Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 8, 1939, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 8th 1939 bray chicks s a oldar joarbhv t ddhrarj i george brown norval ontario orange pekoe blend extensive clearing auction sale in the township of esquesing two new departments opened at oakville school first manual training an domestic science oaaaes tar halten coonty hlch schools buy beef by grade how to choose and cook in selecting beef for cooking the most important points to be consid ered are freedom from disease sani tation and quality the purchase of beet from diseased animals may be guarded against by ascertaining that the round purple stamp bearing the words canada approved appears on some portion of the side from which the purchase is cut this canada approved stamp indicates that the beef has passed dominion inspection for health and that the establish ment where it was dressed has com piled with the sanitary regulations of the government then if only those dealers are patronized who- keep their premises clean and observe proper mntnumuon fcon a most it tjtsssslz cattle sheep pigs seed grain and implements the undersigned has received in strnctlons from d f wright lot 9 seventh line esqueslng a asbgrove to sell by public auction on wednesday march 15th 1939 at 12 oclock sharp the following horses 1 clyde gelding 9 yrs dark bay 1 clyde mare 10 yrs light bay weight 2900 and are well match ed 1 clyde gelding 10 yrs bay 1 cl gelding 11 yearn bay weigh 3900 and full brothers cattle i red cow 4 yrs milk ing well 1 red oow 8 yrs calved nov 30 bred january 5th 1 red heifer 3 yrs calved january 14th 1 red heifer 3 yrs calved january 13th 1 grey oow 9 yrs calved february 3rd 1 dark roan cow 4 yrs due july tth red and white cow 4 yrs due sept 16th the above cows are grade short horns with size and quality and have always been hand milked i jersey cow 8 yr calved febru ary 19th 1 jersey cow 9 yrs calved august 6th 1 jersey heifer 4 yrs bred january 25th 9 calves 4 young calves 12 head cattle between 1 and 2 years old this is a well bred herd of cattle and in the pink of condition and has h three clean tests sheep 31 oxford ewes due lamb in march 1 registered oxford hogs registered yorkshire sow 11 pigs 4 months old 125 bredtolay plymouth rock pullets grain 133 bus nobarb seed bar ley no 1 germination 97 500 bus feed oats banner erban seed oats grade and test made known at time of sale 276 lbs alstke seed 4 bus 36 lbs 224 ss alfalfa seed 4 bus 4 lbs implements all in good condi tion 1934 fordson tractor new type klh 17 springtooth cultivator trac tor lift 816 double disc deering stoneboat coekshutt tractor plow 12 bottom lister grain grinder 10 on truck with jack 24 feet drive belt brantford saw table with 2 saws 30 26 deerlngmcconnick binder 7 ft cut pole truck jerk fitting used 2 seasons set grain lifters btesell disc inthrow mjl fertilizer 13 disc grain drill almost new 13tooth deering cultivator steel land roller 2 plow wheels manure spreader mh pulper fleury no 21 plow grass seeder new deering plow no 407 pig crate no 3 verity plow set tolton harrows 3 coekshutt jointer plows pea harves ter 2 bay tedders revolving rake deering side rake deering dump rake 2 deering mowers deering scumer new 2 heavy wagons new steeltired wagon democrat wagon used very little chatham fanning mill with bagger screens and riddles like new forks 2000 lb gumey weigh scales post drill 2 flat bottom wagon racks wagon box 1 set wagon springs 2 sets sleighs 1 set pleasure sleighs cutter 2 buggies 2 pair sleigh bunks dehorning crate electric deilaval cream separator no 16 hp elec tric motor bars shovels 2 chimney clean outs number tile 7 x 7 x 14 bench vises carpenters tools gravel screen 1 screw jack capadiyjo ton 1 pump jack babbit ladle wire fence stretcher 1 hand stretcher apple rack 2 post hole diggers 68 cedar posts 10 anchor posts iron parts of 5ton wil son stock scale 4 brace posts 1 set iron blocks 130 feet ttlnch rope feed box l colony house 10x12 feet a quantity of 1lnch rope 2 jamesway ftnest units units equipped for trap nests jamesway selffeeder number of self feeds and feed troughs gram bags and sacks molasses barrels au- brass no 2 bprymotor new 1 sugar kettle apple rack so new apple ham pers 25 bushel boxes new 40foot ex tension ladder 16 foot ladder num ber gas and oil drums 2 step ladders cantbdok 3 logging chains 1 boom fhnin wheelbarrow whlmetrees neck- yokes power emery 2 hay knives 1 crosscut saw burdixso castrating pmc- her medium tocar and eanuja ear tag pliers 3 ring syringe manttty new pine lumber some timbers 3 white oak tongues cedar plank 1 apodl barbed wire 56 feet 1 inch galr piping 80 ft 1 inch gar piping water trough 12 feet long harness bet harness set single hftmj i bone collars set harness al most new breechlngs and neckyokes set show harness sleigh bells horse blankets set heel chains pair chain breast straps household furniture oak bedroom suite 2 beds with springs mattresses 4plece parlor suite j board kitchen cabinet 1 oak est table number chairs 1 camp out oak ban rack 1 wardrobe 2 small taftftaa wel and reel pteture two brandnew uptotheminute teaching departments have been created in the basement of the oak ville high school and are now func tioning in bright spacious modern istic surrou pupils are receiving daily instruction in the highly impor tant subjects of manual training and household science the two new courses recently inaugurated by the ontario department ol education months of work have resulted in the transformation of a large portion of the school basement formerly used for storage space and play activities into classrooms that would do credit to any school in the province an inspection of the magnificent new departments is enough to awaken in those whose schooldays are over a wistful longing to return to school so attractive and intriguing are the surroundlngi the department manual training presided over by ver non belyea of the teaching staff moderate sized room shining with fresh paint the celling is white the upper part of the wall the same color illuminated by six large white lamps its lighting is ideal conveniently arranged about this spacious room are several interestinglooking mac hines and businesslike pieoea of fur niture these include a drillpress a lathe a circular saw and a jigsaw a large sheet metal table three wood working tables and a draughting table a grinder has yet to arrive on one wall is a blackboard and on the walls in the different parts of the room are tall cupboards painted grey these cupboards contain a marvel lous assortment of tools there are planes chisels saws metal shears a vertlable arsenal of tools to gladden the heart of the embryo mc off the main room is a smaller room containing soldering equipment for work of this type four classes are conducted by mr belyea in the new mii training department they comprise draught ing woodworking and handtools and machines and the working of sheet metal and decorative metal the students have already finished mak ing some wooden benchhooks and some cornercabinets and are start ing to work on a window box han dles for tools are being turned out on the lathe and pictureframes on the drillpress metal products complet ed include garden labels flowerhol ders of decorative iron and a smal sheet metal drinking trough in the draughting class plans are made for the wood work the students also paint and shellac their products the household science or home eco nomics department is considerably larger than that given over to man ual training and a model of thorough ness and efficiency its snorkling rapt admiration from the most fasti dious tiptodate housekeepers here seemingly is nothing lacking for the scientific preparation of food or the management of other departments of a modem household the room is a large one its decorative scheme be ing similar to that of the manual training department lighting is of the indirect type lightcolored walls the large white pieces of furniture fix tures and equipment give the depart ment a pleasing effect of ultramod ernity the floor is of some durable asphalt preparation designed in i pleasing pattern of grey and buffcol ored squares and is believed to be the first of its type to be installed in an ontario school the large room is divided by low white wooden partitions into kitchen dining room bedsittingroom and sewing room miss marlon i mc- naughton household science teacher being in charge of all departments in one part of the kitchen is a double laundry tub a washing machine and two builtin ironing boards the other part which comprises the culi nary department contains two large magnificent sink units each unit be ing a sink set in builtin cupboards a huge white kitchen cabinet built by a local carpenter and a splendid piece of work an electric refrigera tor two fine modern gas ranges a builtin cupboard and two kitchen tables there is of course an abun dant supply of dishes glasses meas ures utensils and various kitchen tools in the dining room is a din ingroom table and what is known as a welsh buffet a sort of combina tion of a sideboard and a cabinet the furniture of the bedsittingroom includes a comfortablelooking couch which can be converted into a bed a bookcase and a desk the sewing- room contains three sewing ma two tables and a builtin cupboard in equipping this household science department hardly a need has been overlooked on the kitchen wall in the laundry department is a black board and a green baize bulletin- board for announcements there are at present three clasess of nearly twenty girls each receiving instruc tions in cooking sewing sweeping and laundry work they are schooled by miss mcnaughton in the art off choos ing menus and planning meals and in scientific household management the two new rooms bousing these departments were constructed at mod erate expense to the ratepayers o oakville record star qusnapsucf cuiu i picture trimming page 3 for food the quality of beef however is not ahvays easy to determine possibly there is no qther article of food in which high quality is more import ant or in which the quality is more variable more difficult to identify or more subject to misrepresentauon the sure and certain way to obtain quality is to buy beef by grade a matter made easy since the introduc tion of graded or branded beef with a view to making it possible for the consumer to identify quality and through the emphasis placed on quali ty to provide an incentive for the pro duction of better beef cattle the do minion department of agriculture initiated the system of branding the two top qualities of beef these grade marks are applied in ribbonlike marks running the full lengtk of the carcass so that when thtjbcef is cut up a section of the branotappears on each important cut the purchaser should look for the brand mark the choice or high est grade branded m red represents the product of particularly wellbred and highly finished cattle the good grade which is always branded in blue is the standard grade and includes only beef that can be safely recommended as of firstclass eating quality the quality of beef which qualifies from this grade is superior to most of the beef ordinari ly sold as the best obtainable full information about beef how to choose and cook it and how to buy it by grade will be found in the re vised edition on this subject and it with a coloured chart may be ob tained free on request from the pub licity and extension division domin ion department of agriculture at ot tawa a splendid car just start her up and in two hours you are in owen thats no good to me why not i don t know anybody in owen sound the average thickness of the steel used in automobile bodies is about onesixteenth of an inch trimming improve many pictures select best partihave it enlarged with remain der masked out one picture may contain many as sketches at right show experi ment with your pictures find composi tion you like best then enlarge the effectiveness of a picture often depends on its proportions in relation to the natural compos tion of the subject snapshots made with the same camera are necessari ly the same shape bat that does not mean that the exact proportions produced by the camera are the best for each picture sometimes a picture will look bet ter if portions on the sides are trimmed away leaving a long nar row panel in other cases a vertical picture may be improved if it is trimmed down to a horizontal shape and often a picture is best if it is cut almost square dont accept your pictures just as they come from the camera try ibis cut two lfshaped pieces of white cardboard and use them as movable masks over your prints move the two ismaska about ex eluding various parts of the picture and experimenting with different shapes you are likely to find one shape which is jolt right for the sub ject and you may find that there are two or three attractive wel composed pictures fn one not so- good snapshot frequently yon will and that the heart of a picture the real pie- tare it just a small part of- the p y j whole in that case trim out the ssentlal part and have an enlarge ment made using it as a guide generally a subject with strong horizontal lines such aa an open landscape calls tor a horizontal pic ture on the other hand a pictaxat with strong vertical lines such as a forest scene with tall straight treetrunks calls for a vertical pic ture watch this point when yoa are taking snapshots if a subject is best suited to a vertical picture hold th camera in the vertical taking po sition again if the subject looks best in a horizontal composition take it that way with this method you will not need to trim your praajtss bo severely to make them perfect often by trimming to a different shape the whole atmosphere and feel of a picture can be changed try it and when trimming brings out a really outstanding picture have an enlargement made so that the picture can be enjoyed in a more comfortable easrtoview size 223 john van guilder- tennies are the greatest obstacles to telegraph lines in the tropics they eat the poles lead cables and various kinds of insulation compared with only 30000 motor vehicles there are 400000 registered bicycles in copenhagen denmark which has a population of 850000 two lady snails were crawling along the top of the wall when one glanc ed back don t look around dear she said there s a man following us i know replied her friend is my shell on straight in lower mexico an excellent grade of twine is made from a species of palm trees nothing to be i unto factory settlement i made poatttv- ry no reserve a the farm is aom this sale win poawvely start on ttnm re number the date time and paoa hume otjrrh- coerx u r j 1 turnips carrots parsnips 5founb ma celery stalks 3r 15 mushrooms 29 c lb oranges 15 cdoz medhzrn large spinach lettuce toantoes butter sale carfrolls keens m bat akxm tin 14c mc 4tc babbitts claansar s 13c uahfi mm pickles ml tie chipso camay it ft cata all for 14c poliflor floor wax tlfc 4t surprise soap sear lie pearl wmmn t i t bars 7c gilletts lye tin he ff peas a s i j am biscuits 2ibs27 spinach 2 u 19 rat hmtant i wclararfi wanrt tlall 37 spaghetti 3 14 salmon 2vhbtis29 prunes 10 macaroni 29 ih tnm nun mu humbugs chateau pkg flour 69 dressing v3r main street gemfetoim f tmr svs i- lapisai noil free delivery itfsie 3t7

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