Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 22, 1939, p. 2

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the georgetown hera wed nedy evening february 22nd 1939 the georgetown herald iirxm no 8 j m moore sutter m p a weekly newspaper devoted to the beet toterests of the 1mm of ninlimn and surrounding country including the villages of alea umaubb honal xlmebouse stewnrttown balllnafad end terra ootta stoatd every wednesday evening at the office on lfatn 8l georgetown aohb ratkb tljo per year in advance united states mo nwhifflitl stogie copies so both old end new addresses should be given when change of address 1 requested advsoctrling rates tgal notices ue per une tor first -m- aarttsa to per une for each- subsequent insertion r be per line tor each insertion if in black lace type sc per line additional notices tag as omnlne events such as concerts entertainments society l or otvanbmtloii meetings etc sc per une mmrnram charge 36c i of meetings held gladly inserted free in memorian nonces 60c i ltto per une extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 50c aits one inch or less sobiot flrsf tosertfon and 30c for display advertising rates on application altlvnrgti every precaution wiu be tokento avoid error the herald aoaapts advertising in its columns an the understanding that it will not oabable for any error m any advertisement published hereunder unless proof of such advertisement is requested by the adver and returned to lbe herald bustness omce duty signed by the advertiser and with such nor or corrections plainly noted tn writing thereon and tn that case if soot error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not earned such a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bean to the whole space occupied by thr dobs job printing op all knds unanswered prayers x like to think that every utile gift of life i craved and was denied sea gone some other lonely soul to cheer that every wish i breathed to heavens blue and saw no more has winged its way to some sad heart and wiped away a tear for only god can know the things we need to fill our lives and so it is that when resentment bums within my soul i toy to think he sends the answers to my futile when they will help another weary one to reach the imal elizabeth v munro housing loans how to grow uncoturnon garden vegetable ship of dreams somewhere out in the quiet sea beyond lands end there drifts to me a ship of dreams a phantom ship its decks are loaded fore and aft with gifts life promised me somewhere beyond the setting sun there is a quiet land and one where all the tasks at which i quailed where all the deeds at which i failed and ufevgreat work are done and borne upon a quiet tide some day my ship of dreams win ride to nnd a port on that far shore our ship of dreams dear wiu tn our harbor ride mahageasknt and cabs op plants in the house charles a dunning mi of finance today released figures showing national housing act loans for january a smfi 864 the total for the r tinarmlng month last year was 8456213 ap proval was given to 133 loans provid ing for 187 family housing units com pared with 50 loans for 140 units lr january 1938 s of the 123 loans approved in janu ary this year 60 were for houses in the smaller and more remote com munities and 23 were for houses h the special areas of the larger centres additional guarantees on this type of loan were grantedundezthe national housing act and the rspohse in the first six months of operation has been substantial in this period approval has been given to a total or 532 loans of this type an additional thirteen 90 loans on small houses with a lending value of 12500 or less brings the total of these 90 loans to 116 six new communities were added to the list of towns and cities in which loans have been made bringing the increase tn this list to 106 since aug ust last when national housing act became effective the total number of communities in which loans have now been approved stands at 299 january operations bring the total of approved loans under the domin ion housing act and part i of the national housing act to 28 323866 providing housing fklstioi for 7319 canadian families since aug ust last approval has been given to 1427 national housing act loans oi these 1309 have been for single fami ly houses 73 mostly in quebec have been for twofamily houses and 45 loans have been for multiple family nouses including 4 family duplexes total loans approved under the do minion housing act and part i of the national housing act and divid ed according to provinces are as fol lows province units amount worthwhile vegetables which are seldom grown in the average garden include ctdnese cabbage salisfiy celeriac chives dandelion and kohl rabl states j oallaher head gar dener dominion experimental sta tion kentvule ns eae cabbage is one of the easi est vegtahles to grow and may be used in a salad or cooked like cab bage the seed should be sown early in july as this vegetable does not do well from spring sowings the plants are thinned to about one foot apart in the row transplants from this sawing win mature utile later thus lengthening the season chinese cab bage needs good rich land in order to make large weuuanched heads no attempt should be made to assist blanching by tying the leaves to gether this will cause the heads to rot wong bok pe tsal and chlhll are good varieties the plants may be lifted tn the late fall and stand lflto celery to cool cellar andowul keep id good condition for sevt months j saltsfy is known as the vegetable oyster because of its oyster flavour when cooked the seed should be sown in stay and the plants thinned to about 6 inches apart the seed should not be covered deeply or germ ination will be poor the plants are like parsnips and can be used in the fall or lifted and stored in a cool cellar when preparing for cooking use rubber gloves as the roots give off a brownish juice that stains the hands and is difficult to remove celeriac or turniprooted celery has the flavour of celery and is grown like turnips it is chiefly used in soups sow the seed as for celery end set the plants s inches apart in the row lift the plants in late fall and stand to a cool cellar in damp sand moss sawdust and use as required ohfpas should be to every garden nothing is easier to grow and the plants win stand the severest weather wiowitl pwtterttm the leaves have much the flavour of onion leaves arid arebaed to salads soups and stews mixed with mashed potatoes and so on do not allow the plants to goto aeed but cut the fknver off before the seed forms and use them it desired in the house for decoration every garden should have a row of the giant broadleaf dandelion there is no better tonic in the early spring sow the seed in may and thin out the planus to about 9 inches aprt either gather the leaves in following years or cut the plants over leaving sufficient crown to develop for the next year pick off all flowers before the seed ripens kohl rabi can be grown as easily as radishes it is between a cabbage and a turnip to looks and flavour and is cooked arid used like tumlpsr- suc- sesslonal sowings should be made from early in may until the middle of july thin out the plants to 6 inches apart and in the latter thinn transplant a few to prolong the season it is essential that the land be rich so that the plants grow rapidly kohl rabi should be used when from 2 to 24 inches to diameter roots larger than this are tough air mao for arctic ctjtcle one of the new transcanada air lines lockheed mall planes recently carried a load of 800 pounds of air matt to edmonton alta where it was transferred to ekicqulpped air craft serving the outposts of civilisa- uon on the edge of the arctic circle the mall was for the royal ca mounted police and for trappers and miners in the remote northern terri tories heartburn kept him awake afraid to eat square meal what a worry he must have- been to his wife i no food agreed with l add indigestion made bim positively wretched to tails letter his wife tolls how bo got welcome re lief my husband developed a wretched form of gastric acidity she writes meals were a misery to him he of ten could not sleep for beaxtfcurn business kept him from home a great deal but when me did get a spell at home i gave him kruschen salts x was amazed at the results that weary look left his face and his to dlgestion gradually disappeared it is a treat to hear him say tm hungry itseem too goodto betrue mrs kmjel the numerous salts h help to promote a natural flow of digestive and other vital juices of the body soon after you start on krus chen you will find that you are ante to enjoy your food without distress ing- aftereffects and as you perse vere with the utile dally dose you win see that kruschen brings glori ous relief cnjl time table passengers tor toronto 9ax pmi pasfsngen sundays only tm pan ostag west tut an saturday only fearing toronto aft hjo pal arriv at oeartatam 1238 ajnpusl trip november sob oatag necta man and passenger 84s nam gray co acb lines timm tabje humble petition the boy was broke and being badly in need of a few aheckles he wander ed over to the gas station where fraternity brother of his had a job washing cars hey queried the boy to search of dough now about lending me five dollars do you realise that i would have to wash six more cars in order to lend you five dollars well go ahead but make it snappy t leave qeorobtowlf ta tatwnto a 708 am 92s am 1148 i e 323 pan 438 pjn 648 bj 9jb pin 935 am xujo ajn 3j85 cxsjs pjn ay44b pan to the in the choice of pbuxtsfor home fitness of plants for may be determined largely from their structure and general appearance those with thick leaves and a small glossy surface are but little affected by a dry atmosphere while plants jaith sman thin leaves dry up qukk- y deciduous plants that show bare stems in winter are the least decor- mtive they are resting all plants must rest but those which rest dur ing tfce summer should be such as begonias abutuons ulsini ii geraniums heliotrope cbtoese primroses also the flowering bojbt hyaemtbs tulips narcissi and other plants of that order to the care and manat bouse plants four things are hnport- amt moisture light temperature and sofl with regard to watering pro vided the plants have proper drain age water should be applied until it runs through the bottom of the pot- too frequent watering is often a de trimental tt wete the surface soil so much that the air is kept out dwell inghouse air is usually dry but the dryness may be decreased by evapor ating water in the room and by syrmglng foliage on bright days- thick leaved plants may be sponged with water fg whaleoil soap a little ventilation should be given on mud pleasant days through lack of food a plant some times does not grow well so long as the roots have not become bound the plant need not be repotted indeed this would offer a needless check to it the beat thing to do is to scrape away the surface soil down to the roots and replace with a rich soil containing 25 per cent of ground bone further in- formattcn on the care of plants in cluding the important points in pot ting and repotting will be found the circular managemnt of house plants which vnay be obtained free on application from the publicity and extension division dominion depart ment of agriculture ottawa prince edward island is s 80034 nova sooua 442 1jb72j860 new brunswick ue 5051 n quebec 1820 779481 ontario 345ft 13179359 manitoba 219 917a0b flaakatrhmran 7 26x100 albert british columbia 1239 7319 348217 tfflmjww many benefit from an empire broadcast to boy scouts at 646 pxu tflne february 33rd lord somen deputy chief scout win broadcast a i to the scouts of the empire the popularity of canada tourists is shown by the tact that 17 million visitors came to the dominion during 1938 according to c k how ard manager tourist and conven tion bureau canadian national rail ways it is estimated that these visi tors spent approximately 289000j000 in canada for goods and servi during last year sportsmen paid 8000- 000 for licenses in canada and spent about 825000000 for supplies and services ist year conventions held in the principal centres across can ada numbered 981 producing an esti mated revenue of t24o00o00 to the cities concerned representing a falr mcrease over the previous year while this tourist trade is encour aging it but reveals the great poten- development available in canada along this line stated mr howard and should make every citlaen in terested in supporting the work that is being done by federal and provin cial governments civic organizations transportation companies tourist bur eaux etc indicative of the work that is go ing forward by provincial govern ments for attracting tourists it k pointed out that continuous highway imp is being made in on tario while quebec has a splendid highway encircling the oaspe penin sula and improvements are under way in other areas nova scotia has all main highways bardsurfaced and new brunswick is doing good work in this direction while prince edward island is also i the roads referring to the importance of the tourist traffic to canada mr howard pointed out that every phase of in dustry affected by this to of visitors t i is eomparilf ho twrtaiirsnti ittainufacturers re- trade tourntt dopar ht spread nor larger proportion of our popu l to ma hi tain or inmrove our in tin highly competitive said mr howard lfot always hat covsopotatad to love ave not no m c be young if the spirit as bo havo bean rejected is obf wo jo hays mr anthracite from pennsylvania presents his case jhey call me mr anthracite another name for good hard coal i come from pennsylvania home of die greatest anthracite fields in the world i am mined fey the most modern methods and machinery in the business which accounts for my low prices i come to canada to keep homes warm and comfortable to save tune and trouble to do away with smoke and soot soiled walls and drapes and needless laundry and cleaning bills officers ipsa the border i pay finy cents admuskm fee last year i paid he fm depar 101131800 and yet i sold at oamperirjte prices and sawed the people in fuel and deani many thooaanrts of dollars ig bills now i buy my train ticket 1 paid the canadian railway millions of dollars for transportation last year take a lot of work and men to onload me andjlrive me to your coal dealers yards to pass more inspection to be and whole and the right size ious sizes to fit your different exujo pjn b bun and hot c sa only dxzcept sat sun and hol e ba sun and hol z to kitchener y to stratford tickets w i at w h long directory lerot d ale kj georgetown ontario office gregory theatre bmg mm ha kenneth m rangoon barrister saueuer notary pauu first mortgage money to loan office main street south phone 88 p r watson dj8 mixb georgetown office hours 8 to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j b jackson dentist xray office hours dally 9 to 8 evenings 7 to 8 phone x2w georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer uw oseadfea af peal and hi cheltenham 38 r 33 georgetown farl here i am at your home youll 6od that i will keep the whole house warm comfort able at a uniform temperature because i bum evenly and thoroughly with more heat units per cubic inch than any other solid fuel you can buy you see im practi cally pure ctrbon and thats the most coo- centrated fuel you can find buy pennsylvania anthracite k c mcmillan phone 40 georgetown walter t evass ca general hntrence ocean nummr tmm u st hartk a rt in u monuments pollock ingham i suocessors to cater at wonh gau out to greenwood collections on january 7th 1838 a tb- ronto client wrote us to part as follows t would surely recom mend you to anyone i know who haabuls to codeet as i am sure if they can be collected your cjompany can do it i am sending you another note here with- can we beofslmdar service to your kelly aiken terms no oscsfci

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