Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 1, 1939, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 1st 1939 page 5 izi kings weekend specials choice tender beef boiling bfecf 12i fresh lean hamborg steak 15 heats tender bound steak roast sctbt botmd bone t choice boneless and boiled shoulder roast 1 7- prime rib roast 2 5 special machine sueed streaky side bacon 29 fresh picnic style pork shoulders 19c bx lean meaty pork butts 24c lb special sweet pickled cottage rolls 24k choice boneless i choice veal roasts 23c lb lamb shoulders 19c lb special bos brad hraltirxk butter- 25ik- country style luge sausage 2 fes 25c small link poek sausage 18c 1 fkozen silvkrhrxght half or whole salmon 12i ib fillets 17c choice thick smoked fillets j9 b cotjntblfkist 2t gmry 6olden bantam corn 325c wmk1ngss delivery hahonpeel union favorable to many the proposal of kenneth m long- don georgetown that the counties of peel and hajton should be united u a means of reducing administrative costs and consequently lowering tax rates has been favorably received by pee men of municipal affairs to whom the idea has been presented a few students of the county histoid however are somewhat dubious of the union being effected without friction in view of the oratorical battles that occurred when peel separated from the county of york in 1856 an act of legislature on petition from the residents of the county of peel provided for the se paration of peel from york since the formation of a joint county coun- i nf mimlflpm ad ministration of the bwo counties the business of the two counties had been handled jointly by york and peel rep resentatives in the council chambers of york at toronto the gradual in crease of peels population had led the countys representatives to believe that the time had come for peel to take a separate entity a vote taken on the question of separation on october 27 and 28 of 1850 favored separation by a margin of 1309 votes to 1 258 the margin was narrow enough to provide a warning for the separatlonists but they went ahead with their plans and formed a provisional municipal coun cil with joseph wright of toronto township as warden the council continued to meet with that of york county until the municipal machinery for the government of peel could be set up theatre friday march 3 vacation from love domestic comedy with dennis olceefe and florence bice crime doesnt pay miracle money cartoon day at the beach musical dave apollon fox news saturday march 4 amazing dr clitterhouse the anuudng story of a doable life starring edward g robinson musical men of steel cartoon fox hunt chapter 4 spiders web matinee at 3 pm tuesday and wednesday march 7 and 8 marie antoinette spectacular ptcturuwtton of the french queens life starrinc norma shearer and tyrone power scenic paris on parade coming stablemates mickey booney and wallace beery uitle or nothing peels position as a separate county was done until 1859 when a year long wrangle amongst the peel rep resentatives began to decide the loca tion of the county buildings negotl- atlonslasted from january to decem ber of that year and ended with the unseating of william undsay bramp ton by a writ of mandamus produc ed by the warden a coterie of the provisional council promptly named the village of maltnn county town for peel this action promptly provoked a storm of protest and a bill was filed in chancery against the raising of funds to locate the county buildings at malum the provisional council bowed to public opinion and in 1860 a vote on the question of locating the county town gave brampton 2222 votes malton 1682 and streetsvllle 74 when the provisional council ac cepted the mandate of county rate payers and sought to raise funds for the erection of county buildings at brampton however the incessant bickerings of the councillors had un dermined their prestige and the citi zens refused to pass funds by a poll of 2112 to 1726 two years later the county gave up the struggle for in dividuality and voted 2065 to 1525 for a reunion with the county of york finally in 1865 a second act of legislature separated peel from york this time under the wardenshlp of dr john barnhart of streetsvllle and in 1867 peel finally assumed control of her own affairs a select commit- hhnself by killing the giant goliath with a stone thrown from a sling there are favoarble references in greek classical literature to cheese so tnat it must have been regarded as something superior and more delicate than the commoner foods of the times and llicn there is the- arab story which tells of how an arab fil led his goatskin bottle one day with sweet milk before setting out on a long journey on his camel ay the end of a very hot day he stopped to drink his milk on opening his bot tle he was astonished to find inside a semi soft substance immersed in a greenish coloured liquid which had a very aggreeable acid taste and ne found it effective in quenching his thirst he also discovered that the semi so ft white substance was very palatable hisrrund went to work and he remembered that this milk was sweet when he pu it into lus goatskin bottle and had assumed this form after a days jolting on his camel so the art of cheese making was bom among the arabs in the recent excavations of ur of the chaldees the birth place ol ab raham a mosaic frieze was discover ed representing dairying scenes on a farm attached to a temple more than 5000 years ago t3100 bc there ls a procession of cows two calves are seen issuing from the bam door and men sitting on low stools are milking cows calves duly muzzled are roped to the cows headstalls so as to encourage her to give milk an oher part of the frieze shows two clean shaven men wearing fleece pet ticoats the official dress of priests pouring milk uirough a strainer into a vessel set on the ground while two others are collecting the strained the flrel forms of cheese made in friday and saturday specials 90 x 104 hemstitched sheets 195 each 78 x 84 hemstitched sheets 110 each 68 x 80 hemstitched sheets 95c each 42 wabasso h s pillow cases 75c pr 70 x 90 ibex flannelette blankets borders blue pink mauve gold 229 misses 3 dome rubbers 59c ladies plain rubbers first quality 49c w1ndbreakers boys heavy elothwindbreakers-dark- nay y l29- agents for langubys cleaner- and dyers mcbean co phone 64 we deliver georgetown consolidate canada were naturally french varie ties they survive in what is known as fromage raffina and oka the lat ter bein an evolution of the port du salut cheese in france the art of making the british forms of cheese was brought to north america by the early settlers from the british isles and it was brought to canada by the united empire loyalists and other british settlers it was not however until 1864 that the first cheese factory was established in canada in oxford county ontario since then canadian factory cheddar cheese has come to be recognized particularly in the united kingdom as unsurpassed in the world extensive clearing auction sale in the township of esquesing horses cattle sheep pigs seed grain and implements the undersigned has received in structions from d f wright lot 9 seventh line esqueslng at ashgrove to sell by public auction on wednesday march 15th 1939 at 12 oclock sharp the following horses 1 clyde gelding 9 yrs dark bay l clyde mare 10 yrs light bay weight 2900 and are well match ed 1 clyde gelding 10 yrs bay 1 clyde gelding 11 years bay weigh citmgormelvilleprfcerr- l- b bert a hartley thomas graham i thomas russell thomas mills and w special d a r creams 25c 45c save with safety at your rexall stor the mineral tonic novakelp 79c 139 special red cedar flakes moth proof bag both for 49c specials for this week rubber bath sponge 25c frnjt juice glass free with briten tooth paste 29c decorated tumbler free with english health salt 39c 25c noxzema 15c 25c dr knights tooth paste 19c nujol 29c 49c 83c you can always shop to advantage at your rexall store special j hard watbfe soap 5c cake alkalim with alka seltzer 29c 57c special carbolic soap 3 for 14c robbs drug store raom w ddimr ra mouix siotr cwownxom watch our window fob wnxt ict cbtum stbouls and o cherry mallow sundae 1 3c 2 for 25c longs confectionery moras samuel price was appointed to ob tain land and the services of an archi tect and arrange contracts for the county buildings for w purpose an appropriation of s30000 was made the contract for the courthouse was let to kestcven and story of toron- cattle i red cow 4 yrs milk ing well 1 red cow 8 yrs calved nov 30 bred january 5th 1 red heifer 3 yrs calved january 14th 1 red heifer 3 yrs calved january 13th trafalgar township rescinds bylaw dating back 45 years under threat of legal suit by a tax payer trafalgar township council ln a private session last week rescinded a bylaw dating back 45 years the bylaw which empowers the reeve and treasurer to invest certain moneys ls in defiance of a federal law which the onus of investment upon r individual officer or officers there of it ls not believed that the council of 1894 deliberately defied ottawa it is pointed out by the present councillors that in those days the councillors had very little business tor transact at their monthly sessions usually they had a binge at a local tavern and they may have thought jbe continual discussions about in vestments might interfere with their ftm so in a let george do it frame of mind they passed a bylaw hand- tog over their prescribed investment duties to the reeve and treasurer by so doing they inadvertently defied ot- v and gave the council of 45 yeans later a severe headache it all harks back to the days when the hamilton and northwe rail- vnj was a thriving enterprise hal- jba county was asked for a grant of j000 to help defray costs of laying in the county the railway cd a to repay the county if within 30 years of the grant being received the railway should go out of existence as an independent com- pany tbe county apportioned the grant over the different townships trafalgars proportion being s390q0 payable in 30 equal annual amounts saltan county lamed debentures interest on which over the life of the contract brought the total to 1 106000 trafalgars payments went on for 19 years at which time the hamilton northwestern railway sold out to the grand trunk the 20th payment was withheld and negotiations were open ed for a rebate of the previous 19 payments followed a lengthy bout of arbri- txation by ottawa after which the moneys were prorated at 5673 cents on the dollar and trafalgar town ship received 15000 back ottawa arbitrators ruling that investment or this amount and control of the trust fund set up with it should devolve upon the corporation of trafalgar township and then the council of the town ship passed the bylaw absolving the corporation of such onerous duty and vesting it in the hands of the reeve and treasurer a taxpayer discovered the irregu larity but what impelled him fa threaten legal action against the cor- deration continues to pusle this years council on the eve however of action com mencing at osgoode hall to secure an injunction thc council held a private session during which the offending legislation was rescinded at the next meeting council will deal with a new bylaw to replace its 45yearold antecedent a shockproof operating table has been invented in england which can be tilted to any angle by means of a pedalcontrolled electric motor herald advertising pays july 7tln red and white cow 4 yrs due sept 16th the above cows are grade short- ht thvsumofvl8i5andthaij 5lzc nnd have for the jail was given to thomas w bt nnd milked monroe a brampton builder at a j x cow 8 c pe price of 9858 but mogrldge was un- br 19ln jm cow 9 able to furnish a bond guaranteeing august 6th 1 jetay heller 4 yrs his work and the contract was final- bt juary 25tb 9 calves 4 young ly awarded to kesteven and story j cajves 12 h catlt between 1 and it was recorded in the minutes of i a v old the council that the jail was first thls ls n wel1 brcd ot buut with wooden sills which had to nnd p of condition and has be torn out and replaced with stone i had one subject which was believed to sheep 9 cwes j have been directly responsible for lamb ln h 1 registered oxford peels desire for separation f rom i reim york and which presentday muni- hoos register ed yorkshire sow cipal authorities are afraid would something of a stumbling block in any union of counties was the matter or assessment in 1885 when the sec ond act ol legislature to separate peel from york was passed york had 532031 acres assessed at s136s3429 while peel had only 288035 acres val ued at 6943542 yet in levying funds for general purposes the county of york was called to contribute only s1727423 while peel had to pay s- 11417 which was apparently in con tradiction of modem practice in equalization under which the poorer municipalities are asked to pay smal ler comparative shares of expenses than the more wealthy contributors telegram making of cheese an ancient art the manufacture of cheese is so old that its origin may be said to be lost ln the mists of antiquity there docs not appear to be any country or tribe in the worlds history stated p w mclagan of montreal ln an address on the development of cheesemnking in canada to the meet ing of the canadian produce assoc iation recently held at montreal which has not made milk fat its sub- tenanoe into nixne form of cheese- there seem to be hundreds of variet ies cheese is mentioned in the bible ln the book of chronicles where it is written hat at a time when the is raelites were at war with the phiu- stlnesi a farmer named jesse sent his young son david to visit his three brothers who were in the army and to carry to them a quantity of par ched com but to the captain of the company he was enjoined to present ten small cheeses it win seem that while parched corn was deemed good enough for private soldiers the com manding officer had to be regaled with such a delicacy as cheese this it wul be remembered was- the occa sion when young david dlsungmahed yorkshire 11 pigs 4 months old 125 bredtolay plymouth rock pullets grain 123 bus nobarb seed bar ley no 1 germination 97 500 bus feed oats banner erban seed oats grade and test made known at time of sale 276 lbs alslke seed 4 bus 36 lbs 224 lbs alfalfa seed 4 bus 4 lbs implements all in good condi tion 1934 pordson tractor new type mh 17 springtooth cultivator trac tor lift 816 double disc deering stoneboat cockshutt tractor plow 12 bottom lister grain grinder 10 on truck with jack 24 feet drive belt brantford saw table with 2 saws 30 26 deeringmccormick binder 7 ft cut pole truck jerk flttlng used 2 seasons set grain lifters blssell disc inthrow mh ferulizer 13 disc grain drill almost new 13- tooth deering cultivator steel land roller 2 plow wheels manure spreader mh pulper fleury no 21 plow grass seeder new deering plow no 407 pig crate 3 verity plow set tolton harrows cockshutt jointer plows pea harves ter 2 hay tedders revolving rake deering side rake deering dump rake 2 deering mowers deering scuffler now 2 heavy wagons new steeltired wagon democrat wagon used very little chatham fanning mill with bagger screens and riddles like new forks 2000 lb ouraey weigh scales post drill 2 fiat bottom wagon racks wagon box 1 set wagon springs 2 sets sleighs i set pleasure sleighs cutter 2 buggies 2 pair sleigh bunks dehorning crate electric delaval cream separator no 16 4 hp elec tric motor bars shovels 2 chimney clean outs number tile 7 x 7 x 14 2 bench vises carpenters tools gravel bcreen lscrew jack capacity 20 tons 1 pump jack babbit ladle wire fence stretcher 1 hand stretcher apple rack 3 post hole diggers obcedar posts 10 anchor posts iron parts of 5ton wil son stock scale 4 brace posts 1 set iron blocks 130 feet ttlnch rope feed box 1 colony house 10x13 feet quantity of 1lnch rope 2 jamesway 6nest uplts units equipped for trap nests jamesway selffeeder doctors agree that many winter colds are caused by extremes of household tem perature eliminate these easily and economically by installing the old company heat control on your furnace it regulates drafts automatically keeps our home at the temperature you want ask us for details inquire now about modern anthracite burning equipment j b mackenzie son phone s3 georgetown old companys anthracite pfvvsyi vaafa anthracite coal mim1wdis of self feeds and feed troughs grain bags and sacks molasses barrels all- brass no 2 bprymotor new 1 sugar kettle apple rack 50 new apple ham pers 25 bushel boxes new 40foot ex tension ladder 16 foot ladder num ber gas and oil drums 2 step ladders canthook 3 logging chains 1 boom chain wheelbarrow whlffietrees neck- yokes power emery 3 hay knives 1 crosscut saw burdirao castrating plnc- her medium tocar and canula ear tag pliers 3 ring syringe quantity new pine lumber some timbers 3 white oak tongues cedar plank 1 spool barbed wire 56 feet 1h inch galv piping 80 ft 1 inch galv piping water trough 13 feet long harness bet harness set single harness hone collars et harness al most new breechings and neckyokes set show harness sleigh bells horse blankets set heel chains pair chain breast straps household fttrniture oak bedroom suite 3 beds with springs mattresses 4ptoce parlor suite skis board kitchen cabinet 1 oak extension table number chairs 1 camp cot oak hau rack 1 wardrobe 3 small tables spinning wheel and reel picture fr terms cash nothing to be removed until satis factory settlement is made fosul- ly no reserve as the farm is sold this stqe will positively start on una re member the date time and pwce hume ottrrtb olerx prank petoh auouoneenu guide in trafalgar square hats you seen nelsons column american visitor no what paper does he write fort

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