Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 8, 1939, p. 2

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the georgetown herald seventysecond year of publication wednesday evening march 8th 1939 1 50 per annum in advance 2 00 to usa council makes amendments to water and dog bylaws 200 fee for use of garden hose cut off purchase pro perty frooi j a smith adjoining reservoir accounts passed council met at 8 pjn on tuesday evening mayor gibbons was in the chair with reeve davis and oounctl lore hall lyons cripps costlgan brown and mcdonald present minutes of previous meetings were read and confirmed communications were read from b brock the hospital tor sick child ren toronto general hospital secre tary thompson reunion canadian national railways halton and feel bouse of refuge moved by costlgan seconded by cripps that by law no to amend the dog by law of the town of georgetown be now read a first time carried moved by davis seconded by brown that by law no to amend the dog by law of the town of georgetown be now read a second and third times and finally passed and the seal of the corporation be attached thereto carried moved by costlgan seconded by hall that by law no to amend waterworks by law no 112a of the town of georgetown be now read a first time carried moved by mcdonald seconded by lyons that by law no to amend waterworks by law no 1i2a be now read a second and third times and finally passed and the seal of the corporation be attached thereto carried moved by cripps seconded by davis that this council purchase from mr john smith property comprising flf teen acres adjoining the reservoir for 225 carried yeas gibbons hall lyons cripps davis brown mcdon aid naja costlgan moved by brown seconded by lyons that we pay the relief commission the sum of 20793 to pay february accounts carried mov ed bv hall seconded bv mc don that the collector be inslruc ted to return the 1938 tax roll on april 10th carried moved by lyons seconded bv hall tnai a grant of s10 00 be given t o the committee in charge of home comforts for the inmates of the hal ton and peel house of refuge car ned moved bv cripps seconded by dai is that the use of the georgetown park be granted to the thompson family reunion on june 11th 1939 carri georgetown legion entertains highlanders visitors put on fink pbogbam the members of georgetown le gion played hosts to members of the royal hi of canada asso elation the canadian black watch comprising veterans of the 13th 42nd and 73 rd battalions at their club rooms last week end the visitors were welcomed by the president wm rooney and comrade j murphy a very happy time was spent and entertainment included variety num bers by tjfro- toronto radio stars and highland dances by jack patterson and his troupe also featured was an exhibition of the lambeth walk president bui green of the royal highlanders thanked the president and members of the legion for the splendid evening and extended an in vltatlon for a visit to toronto in the near future he congratulated the branch on its fine quarters and stress ed the necessity of all veterans lden tifylng themselves with some organ ration as a means of assisting the movement generally refreshments were served under the comenorship of mrs t grieve arrangements were in the hands of comrade t grieves of ums local branch and date rose secretary of the highlanders association appointed editor of observer rev a j wilson who has recently been appointed edi tor of the united church observer the now publication which will be the official organ of the church ed it was moved and seconded that the following accounts be paid h mcdougall sts 1120 w breen sts 330 c sargent sts 120 m armstrong sts 1440 m armstrong w w 2 10 m armstrong sts 18 00 wm ward court services 400 c thompson court services 4 00 w h kentner son coal 1325 j b mackenzie son coal the globe mail advertising tbe toronto star advertising r h thompson dc co sts jack tost sts f sinclair town truck f c wbitmee sts j n oneill son sts wm ward bailiff fees hydro electric 2615 w g marshall stamps etc 350 c h barber ww rebate 12 00 bell telephone co enters res 2 06 nun office 734 ore chief 435 truck driver 230 total 16 04 barber floral co 400 molean publishing co 90 moved by hall seconded by lyons that we do now adjourn carried halton presbytenal meets here tomorrow i the tenth annual meeting of the hnltoi presbytenal of the woman s missionary societv of the united ci urch of canada w ill be he d in the georgetow n united church tomor row thursday march 9th sessions will be held at 9 30 a m ai d 15 p m li a suj per m eting at c la p m at which mr and mrs p w moffat of weston will gie an illustrated ad dress on a trip through india and pi estlne the story of the year and the poster parade by presbyteriaj tetarles will be a feature of the nornlng session the guest speaker of the afternoon session will be miss evelyn mitchell travelling setxetary of the dominion board the pres dent ms earl wuson or ashgitnc will preside water user to benefit by new bylaw georgetown water users will benefit by the new by law passed by council on tuesday evening eliminating the 2 00 fee for the use of hose for gar den lawn or washing car citizens benefit not only by the 200 deduc tion but in the past this extra tax has caused both- the users olwater and the collectors a headache this new by law will be appreciated by water users and as there is a large supply of water in georgetown they will be able to keep their lawns and flowers looking more beautiful this many georgetown winners at halton county seed fair this year sponsored by halton crop improvement associ ation and held at mihon john ruddell and t j brownrtdge of georgetown awarded cha t ur ra e i tne fourth annual halton county organist wins rtotessional seed fair which this year was spon- dmwu sored by the halton crop improve- v ment association with which is amnv 2630 322 3 14 339 26 45 10 00 13 00 100 16 15 ioj3e met on monday night a regular meeting of the imperial order daughters of the empire lo caj chapter was held monday evening a the home of mrs c v williams with 16 members present the re gent mrs k d barber presided the minutes of the previous meet ing were read by the secretary mrs k m langdon mrs lambert educational secretary gave a coinprcl en ivc outline or top ics for studj for the coming j ear plans were made for ht bestowal dinner to be htld late in he month with mrs r f barber convenor ad mrs williams mrs dann and mrs ma cokoack asslung the meeting closed after wl ich a social hour was spen will the hos teas serving refreshments a vote of thank w as tendered mrs williams for the use of her hbme i anmal meeting of 1 mission to the lepers the annual meeting of the george town branch mission to the lepers i was held on friday mar 3rd last years officers all being killing to serve again were reelected in a bodj president mrs a reeve vice presidentmlss m young secretary mrs j l lambert treasurer mrs w tyndall representatives to the local coun cil mrs e young mrs francis rev woo thompson and rev w g baxter led the devotions af ter which the meeting was addressed by mr george bell mr bell a missionary from the bor ders of tibet tow of his work in a lepeosarium where tibetans mas lems and buddhists found consola tion in christianity a leper being an outcast from all other religions is entirely without hope until he hears of christianity but under the care and teaching or christian missionaries life can be made tolerable and hope can be given to even the most revolt ing cases mrs feller and mrs v a nn fitter then san out of tl e ivory palaces as a duet and the meeting was brought lo a close united church to s-nr- publish new paper first number of the new publics jon of the united church of can ada which is to be called the unit ed church observer wille publish ed early in march it was announced today bj the cuuuirruee appointed by the general council to set up a new chucrh paper created out of the amalgamation of the new outlook and the united church record and missionary review rev a j wilson ba bjo for merly minister of st andrews unit ed church najmnee has moved u toronto and is completing organlxa tion of the new journal the publication which will be the official organ of the united church of canada will have 3 pages in its initial stages according to the new editor the publication will stress news of the church with pecil features for every age group in the home and art cl s of general and special inter st world evtnl and tl murpnta iioi of currcni hi tory will also oc cup an important j ce in the jo r n a 1 emphasl will lx given to world mtf oris biographies of prominent world figure will be featured mr wilson stated the new publication will be desist ed o be of tcrest to the membership of the united church of canada men and women who are thoro ighh familiar with pccla subjects will be asked to write for the new publication illus tra lions will be roncrouslv used rev a j wilson comes to his task well qualified b long training and xperience in the ministry and in new spaper work bom in england or scottish parents he came with his famih to canada when three years and lived in new brunswick dog by law amended council had a busy session li night amending by law for the lo- i dog by law was also amended at this meeting this step was deemed necessary to try and cope with the dog situation in town too many dogs have been running at large and owners have been evading the an nual tax the new amendment will now put the onus on the owner for it requires him to register each dog with the town clerk or tax collector or pay the alternative 1000 fine the municipality has been in the past losing much revenue through dog taxes and this amendment will no doubt help in this connection this bv law will be strictly enforced at the recent examinations held by the canadian college of organists mr lloyd hustler of norval was sue cessful in receiving his professional or gan degree acco mr hustler is also a professional member of the casavant society of toronto which aims amongst other laudable ob jects to promote interest in the or gan as a great concert insjtrumtent apart altogether from its important role as an adjunct to divine worship mr hustler received his early organ training under alfred wilson now organist or paisley cathedral scot land and since then has been a full lime student of mp farmer rco lrajyf mr hustler has received all his theory training both with the university of music and the canadian college of organists under mr herbert campbell of brampton and he speaks of htm as schumann poke of chopin one hundred years ago hats off gentlemen a genius sidewalk should be kept clear of snow the sidewalks in some parts of the town have become very dangerous for pedestrians due to the snow and ice being allowed to pile up from one snowfall to the next citizens gen erally should be reauried to remove the snow and ice from in front of their homes and the corporation should take steps to see that this is done serious accidents can be cans ed from falls on slipper sidewalks i district a to be held in jure lions but apart irom that it helps to cut kln and ucata were named as sub- down on the volume of sales at our titutes lot stores when citizens are unable announcement was made that cap- to to shopping due to the icy con atn tnnls of tne ratepayers tilt ons or the streets a coating of elation of cana would be the nd in some places would also help speaker on april 3rd and that the lev ure would be thrown open to the public lion jark watson reported on the omival which showed a satisfactory balance expressions of appreciation were offered to all who helped report was eiven by lion reeve lions club the regular meeting of georgetown lions club was held at 630 on monday evening in the dining room if the mcolbbon hotel chief mc clure in the chair during and after dinner the buslnessof the club was onduopd the kings health gh en with the national anthem sung dr jackson and d brill were elect delegates to the convention gird easter sunday with easter sundiv falling desired ovof general nssjljalili l to on juvenile hockey to the membership or tne rw h compares with the thv coming concert by john rock veraee easter date easter is deter wood amous bantone was consider m ned by the first sunda following the first full moon after march 21 records dating back to 1865 show that easter has fallen on march 23 but once this was in 1913 next year easter will be on march 24 the earti csi since 1913 within recent years march 28 1037 was the earliest date only once since 1865 has easter come on april 25 the latest in 75 years that was in 1886 twice it has fal received ills pub ic and high school 1c on anr11 23 ln 1b05 and p m riming at st john nb and at 1916 within recent years the latest pictou academv proceeding to uni on adnl 21 1935 in 1943 vcrsitj he graduated from queens in easter sunday will be on april 25 arts in 1912 and from queen s the date being march 30th a church parade was decided for the sunday after easter at st george the meeting then adjourned with the singing of the maple leaf has the laundry made a mis jike asked brown this shirt i so tight i can hardly breathe yes its your shirt all right re plied his wife but youve got your head through a buttonhole bon w d herridge advocates new democracy for canada theological college in 1915 prior to entering unlversltj he served an ap prentlceshlp in marine engineering and during college years had varied experiences with the frontier college in northern ontario teaching school in saskatchewan and serving home mission fields in british columbia during the world war he worked as a tool maker on munitions in the criticism levelled at the government by hrm quickly re- napanee iron works j upon graduation he was ordained and inducted into the ministry at st andrew s presbyterian church nap- anee where he has served con tin u ouslv as the minister for twentv sponded to by mr slaght and hon mr lapointe munitions contract discussed c b c gives report three years in that community and sllt jt over a large section of eastern on tario he has been a significant and somewhat unique figure in addition to his preaching and pastoral duties he served as editor of the napinee bev r n weeklv newspaper and fori the past wo vear has edited and ubll hm nn independent religio is jo rral the christian advance mr wilon visited e irope in 197 a new h minary has appeared in the political skies or canada the brill i star is quite evident but its size has till to be de term in ed it is believed bv some it will turn i to be a meteor not n star the farms h ill b ii nervation submerged whn dam bmlt 1000 aero lake rominnv with nake a special st tonomir con utlon r 1 v tec ji t 1 mil erwood eddv of social and two years lat fnrmosn china made a second f tn ea a new principle ln computing ln terest on savings accounts went into effect tn canadian chartered banks on march 1st hitherto the system has been on compute the interest on the lowest monthly balance but after this month the lowest bal anoe in three months will be the basis of interest computation the idea explained a well known banker is to stop the ins and out ers and to encourage the keeping of a uniform minimum balance as far as possible on hand the plan will not be detrimental to those who practise systematic saving but with the fee exacted for cashing cfaeqoes issued others win help cut down the practice of those who use a saving account as a sort ofrmrrent amount for which purpose it is not tn tended wt l 1 er town mp are prepirtng o tak e c j mo able article trom tl r r firms ai d seirch for new home their farms bv thl time i ex veir t i staled wi 1 be s ibmerpert bv a 4000 acre shallow nke which will fol low th con truction of the ea t lu her dam planned as part of the cnnd rv r con ervition scheme vi to f rope w th mr eddv with jerial reference to r is in bv tra el a i wide readliir i 1 become f miliar wltt world problems and wpf mr winn will ass me both u ell or hip and b t incs mvnafte m nt of the u ii ed ch iron obser the manufacture of shells has been discussed in parliament and has been forwarded to the public accounts committee in relation to this con tract opposition members have claim ed favoritism and patronage were hon 71 d hrrklgc former minister shown ln awarding the contract in canada at washington has given government supporters have said the twltlcal creed ln a speech at ot r opportunity for investigating tawa he is an advocate of political lh contracts will be given in the f rm of a new democracv which m b c 1ccoui ts committee the prime 1 elect a peoples parliament minister said tn the debate with re first thinr to do in mr her ipect to profiteering with respect to np opinion would be to get rid or n cr m contract whether it he od poltticil parties mr her ls m connection with the department iru ild he tho rhi the present oi defence or anj other department r les if eft in control would unite 0 the government so far as this ad t t mtional rovernmenl which wo ild ministration ix concerned we will do fascist in lis latiire the n i our power to prevent anything ir ver cannot nold office when taxes in arrears a case of general interest to muni dpalitles and ratepayers was decided ln halton during the past week at the annual meeting of s 8 no 3 in nassagaweya objection was taken by some ratepayers to two of the trus tees messrs woods and bruce bold ing office because they were a number of years ln arrears for taxes the trustees however did not resign messrs holmes and currie rate payers in the section pressed the case for a ruling and it was heard before county judge munro ln milton his ruling was hat messrs woods and bruce could not hold office the posl uons were declared vacant and the costs were ass against the defen dants on parliament brought in rv rcponse in ur house of com mo from mr slatiht member for i rrj so ind ontario the allega i li it parliament wa not free and t tt uie parties mirht mite to form t fsclt government were vile ours a d the member mr lapc nte mini ter of justice referred to a statement nation bein what it 1 said the of mr herridge jiat vou will never prune minister let us have any in ve praperitv mttl you get into par i quiry if we like but do not tor good for ga masks lloment men who love their country nc s sake unless it is obviously neces better than themselves that is a j smy let is do anything to create mean slanderous statement said the more i the way of suspicion and dis 1 lrust m mlnds of peopk of the kind ii anything ls proven to exist he said we will do all in our pover to make an example of tho e re ponslble tho government welcomes mr king said the fullest i qulr bv the p iblic accounts com mlttee the skies overhead were not ot clear in the light of the world first manufacturing firm in hal ion county to benefit directly from the canadian government s defence program the ontario metal special ties bronte has just been awarded a contract from the department of na tional defence at ottawa for the manufacture of the canister parts tor ten thousand gas masks the pattern for the parts has been received and about a dosen men at the companys plant are now busy making the neces sary dies after these have been completed several men will be engag ed for about three weeks in the work of turning out and asstintonng the parts no extra help is being hired on account of this order it is under stood the firms regular employees being sufficient to look after the work theprice of the contract has not been announced minister and i repudiate it for all my colleagues in this parliament the temper of parliament these days his been on occasions far from placid the editor of the globe and mall toronto with his campaign for the leadership league has been something of a thorn in the ttosh members are still getting league cou pons from the paper editorials in another paper the ottawa citizen have arouse the wrath or some of the leaders in the house and it was suggested that the editor might be brought to the bar of the house to prove the statements that the parties were nothing but money collectors endeavouring to win elections the idea however was not carried out aneuter hnjtkoi cantract rninl another bunlttons contract one for this country in connection with de fence affairs and a department which is seeking to do its utmost to make the defences of our country what thev should be the new wheat ptfcy parliament and the country await with interest the details or the plans for aiding the western farming popu lation the government has already explained that the so cent guarantee basis number one northern fort wlluam win be superceded by acreage bonus which will eliminate the inequities of the former plan an initial payment by pools under government guarantee and encourage ment for the pools will be further continued on page 5 ated the acton esquesing and coun ty of halton agricultural soclettea the halton holstetn breeders halton plowmen s and the halton junior farmer associations was held at mil ton on friday and saturday of last week notwithstanding bad road condi tions which made it hnpossftle for some of the exhibitors to get tfceh- seed to the fair the exhibit was weh up to the standard of former yean and the programme on saturday af ternoon was largely attended by far mers from all parts of the county the cereal grain classes wen par ticularly well filled with twenty ex hibits ln the late and medium oat class thirteen of which were krban the class in early oats was also well filled with ten exhmitom as in former years only exhmltoai having seed for sale were eligible to exhibit and furthermore the seed shown was representative quantities being offered for sale taking this action the officers directors or the association congratulated by mr c l s of the dominion seed w toron- who felt that all spring seed shows should be conducted on this basis the demand for seed grain was quite keen and a number of the ex hibitors we understand disposed of all their surplus seed before the fan closed on saturday evening the championship in cereal grains was won by an exhibit of nobarb bar ley grown and shown by john rud dell of georgetown in the small seed classes an exhibit of aliske shown by t j brownrtdge of george town won the championship and these two lots therefore received the peclal trophies donated by the t eaton co limited the same com pany also offered two other silver trophies and these were awarded to donald macnabb of georgetown and j e pearen of acton who sponsor ed the largest number or exhibits at the programme on saturday af ternoon president w e breckon of freeman who acted as chairman gave credit to the agricultural socle- ties of the county ln inaugurating the- event and in his introductory re marks also gave a resume of the crop and soil improvement work to be un dertaken by the association dutfnc the current year special speakers for the event were dr o mcrostle of the field hus bandry dept guelph and prof n j thomas of the chemistry depb their addresses on crop and soli im provement were most practical and were listened to with much interest by the large audience which filled the milton town hall the junior farmer judging com petitions in grain and seeds fruits and vegetables and cream grading which were held ln conjunction with the seed fair on saturday while not as largely contested year ago brought out 32 competitors the high man of the event was ric hard mclaughlin of norval who was also the winner of the strathcona orchards trophy for high man tn fruit and vegetables the halton seed trophy emblematic of the championship in judging of oram and seeds was won by harold barber of acton and the halton cream and butter co trophy for high man in cream grading was won by elwood johnston or acton the prize winners at the seed fan were as follows erban oats 1st o c atkins bronte 2nd t j brownridge georgetown 3rd j e pearen acton 4th jack ruddell georgetown 5th craig held georgetown 6th mal colm mcnabb sons georgetown 7th john alexander georgetown 8th walter gray georgetown late oats 1st art swackhamer acton 2nd goo heathetington free man 3rd a e woodley milton 4th col d h c mason georgetown 5th w e breckon freeman 6th ross swackhamer acton 7th j allan dix on milton earlv oats 1st hugh held acton 2nd craig reid georgetown srd victor hall hornby 4th bruce rew georgetown 5th wm chapman rockwood 6th grant campbell mof fat 7th john vansickle palermo barley oac no 21 1st malcolm mcnabb a sons georgetown 2nd t j brownridge georgetown 3rd mil ler bros georgetown 4th grant campbell moffat barley smooth awned 1st jack ruddell georgetown field peas 1st hugh rekl acton soy beans 1st john alexander georgetown alfalfa 1st m mcnabb a sons georgetown red clover 1st victor hall horn by alsike 1st t j bratraridge georgetown potatoes rural new yorker type 1st j k pearen acton potatoes irish cobbler type 1st j e pearen acton 2nd r h hun ter norval the winners in the judging com petitions were as follows gram and seeds juniors 1st tin bruce reid and angus mcnabb 3rd jack vangoosen 4th newton bod- dell 5th dirk tanoooscn senior 1st harold barber 2nd john afes- conttnaed on pass 4

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