Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 22, 1939, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wed netday evening february 22nd 1939 ftt stf lolton win group tiuc over georgetown inlermediales locals failed to retain goal lead they took to bolton on friday night but went down fighting score on final game was 4 2 score on round 87 journeying to bolton on friday evening last for the second game of the playoffs of mtennedlnte o h a group no 3 the georgetown team fftqed to nebd single goal margin gained id a gn here on the previ ous tuesday night and went down to an s 7 defeat on the round the score on the game was georgetown briton i mis is the second year to suoesslon that bolton have won the group cham fctonshlp and oeorgetown have been the runners up the series this year held all the thrills of other contests and the local team were given an equal chance to win the title this year but lady luck was not on their side the oeorgetown boys put up m great fight and battled to the last gong with every ounce of energy in an endeavor to match the score with bolton bolton had increased their strength over the first game of the series when they imported imck nixon to com ptete their fast forward line of croc ker nixon and harris while bolton had the right to use this player al though he had not previously played a league game this year oeorgetown could not keep up with their latest importation however regardless of this fact the bolton team had no easy load to the championship and they wore not sure of the game until the final hen the game was not on a par as far as hockey went with the first game here owing to the small ice surface but it was nevertheless exciting with its spills and scrambles bursts of speed and stellar netminding oeorgetown were the first to score after harris had served a penalty for tripping it was early in the first sealon when tost scored on a pass from k richardson this goal put more pep into the game and while mddall served a penalty barney took a pass from schaeler to score for bolton this was followed quick ly by another goal from nixon s stick on a pass from crocker in the second frame harris scored the only goal of the period on a pass from tjdck nixon and thre were no penalties grceakurth and t06tinerethegobl getters to the third period tost get ting his counter on a pass from w ati players turned in championship hockey and although oeorgetown did not win they were a credit to then- town as they battled with such a fine picked team as bolton bolton had to turn on the speed to win which they did and we wish them success in then- future games bolton goal hall defense james norton centre crocker wings har rls nixon subs barney nelson grosskurth schaefer oeorgetown goal alcott defense hall dewhurst centre rlddau wings ward w richardson subs t k richardson- crichton san derson stockford referee colling bradford tenders wanted tenders will be received by the council of the town of georgetown for the following vacant lots i corner maple avenue and edith 2 charles st 3 comer arietta and kennedy sts 4 mcnabb st st hon w l houck is named to succeed premier hepburn the possibility of hon w i houck member for niagara riding in the provincial legislature succeeding pre mier mitchell f hepburn as leader of the ontario liberal party is voiced to an editorial in the niagara falls re view the editorial reads as follows it is no longer a secret that pre mier hepburn will resign the pre miership either on his return from australia or at the end of the forth coming session of the legislature and already there is some discussion on who win be his successor it is known that hon harry nixon could have the refusal but he has turned it down de finitely and firmly hon g n co- nant is being boomed but it is known that several members of the cabinet are in favor of our own member hon w l houck as the next provincial premier mr houck has proved to be an excellent administrator also an able and forceful platform speaker and would make an admirable premier now that it is no longer a secret that mr hepburn is prepared to step out there seems no good reason against pressing the claims of mr houck church news scripture text love not the world neither the things that are hi the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him 1 john 2 15 consisting of some 0 pieces of wood 60 of which are built per manently into it the balance being movable the violin has a distin guished history the most famous school of makers was that centering around cremona whose valuable in struments were wrought by the amati family antonio stradivari and pietro guarnien great care was used in assem bling it sycamore pine ebony ivory and rosewood went into it the secret of the unusual finish died with the master craftsmen the strings are of sheepgut which is treated so that it can be cut into thin strands and then twisted to gether by a ropemaker s wheel the bow made of pemambuco wood contains 100 to 150 hairs takes from the tails of white horses most of the supply coming from northwest canada russia and china the vio lin is tuned in ftfffut st george church rev woo thompson rector first sunday to lent holy com munlon 8 n sun day school 10 am matins and litany 11 ajn evensong r pjn thursday mar 2nd lenten ser vice 730 pm st albans church glen williams first sunday in lent sundaj school 2 pm ev 3 pm wednesday lenten service 8 pm knox presbyterian church x rev d d davidson ill sunday feb 28th 10 am sunday school 11 ajn and 7 pm public worship both services by the mini ster the united church rev f c overend ba minister the sunday school and bible classes will meet at 10 ajn services of worship at 11 am and 7 pm the subject in the morning being mak tog the sabbath a delight and in the evening the message of dante s paradise baptist church rev e g baxter minister 2 pm church school 7 pm worship service subject tithes for gods house monday 8 pm bypu thursday 8 pm midweek service a welcome to all geegry theatre friday february 24 rhythm of the saddle with the abactor cowboy gene aatrr musical traahnsrajotog comedy soul of a heel cartoon stranger rides again fox news saturday february 25 arkansas traveler home town drama with boh bon musical casa manana revue cartoon good scouts chapter 3 spiders web matinee at s pa tuesday and wednesday february 28 and march 1 illegal traffic ihrfd wnuna with mary carlade and j carat naftaa comedy halfway to hollywood scenic viking trails pete smith double diving musical jimmy dorsay coklno hart antoinette trrono power and norma shearer watch our window l0ft wokur km cowsuk atttcuu and iii piwwi pineapple sundae 13c i for 25c longs confectionery phones eight strings ua n ancestor tie viohn the violin had u is immediate ancestor the lira ri braccio an ancient bowed lnt r ent having eight strings it is ii definitely known who construct i i the first per feet violin as it requ d only slight alterations to change 1w lira into it but most authont e hree that to gnspard do salo 1540 ic09 belongs the honor observes a writer in the chicago daily news as in the case of other instru ments of the day the chest of vio lins contained at least five different sizes roughly corresponding to the human voice treble violin after wards called the violin alto violin viola to italians tehor violin obso- l e in the eighte c new advertisements fir sale moffat electric range to good con dition reasonable also other house hold articles phone- 381 r 6 george town it tury bass violin to italians violon cello double bass to italians con- indians had no horses before europeans came the american indians had no horses before the arrival of euro peans upon this continent dogs were the only animals which the natives of north america had sub dued to any considerable degree of tractabdity and domestication al though fossil remains of a prehis toric horselike animal have been found in america these animals had become extinct thousands of years before columbus ventured upon his first voyage across the at lantic notes a writer in the indian apolis news the first horses seen by indians were those brought over by the spanish invaders of mexico and they excited the wander of the indians who at first regarded horse and rider as one ammal a few years later de soto brought horses to florida and it is supposed that he abandoned a number of them near what is now the eastern boun dary of texas coronado on his march to quivira in 1541 introduced the horse to the indians of the great plains some authorities believe that all the wild and indian horses of the west sprang from a nucleus formed by a few animals which escaped from the troops of coronado the south em plains proved very favorable to range horses and they multiplied rapidly corn a valuable plant corn is native to the americas before columbus it was unknown in europe research indicates that it first grew on the high plateau of mexico and from there its cultiva tion and use spread to central and south america when white men first explored the interior of the western continents they found corn being raised from lower canada as far south as peru though little but white and yellow corn were seen in the united states there are varie ties of many different colors red purple pink brown blue black and variegated the peruvians cultivate a variety with very large kernels so large that when boiled they are eaten singly as we eat grapes be fore the white man came certain families in each tribe were entrust ed with the cultivation and breeding of corn and the maintenance of dis tinct colors which would indicate that the indians understood polleni station and other cultural processes corn not only supplies man with food but also with starch glue cer tain kinds of dyes syrup and other products cannot sleep openeyed there axe two principal reasons why our eyes are always closed when we are really asleep the first is that though we do not real ize ft the mere fact of keeping our ayes open requires a definite effort on the muscles of the eyelids and that effort is naturally not applied when we are asleep the second reason is that merely seeing things tends to make the brain alive and acttve so that both darkness and the ciosing of our eyelids make it easier for us to get that wonderful rest and restorative which we call sleep the first mainfaetsred cater the first color to be actually com pounded from inorganic substances ts the socalled egyptian blue which was prepared and sold as early as 3000 b c this paint was popular in the days of rameses and king tutankhamen and is also found on the walls of ruined build ings of pompeh the egyptians probably exported it not only to rome but also to gr babylon and the rest of the important coun tries antedating the christian era far sale table turnips plain or waxed parsnips and cooking onions 136 r la oeorgetown also phone tf for sale registered cocker spaniel pops 2 months old for sale apply mrs a scott phone 161 oe for kent comfortable heated rooms furnish- ed or unxurnlshed queen street apartments pi black spaniel white spot op breast answers to the name of tinker anyone knowing its please phone 5 r 14 georgetown for sale pram in good condition apply bars c bosklu college view george- town foand the person who dropped a sum of money in front of the herald office on tuesday may have same by ap plying at this office and proving pro perty friday and saturday specials ladies night gowns long sleeves 79c and 89c ladies night gowns short sleeves m l 59c ladies and misses pyjamas yama cloth 1 50 for 119 linen towelling 16 linen towellmg 18c yd 20 linen and cotton glass towelling 22c yd 27 union towelling 23c 49 heavy all lmen towelling 35c for 27c w1ndbreakers lodrwtndbralmr closed thursday afternoon agents for langlevs cleaners and dyera mcbean co phone 64 we deliver georgetown rear end gate off truck on second une near speyslde owner may have same by proving porperty and paying expenses a n stark phone 99 r 22 georgetown it practically new beatty electric washing machine cheap factory guarantee cash or terms apply at herald office itp practical nursing practical maternity nurse open for ftngagtitit win take cases in wr own home ix necessary miss lamb phone mro oeorgetown tf room to rent nice liotrsekeeplng room for some person wishing a quiet home heated and furnished apply at herald of flee for sale or rent 30 acres with bank barn and frame house at georgetown ever r spring never dry electric light in house and barn will rent or sell apply at herald office 3tp chimney and pipe cleaner keep your furnace and stove pipes and chimneys clean with soot bane and be safe from fire demon strauons free agent t j eason mill st georgetown tl wanted young man strong and willing for grocery store must be energetic and have bicycle for delivery apply by letter only to box h herald office painting and paperhangxng brighten up those dingy walls with a new dress for easter all work guaranteed estimates cheerfully given john farmer main street georgetown phone 229 4tp articles for sale dresses voiles crepes silks all sizes blouses skirts winter coats si 00 children s clothing men s overcoats tl 00 all cleaned and re conditioned shoes furniture stoves many other articles low prices 9 to 5 daily society for crippled clvi linn 295 george sl 751 queen st bast toronto 2t agents wanted ambitious men i we wish to contact you for steady employment good pay independence everybody buys our 200 guaranteed products higher quality lower prices no experience needed your success makes ours so we help you big continuous repeat sales and profits no risk free catalogue and details pamflex co 570 st clement montreal community fair ro wednesday march 1st same choice young horse roy hindey auctioneer c o plank clerk ednindw smith teacher of violin special attention to begumera mdwdnal tpatrncuon at jonr write box 182 or nam millioajr bakery acton save with safety at your rexall store special free 25c fag gloves and 50s ilasol hand lotion both for 55c thermal wool writing pad 25c haubtjt liver oil caps 200 birthday sale specials 3se 9e klenzo dental cream uc mdsbal on 40 ob bottle 9c vacuum bottles zh at yeast and iron tabs 79c seedlfrz powders 2 booea 23 rjsjtt see ear mamu for eatra coo can ahrare ahap at roar rbxat store spec steel wool and poor square floor wax both for 39c special iso mia i tootn pmraca both 390 special f free a zse fax red cedar flakea each etkaara moth bag robbs drug store i 1 snapshot cuil pictures in the home attractive home pictures auch as this are easy to take either in the daytime or at night with photo bulbs pictures of the rooms of your home are easy to make and add variety to the snapshot collection they also have memory value in the event furnishings are chanked or the home la remodeled any camera is suitable for these pictures if it can be set for a time exposure the pictures can be taken either in the daytime or at night before taking a picture by day- light have the room illuminated aa evenly as possible niamlnatlon may be balanced in some cases by ad- justing shades of windows ffaat will be out of range of the camera photo lights of the amateur flood typo are quite helpful in evening up the fflumlnauon these bulba are also valuable for taking night pictures of interiors with the illumination adjusted place the camera on a firm support shutter set for time point it to ward the part of the room to be pic tured aet the lens for a small open ing such aa it and make the ex poeure the exposure time varies with the brightness of the room with a box camera or using lens opening f 16 on cameras aoinarked exposure can be aa short aa 4 seconds on a bright sunny day when the room has white walla and more than one window with dark walls and only one win dow exposure on a sunny day would be about 40 seconds on a day of basy sun leave the shutter open twice as long and on a very dull day ten times as long these figures will serve as a guide but for your first picture you should make several test shots with in creased expos each time three hots one with 10eecond timing one with so seconds and one with about 1 mlnntea will do have a print made from each negative and yon can get a good idea of the timing that will bo beat for other interior pictures photo bulbs when needed to ob tain an even balance of lighting in a room can be used in bridge lamps with shades tipped up and moved about to direct light wherever neces sary of course such lights used tor general illumination should riot be placed where they will show in the daytime pictures it windows are included in the pic ture try this keep the shades down tor seveneighths of the exposure then close the caxneravshutter being careful not to move the camera raise the shades and open the cam era shutter for the remaining expo sure time this trick keeps the win dows from recording too brightly on the flim in arranging a room for a picture it is wise to move any furniture that is quite near the camera leaving an open foreground this makes the room seem more spacious the pic ture ahould show more floor than celling to avoid a topheavy appear ance winter months are a splendid tlma to picture the rooms of your home take these pictures now and you will find added value in them in later john i i guilder monster lions carnival in the arena friday feb 24

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