Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 15, 1939, p. 2

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re2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 15th 1939 the georgetown herald i no voou muw and femww a weekly newspaper devoted to the best interests of the town of gebmtown and surrounding country lmhyting the villages of glen williams nerval hmehonsc stewmrttown baufaiarmdamrtteta ootta baaed every wednesday evening at the office on main st georgetown subscription rates 4160 per year in advance united states mo a single copies so both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested aovbbtb3inq rates legal notices 12c per line for first in sertion 7c pet une for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line or each insertion if in black face type per line additional notices onslifymg as coming events such as concerts entertainments society church or organisation meetings etc 8c per una minimum charge 35c t of meetings held gladly inserted free in memorlan notices 50o a and death notices 80c bma advertisements one inch or less 60c for first insertion and 3ffc for eeeh subsequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution wbl be takento avoid error the heraht ooepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not bailable for any error to any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned totbexersu buaohess offlnduly signed by the advertiser and with such estor or corrections plahdy noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted la not corrected by the herald its liability shau not enoeed such a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the apace occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by oh a the herald does job printing of all kinds wood for sale atnda tort wad hans tus pet nrd mixed wood m5 per earn j bbandfosd thane on ml ra to 1sbj tenders wanted tenders will be received- by the council of the town of georgetown for the following vacant lots 1 corner maple avenue and edith streets 3 charles st 5 corner arietta and kennedy sts 4 mcnabb st 3t bab i my choice hal i my choice these are the things td ask a little leisure for a well loved task a quiet hill where space unfolds her wings and winds are iresh and breath of faroff things and winters snows fait crisply on the od white and unspoiled just as they came from god where summer heat descends with life not death because untainted by the citys breath a little house where friends may come and sit an open gate whereon this mottos writ first authentic record of any gem la the pearl since the earliest days of history he pearl has been worshiped for its rare beauty in the book of job and in the talmud pearls are men tioned and at the height of romes power theexuuisite- gems were in greatdemand by the loveliest wom en of the empire while records concerning the pearl date back for more than 000 years and it is quite certain that the pearl was known before then the first authentic rec ord of any gem is that of the pearl various legends surround the sto ry of the pearl and one of the old est is the belief that the gem origi nates when a drop of dew falls into the shell other stoi tears of the gods and of angels change into pearls as they fall to ward the earth this was- probably the source of the legend that the pearl brings tears which is tirely wrong as the old story meant that the tears of the gods were changed into gifts for mortal men according to a writer in the mon treal herald the more layers there are to a pearl which is not a mineral but composed of carbonate of lime the finer the sheen or orient of the gem and it depends a good deal on the pureness of the water from which the pearl comes salt water pearls are generally called orien tal and are found to be white with a touch of yellow the tahiti which is a grade of white pearl with a slight amount of sheen venezue la very white or very yellow more transparent than the usual run of orientals and the australia a very white pearl with almost no sheen some fish squeal grunt sob howl others climb dumb as a fish does not apply to all fishes asserts a writer in lon don titbits magazine the red gurnard so common on the coast devonshire positively squeals i arthritis j rheumatic pains lumbago sciatica 1 backache acid stomach i have you about given up hope i of relief from these ailments dont do it use aqd treatment i hardings s p chapman the druggist about it radio repairing we specialize on this work j sanford son a buying guide before ma order dhmsr at a restaurant you consult the bmofiare before yon take lo tri fay motor ear you pen over road maps before yotr start oat on shopping trip you should mwih the wliinilwffmwti in this paper the adv we a buying guide to yon a the purchase of everything you need mcludrog emnse- s i a guide that saves lme and against false ones that puta the atre t ch m family budgets ha adver in this paper are so interesting tt is dttneott to ess how any one eon ove them can to profit by them 47 with yourself end be that you ere reeding year bayisg geue good friends behold beneath these jt taken out of theater lhe fisherfolk call it the cuckooftsh in the gulf of mexico lives a fish known as the grunt or drum when he is hooked he sobs pitifully and trees a gate that love a guest here he who walks may wait at ease and he who runs may rest go to the city watch the faces gaunt is there so great a thing for man to want why experiments must be bepeated farmers sometimes ask why techni cal investigators repeat their experi ments so many times why they are so cautious in mahing practical re commendations why for instance in vestigators at the summerland ex perimental station have considered it necessary to conduct apple thinning investigations over a period of eigh teen years the answer is states r- c palmer dominion experimental station summerland bc trained scientists know that a great deal of repetition is required to ensure ac curacy in the results secured from experiments repetition is especially important when experiments are being conduct ed with living materials because of tiie inherent variability of such ma terial no two cows are identical even though they may have exactly the same ancestry there are small differences in structure and behaviour of any two plants even though they may be of the same variety agri cultural investigators take special precautions to reduce this natural variability in the v ma terial with which they work for inst they may propagate all the plants to eb used in a certain test from cuttings taken from one indivi dual plant however even when such care has been taken to promote uni formity in material experience has shown that it is still necessary to include several individual plants in each plot then again the plots must be re plicated for it has been round that small variations in sou or other en vironmental conditions often have an important influence on the results se cured it is for this reason that es perhnentb are commonly run in on the results secured it is for this reason that experiments are common ly run in triplicate investigators have also found that seasonal weather conditions often af fect the results of experiments to a very marked degree accordingly it is considered advisable to repeat many experiments every year for a period of several years repetition of experiments takes tane and space and labour but tt is essential in order to ensure reliability in the results secured accordingly farmers must learn to be patient with the investigators who are endeavour ing to solve agricultural problems these scientists are well trained they know their job given the ne cessary time and facilities they can be counted on to produce results of great practical value to the man on the land aib line provides floatkno hotels the problems confronting operation of air lines m remote places is that of aooommodation at mo- sembkroe m portuguese bast africa the imperial airway solved tins protf- by nrovldlna- a fkuwrur hotel for u nccountea tor dy co ererl inl sbmpt atonrl- wxaunrwsfftmwm houseboat there wffi be aooom- p north magi modation for thirty pawnngm cofdmgtotbe treneosnada w lines who are oooperattng wttfa the bnperlal airways m the establish ment of transatlantic services the floating bote wfll be equipped with electric light electric fans and hot and oold water to each eabm there wih also lie a lounge dining saloon and bar the human angler who is so far moved by these lamentations as to put him back into the water is rev- warded with a squeak that is an un mistakable thank you the mal- gree which may he caught along the whole eastern coast of the new world enjoys the distinction of be ing the noisiest fish in existence he makes a loud moaning sound and croaks like a frog his howls can be heard on shore when he is five- and twenty fathoms below the sur face of the sea the climbing perch of- java and southern india has the further par rotcharacter of being able to climb his name paneira means in the na tive tamil treeclimber scientists call him anabas which is greek for going up in ordinary times these fishes live in rivers and ponds of fresh water in times of drouth they crawl from the riverbed making their way over the dry ground by means of their rough scales and fins even scrambling up the trunks ot trees in search of food inventors of photography there have been numerous inven tors of photographic processes j h schultx in 1727 made the first photographic copy of writing in 1803 thomas wedgewood copied pictures by the action of light jos eph n kiepce- produced the first permanent pictures in 1814 louis j daguerre in 1839 made public the details of his daguerreotype proc ess of sensitizing a silver- plate with iodine and developing with vapors of mercury the image produced on ex posure nlepces photographs were made on tin coated with bitumen of judea this bitumen which u soluble in essence of lavender be comes insoluble when exposed to light after 14 years of experiment ing he was able to fix permanently the image of the camera on tin for some years before bis death nlepce was hi partnership with da guerre and later his son isadora joined daguerre in his work meaning of name blaneba the name blanche of teutonic- latin origin while not entirely in appropriate for a very whiteskinned brunette should as a rule be given only to blonde girls for it means white or fair it is a beautiful name suggestive of refinement and daintiness according to a writer in the cleveland plain dealer blanche of castile 11871252 daughter of a king of castile and granddaughter of a king of england married louis vin of prance and was regent after his death she also acted as regent later while her son louis dc was away on a crusade she was- a strong ruler curbing revolts and limiting encroaching powers of the church the magnetic petes the action of the compass needle is accounted for by co the with one magnetic pole not very far from the north pole and the other the south mag netic pole not far from the south pole the north magnetic pole at tracts the northeeeking pole of the compass which is magnetized one explanation given for the earths magnetism is met this la due to electrical currents caused fay daily beating of the earths surface qtsnapshotguili keep a ml record of yowr vaceuon toenleelatfsn leftofmslee pmorea ea well aa eeefik and rue pictures us the e as thhvws quicker than rns is the season tor vacation tours and every such tour in- clndes many pictures both of your vacation group and of the scenes you visit these tour pictures should tell a complete story of your tacatlon trip they should outline the route show the type of road and country over night stops the points of interest and historical spots you visited often some of these pictures are neglected and in consequence the tour story seems incomplete one of the important points tn making a tour record complete is to picture the historical markers sikob place names road markers and similar identification points you pasa these pictures placed in your vacation album in proper se quence with the other pictures pro vide valuable information for the mends who see your album and help keep your own memory fresh the camera is especially useful for preserving long historical in scriptions it is much quicker than using a notebook and pictures of unusual markers such as the one above are far superior to a mere notebook text on this years vacation tour try to keep a comprehensive picture story remember that if you miss a picture your record may not be com plete a halfmade record is better than none but a full one that really tells the vacation story provides for memories that are far richer and more satisfying 105 john van guilder i know a bargain when i see one come to think of it hes right for where will you find anything oqampershfe in value so much for so very little every minute day or night the telephone is ready to serve your social business or em needs yon may have grown accustomed to this service you may think nothing of talking across continents and oceans i butwbenyoop1thinkitoveryouieafiee that the inodern telephone repres the greatest value i terms of service that money can boy i i u is mrtwii t ymt tmrprimtmgty is isp muftis rvodueg is yields so mmdt far mw it cmmfl 100000 satisfied sjsire s4su2suee 0 qlx2e th nhjlfl irrlilj itwmi omnhimbmllbiimndlma onto wfmr ka d d ofdmm1ifciiimtod w h kentner son crr time table g am ion for toraito ml i 1 nd kan bandar uji pm satonlan our jaarfhf toronto at 1130 pnv anmnx at qe vlb ajn nt trip hontnbar ma mall and nassnger tiabwsmilk man and panoqrtr gray coach lines time table i hoi ucavfc aboaqkroww ts xereato a 1m am 938 tin um e s23 pm 4js8 pm stt pj 903 pjn westeewnd te lensse ms in xlljw am 106 cxus pan ej445 pjn 700 p fao00 pm dxlljos pjn exltjst run a flxcept sun and bo b sun and hot o sat only d except sat sun and hol e sat sun and hot x to kitchener y to stratford tickets and information at 7 h long directory uerox dals kx h s7bxl bennett bjl georgetown ontario office gregory theatre bwg uh 81 kenneth m langdon barrister sollottor netary pabo first mortgage money to loan office main street south phone 88 georgetown f b watson dds mjds georgetown office hoars 8 to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j k jackson dentist xkay office hours dally 9 to 8 evenings t to 9 phone tuw georgetown frank petch need auction eaulea f feel ai prompt service ohelteuham 38 r is georgetown r waker t et c gtnenl hwmia ocun sntalokip bim maai bt nartk oaomn monuments pollock a ingham a to oatar ipanh gak onl tn spent our work m qreeswoed a m nielsen tnk tw at msva xray druglen therapta limj alliainl olbte orcr dobqlnlan btarb qraaatovn boa ltww pm collections on january 7th 1939 a to ronto euent wrote us m pari as fouows t would surely reoom- mend yon to anyone i know collect bit am sue it they ma be coueoted your oompany can do it lam aadmg you another note here- wltn oan we be of atmdar serrkw to yout kelly a aiken i

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