Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 22, 1939, p. 3

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tfco georgetown herald weditomfay evening february 22nd 1939 pge3 at muskolunkus by mylut jl wflkiatk with startled eyes kathleen dale listened to the crackling of underbrush that warned her of the approach of some unknown dan ger doubtless a 4hodt bear this was her jixj- brat venture into the cuabt maine woods and 9i1vki child of apartment houses and paved 5tokt streets she feared all the forestsounds her fascinated gaze was upon the exact spot where the bushes parted land a man stepped out on the oppo site bank of the stream the star tled look deepened to horror allen she said hello kathleen he returned moderately he was uncomfortably conscious of a weeks growth of whiskers and of the fact that he had stepped into a bog hole and was muddy to the knees the much imore distressing fact that be was a jailbird and the woman beautiful even in camping clothes seemed remote he crossed the stream balancing lightly on the footlog she was frightened he could see he had been in a whitehot rage when they parted she would not understand that the years had changed him you here she said escaped and hiding shall i never be rid of the disgrace she couldnt know about the par don nor the inheritance that had made it possible for him to make 4 restitution traveling abroad anx- ious only to forget him she would dot be likely to hear returning from a weeks fishing he must look the part of a fugitive h looked at her gravely this woman for whom he had cared enough to betray a trust that he might give her all she desired i hoped you might be sorry he said haltingly the years have taught me things sorrow for you shame for myself weakness never appealed to me she said coldly smeraon blake will be here presently he went back after some forgotten tackle he lifted his weatherstained hat and file bushes closed behind him a famt rustling told rf taw retreat she could bear blakes cheery whistle and her heart stirred at the aouad the fnenduness between them had strengthened into friend- aip and the friendship had deep ened until it seemed that love hov ered breauufsbiy near was a a long ten asked blake anxiously j was delayed tou know that fellow la bree who freighted us m to the camp seems he has catered to the sportsmen a little too earnestly and the offioers are trailing him hes taken to the woods the sleuths stopped me and questioned me what is it kath leen suddenly noticing her impul sive gesture seen la bree there ts an escaped convict in biding near us she said swiftly i saw and spoke with him i it isnt safe if the officers knew kathleen did he frighten you how could you know i have seen him his name is calder his look was so long and search ing that she flinched inwardly at length he asked was he the man kathleen fvc she nodded wordlessly blake knew all the story as it appeared to her and you would have given him up he questioned curiously a criminal she reminded him even though once her voice trailed away her customary deci siveness failing her going down the brook blake said carefully as if after long thinking 2 know calder he is not an es caped convict he was pardoned out and later restored the money he misappropriated he has lived here in the woods ever since i was lost in the big storm last winter when i was up here hunting with porter i verily believe i should have died but for calder he sheltered me for three days i was grateful and be i suppose was lonely we talked more or less and got rather deeper hmto one anothers confidence than n often do x could see how se verely he blamed himself and gath ered something of hia anxiety for his wife blundering perhaps but none the less sincere i did not dream of you in connection with turn neither did he know i knew you as plainly as if it had been spoken in words kathleen understood the deeps closed relentlessly the friend ship withered and died when they entered the doors of porters great bunting lodge muskolunkus there was between them only a pleasant surface friendliness all the warmth and cheer of thegreat logfire could pot dispel the chill at kathleens center sf felorlda the geographic center and the llghest point o the state- of f ere located at lake wales within m 10mile radius are planted more than 35000 acres of orange grape- t iroft and other citrus trees so lake wales is also the center of floridas eftrus industry on the highest point iron mountain is located the mountain lake singing tower and sanctuary flash bulba make outdoor anapa possible at night even with alow lana here lantern provided atmosphere bat flash bulb hald above camera supplied light needed for detail in subject tnttl a lew years ago snapshots c outdoors at night were rathe hard to make mow thanks to extra high spaed film thousands of snap- shooters take them the fast film plos a fast leas is sufficient for brlghtlyjlghted street scenes and floodlighted bnddings for outdoor pictures of people at sight all one needs la a camera that can be set tor a time exposure and a lull bulb la its inexpensive flashlighttype holder to take soch pictures simply place the camera on a firm support and set the shatter for time port- tlon the subject fa front of the caf era click the shatter open flaejr bolb and close the shatter if the aurroandlag are dark and ahere are no lights within the view of the lens the camera may be hold favqe hand for flash pictures the camera can be loaded either with regular j chrome type film or one of the panchromatic films the distance be tween the flash bolb and the subject determines the else lens opening you should use here are suggested distances from bolb to subject outdoors when you use a no ifreute bolb with the metal reflector that is a part of the small battery operated holder for chrome type film 7 feet for high speed film 14 feet these distances will provide correct exposure when yon ns a box camera or a camera with anastigmat lens set at tie correct distance from light to sub ject la important bat distance from camera to aabjectdoeant matter as far as ulnmlnatlon is concerned several of the special small flash bolbs can be carried in an overcoat pocket these are convenient to car ry on a hike they can be need for boxcamera pictures if high speed aim is employed but of coarse since the smell bulb yields leas light than a large bolb it mast be placed nearer the subject with flash bolbs you can picture winter sports subjects at night and other outdoor activities though without a special flash bolb syn chroniser do not attempt to stop very rapid action interesting light lag effects can be obtained by flash ing the bulb from unusual positions for example holding it low to ob tain a lighting angle which suggests firelight with time exposures excellent pictures can be obtained of cam pore scenes at the skating rink or pond campflre time exposures can be made without using a flash bulb or the bolb can be flashed just at the end of the exposure to obtain added detail in the scene for true firelight pictures the high speed panchro matic nuns are best take tout camera along whenever yon go on a skating or sleighing ex enrsion or moonlight hike a few flash bulbs enable yon to use tbe camera and flash pictures are always unusual and interesting 225 john van guilder peter in samaria tatetwatlenal vntf orsa seassmy scheel i nun fwwwary 2 imp oolden tkxt oome ye buy and eat yea come buy wine and mljc without money and without price isaiah 55 1 lesson passage acts 8 14 25 when god i conceived tbe world that was poetry when he formed luthat was sculp ture when he colored it that was paint ing when he peopled it with living be ings that was the divine eter nal drama tbe oeter cent 14 16 it is possible to know a great deal about religion yet not have very much the samaritans had a cer tain amount of head knowledge out they did not have deep religious ex perience some of them had been baptised in the name of the lord jesus but their natures had not been changed the tragedy is that with the grace and love of god available for all ap many remain with the grace and love of god available for all so many remain in the outer court satisfied with information and not having anabwing satisfying ex perience it is possible to have the baptism with water and yet to miss the baptism with fire or to speak more simply it is possible to give a formal allegiance to christ without having much knowledge of the en thusiasm glow and joy of a deep christian commitment yet those who are outside the church altogether are lees likely to have a deep experi ence of conversion and growth than those who are inside those who hover about the outer court may one day advance to the inner temple the inner temple 17 peter and john convinced these nominal christians in wnwri that there was something more a second blessing a personal experience of the living christ the samaritan chris tians were made eager to receive it they were expectant and willing to do their part probawy there was much more than the laying on of hands there was teaching person al counsel witnessing and the hard crust of the samaritan heart was broken to allo the light and love of christ to enter tbe holy spirit was received because of an inner ex perience and not merely by tbe lay ing on of hands the outward action of laying hands upon the beads converts was a symbol trg to set forth the inner experience of convic tion of the truth moral transform ation commitment to christ love for others rites and ceremonies have their place but they must never be allowed to be substitutes for person al experience which registers in con duct faith and love net for sale if 1 b can never be understood fully by o it is necessary to be a pa simon magus monster lions carnival in the arena friday feb 24 grapefruits 325 spinach 13 fount8 dean certy and crisp lemons 9 10 oranges dozen navels special mediant large nice slae le ea 15 cel ery stalks 13 chv tomatoes mushrooms deudeaa flavor try these better always a treat priced to safe carrolls the transformation in tbe christians unhir tbe laadershlp of peter and john be saw despairing people re ceiving hope sad people becoming joyful spiteful people becoming lov ing timid souls blossoming forth into trus and faith he thought that he would like to have this experience al so and he was willing to pay far the privilege he saw prospects of mak ing money ii only he could give thej holy spirit to people at so much a head thlsrequest is still made by earnest people a seeker after reli gious peace will come to a christian man or woman demanding give me what you have i want it but it cannot be given that way it is a spiritual discipline not a commercial transaction it is not a question of distribution but of acceptance through faith no amount of money can guarantee an experience of for giveness but a slight venture of trust in cod often does bring the cleansing and the peace the chris tlan religion has power when it works by spiritual methods instead of trusting to material possessions the spiritual approach 2t3 peter soon disabused the mind of simon magus that character could be bought with money spiritual peace is possible only for those whose hearts are right in the sight of god moral power comes only when iwe deal with our guilt and when by repentance we begin with gods help to use our wills there must oe a change- of desire no one will live a goodr life who is secretly desiring evil it is impossible to believe in god and not to believe in him at one and the same time it is when we feel our personal accountability to god are overwhelmed by our moral failure and degradation and are quickened into newness erf life by a desire for good- nesss and christlikeness that spiri tual transformation becomes possible the greatest things in life cannot be bought with money friendship family jove artistic inspiration ap preciation of beauty heroism sacri- hce the cross of christ these values are not to be gained by hunting around bargain counters they come only by letting the light and love of god now into our inmost hearts fraying and preaching 24 z5 the world greatly needs the pres ence and the power of the holy spirit many are eagerly seeking tor abetter-life- brrtrohey are groping i blindly fumbling with no sure grasp the christian church is trusting very largely to praying and preaching to bring a new mood into hnmaiidfe prayers spoken from the heart and beard with faith and expectation can transform human attitudes from doubt fear hate into faith joy and love frequently an individual jlfe is transformed while that individual is praying or while another is praying for the seeker preaching too tom its ancient power wheh men in the pulpit or on the platform forget self and out of deep conviction witness to the transforming power of the grans of gott in jesus christ formal con ventional pretty preaching does little good but men and women with burn ing hearts can still challenge oexs to decisions win them to surrender and share a fellowship of love and gladness that brings the holy spirit as a living power qiailluiis for tlfai iwliwi spiritually am x literate or illiter ate what did our forefathers mean by the second uesstng when where and how did yors have your deepest personal ex perience of god why are we usually afraid to look squarely at our own lives which have helped you more oex mons or prayers t- george c brownl nor v al ontario biscuits mnx atom i ommnk 2- 27 lb27 vinegar heinz malt a wa- afr dim m ww x btet 25 3 pickles 385c sarfim beets 2m3c beans 3 25c flakes a i5c 31 t smtea1 t 32c 37c cocoa 25cl codfish feit 1htn 153 salmon hlk ti 7 3 omilul aic mu tlgc tomato 3 soup 325e peach jam wagstaffps awj p u d d i n g emcurens quick 9mtt ae lotn 3- 25 c w num l corn 2 15c istarch imalmbr peas 2 15c i super suds cosmsjsrtfsjtwcj asldpta sopmnbr lfmts lg rolled oats snawut 5 u- f9 pastry flour 59e coffee qreen peas carksllsi floor wax 23e street 1 free delivery rg

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