa marquis do lafayetta ocas an honorablv position in the ds of early american history as well as in the history of his own native france bom in 1707 of a noble family distinguished loathe service of the state lafayette was still a mere youth atrfhe outbreak of the amer ican revolution excited bar the cause of the colonies however the young soldier who had an ardent jmattm for liberty and adventure equipped a ship at his own expense and crossed the sea to aid in the peter hetja a unw map qouxstt tbxt- then peter amid surer and gold have x none but such as x have gtve x thee acts 3 8 lesson- passage acts s 110 4 12 ood give us seeing eyes a mind to fight for independence the beauty thou hast wrought on every il make us responsive to the upward lift of life high call let us not drift lafayette was appointed a major general and soon became a fast friend of washington recalls l hartley in the washington starffe took part in many campaigns and vaa wo at brandywtne in 1781 he commanded in virginia against arnold and then cornwallis and earned distinction by bis con duct of affairs againsv the british general after the war he returned to france and at the outbreak of the french revolution was for a time one of its foremost figures in august 1824 he arrived in america for bis last visit to this country and was received with tokens of affection wherever he went at that tune congress pre sented the departing hero with a land grant and also a gift of 200 000 in recognition of his services to this country in aimless gropmg bund and un- dante famous poet was soldier and a statesman dante italy greatest poet and one of the greatest poets of all times was born in florence italy in 1265 little is known of his youth but the poet seems to have been well educated studying not only in flor ence but in paris and perhaps eng land as well one incident in his youth made an indelible impression on the soul of the poet at the age of nine re lates leslie hartley in the washing ton star dante met and fell in tove with beatrice portinari the eight yearold daughter of a rich citizen his devotion was not returned but dante never forgot beatrice who inspired many of his noble works a sojdier and a statesman as well as a poet dante held a high office in florence for a time his pohti cal success proved to be his down fall however for the faction with which be aligned himself was soon ousted and be became a wanderer in exile in dante s immortal divine comedy is best known work the poet depicts a dream in which he is conducted by virgil through hell and purgatory and then by beatrice and finally by st bernard through the several heavens where he be holds the trims god shortly after the poet s death the republic of florence se ap an annual sunndr public lectures to explain the divine comtdy a buying guide before you order dinner at bmof fare before you take a long trip by motor ear yon pare over road maps before you start out on a mopping trip yon aboum consult the advertisements m this paper the advertising cotmnaa a buying sirlde to yenia che purchase of everything i a guide that eaves poun ttass sad conserves mr energy that saves waste steps and guards against false ones that puts tbe scre oh m family haw a4veruitttistita m thai r are so trrtiwasting it la etegfaudng of west point in 1749 congress created the grade of cadet in the army and authorized the establishment of a military school at west point composed of students attached to artillery and engineer troops of the garrison the school organization was def initety established by law march 16 1802 and the academy was formally opened on july 4 during the first 10 years it barely managed to exist for congress made practically no provisions for its maintenance a new law passed in 1812 placed the school on a firmer basis and author ized a student body of 250 up to that time only 65 cadets had gradu ated it began to take its present form of organization which was to establish it as one of the finest mill tary schools in the world when major sylvanus thayer of the corps of engineers became the first super intendent he served in that post from 1817 to 1833 and is called the father of the military academy respond to the pancake bell at ohiey bucks a curious cus tom survives on pancake day which is said to date from medieval times in the morning a bell is rung at the local church and at the first tinkle the womenbegin mixing the ingre dients of their pancakes later says london titbits magazine a big beu is tolled as a signal for them to race to the church carrying their sizzling pancakes in hot pans and the first to get there has the honor of serving her pancakes to the ringers in parts of northantsrtoo pancake bells are rung which is regarded as a signal for women to use up the fats and foods forbidden during the lenten fast there used to be- another interesting custom on the same day that of dies clnermn day of ashes sinners covered themselves in ashes and lathing their bodies in sackcloth walked with bowed beads to church to seek absolution use af hi at pistes tbe earliest known etemplea of bookplates an oerznan aooardmg to one authority the oldest mo ms exjibrw axe certain woodoat rep- iswu of ansa tajmoyv cd by an angel which were paatad ka bom prexe to fiaca a glaring contrast 1 s visitors to buorpe frequently re mark upon the contrast of wretched beggars sjfllclting help under the very shadow of great cathedrau expen sive beauty and personal poverty seen strangely joined canadians in recent years have become accustomed to panhandlers on the streets again there is the contrast b wealth and want a beggar asks for break- fastv standing before bronze doors of a skyscraper the doors alone costing nearly twenty thousand dollars a scantily clad man begs a dime f rem a liveried chauffeur standing beside a ave thousand dollar car peter and john observed the same contrasts in jerusalem going through the gate of the temple whtch is called beau tiful a lame man asked for alms plainly there is coueouve failure when there is money for a beautiful gate and insufficient money for needy children it is a mad world when the nations spend billions for armaments and the unemployed have only bare subsistence a better gift 4 8 the tame before the beautiful gate looked upon peter and john as pros pective benefactors he wanted money he asked only for money reading their faces he probably thought they were the kind of men who would give him money to his great surprise peter said silver and gold have i none but such as i have give i thee in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up and walk the beggar who had expect ed a handout was offered a cure and a faith he was offered what sliver and gold could never buy many of the best gifts of life are not pur chasable commodities a clean mind a kind tongue a loving heart a pair of helpful hands these depend in cldentaliy only upon the possession of money truth beauty friendship vision may be the possessions of the poor in an even greater degree than of the rich if there is appreciation mental activity and a social con science too often we give money when we ought to give sympathy hope and social reconstruction a powerful witness 710 a man with his ankle out of joint made his way on crutches to a doc tors office half an hour later he ran down the stairs carrying his crutches the operator of the eleva tor accompanied him to the front door of the office building shouting w theres been a rmrcte f ttiere 3af jfcften a miracle in the course of few months nearly a dosen pati ents were sent to that doctor by the cured patient church w are frequently asked how may we in attendance at worship the surest way is to have bad people made good sinful people who have been cured of evil habits like tell other people of their cure and are themselves a demonstration gods redemptive power when the lame man at the beautiful gate was cured and was able to walk leap and praise god the people were fined with wonder and amazement they were eager to hear what peter and john had to say the lame jumping and the beggar praising god was an irresistible advertisement giving credit 8 1 peter did not take credit for the cure had peter seen this beggar at the gate beautiful while he was still in the fishing business at capernaum no miracle would have happened but peter had been learning from jesus christ in the nesh and after the cruclnxion he had learned even more through the christ of the spirit quite humbly be told the questioners that it was jesus of nazareth who had healed the lame man too of ten christians are taking credit ftr themselves instead of giving credit to their master there is frequently the temptation to build up ones own reputation instead of bringing greater glory to christ peter apart from christ would have been a weak blun dering nahennan but after he had surrendered fully to christ he be came an apostle whose words helped to win thousands to christ is a penfieioub personal disease and a soclalfrritant our christian aer- vlois effective according to toe de gree in which we have surrendered to our lord the plsee of christ ii 12 readi these two verses remem ber that peter was speaking to tews who denied the measishsntp of christ peter dared to say that christ had fulfilled jewish national hope bold ly be asserted that christ was tbe stone rejected of the builders and is now become tbe head of tbe corner he affirmed that salvation was pos sible through christ no category is too high for christ whatever word we use to d his life tbe term soon become ina as we dis cover tbe power and perfection of christ bynms exalt him but aney she was a victim of dagoes knwcben got at the cause this womans headaches were of the gripping kind that reduce tbe suffer er to something like hehjdeasnets she tried tablets ste tried pills ah without avall only kruacben could help her i used to get very joed headaches she write no tablets or puis of any kind could relieve them one morning casually x triad krusehen salts in a glass ot hot water x con tinued taking it but i have not had one of those awful headchee since kruschen suks me better than any thing else x find it very good mrso wkwr rly always be traced to sluggishness of the kidneys liver and intestines and to tbe un suspected retention in the system of stagnating waste material which pot- sons the blood the numerous salts krusohen stimulate tbe internal organs to healthy regular action so that no clogging waste is al to collect tour inside is kept clean and serene and that is just how krus chen salts brings quick and lasting reuef from headaches quick fish loaf a lipesavbr on bust days memorise tbjb recipe and use it often some days go along like clockwork you have plenty of time for all tbe homemaking tasks and to spend on preparing dinner but let your youngster take a spill on his sled or come home with a cut finger and the time you had alloted for din ner vanishes it s hard to make it up and the family hate to find dinner delayed thats when youll have a lot of fluster on your own part by having a magic recipe like this in the back of your mind pjs its good for wash day too when those little extra things took more time ulan you planned make it a regular monday night supper quick fish loaf 1 1 lb can canadian chicken haddie or canadian salmon 1 teaspon salt 2 eggs 1 cup thick white sauce flake the fish add the salt the beaten egg yolks the white sauce and the beaten egg whites pour in a greased baking dish and bake a moderate oven 350 to 400 de grees p for twenty to thirty min utes boiled rice or macaroni will cook in the same lengui of time and there s no peeling to stop and bother with open a can of vegetables that the family likes and you re all set if you find yourself with a little extra time on your hands whip up a oneegg cottage pudding and serve it with maple syrup for dessert make a nutmeg sauce there you have it dinner in half an hour and well bet the family votes to have this dinner over and over again try it the next time you re delayed at the club or when you had to sew on extra buttons af tor washday good golfing in trinidad bwx ab andrews golf olul situated in the maraval vabey wo miles from potr of spain trinidad british west indies wui grow from nine to eighteen holes by 17 when the new section of tbe course will be opened when completed tbe 18hole course will measure about 5400 yards it is not a long course but even golfers who are used to champkmsbtp dis tances find that st andrews in trinidad is longer than appears on paper undulating ground well placed bunkers and well planned greens provide a variety of ites many canadian golfers travelling from halifax or boston on lady liners of the canadian national steamships at a time when tbe courses are closed in the north find a new interest in visiting golf clubs in the british west indies where they make new friends in the con genial atmosphere of tropic hospi tality why do we not heal people peter did what title do you habitually em ploy referring to jesus qusnapshot cuil soft diffused lighting helps obtain b lucs e la informalpor traits portrait attachment permits closeups the camera should be loaded with one of the new extrafast films the position of the subject is also important if a pleasing likeness is to be obtained thus a person with prominent ears should be taken in semiprofile rather than racing the camera squarely with other sub jects a slight tilt of the head up or down may be desirable try sot era shots of a person allowing him to vary his pose each time compare the pictures and the importance of this will be evident no expensive equipment is need ed for informal portraits but a por trait attachment is helpful if you use a fixedfocus camera or one that focuses no closer than five or six feet a diffusion type of portrait attachment can be used for charm ing softoutline closeups partlcu larly of children and women por trait snapshots of the family should be taken often for we all change and new pictures keep us up to date 220 john van guilder in taking informal portraits of a friend or member of the fam ily it is most important to obtain a good likeness usually a better likeness is ob tained if the light is soft and dlf fused for informal portraits in doors such lighting is easy to ob tain simply use two or three ama tear photo bulbs of the flood type placing them so that light is cast on the subject from both sides these bulbs are inbldefrosted and this accounts for the softness of their light therflt ordinary light sockets and can be used conveni ently in bridge lamps by moving the lamps to different positions one can bring ont the shape ol the sub ject s features so that the picture shows him at his best amateur photo balbs yield a light so brilliant that snapshots can be taken indoors at night with an in expensive box camera two to three bulbs should be used in cardboard lampshade type reflectors and warm floors good health bor comfort and health poor coon sassf be 1 a good coal is the suet so gh k c mcmillan obobobiowh optical needs vary there can never be a set rule for fitting or reoonanendtng the human eye has many variations that every e is a distinct one it re- quires training and skill to re cognise and prescribe we specialise in bye examination and good glasses consult o t walker ro oftokflmust rrbsiqhi specialist biiii ha at bobbts dwto stobb gboborrowm tfca iiiim w of arctr maatfc or ja aamy aaftvatt t walker at his aflka tat i to ctatodi u- anag n h fran tt hi tri csmtt cor liajbtat cpmbsta pi vu ahto to m woo fcagtar by naaw otharmtli to tt imatowai omnilii far ihl i 1 la it tanawik to rtl to aw ai wfift tn latitat jca n what yon hm when yon buy old company anthracite confidence not only in the pretested quality of rhtesaekofmathntite but also in the integrity arrd cooperation of the old com panydealer jrmaxencv9sn cox amd utjebsb altlwlttcffe

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