Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 1, 1939, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 1st 1939 the georgetown herald psonb no i j m moobk bitter and raklbher a weekly newspaper devoted tt the best interests of the town of omo and surrounding country including the villages of olen nokans narval umchouse stewarttown balltnalad and terra gotta taotd every wednesday evening at the ofdoe on main st georgetown sobbosuption rate150 per year to advance united states mo additional single copies 3c both old and new addresses should be crrvjd when change of address is requested aovsect1biho rates legal notices 12c per line for first tn sactton to per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line tor each insertion if in black face type be per line additional notices j as coming brents such as concerts entertainments society l or organisation meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge 28c leaner tii of meetings held gladly inserted tree in memorlan notices 50c snsvloo per line extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 60c frwdvertjsements one inch or less 80c tor first insertion and 2so for msb subsequent insertion display advertising rates on application r although every precaution win be takento avoid error the herald rants advertising tn its columns on the understanding that it will not ft game for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a pnof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to tsie herald business ofboe duly signed by the advertiser and with such mtor or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if aay error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not earned such a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the spam occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by non advertisement thb herald does job printing of all kinds merely to live to eat to sleep 3r plan and toll for get and keep xtever seem quite enough always ian seeks some trurer words of praise ttian strong or clever through his mind suns deep the thought he would be kind the world would urge him to be great offers command of town and state and power and wealth and hours of ease but th not whollj seem to please fon still before the day he dies often for something nobler tries the gcai of all he fancies best is not alone by gain expressed there tiust be ere the labors end those who are proud to call him friend tor every man would leave behind some memories here that he was kind by edgar quest to the young be very kind to aging folk their steps are getting slow remember they were joung as you not ery long ago and if god spares you you will be some time as old as they and you ma wince at cruel things that heedles young folk saj be very kind to aging folk theirs is a weariness thai with your high and happy hopes you may not even guess the paji that claimed their full young strength is waiting now for you and as you near your journeys end you will need kindness too i verj kind to aging folk ekch gentle word and deed uke bread upon the waters cast returns in time of need and bands shall reach to hold you up and hearts to cheer some day lor kindness shown to aging folk is never thrown away v jessie flndlay brown the window shopper x see br standing there before the window shabby but very neat the dresses in the shop a constant magnet along the street she never can afford to buy the best to peter preaches gentiles international uniform sunday school march 5th 1939 following that meeting nationals of various lands have boa across canada telling what has done for thecn they nave had an authentic experience and it lings true in the ears of canadian hearers the christian religion is no monopry for the white races christ lived and died for all mankind literacy 44 48 peter won many of his converts from among the gentiles paul also turned to the gentile world as the most fruitful field for christian mis slon work the church will do well to minister to the under privileged if only because they are so numerous nearly two thirds of the people now alive can neither read or write this prevents them from sharing fully in world affairs in asia and africa there are over a billion illiterates in china 90 per cent in india 92 per cent in nonchrtstlbrr africa 99 per cent are illiterate in the three re ligions hinduism buddhism and con fuclaniam ninety per cent of the ad herents are illiterate in one gener atlon japan has overcome illiteracy by compulsory education russia claims to have taught eighty million people to read and write in the last fifteen years one of the best ways of winning nonchrlstlans to christ is through education the christian church has fostered education in the past what an opportunity there for the christian church if in the next fifty years she carries to a bll uon people who lt in darkness the ability to read write speak vote and have a share in building a more christian world questions for discussion 1 what made the ancient jew so very nationalistic 2 what did christ teach about th fatherhood of god 3 whj has christianity spread more in the west than in the east 4 how may antisemitism be cured 5 what is the gilt of the holy spirit business prospects an upward trend in tw mines is pre dicted during the next few months but no major change is expected and any advance is likely to toe of moder ate proportions what is regarded as the principal stimulus to business for the near term is an expected large increase in new building the lag between con templated construction and the actual starting of work is being shortened through flnawiai assistance from the federal government it is freely predicted that for the next few man ths there will be more activity in the building trades this is expected to make itself felt in many industries white the outlook for the next few months is considered encouraging than otherwise opinion differs as to the pnsi last half of the year vers are of the definite opinion that business will tend to taper off after june jrith returns for the last half of the vear being not much fcetter than for the first half of 1938 ft may be too much to expect ac curate forecasting at this time as to results in the last half of the year but it b fairly evident that any stlmu lus to business in the next few man ths will come from government spending so far private capital has shown no inclination to take up part of the load for new works briefly put as far as the general halton co operative librar1 association golden text look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth for i am god and there is none else isaiah 45 22 lesson passage acts 10 3048 a source divine and life of all the fount of being wondrous sea thj depth would evr heart appall that saw not love supreme in thee race prejudice 30 33 at a meeting or the halton co op- the gospel of christ has done i erative librarj association held at much to break don race prejudice mill0p it weck geo e e of the setting for this lesson is that mton was eected chairman for the cornelius a roman vas host to cluing year following business re peter a jew who had been staying pons work or lhe assoc was ex with simon a anner peter had plained to acton and georgetown de- overcome his scruple in accepting the iates and a move made to amend hospitality of a tanner whose occup- the constitution to allow both centres a uon uas scorned b strict jaws at to j lhe brotherhood dinner of the inter tj following were appointed an national council of religious educa j executive committee for 1939 m t tion a few weeks ago citizens of the wn milton helen i mockrldge at milton w wlgnins burlington mrs bronte w n moo rehouse brooks of acton oakville ro a the lext annual held oti feb 14th or an dainty shoes and yet she likes to dream of such a 5 moment when she could pick and choose un ted states and canada were tilt head table negro spirituals were sung bv a coloured girl violin solos were rumtshed b a young korean and aocal solos bv a chinese minister addresses were given b a priest from poland a student from hawaii a native teacher from egypt the con holland eluding address was given b a jew crafumti ish rabbi who said that such a meet in could not be held in oermany iial or russia the christians present felt that the goodwill shown amonij people of diverse races and 1 creeds could be traced back to the i inclusive love of christ the motto at the head of the programme was you cannot weave a mantle of bro therhood with the jams of hate antl semltlsm 34 35 peter argued bravely to have the jews how a brotherly spirit towards the gentiles now the tables are re versed and heroic efforts are being made to secure protection for the jews we had thought that jew bait ing was a relic of the dark ages that could not be revived in this enllght ened century but in europe many jews have been killed more have been robbed of their possessions and multitudes penniless are seeking to escape to other lands this organized persecution has not been primarily on racial or religious grounds the motives have been political and ec nomlc in the long run it will prove to be shortsighted to drive the best brains out a country not every jew is a spinoza or an einstein but in science philosophy literature com mercc and finance the jews have made a great contribution to culture ye so decplj rooted is the antipathy that canada is unwilling to havtj many jewish refugees come to our will d mall ndilstr allsts to buj mnchlnerj herald adv rtl li k brings results tr an ad mxt week feel that until there is some definite form of stimulus there wju be no broad upward move in ibm though the returns on the whole will compare favorably with those for the past year hitman seal runs into trouble in mount fobkst saturday night last krikor hermanlan former george town armenian known as the human seal was in trouble tn mount forest saturday night last he was arrest ed for obstructing traffic clad in bathing trunks hermanlan was giving an exhibition of strength pulling a truck with his teeth whep constable flynn decided to take him into custody on the obstruct charge tjifccrowdprotosted and tempted to release the prisoner the fracas hermanlan received blow on the head from a baton was taken to a doctor before he was put in the lockup the crowd followed the constable and demonstrated outside the police station a deputation visited the residence of mayor george ernest and the mayor arranged hermanlan s release on his own ball the human seal gave his second exhibition sunday he waded into the ley saugeen river plunged about ten minutes and called the exhibition off the water was too shallow for sveft twl- have switched to blue coal for better heating let this overwhelming preference for blue coat the worlds finest anthracite be yowr guide to better hea blue coal will give you a standard of bearing satisfaction ana valoe that has won the confidence of over loojooo canadian homeowner order a foe of bkf eoaf today w h kentner son phone 12 georgetown huecoal the modern fuel for solid comfort tune in est tba s wry sat 7 fa 730 sua- ever atatt cbl 390 barm in feasting her sad eyes upon them as down the street she goes before a florist shop she stands re garding a single rose even this is quite beyond her pur chase ie turns and sighs aloud tn a moment she is lost forever the bright crowd charles hanson towne paper may continue colllngwood bulletin the grimsby independent announc d its suspension of publication what furore followed hundreds of in qutries and requests came from the vobuo as to the hope of continuing t publication the lack of support try toe business firms was pointed to tr tbe publishers but there is to be a g tbe newspaper will re- nme at least temporarily m the awaiim if the ado is based on joowtntnc more than air orjmsby will continue to have a weekly n 3f not the village will be left a sweet 0 to go on and on tin it be 1 f of tourist cabins bjgxway nu so and so and ftjhat bas taken place in grimsby un- flar circumstances would be jn any p town jbobmcwood not excepted business who fail to recognise the value cf the weekly newspaper wtoo are prapared to alt by and let george 5 the publicity for the town would lav as in grimsby amongst the first t aroused wera the weekly r to be mastered among the printing service christ s inclusive love k 3s christ dki not limit his service to those ofl his own race he showed kindness to samaritans romans and greeks as well as to jews god was with him and he never doubted the love or ood for all his peoples how dull and monotonous it would be if there were no distinctions or race colour or language god seeks varie ty rather than uniformity yet there may be unity amidst the diversity articles are frequently published stressing the differences between que bec and the rest of canada the french were pioneers in canada and explored the western areas of both the dominion of canada and the united states the french canadian u a homemaker and is happy as s farmer though quebec is predomln antly roman catholic and the rest of canada is predominantly protest ant all alike are actively or nomln ally followers of the one lord and saviour for the sake of national unity in the dominion of canada we should exalt our sympathies rather than our antipathies winning tfaroexh wuneaatng 3943 peter did not think of preaching as a profession or an art but as an opportunity of witnessing to christ he had a story to tell out of per sooal experience the apostles bore witness to christ because be bad commanded tbem to do so they showed that the prophets had pre dicted tbe coming of christ they tnnounced that those who believed on christ could get victory over thelr stmv- for nineteen centuries this fflfnmagf of cleansing and power has been winning converts never faster thmh in recent decades christ ap peals to human hearts of every race and colomv at the madras confer ence r from christian churches aroundvthe world met plan for extending missionary work what you want when you want it cjir timetable passengers for toronto passengers sundays only ulan getag wcet passenger and man t3i kjm fttsetllgui mb pawav passenger and mall 0js pjfea t passenger sunday 11j9 an saturdays only leaving toronto at uj0 pa arriving at georsjetown 12m ara first trip november mk getag werth man and passenger s- ia man and passenger un p gray coach lines time table effective swnamy niw4iifcn xsth lkavk georgetown to terento a 708 ul 938 am ims mm c x33 am 4js pm pjaj 903 pjn 935 am- xll20 am ms 1 cxufi pm ay44s pm tjoo p b00 pm dxlloft pm exu50 pjn a except sun and hol b sun and hol 0 sat only d except sat sun and hol e sat sun and hol x to kitchener y to stratford tickets and information at w h long directory lebot daub kc m sran bennktt ba barristers and seuetten georgetown ontario office gregory theatre btdg mu1 st kenneth m langdon rrister solicitor notary panne first mortgage money to loan office main street south phone as ge f r watson dj vld georgetown office hours 8 to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j e jackson dentist x kay office hours dally s to ft evenings 7 to 9 phone 24w georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer for the comities of peal and batten prompt service cheltenham 36 r 23 georgetown url post office cheltenham waher t evans co general insurance ocean stcamship gm real estai ml sc north towtctewa quality printing letterheads envelopes invoices statements posters sale bills business cards booklets catalogues ruled forms circulars dodgers if it is quality printing you want at a coat no greater than you might pay for inferior work then you will give us the opportunity of making estimate on your next order for printed matter no job too large or too small our service department is at your call to help with layout type selection and form of presentation there is no extra charge for such service simply phone no 6 phone no 8 the georgetown herald main street monuments pollock ingham successors to cater worth gait ont designs en keenest fbooe tsm inspect our work in greenwood humor in jail vlstung a penitentiary recently a salvation army man was gratified to hear that the prisoners had highly commended his effort one of them had expressed himself by saying we like major to visit the pen be la always welcome he is lust like one of ourselves poand hi master rufus did you go to the lodge meeting last nightr no sub we dun had to poapone it how was thatt de grand auowerlul xnvmcjb- most supreme uncowruerable poten tate dub got beat up by his wtf

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