Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 1, 1939, p. 1

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hjspts the geouge own herald seventysecond year of publication wednesday evening march 1st 1939 i 50 per annum in advance 200 to usa local young people sponsor petition against open sunday ontarios quirt and restful sunday is in emminent peril r citnmis to be asked to sign protest which will be for warded to queen park the clusens of ontario are facing a definite challenge with respect sunday legislation it ta te therefore that this situation be brought to the attention of all the people hi our ontario communities on december 28th last a represen tative delegation waited upon the at torney general of ontario the hon ourable gordon conant kg this delegation included representatives or the isolds day alliance organhwi labour retail merchants asso the roman catholic anglican bap tist presbyterian and united church es and the salvation army in the course of that interview the attorney general called our attention to the powers of the provincial legis lature to widen the provisions of section 6 of the lords day act of canada and intimated that it was proposed that such legislation would he introduced into the ontario legis lature in this third intimation lies our real peril section 6 of the lords day act of ca 1906 says tt shall not be aiwful for any person an the lords day except as provided in any provincial act or law now or he in force to engag in any public game or contest for gain or for any prise or reward or to be pre- y thereat or to provide en- iptoe in or be present at any per- foimance or public meeting else where than in a church at which any fee is charged directly or in directly either for admission to such performance or meeting or to any place within which the same is provided or for any ser vice or privilege thereat the word public m the first half of this section is significant and is vital hi the application of its re- ctrictlans in connection with sunday sports games carried on b indivi duals or by groups of individuals for recreation only are not public games within the meaning of this act therefore they are not forbidden un der this statute this law deals onlj with commercialized and professional sports the poor man s recreation on sunday is safeguarded quite as fully as the rich manv of course the poor man cannot purchase as expensive recreation on any day of the week as his wealthier fellow cltlaen no sun day law could equauxe that condition but as far as any lanr could provide equality of freedom for all the lord s day act of canada is the poor mans friend professional and commercial- lxed sports are not organised to bene fit the poor man they are organized to make the business of sport provide profits for the promoters they are not even recreational except for the few who are employed to provide en tertainment for the crowd who pay it is evident to us from a frank consideration of this whole question and its amplications that any legis lation introduced to widen the privi leges of section 6 of the lords day act of canada as intimated by the attorney general cannot mean any thing less than the legalising of com mercialised and professional sports on sundays the intimation seems to carry with it also the probability that the business of entertainment would be legalised also in that case we would have the open theatres in on tario on sundays in our opinion these are the real issues before the people or ontario at this time this is an unprecedented pern that now challenges us our weekly day of rest is being menaced any such loosening or our sunday laws cannot but jeopardize the weekly rest day for many citizens and opens the door to further unnecessary sun day employment the support of all who value the freedom the rest and the quiet of that one day in the seven may be expected to resist such in roads upon our ontario sunday tb meet this insidious challenge is our present task all citizens opposed to any such trend towards a connner claused sunday in ontario may well register then protest vigorously at the present time all church courts may well give e to their protest the member of the legislature of this constituency should know your opposition to any such legislation now is the time for concerted action in this connection it is hoped that the citizens of the town of george town will give whole hearted support to the various young peoples socie ties of our churches whom we are glad to the enactment of any legislation by the provincial legislature of ontario whereby the operation of amusements public games for gain prise or re ward or whereby theatres or other public places of amusement may be permitted to function on sundays and that a copy of this resolution be submitted after signatures have been added thereto to each of the follow ing pedsons vbt the attorney gen eral of ontario the mp for halton county in witness thereof the following residents of the municipality of the town of georgetown have hereunto set their signatures bronte wms marks 20 years of service mrs e wilson president of presbytery sends greetings uons carnval a grand success large crowd have happy time jlornb scots band provides music the carnival staged at the arena last pridai night by the georgetown uons dub lived up to advanced ad vertising and proved to he one grand success the lions always present a fine program at anything they under take and the carnival was no excep tion a large number turned out in costume and still a greater number were an hand for the pg to the music of the lome scots band old and young took part and much mer riment and fun took place while the winners in the various fancy costumes were being picked by the judges the races also held their part on the pro gram and those who came only as spectators enjoyed a very happy even ing following ls a list of the prizes win ners boys race under 10 yrs wm huff man game boys race 15 yrs and under oeo walker flashlight girls race 15 yrs and under delia poole stationery boys race over 15 yrs w schenk watch girls race over is yrs margaret hoare pen and pencil girls race open margaret hoare silk stockings mens race open dick rlddall shirt best lady skater on ice ml commemorating 30 years of activity tbe wmjs of walton memorial unit ed church held its anniversary last week greetings from sister organisations davidson oodburysset were brougbt by mrs oeo pox of best skater on ice gentjoe hall palermo united church mrs hughes shaving set cleaver from trinity united burling- 1 best dressed gent a c mcmurchy ton and mrs rev flndlay mathe- i cigarette vendor mn ww rrm h best dressed lady mrs a c mc- 200 at milton church oppose open sunday in ontario protest to be forwarded to queens park two hundred persons attending st pauls united church mutonv on sunday last signed a protest against any proposal to allow commercialized sports on sundays the protest will be forwarded to queens park after all members of tbe congregation have been given an opportunity to sign drawn up by tbe official board of the church the document gives three objections to sunday commercialized sports 1 an open sunday would mean loss of the rest and quiet with which the sabbath ls associated 2 there would be a resultant loss to the immortal souls and spiritual life of the people 3 to throw sunday open to commercialized games and recreations would encourage a wide open sunday resulting in everincreas ing demands by commercial interests rev gordon porter pastor of the church declared that members of churches and other institutions were determined to prevent a bill in favor or open sabbath being brought be fore the assembly son brought greetings from the ha milton wms greetings were also received by wire and letter among which were those sent by president mrs earl wilson of the halton pres bytery wus and rev g w moore cf walkerton a past minister roy sargant brought felicitations from the bronte baptist church and mrs wilbur bray represented uie an gllcan churches of bronte and paler mo mrs rev i h s fiddes welcomed the guests and mrs c k leonard of cmltort responded mrs t c dales of milton who organized the bronte wms addressed the society mrs a e pickard gave a resume of the work done by the wms since its inception it was announced that 34 of the members had been made charter members during the 20 years ten of vhom were still active mrs k bos well 1st vicepresident waa in charge of the meeting rev h s fiddes conducted a memorial service for 15 of the mem bers who have died during the 20 years mrs w h speers and mrs john clemenoe placed flowers in their memory more than 600 citizens of milton are 111 with the flu or grippe which has been sweeping the province approximately a third of the resident- of the town are sufferers dr george e syer mjio lor milton declared that the epidemic ls the worst which has struck the mil ton district for several years but ls fortunately of a mild form attendance in both public and high schools has dropped considerably a checkup yesterday revealed that 67 or the 240 public school pupils were absent through illness while a anal ler number were out of high school murchy compact best comic gent mrs roney razor best comic lady mis k king com pact most original costume alva orteve mrs radio lamp oldest gent w greensward pitch er ana mugs oldest lady mrs w orcenswara cup and saucer best national costume gent p bradley clock best national costume lady peggy kelly entre dish child s comic costume 10 years old and over doreen mui holland camera spot skate lad v mcllntock cup and saucer spot skate gent ro harlow socks cash door prize mrs k king the broom ball game between the lions of brampton and georgetown i was an exlctlng affair as some of the georgetown players had not been on skates lor 14 years the game ended in a 1 1 draw the success ol the carnival was in no small measure due to the generous cash donations by the following mer chants dominion stores budget oro ceteria kemshead s bakery j wll liamson wm king georgetown cafe golden gate cafe k m langdon w h long hughey mcdonald richardson s hardware c j buck r licata lllllcos beauty salon a e wright and merchandise rrom the following ready s 5c to 11 store a e farneu w f smith r h thompson co roob s drug store macconnacks drug store w h hin ton silvers dept store e r ma gloughlen d brill ac co p black burn the members of the lions club are very grateful for the recognition and sympathy in the work they are doing for the betterment of the community lion jack watson had charge of the arrangements for the carnival and was ably assisted by other members of the club a double funeral was held in erin on saturday last ror the late mrs thomas bjnnle and miss sarah bin nle whose death occurred within 48 hours of each other a public ser vice was held in bums presbyterian church with rev p w murra con ducting assisted by rev robert sedgeworth interment was made in erin cemetery surviving are two sisters and two brothers mrs john cunningham of said sanction ol three provinces yet needed tor insurance plan unemployement insurance bill drafted but required power to enact legislation all that is neede t tn with us stills comes up for discussion womens day of prayer last friday being the day set apart for the worldwide observance of the women s day of prayer the women of georgetown met in st georges basement for that purpose in spite of the disagreeable weather the at tendance representing all the church es was quite fair mrs woo thompson presided an address on the theme was given by mrs sut- cllffe a solo was sung by mrs feller and numerous ladles took part in thej venoolmldren telegram children e fine art at home of mrs bruyns a small group of georgetown youngsters held their first salon on saturday at the home of mrs alex ander bruyns who has devoted her spare time on satufday mornings to teaching the children ranging be tween nine and eleven years of age an appreciation of art two walls of a bright room were devoted to the childrens work it water colors tempora and pastels tm not trying to teach the child ren to be artists explained mrs bruyns who studied art in europe and who has done illustrations for some of the more exclusive ameri can journals the ability to be s painter ls probably born in the child but i am trying to teach them to ap preciate beautiful things and to find their best means os selfexpression in an artistic sense we all have a won derful time although the exhibits in the salon lacked technical perfection there were indications of a feeling for tec hnique in many of the paintings and the promise shown by her voluntary pupils had encouraged mrs bruyns to carry on in spite of the reduction of her class by the current epidemic of colds and influenza feel that something of this sort should be done in every town she the class in georgetown could be taken under the supervision some ladies organization and made more generally available to the child ren possibly it could be held on saturday mornings in the public lib rary several years ago georgetown sponsored an arts and crafts dis play in the parlors or the george town arena for two years the ex hibition was highly successful and one sketches produced by boya sunt girls of high school age in ue dis trict excited special comment from the visitors to the show then for some reason the exhibition was for gotten mrs bruyns has begun again where the exhibition stopped and is taking her students from the ranks of i 0 d e organized in georgetown on monday night georgetown pirates win rumley cup in acton league norval are runners up pirates not beaten ii games played this winter in rural hockey fifteen i following is a summary of the last four games played by the georgetowi pirates in the acton rnri league 1 in the third game of the round ro bin playoffs between georgetown pirates and nerval the score was 1 1 in the first period sargent scored to give georgetown the lead the sec ond period was scoreless in the third period while there was norval net the red light was turned on and after quite an argument fay the georgetown team the referee refus ed to overrule ttie goal judge of norval despite au those behind the t j i i i hi net saying that the puck was not over tosee taking definite lead in this re- hoa following is a copy of the petition that is being circulated by the young people of georgetown whereas it has been intimated that it is the intention of tbe attor ney general of ontario to present a bui at the next session of the pro vincial legislature of ontario per- mltttnc the operation of amusements pubuc games for gain prise or re ward etc and also authortxtof thea tres and other public amusements to function on sunday and whereas it is the intention of the residents of the municipality of the town of georgetown to petition the attorney general of ontario to desist tn proposal of such bui and to o the passim of any kspxlstkm to such effect now be it resolved that the resi dents of the i ui u of the town of georgetown are absolutely opposed the women s association of the united church held a crokinole party in the school room on thursday even lng owing to the stormy weather the attendance was not as large as usual but those fortunate enough to get out had an enjoyable evening mrs f hustler obtained the high ladies scramble in rront of the pirates scoe and oarnet laldlaw the high j iv t j score lor the men a number of the people or the com munity are confined to their homes with the flu epidemic mrs a laldlaw is visiting her daughter mrs hau owing to the weather the atten dance at the churches here on sun day was much smaller than usualy service in the mount pleasnat unit ed church was cancelled miss marion latng or guelph was a week end visitor at the home of her uncle col a l noble the norval hookey team has been successful in entering tbe playoffs of the acton rural hockey league against georgetown for home and home games george won jthe first game by tbe narrow margin of i 0 and the second by 3 2 mak ing a total of 4 a on the round mrs k d barber is chosen first regent the inaugural meeting lor the founding of a chapter ol the imperial order daughters or the empire was held monday evening at the home of mrs r f barber this wellknown organization is a society of long standing and has at present 311 active chapters in the province of ontario alone and the women ol georgetown should enjoy linking their efforts with those of so many other women of the british empire the activities of the organization are many and varied but deal chiefly with charitable enterprises and the furthering of interest in educational ork empire study and patrotic en deavors there is a great field or usefulness in each department de finite plans are being outlined for a program of charitable work contem plated and tor the enlargement of the membership officers for the coming year were elected as follows regentmrs k d barber let viceregent mrs j b milne 2nd viceregent mrs s j mac kenzie treasurer mrs j wallace thornp son secretary mrs k m langdon educational secretary mrs j l lambert echoes secretary mrs c j hart welfare secretary mrs c v wil liams publicity secretary mrs r f bar ber standard bearer mrs l w dann robbed of a welldeserved shutout as after the game the norval players ad mitted that the puck was not in the play was very even throughout and perhaps norval deserved a tie out of it but it was too bad that it had to be a disputed goal that tied it up the pirates hooked up with acton band in their fourth game and came out victorious by tbe score of 3 3 georgetown opened the scoring m the first period when chaplin netted the puck that ended tbe scoring in the first period in the second period w bradley cored from directly tn front of the acton goal od a nice pan by lie- hauy to make it a 0 for the pi rates a jew minutes later acton got their first foal on a long shot by simpson that glanced off hoares continued on pace- 4 the rcmj have been asked to investigate activities of tbe rsxala and communists in canada they are two groups we can get along nicely without many cases of flu kitchener doctor reveals lang coincident with the epidemic of influenza or grippe now prevalent in various parts of ontario one veteran kitchener medical practitioner who would not allow his name to be used said he had ericountered three cases in which lung hemorrhages had been induced by the disease the doctor said that even during the severe 1918 influenza epidemic which claimed numerous lives he bad not encountered any such cases he said he therefore deduced that the present epidemic was not one to be trifled with in the absence of bacteriological reports on the virus from the ontario department of health the doctor said he would not venture aa opinion as to the exact nature of the disease many cases of the flu are reported in and about oeorgetown and tbe weather of the past few days has not helped to lessen those on the r list balunafad the wa held their regular meet ing at the home of mrs john snow tbe devotional were taken by mrs vannatter and mrs snow the roll call was answered with scripture- verses on love after the business part of the meeting games of crok inole were enjoyed by all refresh ments were served by the committee the flu is again becoming very pre valent in this community many are confined to their homes the joint meeting of day of prayer service and wmjs was held at the manse the president mrs vannat ter presiding the worship service of prayer day was observed with differ ent members taking part delegates to the halton preabyterial were ap pointed the chapter of the study book entitled learning to live to gether was taken by mrs j kirk- wood the roll call was answered with the names of missionaries bridge club news monday night s meeting of the bridge club was again well attend ed for the second time this season the system or pivotmg was followed with a prize ror tbe high scorer of the evening next week will again see the start of a pairs tournament old and new members are advised to see the secretary and enter their names and partner as early as pos sible so that a schedule may be drawn up and eliminate as much den lay as possible on monday night this club tournament is aimed to consolidate pair play in preparation for an open invitation tournament projected for the near future monday nights winner was mr a ritchie with mr w huffman and mr s t faram runners up respec tively norval rifle club the oajc rifle club of ouelph visited the norval rifle range in com petition on monday night and were defeated by the norval club the shooting of both teams was not up to the usual standard as many good shots fell by the wayside tbe nor val team will visit the oajc tn tbe near future and it ls hoped that bet ter scores will be recorded tbe scores are as follows o a c bsd out of 1000 norval 875 out of 1000 following are4he scores of the nor val members in the aggregate event m atkinson 100 g h hau 88 w wilson 88 c cantelon 88 p stark 88 w robinson 87 w usk 86 p hustler 88 dr s 88 a w wilson 85 the norval team win visit the o nr rifle club on tuesday afar 7th the home range will be closed next monday night 2a tbe government liayt a ttff unemployment insur ance bill au drafted and prepared for presentation to parliament but no thing can be done until the domin ion r the required power to en act legislation of this kind through an amendment to the constitution there are still three of the provinces who are unwilling to agxee to this amendment in 1806 the admmlstora- tion of mr bennett passed an unem ployment insurance act but it was de clared ultra vires by both the su preme court and the judical com mittee of the privy council the speeches made by a number of members of the commons on a res olution of mr neill a member from comox ajbernl in british colombia urged the desirability and urgency of providing for this form of social in surance as at variance with their po litical philosophy practically the en tire house seemed to favor the idea- its value had been proven in practice it was pointed out thirteen coun tries have some scheme of this kind in force and security is thus provided for over forty million w none of the speakers made the claim that unemployment insurance was a cure- all that it provided a complete sol ution of the unemployment problem it was rather like the spring of a bumper which lessened the shock of depressions the people of great britain have been well served in the last twenty years or so by their in surance scheme but in canada there is the constitutional difficulty mr neill mr martin mr macnlcoi and others who drew a picture of the whole uneniploytnent insurance ques- tlon with the sure touch that comes of earnest study thought that the road to the adoption of an insurance measure should not be considered ejossd mr neill explained tbe op eration of the social security act in the united states which has been put into effect in tbe face or federal constitutional difficulties such as those obtaining in canada he thought canada might follow a sim ilar course the minister of labor mr rogers explained however that unemploy ment insurance was a national ques tion that uniformity of legislation was essential tbe social security act which left the adoption of insur ance optional with each stake has defects quoting from an authora- tative book on the subject he said an elaborate inflexible and costly unemployment compensation organ ization has been established consist ing of 51 separate administrations with a federal organization and twelve regional offices over all with unemployment insurance on a prov incial basts- said the minister yon would have to set up assuming that all the provinces came in which is not a necessary conclusion nine sep arate commissions dealing with un employment insurance nine sets of actuaries nine complete organisat ions of inspectors i suggest that on the question of economy alone apart from efficiency the arguments on the side of the national scheme are over whelming taw trade treaty wuh the ujs the trade treaty signed at wash ington in november has been the subject of a comprehensive and some times sharp debate in tbe house of commons government members have emphasized the benefits to be through the reduction in tariff rates in the american market the advan tages to be derived by consumers through the lowering of tariffs and tbe impetus and encouragement which this pact and agreement be tween the united states and the uni ted kingdom will give to the lowerme of trade barriers between nations the economic pacification is the aim claimed for these treaties the claim that trade treaties can have any ap preciable effect on the war trsirns has been disputed by opposition members the causes of the bellig erency of nations are not to be ex plained so simply tbe opposition has also deplored the price paid for concession in the united states mar ket preferences in the british mar ket have been cut and this means the ultimate destruction of the brit ish preference system this again has been emphatically denied by gov ernment members the imperial pre ferential remains a vital and essential part of canadas trade policy very divergent views have been expressed about the possible effect of the trea ties on individual industries m can ada these points win be discussed more fully when the actual terms of the treaty are under consideration the present debate has been on the utliksp wrterrjrlng tbe trade pact and the general operation of the treaty lew af cjuc omillis1 committee of the imnm wul soon begin its annual re of the affairs of the fsnartlin fh isi corporation an mtenjsthsg point of dssrnsfrtnn in the rinmwimiiii doubt wfll be the question of the extent to which the faculties of the cap net work should be open to individuals who wish to address the canadian people on plans of their own pub lic welfare and who have to pay lor the broad continued on pace 8 w

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