Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 8, 1939, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wed nesday evening march 8th 1939 page 5 kings weekend specials special dorr and mspto lal pure lard 2 1 9 choice tender beet brisket or plate boiling bed 1 2i rnn ftoasl l9 meaty tender round steak roast 23 shoulder roast 1 7 choice boneless and rolled i special machine siloed streak side bacon 29 fnah picnic style poik shoulders 19c 1 lean meaty pork butts 24c lb special sweet pickled cottage rolls 24- choice boneless i choice veal roasts 23c lb lamb shoulders 19c lb special bom braodtlrsigrade butter 25i country style larfe i small link pork sausage 2 lbs 25 sausage 18c lb frozen silverbright half or whole salmon 1 2c n fresh fillets 17c choice thick smm fillets j7 lb ixhjntrvkjst golden bantam corn 325 phone if m u 1 m tl prompt roses regular 1 50 100 p doz roses regular 2 00 1 125 these special prices made possible through co operation of tone of the largest producers and applies only to orders received by us up to 900 pm friday mar 10th walter rigg florist phone 70 georgetown wedding flowers corsages and funeral designs a specialty agent for pokon plant food watch our window ob wukiy 1cb cweam mouu amd ooknoxmnlif chocolate royal sundae 1 3c 2 for 25c longs conleclionery 3be2 g3mm theatre friday march 10 torchy gets her man thrluandlaurfa alary with gfenda famjl comedy oh what a knight cartoon whalers novelty ears of experience fox news saturday march 11 stablemates a drama of the tmrl with mickey rooney and wslbvee beery miniature great heart cartoon playful polar bears chapter 5 spiders web matinee at 3 pjn tuesday and wednesday march 14 and 15 men with wings the first gnat aviation picture error filmed eatnpletely in technicolor tarring ray and fred macmarray pete smith modelling for money cartoon village blacksmith soon tor id will appear here next week personals mrs paul la visiting friends in toronto mr and mrs j campbell of wes ton spent sunday with mr and mrs p l mccttyray misses kate iind annie ryan left last week lor miami florida where they will sptnd a few weeks mrs a d cameron of huntingdon que is vi iting with her aunts the misses brown mrs eric allen of st thomas spent the week end wtth her paiuits mr and mrs j3 t mckay mr john cardno and miss mary barber of beaforth spent sunday wi h mr and mrs s j mackenzie mr bruce zimmerman of the do- l minion stores has been transferred to the- store nt kitchener we wish bruce success in hit dw home misses lola nielsen and norah cleave received tiralijas lonours in grado i theoi y at the reclnt to ronto consolatory of music examln at ions mr and mi s j h ltllico and mjss evelvn hartley attended the annual lad its hairdressing conven uon at the j york hotel last wetk and report it blgarer and better the engagement is announced or itidnj evi lyn maud daughter of godfrey bentley and the late mrs emtlc of street villc to mr ken w wilson youngest on of the nd mrs butler wilson of churchvule out the marriage to tain putt in uj on march 18th mi wilson will be remembered as a former pupil of the georgetown hlh school mr and mrs ward ruddell mr nltlson staik and mr john ruddell lunded the funeral of their cou tn tlve william donnely of to who died in hong kong china soil tesuiuj jj 2zuss bruirv 5lh while on duty for he canadian government his work gatty 8ellars the world famed organist composer of the queen s hall london and alexandra palace concerts is to play at knox pre fbvtenan church on thursdny evening next week march 16th un tier the auspices of the choir mr stlln his appeared on more or gans than any living organist be ing 1 j the onl organist composer to bt film lalc mr ed play me his own compo ulons he to regarded as the world s greatest descriptive organist admission 3c leading agriculturalists friday and satu specials 90 x 104 hemstitched sheets 78 x 84 hemstitched sheets 68 x 80 hemstitched sheets 42 wabasso h s pillow cases 195 each 110 each 95c each 75c pr 70 x 90 ibex flannelette blankets borders blue pink mauve gold 229 misses 3 dome rubbers 59c ladies plafn rubbers first quality 49c windbreakers boys heavy cloth windbreakers dark navy 129 agents for langlevs cleaners and dyers mcbean co i phone 64 we deliver georgetown gzamrnvxaxjuxkii b save with safety at your rexaix storec crop- th farmers too pessmnistia days says one speaking at the annual seed pair of ha i ton county held this jcar in milton on saturday last dr gordon mcrostle bead of the field husbandry department o a c said that the secret of crop success is getting an adapted variety in the right place he said plants and humans are alike in the st nse that one person will thrive on a certain food while an other will not the speaker strongly advised halton fanners to test soils by planting several varieties of grain to find the type adapted to the par ttcular locality ht pointed out that on- type of wheat oats or other growth could bt an utter failure in certain areas but that another ari ety might be found to flourish full cooperation ol oac experts would oe given farmers who forward their findings tn the college rhere are too man farmers to day who lean up against the barn door and exclaim what s the use there is no money in farming pro lessor norman thomas chemistry department oa c declared assert ing there was still success to be made by the aggressive farmer deipitc fre que it reports to the contrary he add ed i call these farmers who lean 10 uilnst bar doors unemployed fanners the lod helps those who help themselves aid lhose who wont have no place i i farming he was awn e halton crop improe ment association had requested the department of agriculture recent iv u cooperate in conducting a soil sur ve of the county he stated that in 1937 the province had analvzrd 35 types of sol between haltod and prince fdfward countv the argt r part of halton that portion below the niagara escarpment had been plac ed at the lop of the list where aall able potash in the soil was concern ed but he added the same soil out of the 35 types was found to be low est whirc phosphorus was concerned the larger part of halton was found also to be low in organic matter al though this condition did not hold above the escarpment prof thomas said that perhaps in the case of wornout soils firmer wtre mining taking everything out rather than tanning he declar ed he was not going to recommend fnrmcrs buy fertilizers ns a cure all for worn out olls as there arc too many agents running up and down the country and sufficient fanners signing on the doited line see that w rlchardson for every dollar you spend on feru tost llzer you get more than 1 out of ware your investment do a little of yourj r own business without letting feed and k richardson fertilizer agents do i all for you he dewhurst concluded crichton stockford hall l riddall sanderson kozack ritchie davis was that of breaking up an namcoti smuggling ring between hong kong and vancouvtr tht remains were brought to toronto and interred in m unt hope cemetery march 2nd dr morrison s kidney pills 29c fecial ponds w powder free with pond s creams 49c 50c special ilasol hand lotion and z5c rubber gloves both for 55c specialfor this week d r face creams 25c 45c i bulk soap chips 2 lbs 15c mineral oil 40 ozs 69c 83c noxzema 59c j scotts emulsion 53c 98c novakelp 79c 139 red cedar flakes and moth proof bag both for 49c you can always shop to advantage t your rexaix store robbs jrugstore thiamtiut iis sport by g mac mcolhrray the next bij attraction at the i artna here is the midget play off friday night of this week between m phone 7 we deurcr the rexaix stok kkcntntr and 6eorotowrn lions thlsjflajbjibipaifjbfibbai is one of the southern ontario play j offs to deurmine who will meet the copper cliff team in the ontario midget n hi finals preston and i stiatford are playlmi oil the winner to meet the winners of the kitchener u gt cnt tow n series itils will be the b first of the liomt md honn games m it is hoped tiial a kwki crowd will p be on hand friday night and help the h boys stay in the running for the stan p ley cup of the midgtt njli it will be a good game as tills kitchener out fit are a highly rated bunch of hoc ib keylsus tlie expeive or the trip to copper cliff will be borne b the at tic association ol that town don iorjt the dile prldav the place georgetown arena the time 8 30 pm it sums bolton handed acton quite a surprise on friday night lost w hen they drubbed thjezn by a a scort vts georgetown this wh our year to beat acton but we md to trim bolton first and we didn t do it the n turn game between bol ton md acton will bt played in ac ton to morrow nihil i get yours now giant kruscher 69 special fruit juce glasaj free with briten tooth paste 29c special sos tissues free with rexall nose and throat relief 50c georgetown round trip bargain fares from georgetown march 16 to cnr stations n the maritime provinces prmince ot quebec new brunswick prince edward island nova scotia march 17 18 to ottawa 6 95 montreal 8 25 quebec city 12 25 ste anne de beaupre 12 85 tickets fares transit limits and information from agents t toe canadian national lbl lkknai vnur sc hool chii drtn should 1 tigi1t game and fish conservation milton jiniors art stlu forging ahtad in the jiuiior c playdowns hiving taken the group champion ship thty nosed oil grimsby at gait the in mi on mond iv night lo ho on to as met t stronitc r ompctltion mir advi ncing hi cause of game and fish conservation in ontario by teach ing the principles of conservation to school children of the province urged by d j taylor deputy minister of ime and fisheries ontario in the course of an address l uwe omplled an unofficial list nt the annual binqucl of ihe halton of tin go ik scored during the game and fish protective assocla eason by the georgetown plavers of i i ion licld last week at oakvule inu itiiedlate b it appears ii w rlcharelson nnd sheem tost put the scoring punch into the team while ward and g riddall are not far behind in points this list in eludes the iwo play off games with bolton gp o 10 9 if church news georges church rev woo thompson rector third sunday in lent holy com munlon sam sun day school 10 ajn fat ins 11 ajn evensong 7 pm thursday lenten evensong at 7 jo pm st albans church glen williams third sunday in lent holy com munlon 9 30 bjti sunday school a pjn evensong 3 pjn united chnreh rev f c overend ba minister sunday school and bibie classes will meet at 10 am services of worship at 11 bjn and 7 pm the subject for the morning will be the cross in redemption and for the evening who is jesus baptist church rev e o baxter minister 200 pjn church school 700 pjn even ing service subject the cross as revelation of ood monday 800 pjn byptj jubuee jantern slides thursday 800 pjn midweek service a w to all aclnltter rev d d dstldson a 8uddmsrch 13th 10 ul son- day school h ajn and 7 pjn pub- lio worship both services by the minister could get in touch with the rising generation said mr taylor half the prevention necessary today would be unnecessary ten or fifteen years from now it is our duty te perpetuate the fine recreational pri vlleges we have of hunting and shoot ing and we should do everything to 21 1 p rpetuate the tremendous tourist tnde we have attracted no doubt by our gamrand fish he called atten tion to the great importance of the tourist trade to ontario pointing out j that in the northern part of the pro i inoe caterers to tourists employee 46 000 people and hod an annua pay roll of 1 500 000 pymalion wins academy award pygmalion film adaption of the famous stage success by barnard shaw which opens at the royal ttieatre in guelph on tuesday for a four day engagement won the aca demy award as the est written screen play of the year pygmalion is the first picture to be nominated for five academy awards the first was for leslie howard best performance by an actor the second for the sen i sational new screen find wendy bol ler best performance by an actress the third for the best written screen play the fourth for the best written dialogue and fifth for the best pic ture of the year this attraction also won the volpl cup award following its showing at the international film festival held in venice the award was made to leslie howard for his interpretation of the professor in the shaw comedy and to wendy huter for her perfor mance also honored was gabriel pascal producer of tygmalton for the bet producing onliatfc text and whatsoever ye shall ask to say name that win i 4o that the father nay he ftoriaea hi the sea john 14 11 hon w d herrtdge advocates new democracy for canada i continued from pagetl cornerstones of the new pain but the full provisions will not be known un til the governments plans are oom- plete and have been placed before the house during the pats week a large delegation with premier bracken of manitoba representing grain interests of the three prairie provinces present ed a brief to th government in which the continuance of the wheat board plan and of the 60 cent guarantee for the 193940 period were urged a number of other suggestions were in cluded in the brief which our limited space does not allow a full descrip tion broadcasting corporation atralrs the canadian broadcasting cor poration is untouched and unaffected in any manner by politics mr brock- ington president of the c3c told a special committee of the commons which has started its review of the corporations affairs the cor poration and its board of governors assumed full responsibility for the policy and administration of the radio corporation giving an impressive description of the growing activities of the corpor ation mr brocklngton said all fea tures of the royal visit would be car ried over the radio network that more extensive broadcast of ne from the canadian press would be hcird hereafter and that there would be an exchange of programs with the national system in newfoundland two new high powered stations would soon be in operation one at sackville new brunswick the other at watrous saskatchewan the gov ernment had been asked for aid to construct a new station near wind sor ontario to increase the coverage in southwestern ontario that sec tion has been troubled with interfer ence from mexico british columbia was another part of the dominion still inadequately covered the c b c programs reach only two thirds of the population the mountainous country was partly responsible an immediate study of the whole situa tion in b c would be begun notice to creditors of the estate of william george wilson late of th township of esqueauir in the county of halton fanner deceased all persons having claims against the estate of the said william george wilson who died on or about the 3rd day of february 1939 at the township of esquesing are reqalred to send to the undersigned solicitor on or before the 22nd day of march 1939 full particulars of their claims and any securities they may hold therefore and take notice that after the 32nd day of march 1939 the execu tors will proceed to distribute the mid estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notic dated at georgetown this 12nd day of february 1939 kenneth m langdon georgetown ontario solicitor for john clayton wilson and melford guy wilson executors 3t for eczema- skin troubles rotas to fin roa a ivm k wn qo to m rood 4aajt atan al cat b ottsinaj bottte t mooejfa xaaanm oo it lub any 4 was at h utah- con centrated th vrr slat aaaahoaalda win elm rtm numt hdjnr samaa k uwtanur itoptkd gvuptigaaljst aja aoal aaalt of if a try few oam 4w bum fc taraw f itch- ins tom ladnab baiw ftak salt bfamaa and ether akin ttwwmm restcmbm- that moeaajfa taanm oil fa 1 tn vimfal a itramm antiaevtic oq omplett notatan artataa mum

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