Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 8, 1939, p. 3

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paga he the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 8th 1939 1 mood and your uowp can only work for the town as the of tbe community make it poasmle for the publisher to produce it georgetown herald no j ml moobk mater a4 rawfaber a weekly newspaper demoted to the best interests of the town ol o 111 limn and surroundins country including the villages of den wlvsuns horval umehouae stewarttown balhnafad and terra cotta sty wednesday evening at the office on main st georgetown srjbscnipttotf baths 4150 per year in advance united i ts a single copies sc both old and new addresses should be rfwa when change of address is requested adverimno rates tgal notices 12c per line for first in- rttuu 7c per line for each subsequent jnseruon readers 8c per line or each insertion if in black face type 5c per line additional notices ing as coning brents such as concerts entertainments society l or organisation meetings etcsc per line mi charge 38c i of meetings held gladly inserted free in memorian notices 60c ntra- for poetry birth marrlaga sort death nouceamte nts one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 35c for ssda subsequent insertion display advertising rates on applicatio aithnitg every precaution will be takento avoid error the herald jogapts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not jm sable for any error hi any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald b office duly signed by the advertiser and with such mt or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error ao noted ts not corrected by the herald its liability shall hot oasaed such a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the pace occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by aoflfa advertisement the herald does job prxnttno op au kinds- occupation age has not passed me by without his toll of strength from eye and ear but with a gracious gesture leaves in every ravaged spot a thousand miracles of glad surprise an answered prayer a friendship new the touch of loving hands a childs gay voice a sacrament of pouring oil and wine in this sad world clouding the stars with hate oh heavenly one who rules both age and time give me the grace to lively live that- i- shall not the end anticipate throwing his gifts of occupation to the winds so gabriel when he comes must loudly call me from my work not find me whining at the outer gate sarah avery paunce mr conant flies a kite on december 38 1938 a deputation consisting of twentythree men rep resenting the lords day alliance the churches both roman catholic and protestant the labour organizations and the retail merchants association waited upon the hon gordon d con ant attorneygeneral of ontario with reference to the preservation of the weekly rest day in the province as a lesult of that interview the lords day alliance issued a state ment which was sent out with a cov ering letter from some of the deno minational offices warning ministers and people that the attorneygeneral had intimated that legislation might be introduced at the coming session of the legislature permitting the opera tion of public commercialized sports and entertainments a united church minister has re ceived a letter from mr conant private secretary in which he claims that the lords day alliance has grossly exaggerated and misrepresent ed the attitude of the attorneygen eral that he never made any such statements and that the private secre tary thinks it is not in his minid to take any such action the statement issued by the lords day alliance was prepared by a com mittee representing that body and the various churches nearly all tbe men on that committee were also on the deputation and had heard the attor neygenerals statement it is true the attorneygeneral did not cate gorically say the government will introduce such and such legislation but unless his words were intended to convey that intimation they were ab solutely meaningless and irrelevant mr conant called the deputations at tention to section six bf the lords day act which gives provincial legis latures the power to permit public commercialized sport and entertain ment on sunday he then made a strong plea in favour of such relaxa tion of our sunday law let it be remembered that this was not a private conversation but a public interview with a responsible minister of the crown on a matter of public policy we did not for one minute suppose that we were listen ing merely to mr conanta personal views we were not at all interested in them as a representative body of men we regarded his statements as an enunciation of prospective government policy i submit we had every right so to regard them we all came to the conclusion that such legislation was contemplated by the government i we could come to no other rf mr of peopie who are sick and poor and i conant was not enunciating govern- had i merit policy then he misled the depu- ipbose ured faces show their lives are tatlon as he is a comparative no- sad j vice as a cabinet minister we will who toll along the road with foot- concede that he did so unlntention- reps slow i ally and hearts more heavy than the that the deputation had abundant world can knour reason to place such an interpretation peopie whom others pas discreetly by- 1 on mr conants words is shown from or fall to bear the pleading of that the headlines in the olobe and mall cry the next morning reporting the in- far help amid the tumult of the i tervlew sunday relaxation conant crowd i aim legislation to permit games whose very anguish makes them cold i and diversion for workers hinted to and proud j delegation the following day pre- heaentful stubborn bitter in their mier hepburn himself in a newspaper grief interview cordially endorsed mr con- i want to bring them comfort and re- j ants proposition the premier was bef i more specific than mr conant he to put my hand in theirs and at specified definitely baseball and their side j shows as activities that should be walk toftly on a faithful fearless permitted on sunday in ontario guide i purthermofe all over this province o saviour thou the christ truth the statement of the attomey-oen- ever near eral was the subject ol newspaper help me to feel these sad ones doubly editorial comment most of these dear j newspapers strongly condemned the 3ecsuse they need so much i help attorney generals proposal these me to seek i editors evidently placed the same in- and find that which they thought terpretatlon as did the deputation was lost to speak j now what is it that mr hepburn was bach words of cheer that as we pass approving and that these newspapers along i were condemning the wqdernefls shall blossom into it would appear that probably the song attorneygeneral was using that in- jqx tim divine bow empty was that n ptayer of other days 1 that which was once so fair tbose flamy baubles which the world cftbs joys are netting to me now but broken teach me to love there was a time when in my daily prayer i asked for all the things i deemed most fair and nece to my life success riches of course and ease and hap piness a ho 1 of friends a home without alloy a primrose path of luxury and joy social distinction and enough of fame to leave behind a weuremembered name ambition ruled my life i longed to do great things that all my little world might view and whisper wonderful ah pati ent god sow blind 4e are until thy shep herds rod of tecder chastening gentry leads us on to btuer things today i have but one petition lord teach me to love in deed ix k my greatest and my only need teaee me to love not those who first love me bvt all the world with that rare purity of beard otxtreachlng thought which bears no trace of earlhry taint bo holds in its em- trace hmsxjty and only seems to see the gcad in all reflected lord from thee and teach me father how to love the most ttho most stand to need of love host government from responsibility it moans though that there is increas ed necessity for the lovers of a quiet sunday by resolutions and by per sonal letters to indicate to the gov ernment and to their local member of the legislature their strong desire that our weekly restday shall be pre served tbe battle for decent sunday observance in ontario is on let everyone do their duty columbus too liked jamaica the gold that lured christopher co lumbus to what is now the island of jamaica in 1494 proved largely non existent but the discoverer of ameri ca found gold or a different kindih the luxuriant vegetation and fascin ating scenery bf this gem of the caribbean today the- numerous visitors jamaica aboard lady liners or the canadian national steamships from boston may revel at their leisure in the intriguing remains or the spanlsr occupation which dot jamaclas fam ous north shore columbus brought his ships to anchor in a spot of un surpassed beauty which he named santa gloria and which is known to day as columbus cove this the drax hall estate a few miles east of st anns bay everywhere is evidence of the brave days of spains occupation of the land the names of the villages and the rivers are nearly all spanish theres ocho rtos eight rivers and seville where columbus made a set tlement and started to build a town tbe ruins of a cathedral which was never finished may be seen close to the roadside a few miles beyond st anns bay the traveller comes to runaway bay so called because it was the place from which the last spanish general fled when jamaica was abandoned to the english invaders in 1655 most or those in the travel game have heard the expression id love to go to jamlaca if i could get some one to go with me the solution of the difficulty is a simple one because loneliness on a lady liner of the canadian national steamships for a normal person is an impossibility no individual prospect need reject the idea of a lady liner trip sole as with the atmosphere of friendliness ever present on these steamers happyfamily spirit and just right members oijlhe passenger lists friendships will be made within a few hours dmvtno awa business midland the qr independent recently suspended publication because of lack of advertising support from the town merchants so much fuss was raised about the town being without a news paper that tho independent is making another try the amount of adver tising published even now however will not warrant continuance if a newspaper is to serve a town and do all its publicity work for love no one should be surprised if it is compelled to close its doors or suspend publi cation and devote its entire atten tion to commercial printing as many weekly newspapers now do a community is generally just as live as its newspaper and if the mer chants want a wideawake paper to -ohraucle-the-jiews- of the town and promote local patriotism which means shopping at home instead of spinning to the city they must see to it that their sales messages are printed regu larly they not only promote their own businesses but make for their municipality to have a paper some folks think that a newspaper lives on the subscriptions it receives from its readers the money receiv ed from readers by thefnost prosper ous weekly paper in ontario will not much more than pay the white paper and ink bill let alone wages salaries machinery and other overhead it is advertising that supplies the life tcjl engineers work at 42 bs3uow when heavy drifts prevented them from hauling a- big transcanada air lines plane into the hangar at regina recently four tca engineers work ed on the aircraft in the open it was 43 below but the men stuck to their job and in spite of frostbitten races angers and feet got their work done putting the air pressure pumps in order the plane went on us way according to schedule the seven ages of woman 1- the baby 2 the uttle girl 3 the flapper 4 tbe young lady 5 the young lady b the young lady 7 the young lady they had grown wealthy suddenly and had purchased a farm complete with hens cows and pigs said visitor one day do your hens lay eggs oh they can was the lofty reply but in our position they dont have to country churches gods houses where the great t preach are built as high as gold can reach are built to stand within the crowd and point their finger stiff and proud but those that stand on country hills need give no thought to strong mens wills they stand alone removed from noise as patiently as childrens toys and quietly in grass or snow they look at him rrom here below leonard snyder in kaleidograph 100000 n ld- h0usewves enjdy blue coal heating cdmfdrt cjul time tble standard time tji i ind man 10jes i ind mall 40 j for toronto ml 1 passengers sundays only ku 1 gatfg west km i 335 l passenger sunday uji l saturdays only leaving toronto 11 jo pm arriving at george 1225 am pint trip november going north mao and passenger cofasewu grajy coach lines time table leave obobogxowh to twanta a 7j08 im ms am 1148 i c x33 am 4j8 pjw c4t pj 903 pm westawaad to i milan 935 am xll20 am 106 i cxl56 pan ay445 am t00 p bb00 pjn dxlljtt pa exlljbo am a accept sun and hoi b sun and hoi o bat only d except 8et sun and hol e bat bun and hol x to kitchener y to stratford tickets and information at w h long qeosgetown lie coa the modern fuel for solid comfort printing service what you want when you want it directory lejtot dale kjc m sybil benneit bus georgetown ontario office gregory theatre bfalg mul ok langdon banister solicitor notary pawls first mortgage money to loan office main street south phone 88 georgetown p b watson djs mjjl georgetown office hours 9 to 5 except thursday afternoons dr j e jackson dentist xbay office hours dally 9 to 5 evenings 7 to 9 phone uw georgetown quality printing otttsfes o i thank thee that i know tbosa mdchdestred dreams of long 10m bntterflkw have had their sum- aars day of briaf enchantment and have gone acy m desire now teach me bo love from the christian i journal tervlew as a means of flying a kite or feeling out public opinion well public opinion has been express itself pretty freely and apparently to good effect we are all delighted to hear that the gover has no in tention of introducing the legislation the friends of a quiet would however be very foolish if they allow themselves to be lulled in to inactivity by these statements the writer is in noaaewlon of reuable in formation that certain sports and fin ancial tntcr are baity organbdng to put over such viglilsrlon in fact he could give the names of some pro minent dtlsens who are behind the move u is now imirtmi that the bin may he in by a private this will not absolve the letterheads envelopes invoices statements posters sale bills business cards booklets catalogues ruled forms circulars dodgers frank petch licensed auctioneeb fr um cmmtfcs f pmi an hi prompt service cheltenham 26 r 33 georgetown nrl poet ofnce cheltenham if it is quality printing you want at a coat no greater than you might pay for inferior work then you will give us the opportunity- of making estimate on your next order for printed matter no job too large or too small our service department is at your call to help with layout type selection and form of presentation there is no extra charge for such service simply phone no 8 the georgetown herald phone no 8 main street walter t eras co general insorsmce ocean st m atmam su narlh gaartatawn us monuments pollock ingham successon to cater a worth gui ont inspect our work in greenwood cemetery- a m nielsen kth year of praooc chiropractor xray drugless therapist lady attendant office over domlnian store geor hours 3 5 730 930 pa farm rsodtjce pot chile all farm produce and other mer chandise going from canada to chile south a must be acoompamed by a certificate of origin signed by a duly authorised official of any cham ber or commer board of trade- or other jtny organisation and legalis ed by the consul of chile in inw the consular fee is stas lrreaneettve of tbe value of the goods or dtethod of transport chilean dpnsnlaves in y- are located tn montreal lb ronta and vanc f manager to negtaetod diner can you identify the waiter who started serving you sir diner indicating slate web weve got his llngerhwmts

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